Guest guest Posted December 10, 2008 Report Share Posted December 10, 2008 Here's another opportunity to act on behalf of children with disabilities to remedy how special education is funded in New Jersey! Please: 1) READ the attached. 2) TAKE the requested ACTION ASAP. 3) FORWARD this E-MAIL to all special education advocay organizations! Many thanks! Ruth Deale Lowenkron on behalf of The New Jersey Coalition for Special Education Funding Reform 973-624-1815, ext. 21 973-624-4618 (TDD) ACTION ALERT Contact Your State Legislators and Governor The Issue: Emergency regulations from the Department of Education will compromise the IEP process! The New Jersey Department of Education released a final draft of proposed fiscal accountability regulations (N.J.A.C. 6A:23A) on November 17, 2008. The rules describe the role of the new Executive County Superintendent, giving that office responsibilities and oversight over the IEP process that could prevent students with disabilities from obtaining appropriate services and placements. As written, the role of the Executive County Superintendent in placement decisions undermines the IEP team decision-making process which is provided by federal law under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and could move students with disabilities out of appropriate programs meetings their needs. The State plans to adopt the proposed regulations on an " emergency basis, " without providing the public an opportunity to comment. Action Needed: Ask Your State Legislators to Demand that the Department Of Education Retract the Accountability Regulations Affecting Special Education! Please call, write or e-mail your State Senator and Assembly Member, other key Legislators and Governor Jon Corzine and urge them to require the Department of Education to eliminate the new regulations or, at a minimum, to hold a public comment period as promised. " Talking Points " and a sample letter/e-mail are attached. To contact your state legislator, 1) call 1-800-792-8630, ask for your legislator's office, or 2) look up your legislator's e-mail and district contact information at or 3) write to your State Legislator at New Jersey State Legislature, Trenton, New Jersey 08625. Please also contact Senators Codey, Ruiz and and Assembly Members Cryan, and Voss. To contact the Governor, 1) call 609-292-6000; or 2) write to Office of the Governor PO Box 001, Trenton, NJ 08625. PLEASE HELP STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES RECEIVE A FREE AND APPROPRIATE PUBLIC EDUCATION SAMPLE LETTER/E-MAIL December __, 2008 The Honorable Jon Corzine Office of the Governor P.O. Box 001 Trenton, NJ 08625 Re: Department of Education proposed accountability regulations, N.J.A.C. 6A:23A Dear Governor Corzine: On November 17, 2008, the Department of Education (DOE) proposed enacting fiscal accountability regulations, N.J.A.C. 6A:23A, on a emergency basis that will impact the special education process. Specifically, Subchapter 2 provides the Executive County Superintendent (ECS) a role in determining placement decisions for students with disabilities. This role directly conflicts with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) which makes placement decision-making exclusively the responsibility of the IEP team and not a district or county administrator. In addition, it is my understanding that the ECS' role was created for the express purpose of ensuring efficiency and cost-effectiveness in educational decisions. This purpose is in direct conflict with IDEA which does not allow for these considerations in placement decisions unless there are two separate programs capable of providing a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. Allowing the ECS to recommend placement options and requiring local school districts to justify different placement decisions can lead to intimidation of the IEP team, result in great delays in IEP implementation and result in inappropriate placement decisions. It is imperative that DOE delete these unlawful provisions. At the very least, DOE should go through the regular rulemaking process to allow for public comment of the proposed regulations. Thank you for your attention to this matter If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at [include your telephone number or e-mail address]. Sincerely, Your name and address cc. Your State Senator Your State Assembly Member Senator Codey Senator M. Ruiz Senator Shirley K. Assemblyman ph Cryan Assemblyman ph Assemblywoman Joan Voss Fiscal Accountability Regulations Talking Points à Proposed Subchapter 2 of the Fiscal Accountability Regulations allows the Executive County Superintendents (ECS) to review placement determinations when the local IEP team is considering an out-of-district placement. The local IEP team must give the ECS the age of the student and class type needed. The ECS will then provide the IEP team with information on available in-district placements, and if none are available, information on a public regional program. There is no requirement to provide information on private placements. If a local IEP team decides on a different placement from those recommended by the ECS, a written explanation justifying the decision must be provided. à Under IDEA, placement decisions are to be made by the IEP team not an outside administrator. Authorizing the ECS to recommend placements and require districts to justify non-recommended placements may intimidate IEP members from making appropriate placement decisions. This is contrary to federal law and could lead to increased litigation by parents for appropriate placements. à The proposed regulations do not require the ECS to provide information regarding the entire continuum of placement options. à Cost-effectiveness and efficiency are not appropriate factors in determining a child's placement unless two separate placements considered can provide a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment as required by IDEA. à In 2007, nearly 23,000 students with disabilities in New Jersey were placed in out-of- district programs. It will be impossible for the Executive County Superintendents to review this many requests. The situation has the potential to cause violations in time line requirements and defeats the purpose of the new office that is to help ensure efficiency and cost-effectiveness. à The ECS may recommend the establishment or expansion of public regional providers such as special services school districts, educational services commissions and county child study teams. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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