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vaccine question

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Well, , the answer seems quite easy to me:  if you don't want her body messed up further, definitely do *not* vaccinate!  I can not stress it enough!  One of the problems with vaccinations is that they do mess up the gut, as well as the immune system and the brain.  As to the meningitis scare, these things are always blown out of proportion by the medical community.  I would take it with a grain of salt and know that I was doing the best thing for my child by avoiding all vaccinations.Gut dysbiosis & leaky gut are the same thing.  I would choose the GAPS diet in this case, but I am not as knowledgeable as others between the two.  I like that GAPS includes fermented foods, which will help  with the healing & processing of what she eats.As to social woes, we homeschool so don't have the frequency of conflicts that some have, but I always make alternative foods for my kids which are complimentary to what would be served at a party or other gathering.  This way they don't feel left out, can have their goodies, and are satisfied.  Most of the parents understand, and for those who don't-too bad!  These are my kids and I will take care of them!MaureenBTW, I think the fruit should be fermented also.  We love chutney around here!She doesn't seem to have a leaky gut. she does seem to have gutdisbiosis/yeast. she has a vaginal yeast infection now from her lastantibiotics (because of surgery - I don't know how to avoid those) herfeet are all flaky - something fugal is happening there. I'd like to really have a go at fixing up her gut. and then maybe dothe vaccine. I am scared to do it and scared not to.And which plan do i go with the fix her up? Do really think all thefruit on the diets actually works? Even the kefir, I am suspect of. I've been doing a candida diet on myself that is fairly extreme. (nofruits, milk products except butter, no grains, no nuts, very lowcarb.) I was eating kefir, still on the diet and I know it washolding me back. I just don't know how to get my little "picky"eater through school lunches and snacks. Part of me is evenentertaining the idea of keeping her from school. How do you deal with birthday parties at school? (I can already seethe tears)To vaccinate, to not vaccinate. Which diet to help her with? This isall so stressful!!! (She has had a couple of vaccines and has not hadspecific reactions. Except she is scoring low on IQ tests and seemsslow sometimes and I worry that her gut could have something to dowith it.)Any insight?Thanks,

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