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Re: Digest Number 1146

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Regarding Vibromycin: Vibromycin and Doxycycline are in the Tetracycline

class of drugs. Vibromycin is a broad spectrum antibiotic synthetically

derived from oxytetracycline. I thought I remembered this and looked it

up in the PDR to be sure. It is sometimes a pleasant suprise to remember

anything. Winnie

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In a message dated 06/05/2001 9:48:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

oxyplus writes:

<< Maybe the e Zapper

would do for a wasp sting. Another harmless test could be to try a niobinium

magnet applied directly to the site. Just some ideas. >>

An old farmer friend of mine told me that he uses A1 sauce for stings.....who

woulda thunk it?

love and joy


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  • 11 months later...
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I am behind you 100 percent. If I thought that the

MR class was best for Caiti than that is where she

would be and I would be semi (LOL) content. However I

take my cues from her and you take your cues from

. When he is ready he will be back in his

neighborhood school. I will just reiterate what

everyone else has said.....make sure that academics

are taught. If they ignore you when you ask to see

their academics program and they show you umpteen

million therapies (which is what they did when I went

to see one for Caiti on the insistence of the local

school) you know you have a problem. I am not putting

any grocery stockers down when I say that our children

can do more than just stack cans for a living.

Knowing Caiti she will work at Mcs just so she

can pay for her french fry habit (LOL) and if that is

what she WANTS to do that is fine. I don't want her

to HAVE to do it because it is the only thing

available for her. You all know what I mean.

Kisses to . With a mom like you, he'll be




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  • 2 weeks later...
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You mentioned not using the Poly-Vi-Sol that is red, I am curious what you

mean by that? We have my son on Poly-Vi-Sol and it looks to be a brown


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If you are using Poly-Vi-Sol chewable tablets, they come in three flavors

mixed in the bottle, orange (orange color), grape (purple) and a red berry


Dr G has found that many kids can have an allergy response to the red ones -

probably from the red coloring agent.

So we don't use those ones. There is a Poli-Vi-Sol infant drops available -

don't know what color that is so am unfamiliar with anything brown.

Hope this helps

Re: Digest Number 1146


You mentioned not using the Poly-Vi-Sol that is red, I am curious what you

mean by that? We have my son on Poly-Vi-Sol and it looks to be a brown


Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

the original author, and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

opinion of the Research Institute.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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We use this. Liquid color is brown. Sems to do well for .


> So we don't use those ones. There is a Poli-Vi-Sol infant drops available -

> don't know what color that is so am unfamiliar with anything brown.

> Hope this helps


Tina M. Hendrix


Vice-President, California Coalition

Neuro-Immune Dysfunction Syndromes

Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADD/ADHD, Learning Disorders, Hyperactivity, CFS,


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  • 2 years later...

Hi.. How's it going? I tried Thyroid Extract(Armour) the other day. After alot

of research on my own, I aimed to take it 1.5 grain after breakfast and 1 grain

after dinner. Didn't feel good. I stopped after taking 1.5grain after

breakfast. Heart was beating hard and faster than usual. But I wasn't alert or

hyperactive at all. Instead I felt weird, sleepy and a bit dizzy. Maybe I was

taking too much? I might give it a try again. This time will be 1 grain after

breafst and 1 more after dinner. Now, I'm back to my old 150mcg T4.


There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Re: Anyone on TRT still having concentration and brain fog trouble???

From: " Bruce Harvey "

2. Re: Re: Latest test results and Dr. advice

From: philip georgian

3. E2 too high

From: doublebluellc@...

4. Re: E2 too high

From: philip georgian

5. Re: E2 too high

From: doublebluellc@...

6. For The Members That Want To Raise There DHT.

From: " Philip Georgian "

7. Re: For The Members That Want To Raise There DHT.

From: doublebluellc@...

8. Re: For The Members That Want To Raise There DHT.

From: philip georgian

9. Re: For The Members That Want To Raise There DHT.

From: " theta_2k "

10. Re: Arimidex half life

From: " Z "

11. Re: Arimidex half life

From: " Z "

12. Re: Another Estrogen Symptom/Side-Effect = skin bumps/keratosis

From: " Z "

13. Re: Arimidex half life / DMG

From: doublebluellc@...

14. RE: Another Estrogen Symptom/Side-Effect = skin bumps/keratosis

From: " Dave "

15. Re: Arimidex half life / DMG

From: philip georgian

16. Is DHT just as good?

From: " matt9s "

17. Re: Is DHT just as good?

From: philip georgian

18. Arimidex decreases IGF-1

From: swrtw2001

19. Re: Is DHT just as good?

From: swrtw2001

20. Re: Is DHT just as good?

From: " Z "

21. Re: Depo Testosterone shots

From: " jamusic20 "

22. Re: Anyone on TRT still having concentration and brain fog trouble???

From: " cncnolongapo "

23. Re: Arimidex decreases IGF-1

From: retrogrouch@...

24. Re: Anyone on TRT still having concentration and brain fog trouble???

From: invest99_2000

25. Re: Arimidex half life / DMG

From: doublebluellc@...



Message: 1

Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2004 13:37:39 -0000

From: " Bruce Harvey "

Subject: Re: Anyone on TRT still having concentration and brain fog trouble???


The 's Thyroid Syndrome stuff is fascinating, but really blasted by the

American Thyroid Association:




>If I was doing this, I would consider reducing Arimidex to 1/4 pill

>every other day. Especially considering your libido should be


Even at this dose my E2 dropped too low. I'm now experimenting with

1/4 tablet every 4 days. But I don't think its working. I'm going in

for an E2 test on Mon. and then changing to 1/4 tablet every three


(BTW Arimidex has a half life of about 48 hours.)

- - - -

Just another albino black sheep

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  • 1 year later...


> hi everyone!


> Any of you has an idea of how to proceed towards making Osmanthus

and Linden

> Blossom type fragrances?


> Best Regards,

> Vishesh Vijayvergiya

> +91-93352-8633


Hi, back in the Middle Ages alchemists used to take plant material and

turn it into gold, today you need gold to get plant material.

Osmanthus and linden blossom abs are pricey!


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--- V Vishesh <fragrantor@...> wrote:

> hi everyone!


> Any of you has an idea of how to proceed towards

> making Osmanthus and Linden

> Blossom type fragrances?


> Best Regards,

> Vishesh Vijayvergiya

> +91-93352-8633


I bought an Osmanthus Odorata shrub? Tree? Hedge?

When I grew up my grandmother always had one about 7

feet tall in the yard and the fragrance was there for

Christmas. I have recently found that our Chinese

graocer sells the leaves for tea. So no waste for

that plant.

It is my intention to infuse the blossoms in oil.

Then where to go from there fo alcohol.

Some Enfleurage technique I suppose anyone out nthere

know the next step?

goof luck.



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  • 2 years later...
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> 2. advice re: expectations of family/friends pls

> Posted by: " TrVerb@... " TrVerb@...

> mamatimes2kids

> Date: Sun Jul 13, 2008 11:37 pm ((PDT))



Hi Tristan,

Sorry you had to go thru this :^( I've had many

similar experiences with family and " friends " who got

mad at me for either speaking up, or not speaking up

and not eating the food offered or bringing my own

food! Seems we're damned if we do, damned if we


One question: why can't you eat chicken or bacon? Is

it a preference, or do they make you sick? My

personal feeling is that you shouldn't expect others

to accommodate your preferences. If, for example, you

are a vegetarian, then you can't expect others to make

you a special meal because of your own choice. You

should pick around the offending foods or push them

around like you did, or better yet, eat some to be

polite (when in Rome).

OTOH, if you are allergic to these foods, you are

certainly under no obligation to eat them! If people

can't understand that, they are not your friends and

you shouldn't worry about their opinions.

As for the caterers, you may have stepped over the

line there, as you weren't paying for the dinner. I

don't know if they would have charged the host more

for adding in your special choice. I would think it

quite likely, since most catered affairs have a preset

menu AND amount of food that is paid for. I have been

to 2 different buffet style weddings where there

wasn't enough food! At one wedding, the wait staff

doled the food out. Everyone lined up and got to go

thru only once, portions were tiny, and the wait staff

would not give you more. At the other, it was a more

free style buffet, but the meat dishes were " guarded "

by wait staff, who wouldn't let me have a second

helping (and were quite rude about it, too). Because

there are so many things I can't eat (no gluten AND no

dairy), I often have to double up on the things I CAN

eat (veggies and meat) while other people fill up on

bread or pasta.

My bf got extremely mad at me once for bringing my own

hamburger bun to our local restaurant. He screamed at

me on the street and started to walk home, saying he

wouldn't go if I was going to bring my own food, that

it was too embarrassing, it wasn't done, blah blah

bla. I just ignored him. The waitress was lovely

about it, said it was no problem at all (hey, it's not

costing them any extra---it's actually saving them

money!)and I got my gluten-free bun.

Then there was another time we went to his friend's

house for dinner. This is a woman who thought she had

celiac disease, or maybe just wheat allergy, so she

knew all about it and also knew that I had CD. After

assuring me that the noodles in the lasagna were

gluten free, (I figured I could pick around the

cheese, trying to be polite---there wasn't a whole lot

there that I could eat) I took a big bite and THEN she

told me the noodles were made out of spelt! I

discretely spit my mouthful out into my (paper)

napkin. She saw this and I tried to explain to her

that spelt is just another kind of wheat, and she went

into her whole shpiel about how it didn't bother HER.

(Sure it didn't, it turned out she didn't have CD).

She was furious with me, told everyone about how rude

_I_ was, that I spit her food out, and she never

invited me back again. She did, however, invite my bf

back (he agreed with her that I had been rude. Seems

I should have swallowed the poison to be " polite " ),

and he still goes over there without me, which I

consider disloyal, but that's another story.

It a long, hard row we celiacs have been given to hoe

:^( You would think thREAL friends and family who

supposedly love us would want to help us out a bit,

but it's often not the case. They want to do what

THEY want to do, and they want US to be appreciative.

Sorry if I sound jaded and cynical, but that's been my

experience. People are very, very weird about food

and money.


" I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say that I

finally won out over it. "

---Elwood P. Dowd

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