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My son, Corey is 3yr 6mths and he is on the ProEFA. We have seen remarkable

improvement in his speech. We also put him on a product called Jurassic

Minerals and Ionic Silver. These products are sold by Heritage Health

Products. I give him 1/2 tsp of the minerals per day with 10 drops of Ionic

Silver in them. He drinks them out of a medicine cup but you could also add

them to juice or water. He doesn't seem to mind the taste at all. I would

recommend others to give them a try. We started Corey on the ProEFA about a

month prior to the mineral supplements and we had not seen much of a change

until we added the minerals. He is putting 3-5 word phrases together now

and trying words he would never attempt before. He still has trouble

getting the ending consonants on some words but much improved from where we

were a couple months ago. Our ST has noticed a tremendous difference. I

didn't tell her about the supplements until she mentioned to me a dramatic

change she was seeing and hearing from Corey. He not only tries to talk

more he is much more social with other children now and even tempered. I am

taking the survey by Dr. Katz to her to fill out today. Hope this info

helps someone else.

Pam, KC,MO mother of Corey (speech apraxia)

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Janet, where do you buy this vitamin?

[ ] vitamins

> Hi,

> Shaklee makes a terrific children's vitamin that is a powder and has no


> or taste. I slip it in Adam's morning juice with his ProEFA and that's


> The bottle is around $12.00 and worth every penny. They also make a


> drink for children in a powder form that tastes like chocolate or


> milk. It's great for picky eaters.

> Regards,

> Janet

> (mommy to Adam 2.9 - suspected verbal apraxia and Katy 3 months)

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When I met with our pediatrician on Monday she said the ProEFA should give good results and to use two capsules per day.  But she also added that unless your child is getting the proper nutrician the ProEFA wouldn't be near as effective.  She gave me a list of extra vitamins and doseage to give my daughter and also suggested giving her a protein shake each morning.  She said that this would increase the effects of the ProEFA.

Hannah, mom of (4) and LeAnne (32 mths, apraxia, hypotonia, SI

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Hannah: What type of protein shake do you give your child. My son is 2

years and 4 months and suffers from verbal apraxia, hypetonia (weak muscle

tone) and global developmental delays. I have had him on ProEFA for the

last two weeks and do not know what progress would look like since he has

only been saying ma ma, da da and ba ba for the last 5 months. What extra

vitamins were you using in addition to the shake?



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It's one thing if your child is already on a vitamin supplement, but

if within the first three months of ProEFA -if you add new vitamins

to the child's diet then it's hard to know what is working because it

changes the variables. I'm not even talking about research on a

large scale-because that's being done by Dr. Katz and the

Consortium. (http://www.omega3ri.org ) But as a parent-it's good for

you to know what is working for your own child.

It's like the story about the brew made by the witch doctors (witches brew?-

you guys know that one?) In a nutshell it's this brew that was made up of all

this strange stuff that seemed to work -but when they did research on the brew

it was just this one little herb -foxglove (it's a digitalis or something-a drug

used now commonly to treat cardiac problems) that they found in the brew that

was working-the rest of the stuff-like eye of newt and incantations- whatever

-they were all useless.

We know most of us see dramatic results in one to three weeks-or big

breakthroughs-various things your child was working on for months/years that all

of a sudden they just " get " in days or weeks of ProEFA. Some parents have

reported seeing this in 4 weeks or 7 weeks- just give it a chance to see if it

works alone. ProEFA from what I've heard can take up to 3 months to see

effects. You can always add new vitamins later.

Hey, I'm not saying that vitamins are not a good idea for children-my

kids have taken vitamins every day since they were babies. My

children take PolyFlor every day-and that is their multi vitamin.

Some of you may give your kids Flintstones or something. (For someone that

asked-DHA Jr. is cod liver oil which naturally has vitamin A in it. ProEFA is

made of sardine and anchovy oil and does not have vitamin A in it.) I make

shakes for my kids with fresh fruit and all, but I consider that part of a

healthy diet.

A healthy diet is not just a wise thing for your children-it's a wise

thing for all of us. Also-I personally would not just switch my child's vitamin

that I give him every day unless I checked with their pediatrician. (I couldn't

check with Tanner's ped at the time about the fish oil because his ped didn't

know about fish oil. More do now-but all should know about vitamins.) I'm just

saying before you jump into using every new product that

someone mentions-use them one at a time-and give each one a bit of

time. (unless your doctor advises you differently)

If you all of a sudden change the variables you may never know what is working

for your child. And for goodness sake-don't you want to know? Even with the

EFA products-I tell parents to try different ones-but over time. Like us you

will probably see more dramatic results with the ProEFA than the others for some

reason. Again, it's probably something in the formula-and the clinical research

will hopefully let us in on the secret.

Talk to you later!

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What vitamins are good? My pediatrician told me to give my son

polyvisol for the iron but he won't take it.

Hannah Bowyer wrote:

> When I met with our pediatrician on Monday she said the ProEFA should

> give good results and to use two capsules per day. But she also added

> that unless your child is getting the proper nutrician the ProEFA

> wouldn't be near as effective. She gave me a list of extra vitamins

> and doseage to give my daughter and also suggested giving her a

> protein shake each morning. She said that this would increase the

> effects of the ProEFA. Hannah, mom of (4) and LeAnne (32

> mths, apraxia, hypotonia, SI

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> What additional vitamins did she specifically recommend. I am currently

giving my son DHA jr., which I've now read is not nearly as effective as ProEFA,

and am worried about Vits A D & E. If I quit the DHA Jr. and switch to ProEFA

is there any possiblity of vitamin overdose?

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In a message dated 05/18/2001 10:10:47 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

rhbowyer@... writes:

> She gave me a list of extra vitamins and doseage to give my daughter and

> also suggested giving her a protein shake each morning.

Hannah, I would love to hear what vitamins she suggested if you're willing.

Was it primarily antioxidants?

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You can do a search on the internet for Heritage Health Products. We

actually signed up as wholesale buyers so that we can purchase the products

at wholesale price. There is no cost to sign up and no monthly minimums to

purchase and you get to buy the products much cheaper that way.


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Hi ,

I contacted Heritage Health Products and spoke with Dr. O'Connell. He

said he has recommended these products for stroke patients with speech

problems and seen dramatic results. He had not heard of Apraxia in children

and did some research and called me back. He thought it would be a good

idea to try them at a lower dosage of course. So, we are giving them a try.

Corey started the ProEFA on March 2nd and we did not see much change in him.

We did not start the additional supplements until April 10th. Within a week

of the added supplements is when we started seeing a difference. I

understand what is saying about starting too many products that you

cannot tell which one is working. But, from all of the emails I was

reading, most people were seeing dramatic results with ProEFA within 1-2

weeks. We weren't seeing it. I am not taking Corey off the Omega

supplements because I have read so much information about them that I feel

they are good for everyone to take. I take them myself as well. The

Heritage website is located at www.heritagehealthproducts.com. You can get

a lot of information there and you can always call the company, they have an

800# and ask to speak with Dr. O'Connell. He can explain the products

and how they work very well, much better than I can I'm sure.


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, just wanted to clear up anything with any of my previous posts.

The ProEFA was working on its own, and working well. The reason my

pediatrician thought we should add vitamins was the fact that she

said if your child is not getting proper nutrition then the ProEFA

couldn't be absorbed as well. My daughter was NOT getting the

nutrition she needed (sounds like you are doing well on that with with

Tanner). My pediatrician read over ALL the ingredients on the ProEFA

bottle before recommended which vitamins to add. (to make sure she

wasn't getting too much of any one vitamin) I totally agree that

you should make sure with your own child's pediatrician before making

any big changes. If your child is eating a healthy diet then there is

probably no reason to add a lot of extra vitamins to what they already

get. Anyway, my daughter only weighs 19lbs at 32 mths and has been

also diagnosed with failure to thrive over the fact that she isn't

really growing. So, again, the previous post of mine, with the

recommended vitamin doses and protein shake, was designed specifically

for my daughter and her situation. Check with your own pediatrician

before doing any big changes. But if your child is one of the

EXTREMELY picky eaters and is not eating a healthy diet then added

vitamins and protien would likely help with the ProEFA.

Hope all this hasn't confused anyone.


>It's one thing if your child is already on a vitamin supplement, but

>if within the first three months of ProEFA -if you add new vitamins

>to the child's diet then it's hard to know what is working because it

>changes the variables. I'm not even talking about research on a large

>scale-because that's being done by Dr. Katz and the Consortium.

>(http://www.omega3ri.org ) But as a parent-it's good for you to know

>what is working for your own child.

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  • 1 year later...


I have started using co-enzyme Q10 after reading an article about it in

Quest and hearing someone mention it on this site. It really seems to help

my energy level. Used to be I went to bed fatiqued and woke up the same.

Since taking Q-10, I feel more rested and have more energy for exercise and

daily living.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

I wouldn't cut back on anything that you are doing. sounds like everything is working for you. I wish you the best.


----- Original Message -----

From: szaffa1@...

low dose naltrexone

Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 11:12 AM

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Vitamins

I just started taking LDN last night and already see some difference in balance and energy level. I am taking a million different kinds of vitamins and minerals supposedly designed for the treatment of MS. Is it possible that I can cut back now that I am on LDN and what should I continue taking?Thank you,Stella

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I was taking what seemed like a million different vitamins for my leukemia until I discovered Dr. Whitaker's vitamin pack and analyzed its contents and price compared to the cost of all the individual bottles of vitamins I was taking. I found that I could get more for less cost with the vitamin pack that I could by buying individually. So then, I just supplemented the few vitamins that I needed more of than what was in the packs.

Don't have to swallow near as many of those darn things!!!


----- Original Message -----

From: Marie Deady

low dose naltrexone ; szaffa1@...

Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 11:27 AM

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Vitamins

I wouldn't cut back on anything that you are doing. sounds like everything is working for you. I wish you the best.


----- Original Message -----

From: szaffa1@...

low dose naltrexone

Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 11:12 AM

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Vitamins

I just started taking LDN last night and already see some difference in balance and energy level. I am taking a million different kinds of vitamins and minerals supposedly designed for the treatment of MS. Is it possible that I can cut back now that I am on LDN and what should I continue taking?Thank you,Stella

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HI Stella,

What are these vitamins that are supposedly designed for the treatment of

MS? Joyce.

From: szaffa1@...

low dose naltrexone

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Vitamins

Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 11:12:13 EDT

I just started taking LDN last night and already see some difference in

balance and energy level. I am taking a million different kinds of vitamins


minerals supposedly designed for the treatment of MS. Is it possible that I


cut back now that I am on LDN and what should I continue taking?

Thank you,



MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.


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  • 2 months later...

>>>>>I was wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a simple

multivitamin/mineral supplement for children and adults.

------>http://www.drrons.com/multi_docs_best.html (proprietary brand,

additive-free from WAPF honorary board member and ND ron schmid)

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development


Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



“The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times.” --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics



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I agree 100% with your approach that you'd rather not take

supplements/vitamins outside of your diet. However considering the

culture in which we live I see few if any people actually meeting

their nutritional needs even when supplementing. So with that in

mind I think it most prudent to be supplementing exactly as you put

it for " back up " . Certainly this may be different for someone with

specific health issues but as a general " back up " I think you're

right on the money.

For a multivitamin/mineral I have two suggestions and essentially

which you choose would be based upon whether you are someone who

doesn't mind synthetic vitamins (which is all you can buy at Whole

Foods) and wants to see high IU values on the side of your vitamin

bottle or if you'd prefer a food based multi that does not have an

impressive side panel but has a 70+ year track record and provides

every nutrient needed.

Either product is the best of its kind that I have come across and

manufactured by good and honorable companies.

The first is Mighty Multi Vite from integrated health and the second

is Catalyn from Standard Process. I've seen virtually every product

and company out there and from a techical and scientific perspective

Hank Liers,PhD who formulated Mighty Multi Vite is outclassed by

noone as a biochemist and Catalyn was the original and only product

at one time from Standard Process and was formulated by one of the

greatest nutritional minds in Royal Lee who in fact was a

contemporary and champion of Weston Price.

If you need more on this let me know. I obviously can provide these

for you or they are also available at other outlets.




> My family is almost out of vitamins. Amazingly, pretty much at the

same time! I

> like to take them only for backup insurance. I don't rely on them.

I am afraid I

> really haven't done my research on vitamins and have been buying

them sort

> of willy nilly for years. Usually, I pick up whatever we need at

Whole Foods,

> sometimes on the advice of somebody there or just buying whatever

is on

> sale. I was wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a simple

> multivitamin/mineral supplement for children and adults. (We also

take fish oil

> in addition.) I would like to increase our intake of raw foods and


> eliminate the vitamins, but we aren't there yet!)


> Thanks!


> Kathy

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Catalyn from Standard Process if you want a completely food based


Mighty Multi Vite from Hank Liers, PhD if you want a high potency, no

additive, semi synthetic multi.



> >>>>>I was wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a simple

> multivitamin/mineral supplement for children and adults.


> ------>http://www.drrons.com/multi_docs_best.html (proprietary


> additive-free from WAPF honorary board member and ND ron schmid)


> Suze Fisher

> Lapdog Design, Inc.

> Web Design & Development

> http://members.bellatlantic.net/~vze3shjg

> Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine

> http://www.westonaprice.org


> ----------------------------

> " The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol


> heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times. " -


> Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at


> University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.


> The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics

> <http://www.thincs.org>

> ----------------------------

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I like supplements from Lifestar Millennium, www.lifestar.com. Very

interesting catalog, all food-based supplements, not synthetic. Expensive

for sure, but probably you don't need to take as much as others. Doses are

very low.. something like 1 mg. for a B-vitamin which seems like nothing

compared to the synthetic stuff, but if you absorb it better as they say,

it probably works.

They have some soy products which I don't care for, but generally I like

the ingredients. Standard Process also is food-based but most of their

products contain wheat and/or soy, unfortunately.


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>>>>>I was wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a simple

multivitamin/mineral supplement for children and adults.

------>http://www.drrons.com/multi_docs_best.html (proprietary brand,

additive-free from WAPF honorary board member and ND ron schmid)

Suze Fisher

I use Dr. Ron's multi and have been quite pleased. He carries more

than what it listed on his website and is very quick to respond to

email inquiries.

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>>Catalyn from Standard Process if you want a completely food based


Hi ,

About the wheat germ in many Standard Process products.. Do you find it's

tolerated by people who are gluten sensitive? Many celiacs would probably

not risk it, but I'm probably non-celiac, gluten-intolerant (according to

the book Dangerous Grains). I don't have noticeable symptoms directly

related to eating gluten grains as opposed to other grains, so I probably

wouldn't know if I'm having an immune reaction to a particular product. I'm

just not sure how strict I need to be.

I was grain-free a la SCD for quite a while and then let up a bit and am

not sure how any of this is affecting me. I was looking at the Gastrex

product which looks like it might be helpful for my gut, except I'm not

sure it's such a good thing to be ingesting wheat germ on an everyday

basis, even if it's a very small amount.


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