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Re: Suggestion

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> Devin,


> My child cannot swallow capsules so I always empty them into food.

I have

> notices (and I wonder if anyone else out there has to), that your


> are more flexible than the ones used by Kirkmans and I have a hard


> getting all the enzymes out. I have to keep squeezing the

capsules for a

> long time and I often drop them into the food.


> Perhaps if the capsule was harder, this wouldn't happen. I never

have this

> problem with the Kirkman capsules.


> Just a suggestion.


> Lori


> PS If anyone else has had this problem please respond. If not,

Devin, you

> can ignore this suggestion

I have to do the same thing with Logan, but he will actually take the

powder on a spoon. I haven't had any problems getting the powder out.

Are yours getting moister and maybe causing the powder to stick?

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I actually like that the capsules are a little more flexible. I seem

to have a harder time getting the stiffer capsules open. This is

probably one of this individual differences. I keep mine in a kitchen

cabinet. The humidity might be a suggestion, except you say your

other powders come out. ???


> Devin,


> My child cannot swallow capsules so I always empty them into food.

I have

> notices (and I wonder if anyone else out there has to), that your


> are more flexible than the ones used by Kirkmans and I have a hard


> getting all the enzymes out. I have to keep squeezing the

capsules for a

> long time and I often drop them into the food.


> Perhaps if the capsule was harder, this wouldn't happen. I never

have this

> problem with the Kirkman capsules.


> Just a suggestion.


> Lori


> PS If anyone else has had this problem please respond. If not,

Devin, you

> can ignore this suggestion

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> > Devin,

> >

> > My child cannot swallow capsules so I always empty them into


> I have

> > notices (and I wonder if anyone else out there has to), that your

> capsules

> > are more flexible than the ones used by Kirkmans and I have a


> time

> > getting all the enzymes out. I have to keep squeezing the

> capsules for a

> > long time and I often drop them into the food.

> >

> > Perhaps if the capsule was harder, this wouldn't happen. I never

> have this

> > problem with the Kirkman capsules.

> >

> > Just a suggestion.

> >

> > Lori

> >

> > PS If anyone else has had this problem please respond. If not,

> Devin, you

> > can ignore this suggestion

These are " veggie " caps, made out of vegetable cellulose. Gelatin

capsules are a bit more firmer. I'm wondering if you just drop the

whole capsule into moist food, if the cap would dissolve. I'll try

that tonight.

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Hi, Lori! It's me, from the group! I am so excited for you

and your kiddo. I know what you mean about the capsules, and it took

me awhile to learn to always empty the emzymes into something other

than liquid. I use juice to mix the enzymes for my son, but I dump

out the enzymes into the empty container first, then add the liquid.

Otherwise, I may drop the capsule in the juice or food and then the

contents get mushy and difficult to get out. Hope this helps. CK

> Devin,


> My child cannot swallow capsules so I always empty them into food.

I have

> notices (and I wonder if anyone else out there has to), that your


> are more flexible than the ones used by Kirkmans and I have a hard


> getting all the enzymes out. I have to keep squeezing the

capsules for a

> long time and I often drop them into the food.


> Perhaps if the capsule was harder, this wouldn't happen. I never

have this

> problem with the Kirkman capsules.


> Just a suggestion.


> Lori


> PS If anyone else has had this problem please respond. If not,

Devin, you

> can ignore this suggestion

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I am probably one of the fortunate few whose 3 1/2 year old takes his

capsule with juice swallowing it whole! I am joyful at the way it goes down

so easily...so as long as it keeps going down easily, the capsule can be

hard or soft!!!


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  • 5 months later...

We started on the protocol 2 yrs ago, when he was 4.5 yrs old.

We were also doing ABA (40 hrs a week) and GFCF minus anything else

he was showing intolerances for.

Tried the supplement route, with limited success.

Really didn't want to do secretin - based on the research I read it didn't

seem the 'right' treatment for .

We weren't, and aren't, overly happy about giving so many meds

(valtrex, diflucan, celexa and now kutapressin).

The results have variety - some came quickly while others slowly

crept up.

2 important markers I have used have been the mthly blood test results and the

NEUROspect we had done. 's inital blood tests were showing

a very sick little boy. His blood tests nows look much better and the spect

gave us renewed hope that we are on the right tract.

We will talk with Dr G about why use valtrex and kutapressin together -

can we delete the valtrex? valtrex is a antiviral for herpes.

Kutapressin chops up herpes viruses and regulates the immune system.

It doesn't hurt to ask.

And yes, we're continuing with ABA til August. We always reassure Dr G

that is being treated with respect and as a neurotypical 6 yr old.

It's the current school system that we're having issues with ...

and we may have found a local allergist to help us with " land allergy

issues " ....... more to come ....



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  • 8 months later...
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Lynn..i couldn't agree more. I used to be alot more active on the list but

since going back to work it has been difficult. Now the volume of emails is

soooo overwhelming, that alot of times I just have to delete it the I'll get

to one with a subject line that looks like I might need or could help answer &

it maybe totally unrelated by that point. I think having a good appropriate

subject line would help. I too would hate to see a split of the group. I know

there are times when we want to comment on a medical article. If we split it

how would we do that. I also agree that the conversations here are VERY

important so that we cam vent,support,joke uplift ...each other. Where I

would be if I had not found this group I don't know. It has certainly gotten

me through some very rough times & answered alot of questions & concerns! I

may not " appear " often these days but I LOVE this GROUP... and so I deal with

the volume best I can.... Just my thoughts ...Kris (Ashton 15 poly JRA)

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  • 11 months later...
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<<<As a one conference test: Maybe the best way to control the out of hand

youngsters and under 18 teens is to require at least one parent or LEGAL


to attend and room with the child.


As far as " attending " the convention with the under 18 year old..I

thought most parents/guardians are suppose to do that anyways?

But, as far as " rooming " with the teen, I think that should be

optional not required. As a teenager, I'm sure there are teens who go to


for the freedom and independence. They dont want to be underneathe their

parents while they're there. They want to hang with other LP teens. That kind of

limits their freedom when they have to be supervised like that. I'm not saying

let them run a muck...but I think there are other ways to handle them without

making them feel like they're being babysat.


AIM: actcoolgal

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I have always been of the mind that the teens REQUIRE a chaperone. My lp

teen had me with her in those years at conventions/conferences. I WAS THE

MOM!!!! Holland (Martha's mom)

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<<I have always been of the mind  that the teens REQUIRE a chaperone.>>

Well yeah because you're an adult and you're a parent.  What you guys

(as adults ) think of as " Chaperoning " we feel is " babysitting " . There is

another way to handle the teens besides having chaperones with them. Maybe it

could even start by people asking the teens themselves what do they think should

be done about the problems. I'm sure some of the more mature teens can come up

with alot of great alternatives.

  <<My lp teen had me with her in those years at conventions/conferences.  I


> THE MOM!!!! >>

Thats good that she had you with her. Although, not every teen is like your

daughter. Some of us do not feel comfortable with our parents following us

around everywhere we go (especially with our friends) at conventions. We cant do

or say a lot of the things that we want to if there is a parent around.  Like I

said, the whole chaperoning and rooming thing should be optional. If the

teens dont mind their parents hanging around then fine. If they do, then the


and thier parents need to work something out. I dont feel it should be

" required " for teens to have a chaperone.


AIM: actcoolgal

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On Tue, 8 Jul 2003 Actcoolgal@... wrote:

> Like I said, the whole chaperoning and rooming thing should be optional.

> If the teens dont mind their parents hanging around then fine. If they

> do, then the teens and thier parents need to work something out. I dont

> feel it should be " required " for teens to have a chaperone.

Tiara, what do you think LPA should do if an unsupervised/unchaperoned

teen damages hotel property, or gets so drunk they can't remember their

own room number?


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At 7:44 PM -0400 7/8/03, Actcoolgal@... wrote:

><<I have always been of the mind that the teens REQUIRE a chaperone.>>





>Well yeah because you're an adult and you're a parent. What you guys

>(as adults ) think of as " Chaperoning " we feel is " babysitting " . There is

>another way to handle the teens besides having chaperones with them. Maybe it

>could even start by people asking the teens themselves what do they

>think should

>be done about the problems. I'm sure some of the more mature teens can come up

>with alot of great alternatives.


> <<My lp teen had me with her in those years at conventions/conferences. I


>> THE MOM!!!! >>




>Thats good that she had you with her. Although, not every teen is like your

>daughter. Some of us do not feel comfortable with our parents following us

>around everywhere we go (especially with our friends) at

>conventions. We cant do

>or say a lot of the things that we want to if there is a parent

>around. Like I

>said, the whole chaperoning and rooming thing should be optional. If the

>teens dont mind their parents hanging around then fine. If they do,

>then the teens

>and thier parents need to work something out. I dont feel it should be

> " required " for teens to have a chaperone.



>AIM: actcoolgal


Ok, I thought I would pop in here. I was around 18 or 19 when I went

on my first convention, and I was alone. At times it was scary... I

could have easily been drawn into a rough crowd (and almost was) but

I ended up retreating ...to my room!!!!! I didn't have the wisdom, I

didn't have the savvy and I didn't have the where for all at times to

distinguish " fun " from " trouble " . There were too many options, too

much freedom and thankfully someone a wee bit older than me was

checking on me. She gave me a moral compass. My mom never knew

about this until years later. Had my mom been around I would have

thought twice about some things. Ok.... when the cats away, the mice

will play.

I think it is important that the teens get forums, but not free rein.

Bottom line there is a need of who takes the responsibility and that

ALWAYS falls with the parents. You screw up, your parents pay, you

get in trouble, your parents pay, you get into anything, your parents

are responsible.

This whole convention is not always about making everyone happy, but

it sure should be about trying making everyone safe, including teens.

Ok, some teens are great, some are horrible....so how is anyone

suppose to know the difference? Teens are not good at self

regulation and let me do say this is a very BROAD statement and does

not apply to all. But, if it protects a few, than accountability is

worth this whole issue.

I was speaking to one mom (of an older, but yet still underage child)

and that person was coming in at 5 am in the morning. Now, my town

has a curfew for under 21's for good reasons, and so shouldn't LPA.

Alright this could have been very innocent, but what if it wasn't? I

think I do take issue with parents who get the false sense of

security and safety with teens and young adults because they are and

in a convention setting. Well guess what.... they are not. Parents

must realize that the convention isn't a baby sitter, chaperone, or

sit in adult.

I think some folks do need to get together and discuss this.

Dialog is very important, but accountability, safety and liability

must be the priority. You know we are not just talking about

drinking, but could also be talking about drugs, sex and everything

else that parents worry about with young adults. Years ago the worse

thing we worried about was getting pregnant, or catching something

that could be cured. Now days people need to be aware of catching

things that can kill them. Young adults are invincible (hey, we all

thought that way) and sometimes in the moment, in the passion, in the

crowd, we do some stupid things. Cost and consequences are not

generally on the tip of the lips of young adults.

Just because a person is a young adult in LPA their " rights " don't

preclude what is best for the majority. This does seem unfair coming

from a young person's perspective but we are no different than what

society dictates which is acceptable. Society does not allow teens to

gather at outrageous hours, they don't allow drinking, drugs and I

could go on.

Young adults and teens are accountable to adults and even too each

other. So tell me, how often do teens and young adults " tell " on

each other? Adults don't feel that social pressure as much to " go

along " and have (hopefully, and yes there are exceptions) a pretty

good handle on what is right and wrong and stand on the issue, rather

than the social acceptance. Or at least there is an expectation of

this. The phrase " they are old enough to know better " is one thing

that can apply... but then I do acknowledge we still get adults that

act like juveniles.

The good news about this age restriction stuff is that you grow out of it!

This is good to talk about....


·-.¸.-··...(`'·.¸(`'·.¸¸.·'´)¸.·'´)...··-.¸.-··. .¸.·-.¸

`·..·´«´¨`·. Ginny Sargent..·´¨`»·`·. .·`'·.¸)`'·.¸)`·´


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One thing that has always been of concern to me with people under 21 at LPA

conferences is having so many kids in a hotel setting. This is a very

sophisticated venue as opposed to other places young people might gather in the

summer together, such as summer camps. Under 21 individuals should be treated

according to their behavior, whether they are 1 year old or 20 1/2. A hotel is

no place to allow anyone under 21 to have the run of the facility under any

circumstance. For that matter, NO ONE should be so obnoxious that he or she

intrudes on the good times of others. If conference behavior is going to be

reigned in, maybe there should be zero tolerance with any obtrusive or dangerous

behavior. One strike and you're out, with NO refunds and no more access to

conference activities. Have the parents of unchaperoned young people come and

take their young person home at their expense. Make this all clear in


registration. It may be that someone on the local committee or within the

LPA governing will have to be assigned " babysitter " for those who choose to

behave like babies until they are retrieved by parents. If parents are present

at the conference, then they will either monitor the behavior of their family,

or the whole family should be invited to leave the premises. Also, hotel

personnel should not have to watch over a hotel guest to make sure the guest is

still alive. That is not their responsibility.

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In a message dated 7/9/03 8:12:03 AM Eastern Daylight Time, cathych49@...


> One thing that has always been of concern to me with people under 21 at LPA

> conferences is having so many kids in a hotel setting. This is a very

> sophisticated venue as opposed to other places young people might gather in

> the

> summer together, such as summer camps. Under 21 individuals should be

> treated according to their behavior, whether they are 1 year old or 20 1/2.


> hotel is no place to allow anyone under 21 to have the run of the facility

> under any


Also, hotel personnel should not have to watch over a hotel guest to make

sure the guest is still alive.  That is not their responsibility.  

My Mom came with me to my first LPA meeting. My Dad before he died used to

attend a few of the meetings. He liked conversing with little people who were

like his daughter but also he formed some friendships with some of my friend's

parents. My Dad had a nice time when he would come along and my friends

enjoyed his company. Neither my Dad nor my Mom were clingy. I can see the


when you're a teenager you are a blossoming into a young adult and want to

have a bit of freedom and let loose a bit. I don't mean act wild and

destructive. I mean you love your parents and enjoy time with them, but do need

to have

time with friends as well.

If they go with the idea of these bracelets for people to wear at the dances

to help curb the alcohol abuse thing and if they can't have a separate dance

for the over 21 crowd and under 21 crowd at least keep the younger children

out. From seeing the brochures on the conventions, regionals there are events

planned for children, teens, families. To me when I want to go to the dance I

want to converse with men and women, maybe dance a few dances, have a drink be

it alcoholic or nonalcoholic, have a snack, enjoy the funky music and have

fun. Like you had stated and I will say its not fair to not be able to enjoy

something because of some younger people who get out of hand and take over and

run the river wild. I mean if young children are up passed dinner time why

not a few of the parents get together and plan to take them somewhere in the

hotel like to the pool, game room, or nearby the hotel such as putt putt or a

movie or have a kid's party in their room.

I also agree with its not fair the hotel staff should have to be

baby-sitters. I recall staying in a hotel awhile back and there were some

people there

who got a bit out of hand late at night. I mean at first I let it go figuring

they're either on vacation or what have you, but after a while it got a bit too

much and wasn't fair to other hotel guests that some were being a bit overly


Again, I like to see an adult activity like a Single Mingle for the adults at

the regional since it happened at the convention and went pretty well

according to the newspaper article. I again will offer my help because I see


need for an event just for the adults like you have events just for children,

teens and families. I mean if you are going to for an example have a Harry

Potter party for the kids, Teen Pool Party, Chuckie Cheese outing for the


then also include the adults with something like a single mingle or an adults

only dance.


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  • 7 months later...

Hi group - Although I am more of a lurker that a participant - since

I am just learning about coconut oil, I don't have much to offer - I

do miss the posts on this group. So I would like to offer a

suggestion. Perhaps, we could take suggestions on topics and then

people could offer posts on the topics. Or perhaps we could offer

some of our favorite ways to take our coconut oil. Or perhaps some

favorite or new recipe? Or perhaps we could offer some of the ways

that using VCO has helped us - success stories.

I only use coconut oil one way, and I'm sure there are lots of good

ways I could be availing myself of, if I had a clue. The way I use it

is I warm a half cup of carob rice milk and melt the VCO in it and

whirl it with a small handheld blender. It's very good this way and

gets a full tablespoon down at a time.

As for success stories - I have been taking the VCO for 3 months and

really don't have a success story, but I am confident that I just

have to keep taking it and the success will come. Particularly, I

have a low temp and am hoping that the VCO will help to bring my body

temp up to where it belongs.

And recipes - I could use a salad dressing recipe! The one I tried

was a mix of VCO and kefir, which while tasting good, got the fork

all clumped with oil.

Thanks everybody :)


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>Hi group - Although I am more of a lurker that a participant - since

>I am just learning about coconut oil, I don't have much to offer - I

>do miss the posts on this group. So I would like to offer a

>suggestion. Perhaps, we could take suggestions on topics and then

>people could offer posts on the topics. Or perhaps we could offer

>some of our favorite ways to take our coconut oil. Or perhaps some

>favorite or new recipe? Or perhaps we could offer some of the ways

>that using VCO has helped us - success stories.

I think it just has to happen naturally as people bring up their own

questions or information they want to share. It's natural for the

number of posts to wax and wane. Personally, I don't want this to

become like a job! Don't forget there are books to read and links on

various websites for more in-depth information.

>I only use coconut oil one way, and I'm sure there are lots of good

>ways I could be availing myself of, if I had a clue. The way I use it

>is I warm a half cup of carob rice milk and melt the VCO in it and

>whirl it with a small handheld blender. It's very good this way and

>gets a full tablespoon down at a time.

Sounds yummy!



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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Good point Alobar

Thank you for alerting me to it


On 03/07/2006, at 11:19 PM, Coconut Oil


> suggestion


> Posted by: " Alobar " Alobar@... wm_alobar


> Sun Jul 2, 2006 11:12 pm (PST)


> When people receive the digest form of this list, and comment

> on one of the posts contained in the digest, the subjuct line shows

> the digest number, which is pretty meaningless. I would suggest

> changing the subject line to something which actually pertains to what

> is being posted about.


> Alobar

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  • 3 months later...

Hi f,

Very tempting, But I believe that Dr. did not already do this because the cocktail would really be of no use later, since we are working with a dynamic energetic system repetition is not really useful. We can save the cocktail on to a bottle through the out tray and let the patient take this until the next session. Would that be OK?


Branco LCPH MARH FBIH London

Consulting in Energetic Medicine since 1985

Tel.: +49 30 30101163 email: sciosubspace@...


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From: "jresperger" <josef.resperger@...>Reply-qxci-english To: qxci-english Subject: SuggestionDate: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 06:29:59 -0000

Hi!I suppose there are some of you who do make suggestions for program enhancements to Dr. . If so would you support the following suggestion:If you put together a coctail of different matrix entries in the info-box - wouldn't it be nice that one could save this coctail for reuse another time?Regardsf Resperger

Amazing competition for unsigned bands with Live Sessions from MSN Spaces

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  • 7 months later...
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Dear Korluq,

I saw your post YESTERDAY and some how believed that I responded to it!'

YES of course any job seeking site that is FREE and is helpful to technicians

that does not exploit them is acceptable.

This is a nice site.

Thank you for your post! I will add it to our link section.

Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS


korluq <korluq@...> wrote: i just want to

suggest a website if you have and email address, this

is where i found the advertisement for the tech job that i will be

starting in a month( at the hospital). i don't know if this is allowed

or not, but the site is indeed.com. all you have to do when you go to

the page, you type in the kind of position you're intrested in and the

area. just look at the top of the page and there should be a statement

that will say " SAVE AS EMAIL JOB ALERT. " just check the box at the

front of this statement and you will have job posting sent directly to

you inbox as often as they become avaliable.good luck.hope this helps.

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  • 3 months later...

....yeah, that's what i've been thinking.

there's some sex toy electrodes that would do nicely online, but they're

really expensive... but for almost direct contact of the prostate, making a

complete circuit path between genitals and prostate, rectum to esophagus,

they could be a good investment if the idea turns out to work and the

treatment is to be ongoing.

also, there's violet ray electrodes for anal, prostate, vaginal, external &

internal throat contact. these things can be fired by an EMEM type Rife

machine, and the ground side used for the other end. the field strength is

strong enough to allow a frequency meter to read the freq correctly with the

leads 6 " in front of the tube connected to nothing, so i'm thinking there

will be a definite microcurrent flow and frequency is selectable, down to at

least 20 or so anyway, and up to the limit of the hardware... and the tube

will still fire (a phanotron tube fires at under 20...don't know if a VR

electrode will), but it's not DC. but the idea of using Rife freqs is

appealing, and one might be able to notice " hits " at freqs worth using?

> Suggestion



> Reaching the gut seems to be pretty important to getting some bugs, at

> least from what you're saying, Baby grand. Have you considered a

> metallic anal probe as one end of the circuit and a probe that contacts

> your tounge as the other side of the circuit? I know it sounds a bit

> silly and you'd have to be sure not to mix the two up ;) but it makes

> sense to me.


> It seems like the endothelium (gut), is difficult to apply electricity

> to when your probes are applied to the epithelium (outer skin layer). A

> circuit that starts with the tounge and ends with the anus would follow

> the length of the digestive tract in my mind. Something to think about.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, nutrition is the key. Especially having a clean colon is terribly important, since the colon is where all the nutrients are absorbed. Blessings, Joy

----- Original Message -----

From: vanadeux

Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 6:45 AM

Subject: [ ] Suggestion

I have posted a link for a product called Bio Superfood..

if you go to www.themagicisbac.com you will see this site is a whole book devoted to this product.

I personally believe its best to supply a superb fuel to the body, and then allow the body to heal whatever the issue is..ie

bad kneee, irritable bowel, bad heart etc..

We tend to get caught up in the scenarios of separating the body into parts..for example..your bad sinus, is probably linked to a dirty colon, but your natural pracitioner may only give you something directly for the sinus..such as oregano oil for example, thus leaving your dirty colon to keep on giving you problems..

I am not saying people should not take herbs..no not for one moment..but make sure you have the foundation of an excellent superfood in place first..



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And yes, there are herbs that cleanse the colon. Have you checked out the files Vanadeux? Basically, the files are a baby, as I can't up load fast enough. Lol! But I do think I have info on colon cleansing. Blessings, Joy

----- Original Message -----

From: vanadeux

Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 6:45 AM

Subject: [ ] Suggestion

I have posted a link for a product called Bio Superfood..

if you go to www.themagicisbac.com you will see this site is a whole book devoted to this product.

I personally believe its best to supply a superb fuel to the body, and then allow the body to heal whatever the issue is..ie

bad kneee, irritable bowel, bad heart etc..

We tend to get caught up in the scenarios of separating the body into parts..for example..your bad sinus, is probably linked to a dirty colon, but your natural pracitioner may only give you something directly for the sinus..such as oregano oil for example, thus leaving your dirty colon to keep on giving you problems..

I am not saying people should not take herbs..no not for one moment..but make sure you have the foundation of an excellent superfood in place first..



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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

 makes an excellent point. I live in SF, and it has taken me months to

simply " drive across the bridge " to visit Mariposa for the first time. Now

knowing more about the business realities they face, I feel kind of lame for not

supporting them earlier and more often.


Can we use this discussion as a call to action to support those greater Bay Area

businesses already trying to make a go of it?


Perhaps our local vendors could add themselves to the Google map so we know who

you are and where you are (if you have not already).


Is it feasible (logistically, financially, etc.) for each member of the group to

patronize one (or more!) of those local vendors over the summer?


I can commit to visiting Mariposa, devouring pizza and purchasing a Kapcakes

cake while there!


What do you think?


From: seamaiden399 <seamaiden399@...>

Subject: [ ] Suggestion

Date: Wednesday, June 4, 2008, 7:41 PM

Personally I think the best thing we can do right now is really make

an effort to support the businesses in existence like Mariposa and

Kitchen Cafe, even if it means driving a little farther or

ordering online and paying that extra shipping. The more successful

those businesses are, the more likely it is that other entrepreneurs

will get on the bandwagon. Unfortunately, right now it's a bad time to

have a struggling business or start one with rising costs of supplies,

but hopefully we can all hang in there until things get better.

I think one thing companies can do to be successful and reach the

biggest market is appeal to several different groups. If you can get

those interested in healthy, organic food, vegetarian diners, and

gluten-free diners that aren't being catered to elsewhere into your

restaurant or cafe, the more likely you are going to be able to

survive as a business. I'm not sure how effective it is to offer a lot

of simple food that people could get or easily make at home, though,

so I don't think it's too surprising that Farmer's Cafe didn't have

peanut butter and jelly or mac and cheese. I should really go back one

of these days- when the pasta is fresh it is absolutely superb. It's

just hard to go that far. I have found their menu items somewhat

erratic- some dishes, like their fresh pastas, are very good, but

others are just ok. Some of their baked goods are quite good.


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It's not practical for me to visit but if Mariposa published a list, I'd be happy to buy if they could ship----- Original Message -----From: < > < >Sent: Wed Jun 04 20:46:17 2008Subject: Re: [ ] Suggestion makes an excellent point. I live in SF, and it has taken me months to simply " drive across the bridge " to visit Mariposa for the first time. Now knowing more about the business realities they face, I feel kind of lame for not supporting them earlier and more often. Can we use this discussion as a call to action to support those greater Bay Area businesses already trying to make a go of it? Perhaps our local vendors could add themselves to the Google map so we know who you are and where you are (if you have not already). Is it feasible (logistically, financially, etc.) for each member of the group to patronize one (or more!) of those local vendors over the summer? I can commit to visiting Mariposa, devouring pizza and purchasing a Kapcakes cake while there! What do you think?- From: seamaiden399 <seamaiden399@...>Subject: [ ] Suggestion Date: Wednesday, June 4, 2008, 7:41 PMPersonally I think the best thing we can do right now is really makean effort to support the businesses in existence like Mariposa and Kitchen Cafe, even if it means driving a little farther orordering online and paying that extra shipping. The more successfulthose businesses are, the more likely it is that other entrepreneurswill get on the bandwagon. Unfortunately, right now it's a bad time tohave a struggling business or start one with rising costs of supplies,but hopefully we can all hang in there until things get better.I think one thing companies can do to be successful and reach thebiggest market is appeal to several different groups. If you can getthose interested in healthy, organic food, vegetarian diners, andgluten-free diners that aren't being catered to elsewhere into yourrestaurant or cafe, the more likely you are going to be able tosurvive as a business. I'm not sure how effective it is to offer a lotof simple food that people could get or easily make at home, though,so I don't think it's too surprising that Farmer's Cafe didn't havepeanut butter and jelly or mac and cheese. I should really go back oneof these days- when the pasta is fresh it is absolutely superb. It'sjust hard to go that far. I have found their menu items somewhaterratic- some dishes, like their fresh pastas, are very good, butothers are just ok. Some of their baked goods are quite good.- ------------------------------------

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Perhaps group meetups at these businesses would be a good incentive to get people out of their areas to support them? I'd totally drive to if I knew a group of lovely folks were waiting for me!On Jun 4, 2008, at 8:46 PM, Luttrell wrote: makes an excellent point. I live in SF, and it has taken me months to simply "drive across the bridge" to visit Mariposa for the first time. Now knowing more about the business realities they face, I feel kind of lame for not supporting them earlier and more often. Can we use this discussion as a call to action to support those greater Bay Area businesses already trying to make a go of it? Perhaps our local vendors could add themselves to the Google map so we know who you are and where you are (if you have not already). Is it feasible (logistically, financially, etc.) for each member of the group to patronize one (or more!) of those local vendors over the summer? I can commit to visiting Mariposa, devouring pizza and purchasing a Kapcakes cake while there! What do you think? - From: seamaiden399 <seamaiden399 >Subject: [ ] Suggestion Date: Wednesday, June 4, 2008, 7:41 PMPersonally I think the best thing we can do right now is really makean effort to support the businesses in existence like Mariposa and Kitchen Cafe, even if it means driving a little farther orordering online and paying that extra shipping. The more successfulthose businesses are, the more likely it is that other entrepreneurswill get on the bandwagon. Unfortunately, right now it's a bad time tohave a struggling business or start one with rising costs of supplies,but hopefully we can all hang in there until things get better.I think one thing companies can do to be successful and reach thebiggest market is appeal to several different groups. If you can getthose interested in healthy, organic food, vegetarian diners, andgluten-free diners that aren't being catered to elsewhere into yourrestaurant or cafe, the more likely you are going to be able tosurvive as a business. I'm not sure how effective it is to offer a lotof simple food that people could get or easily make at home, though,so I don't think it's too surprising that Farmer's Cafe didn't havepeanut butter and jelly or mac and cheese. I should really go back oneof these days- when the pasta is fresh it is absolutely superb. It'sjust hard to go that far. I have found their menu items somewhaterratic- some dishes, like their fresh pastas, are very good, butothers are just ok. Some of their baked goods are quite good.- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^me: Stiavettimail: steph@...eats: http://www.wasabimon.comThe sun comes up and I'm all washed outIs this what Deaner was talking about?

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