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Regarding chance glutening remedies

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Last week I had both the confronting experience of being glutened by chance at a supposedly celiac aware restaurant--the bane of most celiacs--and discovered some remedies that actually worked for me. This after having gotten shooting D just from a food handler who prepared my tea after making someone else a sandwich in February as well as other equivalent experiences since I have gone off all trace hidden glutens! What happened is that I asked for and got some pineapple and fresh papaya at the establishment I was eating at after I discovered they had put soy sauce in my dish (after I had been assured they wouldn't). I had already eaten about 1/2 my portion--and wasn't paying as much attention as I might since it was supposed to be a "safe" and experienced restaurant concerning the gluten matter. If I had brought along my papain/bromelain caps that would have been the easy equivalent to the pineapple and papaya. As it was the owner ran across the street and

bought me some fresh papaya. I also immediately took some pancreatin enzymes I had brought along--a double dose.Right after dinner my date and I went over to a natural foods store and I bought this new product called Gluten-zyme by Country Life. There was another bottle of a different brand that cost a little more that also looked pretty equivalent. Again I immediately took a double dose. That night I took another dose and two more the next day just to make sure.Instead of shooting D I had inflammation in my feet and calves which went down after I took my co-enzyme B vitamins. I wasn't home where I usually have my herbs and most of my stuff so I didn't take dandelion (to clean out the liver), cleavers (to clean out the lymphs), marshmallow root (to soothe and heal the lining of the intestines), and nattokinase or serrapeptidase (to counteract scar tissue in the intestines as well as inflammation) etc. until the next day--I probably should have got some at

the store but wasn't feeling quite that rich. The following day my only other symptom was a small pimple on my face, often a sign of glutening in the old pre pure days before I went off all hidden gluten. I did feel a little depressed (another symptom) but then recovered after going for a long walk and working on clay (clay pulls out toxins through the skin of the hands and feet etc.). I bet going for a sauna would have worked too. Taking the dandelion etc. also helped a great deal.It was a big discovery for me. I keep hearing there is nothing you can do except grin and bear it, but I discovered that at least for me there are remedies. I feel like I no longer have to be terrified of going out to eat, especially with these new gluten-eating enzymes out there. I wonder if this would help others? Methinks it would. Please try it in an emergency and let me (and us all) know if it does.I still think its not wise to court experiences like this, but hey

they happen. Especially for someone like me that is actually trying to have a life outside of my safe cocoon sometimes.Another note--in case of shooting D right away (before you can take action or know you needed to), pepto bismol tablets or their equivalent work great. They are easy to carry in the purse or pocket or whatever. Another remedy is to make a tea with either blackberry or guava leaves. Meadowsweet I hear also works.Bea

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