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yeast info

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I know of two children that have benefited from using Nystatin-an

anti fungal treatment. 's son Joesph tested positive to

brewers yeast as an allergen. Another child also using Nystatin has

showed such improvements in many areas including attention span,

focus, behavioral changes, more verbal attempts, etc. Both these

children have food allergies, tested positive for fat malabsorption,

and have APRAXIA. I'm not taking sides on this subject just stating

that there can be many variables to APRAXIA. has posted and

has reposted many times that gluten sensitivity, low carnitine

are also seen in autism. Other similiarities are immune

dysregulation, food allergies, and GI issues. It wouldn't be that

far fetched to say that yeast overgrowth could be linked to this

subgroup of children that fit under Symptoms of apraxia, allergies,

and malabsorption--not autistic, but APRAXIC. #7 mentions allergies

and malabsorption.

hope the information is helpful-


tried to find something that wasn't related to autism and this is the

only link I could find.


Following is a list of some important predisposing factors for yeast


1. Stress

2. Use of broad spectrum antibiotics

3. Hormonal imbalances

- Caused by birth control pills

- Caused by multple pregnancies

- Caused by hormone therapy for a variety of symptoms

4. Steroids which weaken several defense mechanisms of our immune


5. Frequent and chronic infections

6. Extensive surgery

7. Food allergy and malabsorption

8. Deficiency of micro-nutrients (vitamins, minerals, amino acids,


9. Faulty nutrition, metabolic roller-coaster

10. Substance abuse

http://www.candida treatment.org/candida_thrush_children.html

Children and Baby Candida Symptoms

Frequent and heavy diaper rash

Other " eczema " type skin rashes

Oral Thrush (white film in mouth or on lips or tongue)

Colicky longer than 3 months

Symptoms worse on damp days or in damp environments

Recurrent ear problems

Craving sweets all the time



Learning problems

Often irritable

Ongoing nasal congestion, cough or wheezing

Unhappy, hard to please

Seems unwell yet doctors do not find anything wrong

This is just one test that I found to determine if yeast could be a

problem for a child--

Evaluate your own Child's Candida

You can easily evaluate your child's Candida symptoms and likelihood

that he or she has acquired candida yeast overgrowth. It was

developed by Dr. Crook, a pioneer in the diagnosis of

children's candida:

Yeast Questionnaire for Children's Candida

Scoring this children's Candida questionnaire should help you and

your physician evaluate the role Candida Albicans contributes to your

child's health problems.

1.During the 2 years before your child was born, were you bothered by

recurrent vaginitis, menstrual irregularities, premenstrual tension,

fatigue, headache, depression, digestive disorders or " feeling bad

all over? (30 points)

No Yes

2. Was your child bothered by Thrush (white coating on tongue or

lips)? (Score 10 if mild, score 20 if severe)

No Mild Severe

3. Was your chld bothered by frequent diaper rashes in infancy?

(Score 10 if mild, score 20 if severe or persistent)

No Mild Severe

4. During infancy, was your child bothered by colic and irritability

lasting over 3 months? (Score 10 if mild, score 20 if moderate to


No Mild Severe

5. Are his/her symptoms worse on damp days or in damp or moldy

places? (20 points)

No Yes

6. Has your child been bothered by recurrent or persisten " athlete's

foot " or chronic fungus infections on his/her skin or nails? (30


No Yes

7. Has your child been bothered by recurrent hives, eczema or other

skin problems? (10 points)

No Yes

8. Has your child received:

a. 4 or more courses of antibiotic drugs during the past year? Or has

he/she received continuous " prophylactic? courses of antibiotic

drugs? (60 points)

No Yes

b. 8 or more courses of " broad spectrum? antibiotics (such as

amoxicillin, Keflex, Septr, Bactrim or Ceclor) during the past three

years? (40 points)

No Yes

9. Has your child experienced recurrent ear problems? (20 points)

No Yes

10. Has your child had tubes inserted in his/her ears? (10 points)

No Yes

11. Has your child been labeled " hyperactive? (Score 10 if mild,

score 20 if moderate to severe)

No Mild Moderate to Severe

12. Is your child bothered by learning problems (even though his/her

early development history was normal)? (10 points)

No Yes

13. Does your child have a short attention span? (10 points)

No Yes

14. Is your child persistently irritable, unhappy and hard to please?

(10 points)

No Yes

15. Has your child been bothered by persistent or recurrent digestive

problems, including constipation, diarrhea, bloating or excessive

gas? (Score 10 if mild; score 20 if moderate; score 30 if severe)

No Mild Moderate Severe

16. Has your child been bothered by persistent nasal congestion,

cough and /or wheezing? (10 points)

No Yes

17. Is your child unusually tired or unhappy or depressed? (Score 10

if mild, score 20 if severe)

No Mild Severe

18. Has your child been bothered by recurrent headaches, abdominal

pain, or muscle aches? (Score 10 if mild, score 20 if severe)

No Mild Severe

19. Does your child crave sweets? (10 points)

No Yes

20. Does exposure to perfume, insecticides, gas or other chemicals

provoke moderate to severe symptoms? (30 points)

No Yes

21. Does tobacco smoke really bother him/her? (20 points)

No Yes

22. Do you feel that your child isn't well, yet diagnostic tests and

studies haven't revealed the cause? (10 points)

No Yes

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