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Re: Use Epson salt baths instead for the sake of the rest of the world! Please!!!!!

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Goot is an amazing remedy. We make it every couple of weeks. You hardly

smell the garlic oil. It becomes nearly odourless when emulisfied with

the coconut. My mom has diabetes and it is the only thing that heals

her foot sores. She has nurses come every two weeks to check her feet

and they are amazed at how well it works. They have passed the recipe

on to many of their diabetic clients. We use it in place of polysporin.

With four boys, we use it a lot....and so far they are still very

popular with lots of friends.

kiddietalk wrote:

> Liz did you try this? You mean you would willingly rub raw garlic on

> your children (do you really want them to have friends?) Unless

> somehow this goopy stuff doesn't smell for some scientific reason

> due to the raw garlic mixing with whatever no way would I ever expose

> my children or me or house or general public or family gatherings or

> the rest of the people at the movie theater or on line at the

> supermarket or car (do you want me to go on?) to raw garlic rubbed on

> the skin. I have a friend who's family is from the Philippians and

> she helped me cater an event and my job was the chop up the garlic.

> I didn't even intentionally touch the garlic but some got on my

> fingers. It was so nasty I can't tell you. It took me literally

> days to get rid of that horrible smell. My friend was

> hysterical laughing at me about it. Some shock jocks on the radio

> out of Palm Beach tried to eat raw garlic on the air and to listen

> it was hysterical on the air -just watched it on youtube and it's

> pretty gross (not as gross as thinking about why someone would rub

> raw garlic on their child and actually thinking they will make

> friends!) -I googled it and this is what happened.



> Don't get me wrong -we eat garlic here and we love roasted garlic

> cloves at times on bread which is the closet I've come to eating raw

> garlic -but rubbing raw garlic on skin -deliberately -that's just

> crazy. Why not an Epson salt bath?


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~start of archive:


> Mon Jan 19, 2004 4:28 pm

> " merrywbee " merrywbee@...

> Epsom Salt Baths-- moderator approve?




> Epsom Salt Baths

> Information compiled by Wetherby, with editing and research

> information provided courtesy of Owens. This information may

> be shared with families and professionals, but please do not use it

> in a part of a larger document/paper without obtaining written

> permission.



> What are Epsom Salts?


> Epsom Salts are the same thing as Magnesium Sulfate, which is a salt

> made of only magnesium and sulphate (and maybe a little bit of

> water). Magnesium is a positively charged ion, and it binds to

> sulfate, which is a negatively charged ion. Sulfate is a sulphur

> atom surrounded by four oxygen atoms.




> You can buy them at your local drugstore or pharmacy or even in the

> grocery store. They are usually located in larger bags near the

> bandages or the foot care section (in a pinch, smaller containers can

> be found in the laxative aisle, but it is cheaper to buy them in the

> larger bags/cartons).




> What is the anticipated effect from an Epsom Salt bath?


> Epsom Salts have long been used to stimulate detoxification, reduce

> inflammation to sore muscles, promote healthy circulation, and help

> with relaxation and normalizing sleep patterns.




> Most children respond to an ES bath by appearing happier, more

> relaxed. Some parents report that their children are more

> responsive, more " with it " . Some parents who give the bath in the

> evenings report that their children are able to get to sleep easier,

> and have a more normal sleep pattern.




> Given over time, the ES baths may help reduce sensory integration

> symptoms. Some of this effect may occur due to benefits of

> detoxification, but it is much more likely to come from direct

> effects on the nervous system.






> Why do they work? And Why is sulfation important?


> One benefit of the ES baths is linked to an enzyme system known as

> phenolsulfotransferase or PST. Dr. Rosemary Waring researched this

> and found that in 92% of the autistic children tested, PST was

> functioning at below optimal levels. This enzyme, like all other

> sulfotransferases, has to use a modified form of sulfate: not the

> form it takes in the bathtub. This change occurs inside your cells

> by adding the molecules adenosine and phosphate to sulfate before any

> sulfotransferase enzyme can use it. The molecular additions are said

> to turn sulfate into its " activated form " . If you think about it,

> none of this can be happening in the bathtub: it is happening in

> your body after sulfate is absorbed through the skin and after a

> complicated interplay of enzymes. It is not going to happen

> spontaneously, no matter how much sulfate you have around.




> When PST has enough activated sulfate to use, it will then attach the

> sulfate part of that molecule to molecules called phenols. In most

> cases, adding sulfate sets up those molecules for excretion in the

> urine, but it can actually activate other molecules.


> When there is a deficiency of sulfate inside your cells, phenols may

> build up. In the brain and nervous system this may interfere with

> neurotransmitter function since many neurotransmitters are phenolic,

> too. For instance, there is actually a form of PST called

> catecholamine sulfotransferase or M-PST which acts on

> neurotransmitters. Other sulfotransferases act on hormones and

> proteins and carbohydrates of certain sorts.


> Again, epsom salts are believed to help PST by providing the much-

> needed

> sulfate to the child's body, by being absorbed transdermally (through

> the skin) during the bath. The body is full of other

> sulfotransferases that need sulfate to be much more concentrated than

> what PST likes. These other sulfotransferases, among other jobs,

> help form the extracellular nets around certain neurons, and regulate

> things like axon guidance and neurons sending out processes to make

> connections.


> The gastrointestinal system especially needs a lot of sulfate. A

> diferrent sulfotransferase enzyme called TPST uses sulfate to

> activate two major gut enzymes. In animal studies the GI system

> takes as much sulfate out of the blood as the liver puts into the

> blood, so epsom salts are likely to mostly nourish the gut and spare

> the liver the job of making sulfate from scratch from the amino acid

> cysteine.





> But how does this produce neurological improvements?

> Detoxification is only a little part of sulfate's job. Most of the

> body's sulfate is used to form huge molecules that govern chemical

> traffic at the cell surface. Many of these sulfated molecules find

> their more enduring home in the area immediately around the cell

> called the extracellular matrix. [Extracellular = outside the cell]

> These sulfated molecules function in all cell types. However, in the

> brain, this type of molecule has a very special role, providing

> modulation, or something like a volume control. It does this by

> forming a geometric net outside particular types of neurons.


> The sulfate in these molecules is no longer in an ionic form, like

> you see in epsom salts in the bathtub, but is part of highly

> organized structures that will attract, bind and regulate many of the

> ions that are involved in cell signalling before those ions even get

> to the surface of neurons or to ion channels.


> You haven't heard about this from your neurologist because research

> on the

> function of this type of molecule has been done mainly in the last

> decade, and in the last year or two, especially. Even so, there are

> pictures of these nets around neurons that were drawn by scientists

> more than a hundred years ago before they knew what they were made

> of. Nobody thought they did anything!


> What seems particularly relevant is that the nets are abundant and

> function in the auditory system, the somatosensory system, the

> vestibular system, the cerebellum, and in almost half of the cranial

> nerves. They even seem important for developing trunk strength.


> You may recognize these systems as the parts of the nervous system

> that are targeted by sensory integration therapy. Interestingly, the

> nets won't form properly in the brain without two things happening at

> the same time: adequate biochemical resources, and continued rapid

> firing of the relevant nerves. This argues favorably for coupling

> biochemical therapies that support this chemistry with the physical

> and educational approaches that are also known to offer benefits to

> these systems.


> If you want to know more about the biochemical side of this, you can

> read a

> paper written by Owens who has studied the sulfated molecules

> (called

> GAGs) for seven years. Her paper reviewing this area is part of a

> book that is sold by the Autism Research Unit in Sunderland: The

> Proceedings of their 2001 conference in Durham, England. See

> http://osiris.sunderland.ac.uk/autism/.






> What are the potential long-term benefits of continued use?

> After using epsom salts on a regular basis, children may have

> improvements with language, behavior, mood, and physical skills.





> What if my child gets agitated?

> Very few children may seem more agitated after the initial bath, or

> several baths later. It is not known why this happens, but it is easy

> to deal with. Just cut back on the baths for a few days and then

> begin again, but with a much smaller amount of ES-perhaps a teaspoon,

> and work up the amount very slowly. Also, you may see if the child

> reacts to magnesium by trying it in a different form orally.


> Kirkman Laboratories " Guide To Intestinal Health " booklet discusses

> how impaired sulfation process can lead to a decreased production of

> peptides, and bile acids, which are important to digestive function,

> and lead to problems with maldigestion and malabsorption. Sulfation

> is also important to the intestinal lining. Over time, decreased

> sulfation can allow small portions of the gut wall to be exposed,

> creating the " Leaky Gut " which is suspect in allergies, asthma, and

> other neurobehavioral disorders. Sulfate's relative absense from the

> esophagus may be what makes reflux hurt so much.










> Okay, I think we'll try the baths---what do I need and how much Epsom

> Salt, and for how long?


> The amount and frequency can vary from child to child. Some parents

> prefer to use as much as 2 cups of ES in a bathtub of water, allowing

> the child to be in the tub for around 20 minutes, on a daily basis.

> Some parents prefer to do the baths every few days, some prefer every

> week. As mentioned before, if your child is one of the rare few who

> seem to get agitated by the bath, then simply cut back on the amount

> of salt used (my son was one of these kids and we dropped back to a

> teaspoon and worked up gradually to about ¼ to ½ a cup).






> What are other ways to employ Epsom Salts for sulfation benefits?


> Some parents prefer to mix the ES with water and keep it in a spray

> bottle and spray their kids during the day. As it dries, it leaves a

> white residue that you can leave on for more of a " timed-release "

> effect if it is tolerated. Others have found ways to make ES oil or

> lotion. Please join the Enzymes and Autism Group for recipes

> on how to make it into an oil or lotion. Instead of a bath, some

> parents give their child a foot soak while they are eating or doing

> something else. Kirkman Laboratories at www.kirkmanlabs.com sells

> an Epsom Salt cream that can be applied 1 to 3 times a day. It does

> not leave a residue. I have been told that there are other ES

> creams out there, but I haven't seen them in any stores yet. If

> someone knows of another source, please add it to this file.






> Q: I gave my child an epsom salt bath, and s/he seemed more hyper

> and/or emotional afterwards. Is this related to the bath? Why would

> my child react this way instead of having the " expected " results?




> I think the trick here, which is important to know about, is that you

> need to start slowly when introducing a supplement of something for

> which you have been deficient a long time, and then slowly work up to

> more. This is because, unlike drugs, where the quantity of a dose is

> set by the doctor trying to obtain a blood level of something FOREIGN

> to the body, introducing a supplement of something the body uses

> every day works in a whole different way, and this can be generalized

> to lots of things. I'll explain why.


> Most chemical reactions happen inside cells after substances have

> crossed over the cell's outer membrane. For things cells use

> everyday, they have specific transporters and receptors that are

> expressed on the cell surface in the quantity that is appropriate to

> assure an appropriate supply to that cell type. Not all cells like

> the same quantity. When everything works right, the inside of the

> cell gets the appropriate quantity of what it needs of that

> substance. The cell wants not too much and not too little and it

> knows how to adjust the availability of that substance to the inside

> of the cell when the supply outside the cell changes.


> If the supply of something the body uses up every day has been low

> for

> awhile, the cell will upregulate the transporter or receptor that is

> specific for that substance. Upregulation means it will put more of

> these working molecules on the cell surface in order to increase the

> odds that the substance will find its receptor or transporter.



> When the supply has been high for a long time, the cell will also cut

> back the quantity of the receptor or transporter on the cell surface.

> Cells are very fluid like that: changing and adjusting constantly:

> not like a machine at all! Your car doesn't increase the gas caps

> when its fuel supply is low, but it doesn't have to gets its gas from

> the passing parade by chance and kinetics...




> So, if you have been deficient in sulfate for a long time, your cells

> would have upregulated the transporters to make much of little. All

> over the body, receptors that need sulfated ligands might have been

> upregulated as well, trying to increase their signal or supply.


> If you suddenly increase the quantity of sulfate that approaches the

> cell by several fold, you can get too intense a signal, and that can

> be overwhelming. That is why you should start slowly. This gives your

> body's cells a chance to readjust to the new level they will be

> seeing. We're not trying to overdo that level, but just to return it

> to something normal.


> Remember that cells are accustomed to biological rhythms that change

> the

> quantities of nutrients that cells see. This includes feeding

> schedules and sleep. Cells don't make these adjustments on whim or

> very quickly, for they know there will be long periods of time when

> the supply gets lower just because it has been a long time since you

> ate something. I would guess, for that reason, that cells tend to

> adjust to conditions that may continue for at least a day or two.


> The way this biology works gives me the suspicion that the children

> who get

> the most hyper after their first epsom salts bath or baths may be the

> children who have been the most deficient of this substance, and have

> receptors and transporters dialed WAY up.


> If you are deficient in supply, even when you have receptors or

> transporters expressed at extremely high quantity, you still might be

> low in quantity for the function you need. The increase of receptors

> or transporters will help, but it isn't much of a solution long term.



> If you get exposed to something that requires a lot of sulfate for

> your body to detoxify (like phenols in fumes or foods or drugs), the

> level of sulfate available for NORMAL functions will be hurting

> temporarily as your body tries to recover from this demand. The loss

> of the function of other molecules that use sulfate for normal

> function is likely what is producing symptoms: not your body feeling

> toxic as if it had just been " burned " by the substance your body was

> trying to detoxify. That sort of injury might take longer and it

> would probably be more subtle, anyway. If you are having neurological

> reactions, you are probably seeing an adjustment in the neurological

> chemistry which is feeling shorted and may be overwhelmed with sudden

> change.


> Of course, you really need an appropriate supply of sulfate, but the

> story of HOW the supply got low in the first place can be very

> different from child to child, and involve organs like the kidneys,

> the liver and the GI tract and systems like the immune system.


> Anyway, as an example of this sort of mechanism with an entirely

> different substance, I'll tell you a little about the secretin story.

> This sort of receptor-quantity issue was suspected to be happening in

> the children with autism who were given IV secretin. In response to

> the same dose that had a predictable response in normal people, those

> with autism instead put out huge quantities of pancreatic fluid.

> Their response was intense on the very same dose that other patients

> were getting without experiencing this overexuberant response.


> Why? The sudden increase in secretin was more of a surprise for the

> bodies

> of autistic children than it was for the other children with GI

> problems being tested. The pancreas was OVER responsive to secretin

> probably because this was the first good supply of secretin that it

> had gotten in a long time. Scientists suspected that the amount of

> secretin these children had been producing on their own had been low

> for a long time. I hope all this makes sense. Your body makes

> secretin, but it also makes sulfate from the amino acids cysteine and

> methionine. There may be a reason this isn't happening appropriately.


> I've heard of parents starting with as little as a teaspoon in the

> bathwater and working up. You can also apply the solution topically,

> and can control the quantity by how much surface of the skin you

> cover. The half-life of sulfate in the blood is 4-9 hours.


> At any rate, please do not interpret this [emotional/hyper reaction]

> to mean the epsom salts were the wrong thing...it may mean exactly

> the opposite! Normal people do not have any response to epsom salts

> baths except maybe to feel relaxed later! They don't get hyper or

> emotional...




> If you have already tried reducing the quantity of epsom salts

> drastically and slowly increasing the quantity, and it doesn't work

> to reduce this hyper or emotional response, I'd be glad to talk to

> you offlist about what else it might mean.


> Anyway, I hope this helps. You've just got to think like a cell

> thinks!


> Owens




>>> I can't for the life of me think of why an Epson salts bath would


>> be good


>>> for our kids. The baking soda makes sense but I must have missed


>> the whole


>>> Epson salts thing...someone PLEASE clue me in on this fascinating

>>> information!




> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~end of archive


> =====


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Liz turned me on to goot and it really does work! I sound like an

infomercial. So many of the programmers who work in my group, from India,

have grown up using this and continue to use it.

Re: [ ] Use Epson salt baths instead for the sake

of the rest of the world! Please!!!!!

Goot is an amazing remedy. We make it every couple of weeks. You hardly

smell the garlic oil. It becomes nearly odourless when emulisfied with

the coconut. My mom has diabetes and it is the only thing that heals

her foot sores. She has nurses come every two weeks to check her feet

and they are amazed at how well it works. They have passed the recipe

on to many of their diabetic clients. We use it in place of polysporin.

With four boys, we use it a lot....and so far they are still very

popular with lots of friends.

kiddietalk wrote:

> Liz did you try this? You mean you would willingly rub raw garlic on

> your children (do you really want them to have friends?) Unless

> somehow this goopy stuff doesn't smell for some scientific reason

> due to the raw garlic mixing with whatever no way would I ever expose

> my children or me or house or general public or family gatherings or

> the rest of the people at the movie theater or on line at the

> supermarket or car (do you want me to go on?) to raw garlic rubbed on

> the skin. I have a friend who's family is from the Philippians and

> she helped me cater an event and my job was the chop up the garlic.

> I didn't even intentionally touch the garlic but some got on my

> fingers. It was so nasty I can't tell you. It took me literally

> days to get rid of that horrible smell. My friend was

> hysterical laughing at me about it. Some shock jocks on the radio

> out of Palm Beach tried to eat raw garlic on the air and to listen

> it was hysterical on the air -just watched it on youtube and it's

> pretty gross (not as gross as thinking about why someone would rub

> raw garlic on their child and actually thinking they will make

> friends!) -I googled it and this is what happened.

> http://www.youtube. <



> Don't get me wrong -we eat garlic here and we love roasted garlic

> cloves at times on bread which is the closet I've come to eating raw

> garlic -but rubbing raw garlic on skin -deliberately -that's just

> crazy. Why not an Epson salt bath?


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~start of archive:


> Mon Jan 19, 2004 4:28 pm

> " merrywbee " merrywbee (DOT) <mailto:merrywbee%40> com

> Epsom Salt Baths-- moderator approve?




> Epsom Salt Baths

> Information compiled by Wetherby, with editing and research

> information provided courtesy of Owens. This information may

> be shared with families and professionals, but please do not use it

> in a part of a larger document/paper without obtaining written

> permission.



> What are Epsom Salts?


> Epsom Salts are the same thing as Magnesium Sulfate, which is a salt

> made of only magnesium and sulphate (and maybe a little bit of

> water). Magnesium is a positively charged ion, and it binds to

> sulfate, which is a negatively charged ion. Sulfate is a sulphur

> atom surrounded by four oxygen atoms.




> You can buy them at your local drugstore or pharmacy or even in the

> grocery store. They are usually located in larger bags near the

> bandages or the foot care section (in a pinch, smaller containers can

> be found in the laxative aisle, but it is cheaper to buy them in the

> larger bags/cartons).




> What is the anticipated effect from an Epsom Salt bath?


> Epsom Salts have long been used to stimulate detoxification, reduce

> inflammation to sore muscles, promote healthy circulation, and help

> with relaxation and normalizing sleep patterns.




> Most children respond to an ES bath by appearing happier, more

> relaxed. Some parents report that their children are more

> responsive, more " with it " . Some parents who give the bath in the

> evenings report that their children are able to get to sleep easier,

> and have a more normal sleep pattern.




> Given over time, the ES baths may help reduce sensory integration

> symptoms. Some of this effect may occur due to benefits of

> detoxification, but it is much more likely to come from direct

> effects on the nervous system.






> Why do they work? And Why is sulfation important?


> One benefit of the ES baths is linked to an enzyme system known as

> phenolsulfotransferase or PST. Dr. Rosemary Waring researched this

> and found that in 92% of the autistic children tested, PST was

> functioning at below optimal levels. This enzyme, like all other

> sulfotransferases, has to use a modified form of sulfate: not the

> form it takes in the bathtub. This change occurs inside your cells

> by adding the molecules adenosine and phosphate to sulfate before any

> sulfotransferase enzyme can use it. The molecular additions are said

> to turn sulfate into its " activated form " . If you think about it,

> none of this can be happening in the bathtub: it is happening in

> your body after sulfate is absorbed through the skin and after a

> complicated interplay of enzymes. It is not going to happen

> spontaneously, no matter how much sulfate you have around.




> When PST has enough activated sulfate to use, it will then attach the

> sulfate part of that molecule to molecules called phenols. In most

> cases, adding sulfate sets up those molecules for excretion in the

> urine, but it can actually activate other molecules.


> When there is a deficiency of sulfate inside your cells, phenols may

> build up. In the brain and nervous system this may interfere with

> neurotransmitter function since many neurotransmitters are phenolic,

> too. For instance, there is actually a form of PST called

> catecholamine sulfotransferase or M-PST which acts on

> neurotransmitters. Other sulfotransferases act on hormones and

> proteins and carbohydrates of certain sorts.


> Again, epsom salts are believed to help PST by providing the much-

> needed

> sulfate to the child's body, by being absorbed transdermally (through

> the skin) during the bath. The body is full of other

> sulfotransferases that need sulfate to be much more concentrated than

> what PST likes. These other sulfotransferases, among other jobs,

> help form the extracellular nets around certain neurons, and regulate

> things like axon guidance and neurons sending out processes to make

> connections.


> The gastrointestinal system especially needs a lot of sulfate. A

> diferrent sulfotransferase enzyme called TPST uses sulfate to

> activate two major gut enzymes. In animal studies the GI system

> takes as much sulfate out of the blood as the liver puts into the

> blood, so epsom salts are likely to mostly nourish the gut and spare

> the liver the job of making sulfate from scratch from the amino acid

> cysteine.





> But how does this produce neurological improvements?

> Detoxification is only a little part of sulfate's job. Most of the

> body's sulfate is used to form huge molecules that govern chemical

> traffic at the cell surface. Many of these sulfated molecules find

> their more enduring home in the area immediately around the cell

> called the extracellular matrix. [Extracellular = outside the cell]

> These sulfated molecules function in all cell types. However, in the

> brain, this type of molecule has a very special role, providing

> modulation, or something like a volume control. It does this by

> forming a geometric net outside particular types of neurons.


> The sulfate in these molecules is no longer in an ionic form, like

> you see in epsom salts in the bathtub, but is part of highly

> organized structures that will attract, bind and regulate many of the

> ions that are involved in cell signalling before those ions even get

> to the surface of neurons or to ion channels.


> You haven't heard about this from your neurologist because research

> on the

> function of this type of molecule has been done mainly in the last

> decade, and in the last year or two, especially. Even so, there are

> pictures of these nets around neurons that were drawn by scientists

> more than a hundred years ago before they knew what they were made

> of. Nobody thought they did anything!


> What seems particularly relevant is that the nets are abundant and

> function in the auditory system, the somatosensory system, the

> vestibular system, the cerebellum, and in almost half of the cranial

> nerves. They even seem important for developing trunk strength.


> You may recognize these systems as the parts of the nervous system

> that are targeted by sensory integration therapy. Interestingly, the

> nets won't form properly in the brain without two things happening at

> the same time: adequate biochemical resources, and continued rapid

> firing of the relevant nerves. This argues favorably for coupling

> biochemical therapies that support this chemistry with the physical

> and educational approaches that are also known to offer benefits to

> these systems.


> If you want to know more about the biochemical side of this, you can

> read a

> paper written by Owens who has studied the sulfated molecules

> (called

> GAGs) for seven years. Her paper reviewing this area is part of a

> book that is sold by the Autism Research Unit in Sunderland: The

> Proceedings of their 2001 conference in Durham, England. See

> http://osiris. <http://osiris.sunderland.ac.uk/autism/.>







> What are the potential long-term benefits of continued use?

> After using epsom salts on a regular basis, children may have

> improvements with language, behavior, mood, and physical skills.





> What if my child gets agitated?

> Very few children may seem more agitated after the initial bath, or

> several baths later. It is not known why this happens, but it is easy

> to deal with. Just cut back on the baths for a few days and then

> begin again, but with a much smaller amount of ES-perhaps a teaspoon,

> and work up the amount very slowly. Also, you may see if the child

> reacts to magnesium by trying it in a different form orally.


> Kirkman Laboratories " Guide To Intestinal Health " booklet discusses

> how impaired sulfation process can lead to a decreased production of

> peptides, and bile acids, which are important to digestive function,

> and lead to problems with maldigestion and malabsorption. Sulfation

> is also important to the intestinal lining. Over time, decreased

> sulfation can allow small portions of the gut wall to be exposed,

> creating the " Leaky Gut " which is suspect in allergies, asthma, and

> other neurobehavioral disorders. Sulfate's relative absense from the

> esophagus may be what makes reflux hurt so much.










> Okay, I think we'll try the baths---what do I need and how much Epsom

> Salt, and for how long?


> The amount and frequency can vary from child to child. Some parents

> prefer to use as much as 2 cups of ES in a bathtub of water, allowing

> the child to be in the tub for around 20 minutes, on a daily basis.

> Some parents prefer to do the baths every few days, some prefer every

> week. As mentioned before, if your child is one of the rare few who

> seem to get agitated by the bath, then simply cut back on the amount

> of salt used (my son was one of these kids and we dropped back to a

> teaspoon and worked up gradually to about ¼ to ½ a cup).






> What are other ways to employ Epsom Salts for sulfation benefits?


> Some parents prefer to mix the ES with water and keep it in a spray

> bottle and spray their kids during the day. As it dries, it leaves a

> white residue that you can leave on for more of a " timed-release "

> effect if it is tolerated. Others have found ways to make ES oil or

> lotion. Please join the Enzymes and Autism Group for recipes

> on how to make it into an oil or lotion. Instead of a bath, some

> parents give their child a foot soak while they are eating or doing

> something else. Kirkman Laboratories at www.kirkmanlabs.com sells

> an Epsom Salt cream that can be applied 1 to 3 times a day. It does

> not leave a residue. I have been told that there are other ES

> creams out there, but I haven't seen them in any stores yet. If

> someone knows of another source, please add it to this file.






> Q: I gave my child an epsom salt bath, and s/he seemed more hyper

> and/or emotional afterwards. Is this related to the bath? Why would

> my child react this way instead of having the " expected " results?




> I think the trick here, which is important to know about, is that you

> need to start slowly when introducing a supplement of something for

> which you have been deficient a long time, and then slowly work up to

> more. This is because, unlike drugs, where the quantity of a dose is

> set by the doctor trying to obtain a blood level of something FOREIGN

> to the body, introducing a supplement of something the body uses

> every day works in a whole different way, and this can be generalized

> to lots of things. I'll explain why.


> Most chemical reactions happen inside cells after substances have

> crossed over the cell's outer membrane. For things cells use

> everyday, they have specific transporters and receptors that are

> expressed on the cell surface in the quantity that is appropriate to

> assure an appropriate supply to that cell type. Not all cells like

> the same quantity. When everything works right, the inside of the

> cell gets the appropriate quantity of what it needs of that

> substance. The cell wants not too much and not too little and it

> knows how to adjust the availability of that substance to the inside

> of the cell when the supply outside the cell changes.


> If the supply of something the body uses up every day has been low

> for

> awhile, the cell will upregulate the transporter or receptor that is

> specific for that substance. Upregulation means it will put more of

> these working molecules on the cell surface in order to increase the

> odds that the substance will find its receptor or transporter.



> When the supply has been high for a long time, the cell will also cut

> back the quantity of the receptor or transporter on the cell surface.

> Cells are very fluid like that: changing and adjusting constantly:

> not like a machine at all! Your car doesn't increase the gas caps

> when its fuel supply is low, but it doesn't have to gets its gas from

> the passing parade by chance and kinetics...




> So, if you have been deficient in sulfate for a long time, your cells

> would have upregulated the transporters to make much of little. All

> over the body, receptors that need sulfated ligands might have been

> upregulated as well, trying to increase their signal or supply.


> If you suddenly increase the quantity of sulfate that approaches the

> cell by several fold, you can get too intense a signal, and that can

> be overwhelming. That is why you should start slowly. This gives your

> body's cells a chance to readjust to the new level they will be

> seeing. We're not trying to overdo that level, but just to return it

> to something normal.


> Remember that cells are accustomed to biological rhythms that change

> the

> quantities of nutrients that cells see. This includes feeding

> schedules and sleep. Cells don't make these adjustments on whim or

> very quickly, for they know there will be long periods of time when

> the supply gets lower just because it has been a long time since you

> ate something. I would guess, for that reason, that cells tend to

> adjust to conditions that may continue for at least a day or two.


> The way this biology works gives me the suspicion that the children

> who get

> the most hyper after their first epsom salts bath or baths may be the

> children who have been the most deficient of this substance, and have

> receptors and transporters dialed WAY up.


> If you are deficient in supply, even when you have receptors or

> transporters expressed at extremely high quantity, you still might be

> low in quantity for the function you need. The increase of receptors

> or transporters will help, but it isn't much of a solution long term.



> If you get exposed to something that requires a lot of sulfate for

> your body to detoxify (like phenols in fumes or foods or drugs), the

> level of sulfate available for NORMAL functions will be hurting

> temporarily as your body tries to recover from this demand. The loss

> of the function of other molecules that use sulfate for normal

> function is likely what is producing symptoms: not your body feeling

> toxic as if it had just been " burned " by the substance your body was

> trying to detoxify. That sort of injury might take longer and it

> would probably be more subtle, anyway. If you are having neurological

> reactions, you are probably seeing an adjustment in the neurological

> chemistry which is feeling shorted and may be overwhelmed with sudden

> change.


> Of course, you really need an appropriate supply of sulfate, but the

> story of HOW the supply got low in the first place can be very

> different from child to child, and involve organs like the kidneys,

> the liver and the GI tract and systems like the immune system.


> Anyway, as an example of this sort of mechanism with an entirely

> different substance, I'll tell you a little about the secretin story.

> This sort of receptor-quantity issue was suspected to be happening in

> the children with autism who were given IV secretin. In response to

> the same dose that had a predictable response in normal people, those

> with autism instead put out huge quantities of pancreatic fluid.

> Their response was intense on the very same dose that other patients

> were getting without experiencing this overexuberant response.


> Why? The sudden increase in secretin was more of a surprise for the

> bodies

> of autistic children than it was for the other children with GI

> problems being tested. The pancreas was OVER responsive to secretin

> probably because this was the first good supply of secretin that it

> had gotten in a long time. Scientists suspected that the amount of

> secretin these children had been producing on their own had been low

> for a long time. I hope all this makes sense. Your body makes

> secretin, but it also makes sulfate from the amino acids cysteine and

> methionine. There may be a reason this isn't happening appropriately.


> I've heard of parents starting with as little as a teaspoon in the

> bathwater and working up. You can also apply the solution topically,

> and can control the quantity by how much surface of the skin you

> cover. The half-life of sulfate in the blood is 4-9 hours.


> At any rate, please do not interpret this [emotional/hyper reaction]

> to mean the epsom salts were the wrong thing...it may mean exactly

> the opposite! Normal people do not have any response to epsom salts

> baths except maybe to feel relaxed later! They don't get hyper or

> emotional...




> If you have already tried reducing the quantity of epsom salts

> drastically and slowly increasing the quantity, and it doesn't work

> to reduce this hyper or emotional response, I'd be glad to talk to

> you offlist about what else it might mean.


> Anyway, I hope this helps. You've just got to think like a cell

> thinks!


> Owens




>>> I can't for the life of me think of why an Epson salts bath would


>> be good


>>> for our kids. The baking soda makes sense but I must have missed


>> the whole


>>> Epson salts thing...someone PLEASE clue me in on this fascinating

>>> information!




> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~end of archive


> =====


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My children, at 5 and 3, are quite popular. Plenty of friends and


Since both my kids have gut issues and liver issues we find this remedy

helpful. Lorenzo's oil plus garlic is what it is.

When we use it we rub it on feet and at night. They do not smell. It

relieves my own bionic nose, which understand you have.

With toddlers I have limited ioptions in getting garlic in them.

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Ok I get it that those into nacd are into goot -but what about the

rest of you? I know some of you live in India even -please do tell!

First I called my friend - -Ross MD who's family

are all from India even though she and a few others are in the US -

and most are medical doctors. is an out of the box internal

medicine doctor and I'm going to ask her if she knows about this

being part of India's history -but got her voice mail so I may hear

from her later. We do also have members from India so if you are

reading this please jump in.

I can tell you that just because something was used to treat a

condition for centuries doesn't mean it's right. In all of the

following the doctors or individuals thought the following " worked "

(and again both my boys are mainstreamed and normal and almost never

sick and we never rubbed garlic on them -but we all do like roasted

garlic on bread -yum)

Here's a few old time treatments we can pull up again:

" For bowel complaints, open bowels were treated with a plug of

opium. Closed bowels were treated with " blue mass " , which was a

mixture of mercury and chalk. "


Opium and mercury!!!

And speaking of mercury and India -here's a treatment for teething

because we all know how horrible teething can be:

" Mercury toxicity was suspected, and further questionning revealed

that the infants had been given a mercury-containing " teething

powder " from India once or twice a week over the 4 preceding months. "


Back before everyone had a clue (can I say they were " cluelesss or

will someone get offended) they used to think " bad air " caused

malaria. They didn't realize it was the skeeters!

" The 'bad air' agent — mal aria in Italian — was fancied to be the

cause of malaria far into the nineteenth century. At that time, Ross

and Grassi discovered that mosquitoes transmit these microscopic

protozoa. "


Washington died in 1799 after two days of purging and bleeding

under the care of three top doctors- his problem: a sore throat.


id=D4WLtpvFAKcC & pg=PA105 & lpg=PA105 & dq=dangerous+medical+mercury+bloodletting+his\

tory & source=web & ots=nnrCyznUVT & sig=Dv4VZWo1oisWvtzafB-BD6aWVhA & hl=en & sa=X & oi=boo\

k_result & resnum=1 & ct=result

Well if you use mercury for teething I guess purging and bleeding

would be par for the course for a sore throat. Poor Mr. President!

I didn't find anything about raw garlic goot but found that raw

onions used to be rubbed on the skin...as an insect repellent -

perhaps that's why they used garlic in India -to keep away the bugs?

" In California wild onions were eaten raw after soaking in salt

water, roasted, or boiled, and raw onions were rubbed on skin as an

insect repellent. "



Hmmm it ends up that India goot is made with garlic -but also with

tumeric (used to make curries) and neem whatever that is -so who came

up with this other " smelly " recipe and why leave out the tumeric and

neem? If one is going to use an ancient India treatment shouldn't

they go all the way?

" Didi on " GOOT "

(GOOT is Garlic Oil Ointment.) Add a teaspoon of TUMERIC (yellow

powder) - the stuff that's used to make Indian curries yellow into

the recipe. Turmeric's herbal value is as a skin antiseptic and blood


You can buy the powder from any spice rack - buy " Turmeric "

not " Curry " ! The fresh root - which is probably available at Indian-

Asian markets in USA, looks something like ginger but yellowish in

color. It can be ground, shredded or mashed and is more effective

than the powder.

The root is used in India as a daily blood tonic to clear out many

ailments -rheumatism, liver weakness and on and on. Traditionally

whenever there is a social gathering like a wedding or religious

festival, people will ritually bath then smear turmeric over their

bodies. This ritual is the ancient way of preventing the spread of

disease in circumstances where sanitation may be a problem (such as

holy gatherings of thousands of people) . For that matter we add Neem

powder into the Goot also. "


From some message boards from nacd people I did see the side effect

is skin burning -which probably isn't as painful as bloodletting -but

here are some other side effects of raw garlic -but funny part is the

best way they say to eat is would be the way we do -roasted on bread!

Safety: Headache, flatulence, halitosis, gastric distress, rarely

allergies, and changes in intestinal flora. Raw garlic may burn the

mouth and irritate the intestinal lining, perhaps causing nausea.

Contact with plant and juices may cause a rash, inflammation,

dermatitis (3) (6) (7) (11) (13). Garlic supplements may increase

bleeding time for users on warfarin (17)(18).

More safety: As a food copious amounts of this plant have been eaten

for over 100 centuries.

Notes: I like to roast garlic and eat in profusion--much to the

chagrin of my wife and friends. It is integral to most world flavor

principles. Garlic and other alliums (onions, chives, leeks) are used

worldwide as food and medicine.

Food: steam or roast cloves. Steam in Wok until soft, then use as a

spread on toast with tomatoes (lycopene) and strong cheddar, Swiss,

Chevre cheese. Use garlic in salad dressings, pesto, stews, soups,

fish, omelets, stir fry. See world flavor principles to discover

other ways of preparing garlic.


(1) Breithaupt-Grogleer K, Ling M, Boudoulas H, Belz GG: Protective

effect of chronic garlic intake on elastic properties of aorta in the

elderly. Circulation 96:2649-2655, 1997.

(2) Dorant et al 1996, Consumption of onions and reduced risk of

stomach carcinoma, Gastroenterology, Vol 110, No. 1, 12-20.

(3) Harms, : Nutrition and Herbals for the Immune System./ NOAT

4th Annual Congress

(4) Phytochemical Constituents of GRAS Herbs and Other Economic

Plants, A. Duke; CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 1992.

(5) Meuninck et al.: Natural health with medicinal herbs and healing

foods, one hour video, Media Methods 1992.

(6) Duke, :Handbook of Proximate Analysis Tables of Higher

Plants; Atchley, CRC Press; 1986.

(7) Duke, : Handbook of Medicinal Herbs, CRC Press, 1985.

(8) Brown, Demi: Encyclopedia of Herbs and Their Uses, Demi Brown;

Dorling Kindersley Publishing, NY,NY. 1995.

(9) Mill, S. Out of the Earth, the essential book of herbal medicine.

Viking Arkana/Penquin Books., U.K. 1991.

(10) Hsu, Hong-yen, et al.: Oriental Materia Medica, A Concise Guide.

Keats Publishing 1986.

(11) Meuninck, J., Duke, J.: Edible Wild Plants, 100 Useful Wild

Herbs. Video. Meuninck's Media Methods Inc. 1989.

(12) Kapoor, L.D.: Handbook of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants, CRC Press,


(13) Blumenthal, M. A. Goldberg, J. Gruenwald, T. Hall, C.W. Riggins

and R.S. Rister: 1997. German Commission E Monograph: Therapeutic

Monographs on Medicinal Plants for Human Use. Austin TX American

Botanical Council.

(14) Steiner, M. Khan, A.H., Holbert and Lin: A double cross over

blind study in moderately hypercholesterolemic men that compared the

effect of aged garlic extract and placebo administration on blood

lipids. American Journal Nutrition (1996) 64:866-70.

(15) Morien, Krista: Research reviews: Modest Cholesterol Effect with

Garlic. HerbalGram No. 44:17 (1998).

(16) Guide to Popular Natural Products; Facts and Comparisons; St.

Louis, MO. 1999: pp. 92-94.

(17) World health Organization. WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal

Plants. Vol 1 Geneva; 1999.

(18) Sunter, W. Warfarin and garlic (see letters in Pharm J.) 1991;

246: p. 722.


And goot is also a treat for horses? This came up in my search while

I was still searching for the India goot info:

Can someone give me a goot recipe for horse treats?

please and thank you.

Oh i dont have apples right now... well only one so unless the recipe

takes one apple dont give me apple recipes :)

6 months ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

My Mares favorite is

1 cup flour

1 cup shredded carrots or more if you like

1 cup oats (quaker oats)

1 tsp salt

1 Tbsp of sugar

2 Tbsp of oil

1/4 cup of mollases

1/4 cup of water

I sometimes add rasins too!

Mix ingredients all together, oil a cookie sheet, preheat over to

350' F then form little balls heaping teaspoon size drop on cookie

sheet bake for 15 to 20 minutes depending on the size of the treats

you make!

they store really well in the refrigerator!

Good Luck not just my mare the intire barn loves these nifty treats!

(;-) they call me the cookie lady at the barn cause I make these all

the time!


I like the goot for the horse better- sounds like oatmeal cookies and

not with garlic either!

Please send the references from India about goot -also like I said

I'm waiting to hear from ....

You know what? I've emailed Virginia from the Wild Morning show on

95.5 before to answer some question she had -I'm going to ask her to

do a favor for me and all the children and the world and have

try this new and improved from ancient India recipe " goot " and rub it

on him and see what he has to say. Of course I'll let her know there

are warnings about the burning, bad breath, flatulence (not sure if I

included that one). If he agrees to do it everyone will be able to

watch it first hand. I'm going to suggest he has to go out of the

studio and walk into a store or mall or something. Elevator would be

even better!

Then again -guess rubbing raw garlic on your kid as a treatment from

India isn't as bad as mercury powder for teething.


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I love Oil of Oregno too! It has helped my step-mom and family as well as me

and hubby last Thanksgiving. While the drops are HORRIFIC, it goes straight

to the part of my sore throat and wha la, two days an dit is gone. THIS IS

WAY TOO STRONG FOR A LITTLE ONE, but the caps are good.


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I suppose it's a simple matter of..... 'to each his own'.

Once upon a time I used cough syrup, now I prefer to utilize natural

alternatives. I find that they work better, are more healthy and cost far less.

While the Goot recipe is on the NACD website, I don't believe that it is an

invention of NACD.

I like a lot of natural products...... l-lysine for cold sores, for instance.

(My step-son gets these and l-lysine takes care of it right away.....much better

then over-the-counter garbage that is sold.)

In the last year, reading up on the other boards and learning the collective

wisdom of other mothers with an open mind has truly benefitted my family. It is

easy and simple to always put down the ideas and products others use however

when a collective finds good success (ie vitamin E or fish oils for instance)

sometimes an item that is natural and holistic is definately worth a second

look. You can always give it the toss if it does not work for you.


[sPAM][ ] Re: Use Epson salt baths instead for the

sake of the rest of the world! Please!!!!!

Ok I get it that those into nacd are into goot -but what about the

rest of you? I know some of you live in India even -please do tell!

First I called my friend - -Ross MD who's family

are all from India even though she and a few others are in the US -

and most are medical doctors. is an out of the box internal

medicine doctor and I'm going to ask her if she knows about this

being part of India's history -but got her voice mail so I may hear

from her later. We do also have members from India so if you are

reading this please jump in.

I can tell you that just because something was used to treat a

condition for centuries doesn't mean it's right. In all of the

following the doctors or individuals thought the following " worked "

(and again both my boys are mainstreamed and normal and almost never

sick and we never rubbed garlic on them -but we all do like roasted

garlic on bread -yum)

Here's a few old time treatments we can pull up again:

" For bowel complaints, open bowels were treated with a plug of

opium. Closed bowels were treated with " blue mass " , which was a

mixture of mercury and chalk. "


Opium and mercury!!!

And speaking of mercury and India -here's a treatment for teething

because we all know how horrible teething can be:

" Mercury toxicity was suspected, and further questionning revealed

that the infants had been given a mercury-containing " teething

powder " from India once or twice a week over the 4 preceding months. "


Back before everyone had a clue (can I say they were " cluelesss or

will someone get offended) they used to think " bad air " caused

malaria. They didn't realize it was the skeeters!

" The 'bad air' agent - mal aria in Italian - was fancied to be the

cause of malaria far into the nineteenth century. At that time, Ross

and Grassi discovered that mosquitoes transmit these microscopic

protozoa. "


Washington died in 1799 after two days of purging and bleeding

under the care of three top doctors- his problem: a sore throat.


id=D4WLtpvFAKcC & pg=PA105 & lpg=PA105 & dq=dangerous+medical+mercury+bloodletting+his\

tory & source=web & ots=nnrCyznUVT & sig=Dv4VZWo1oisWvtzafB-BD6aWVhA & hl=en & sa=X & oi=boo\

k_result & resnum=1 & ct=result

Well if you use mercury for teething I guess purging and bleeding

would be par for the course for a sore throat. Poor Mr. President!

I didn't find anything about raw garlic goot but found that raw

onions used to be rubbed on the skin...as an insect repellent -

perhaps that's why they used garlic in India -to keep away the bugs?

" In California wild onions were eaten raw after soaking in salt

water, roasted, or boiled, and raw onions were rubbed on skin as an

insect repellent. "



Hmmm it ends up that India goot is made with garlic -but also with

tumeric (used to make curries) and neem whatever that is -so who came

up with this other " smelly " recipe and why leave out the tumeric and

neem? If one is going to use an ancient India treatment shouldn't

they go all the way?

" Didi on " GOOT "

(GOOT is Garlic Oil Ointment.) Add a teaspoon of TUMERIC (yellow

powder) - the stuff that's used to make Indian curries yellow into

the recipe. Turmeric's herbal value is as a skin antiseptic and blood


You can buy the powder from any spice rack - buy " Turmeric "

not " Curry " ! The fresh root - which is probably available at Indian-

Asian markets in USA, looks something like ginger but yellowish in

color. It can be ground, shredded or mashed and is more effective

than the powder.

The root is used in India as a daily blood tonic to clear out many

ailments -rheumatism, liver weakness and on and on. Traditionally

whenever there is a social gathering like a wedding or religious

festival, people will ritually bath then smear turmeric over their

bodies. This ritual is the ancient way of preventing the spread of

disease in circumstances where sanitation may be a problem (such as

holy gatherings of thousands of people) . For that matter we add Neem

powder into the Goot also. "


From some message boards from nacd people I did see the side effect

is skin burning -which probably isn't as painful as bloodletting -but

here are some other side effects of raw garlic -but funny part is the

best way they say to eat is would be the way we do -roasted on bread!

Safety: Headache, flatulence, halitosis, gastric distress, rarely

allergies, and changes in intestinal flora. Raw garlic may burn the

mouth and irritate the intestinal lining, perhaps causing nausea.

Contact with plant and juices may cause a rash, inflammation,

dermatitis (3) (6) (7) (11) (13). Garlic supplements may increase

bleeding time for users on warfarin (17)(18).

More safety: As a food copious amounts of this plant have been eaten

for over 100 centuries.

Notes: I like to roast garlic and eat in profusion--much to the

chagrin of my wife and friends. It is integral to most world flavor

principles. Garlic and other alliums (onions, chives, leeks) are used

worldwide as food and medicine.

Food: steam or roast cloves. Steam in Wok until soft, then use as a

spread on toast with tomatoes (lycopene) and strong cheddar, Swiss,

Chevre cheese. Use garlic in salad dressings, pesto, stews, soups,

fish, omelets, stir fry. See world flavor principles to discover

other ways of preparing garlic.


(1) Breithaupt-Grogleer K, Ling M, Boudoulas H, Belz GG: Protective

effect of chronic garlic intake on elastic properties of aorta in the

elderly. Circulation 96:2649-2655, 1997.

(2) Dorant et al 1996, Consumption of onions and reduced risk of

stomach carcinoma, Gastroenterology, Vol 110, No. 1, 12-20.

(3) Harms, : Nutrition and Herbals for the Immune System./ NOAT

4th Annual Congress

(4) Phytochemical Constituents of GRAS Herbs and Other Economic

Plants, A. Duke; CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 1992.

(5) Meuninck et al.: Natural health with medicinal herbs and healing

foods, one hour video, Media Methods 1992.

(6) Duke, :Handbook of Proximate Analysis Tables of Higher

Plants; Atchley, CRC Press; 1986.

(7) Duke, : Handbook of Medicinal Herbs, CRC Press, 1985.

(8) Brown, Demi: Encyclopedia of Herbs and Their Uses, Demi Brown;

Dorling Kindersley Publishing, NY,NY. 1995.

(9) Mill, S. Out of the Earth, the essential book of herbal medicine.

Viking Arkana/Penquin Books., U.K. 1991.

(10) Hsu, Hong-yen, et al.: Oriental Materia Medica, A Concise Guide.

Keats Publishing 1986.

(11) Meuninck, J., Duke, J.: Edible Wild Plants, 100 Useful Wild

Herbs. Video. Meuninck's Media Methods Inc. 1989.

(12) Kapoor, L.D.: Handbook of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants, CRC Press,


(13) Blumenthal, M. A. Goldberg, J. Gruenwald, T. Hall, C.W. Riggins

and R.S. Rister: 1997. German Commission E Monograph: Therapeutic

Monographs on Medicinal Plants for Human Use. Austin TX American

Botanical Council.

(14) Steiner, M. Khan, A.H., Holbert and Lin: A double cross over

blind study in moderately hypercholesterolemic men that compared the

effect of aged garlic extract and placebo administration on blood

lipids. American Journal Nutrition (1996) 64:866-70.

(15) Morien, Krista: Research reviews: Modest Cholesterol Effect with

Garlic. HerbalGram No. 44:17 (1998).

(16) Guide to Popular Natural Products; Facts and Comparisons; St.

Louis, MO. 1999: pp. 92-94.

(17) World health Organization. WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal

Plants. Vol 1 Geneva; 1999.

(18) Sunter, W. Warfarin and garlic (see letters in Pharm J.) 1991;

246: p. 722.


And goot is also a treat for horses? This came up in my search while

I was still searching for the India goot info:

Can someone give me a goot recipe for horse treats?

please and thank you.

Oh i dont have apples right now... well only one so unless the recipe

takes one apple dont give me apple recipes :)

6 months ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

My Mares favorite is

1 cup flour

1 cup shredded carrots or more if you like

1 cup oats (quaker oats)

1 tsp salt

1 Tbsp of sugar

2 Tbsp of oil

1/4 cup of mollases

1/4 cup of water

I sometimes add rasins too!

Mix ingredients all together, oil a cookie sheet, preheat over to

350' F then form little balls heaping teaspoon size drop on cookie

sheet bake for 15 to 20 minutes depending on the size of the treats

you make!

they store really well in the refrigerator!

Good Luck not just my mare the intire barn loves these nifty treats!

(;-) they call me the cookie lady at the barn cause I make these all

the time!


I like the goot for the horse better- sounds like oatmeal cookies and

not with garlic either!

Please send the references from India about goot -also like I said

I'm waiting to hear from ....

You know what? I've emailed Virginia from the Wild Morning show on

95.5 before to answer some question she had -I'm going to ask her to

do a favor for me and all the children and the world and have

try this new and improved from ancient India recipe " goot " and rub it

on him and see what he has to say. Of course I'll let her know there

are warnings about the burning, bad breath, flatulence (not sure if I

included that one). If he agrees to do it everyone will be able to

watch it first hand. I'm going to suggest he has to go out of the

studio and walk into a store or mall or something. Elevator would be

even better!

Then again -guess rubbing raw garlic on your kid as a treatment from

India isn't as bad as mercury powder for teething.


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You probably are not privy to this, as Mark is not a little one. MDs are not

allowing over the counter cough syrups for little ones anymore. When I took

Caroline a few months back the Ped MD said to give a Teaspoon of Honey for a

cough! And that is endorsed by the American Academy of Peds. Appears that

they are going back to basics in some cases when the have to! Funny how

things are changing between Charlie & Caroline.



Mother of Charlie - Now 3!

Re: [ ] Re: Use Epson salt baths instead for the

sake of the rest of the world! Please!!!!!


I suppose it's a simple matter of..... 'to each his own'.

Once upon a time I used cough syrup, now I prefer to utilize natural

alternatives. I find that they work better, are more healthy and cost far

less. While the Goot recipe is on the NACD website, I don't believe that it

is an invention of NACD.

I like a lot of natural products...... l-lysine for cold sores, for

instance. (My step-son gets these and l-lysine takes care of it right

away.....much better then over-the-counter garbage that is sold.)

In the last year, reading up on the other boards and learning the collective

wisdom of other mothers with an open mind has truly benefitted my family. It

is easy and simple to always put down the ideas and products others use

however when a collective finds good success (ie vitamin E or fish oils for

instance) sometimes an item that is natural and holistic is definately worth

a second look. You can always give it the toss if it does not work for you.


[sPAM][ ] Re: Use Epson salt baths instead for

the sake of the rest of the world! Please!!!!!

Ok I get it that those into nacd are into goot -but what about the

rest of you? I know some of you live in India even -please do tell!

First I called my friend - -Ross MD who's family

are all from India even though she and a few others are in the US -

and most are medical doctors. is an out of the box internal

medicine doctor and I'm going to ask her if she knows about this

being part of India's history -but got her voice mail so I may hear

from her later. We do also have members from India so if you are

reading this please jump in.

I can tell you that just because something was used to treat a

condition for centuries doesn't mean it's right. In all of the

following the doctors or individuals thought the following " worked "

(and again both my boys are mainstreamed and normal and almost never

sick and we never rubbed garlic on them -but we all do like roasted

garlic on bread -yum)

Here's a few old time treatments we can pull up again:

" For bowel complaints, open bowels were treated with a plug of

opium. Closed bowels were treated with " blue mass " , which was a

mixture of mercury and chalk. "

http://home. <http://home.att.net/~betsynewmark2/CW02AnnieHostetter.html>


Opium and mercury!!!

And speaking of mercury and India -here's a treatment for teething

because we all know how horrible teething can be:

" Mercury toxicity was suspected, and further questionning revealed

that the infants had been given a mercury-containing " teething

powder " from India once or twice a week over the 4 preceding months. "

http://www.cmaj. <http://www.cmaj.ca/cgi/content/full/168/2/201>


Back before everyone had a clue (can I say they were " cluelesss or

will someone get offended) they used to think " bad air " caused

malaria. They didn't realize it was the skeeters!

" The 'bad air' agent - mal aria in Italian - was fancied to be the

cause of malaria far into the nineteenth century. At that time, Ross

and Grassi discovered that mosquitoes transmit these microscopic

protozoa. "




Washington died in 1799 after two days of purging and bleeding

under the care of three top doctors- his problem: a sore throat.

http://books. <http://books.google.com/books?> google.com/books?

id=D4WLtpvFAKcC & pg=PA105 & lpg=PA105 & dq=dangerous+medical+mercury+bloodletting

+history & source=web & ots=nnrCyznUVT & sig=Dv4VZWo1oisWvtzafB-BD6aWVhA & hl=en & sa=

X & oi=book_result & resnum=1 & ct=result

Well if you use mercury for teething I guess purging and bleeding

would be par for the course for a sore throat. Poor Mr. President!

I didn't find anything about raw garlic goot but found that raw

onions used to be rubbed on the skin...as an insect repellent -

perhaps that's why they used garlic in India -to keep away the bugs?

" In California wild onions were eaten raw after soaking in salt

water, roasted, or boiled, and raw onions were rubbed on skin as an

insect repellent. "



x.html> ucla.edu/html/botanytextbooks/economicbotany/Allium/index.html

Hmmm it ends up that India goot is made with garlic -but also with

tumeric (used to make curries) and neem whatever that is -so who came

up with this other " smelly " recipe and why leave out the tumeric and

neem? If one is going to use an ancient India treatment shouldn't

they go all the way?

" Didi on " GOOT "

(GOOT is Garlic Oil Ointment.) Add a teaspoon of TUMERIC (yellow

powder) - the stuff that's used to make Indian curries yellow into

the recipe. Turmeric's herbal value is as a skin antiseptic and blood


You can buy the powder from any spice rack - buy " Turmeric "

not " Curry " ! The fresh root - which is probably available at Indian-

Asian markets in USA, looks something like ginger but yellowish in

color. It can be ground, shredded or mashed and is more effective

than the powder.

The root is used in India as a daily blood tonic to clear out many

ailments -rheumatism, liver weakness and on and on. Traditionally

whenever there is a social gathering like a wedding or religious

festival, people will ritually bath then smear turmeric over their

bodies. This ritual is the ancient way of preventing the spread of

disease in circumstances where sanitation may be a problem (such as

holy gatherings of thousands of people) . For that matter we add Neem

powder into the Goot also. "

http://www.keephope <http://www.keephopealive.org/J2003V3.html>


From some message boards from nacd people I did see the side effect

is skin burning -which probably isn't as painful as bloodletting -but

here are some other side effects of raw garlic -but funny part is the

best way they say to eat is would be the way we do -roasted on bread!

Safety: Headache, flatulence, halitosis, gastric distress, rarely

allergies, and changes in intestinal flora. Raw garlic may burn the

mouth and irritate the intestinal lining, perhaps causing nausea.

Contact with plant and juices may cause a rash, inflammation,

dermatitis (3) (6) (7) (11) (13). Garlic supplements may increase

bleeding time for users on warfarin (17)(18).

More safety: As a food copious amounts of this plant have been eaten

for over 100 centuries.

Notes: I like to roast garlic and eat in profusion--much to the

chagrin of my wife and friends. It is integral to most world flavor

principles. Garlic and other alliums (onions, chives, leeks) are used

worldwide as food and medicine.

Food: steam or roast cloves. Steam in Wok until soft, then use as a

spread on toast with tomatoes (lycopene) and strong cheddar, Swiss,

Chevre cheese. Use garlic in salad dressings, pesto, stews, soups,

fish, omelets, stir fry. See world flavor principles to discover

other ways of preparing garlic.


(1) Breithaupt-Grogleer K, Ling M, Boudoulas H, Belz GG: Protective

effect of chronic garlic intake on elastic properties of aorta in the

elderly. Circulation 96:2649-2655, 1997.

(2) Dorant et al 1996, Consumption of onions and reduced risk of

stomach carcinoma, Gastroenterology, Vol 110, No. 1, 12-20.

(3) Harms, : Nutrition and Herbals for the Immune System./ NOAT

4th Annual Congress

(4) Phytochemical Constituents of GRAS Herbs and Other Economic

Plants, A. Duke; CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 1992.

(5) Meuninck et al.: Natural health with medicinal herbs and healing

foods, one hour video, Media Methods 1992.

(6) Duke, :Handbook of Proximate Analysis Tables of Higher

Plants; Atchley, CRC Press; 1986.

(7) Duke, : Handbook of Medicinal Herbs, CRC Press, 1985.

(8) Brown, Demi: Encyclopedia of Herbs and Their Uses, Demi Brown;

Dorling Kindersley Publishing, NY,NY. 1995.

(9) Mill, S. Out of the Earth, the essential book of herbal medicine.

Viking Arkana/Penquin Books., U.K. 1991.

(10) Hsu, Hong-yen, et al.: Oriental Materia Medica, A Concise Guide.

Keats Publishing 1986.

(11) Meuninck, J., Duke, J.: Edible Wild Plants, 100 Useful Wild

Herbs. Video. Meuninck's Media Methods Inc. 1989.

(12) Kapoor, L.D.: Handbook of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants, CRC Press,


(13) Blumenthal, M. A. Goldberg, J. Gruenwald, T. Hall, C.W. Riggins

and R.S. Rister: 1997. German Commission E Monograph: Therapeutic

Monographs on Medicinal Plants for Human Use. Austin TX American

Botanical Council.

(14) Steiner, M. Khan, A.H., Holbert and Lin: A double cross over

blind study in moderately hypercholesterolemic men that compared the

effect of aged garlic extract and placebo administration on blood

lipids. American Journal Nutrition (1996) 64:866-70.

(15) Morien, Krista: Research reviews: Modest Cholesterol Effect with

Garlic. HerbalGram No. 44:17 (1998).

(16) Guide to Popular Natural Products; Facts and Comparisons; St.

Louis, MO. 1999: pp. 92-94.

(17) World health Organization. WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal

Plants. Vol 1 Geneva; 1999.

(18) Sunter, W. Warfarin and garlic (see letters in Pharm J.) 1991;

246: p. 722.

http://www.herbvide <http://www.herbvideos.com/physic.htm> os.com/physic.htm

And goot is also a treat for horses? This came up in my search while

I was still searching for the India goot info:

Can someone give me a goot recipe for horse treats?

please and thank you.

Oh i dont have apples right now... well only one so unless the recipe

takes one apple dont give me apple recipes :)

6 months ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

My Mares favorite is

1 cup flour

1 cup shredded carrots or more if you like

1 cup oats (quaker oats)

1 tsp salt

1 Tbsp of sugar

2 Tbsp of oil

1/4 cup of mollases

1/4 cup of water

I sometimes add rasins too!

Mix ingredients all together, oil a cookie sheet, preheat over to

350' F then form little balls heaping teaspoon size drop on cookie

sheet bake for 15 to 20 minutes depending on the size of the treats

you make!

they store really well in the refrigerator!

Good Luck not just my mare the intire barn loves these nifty treats!

(;-) they call me the cookie lady at the barn cause I make these all

the time!




I like the goot for the horse better- sounds like oatmeal cookies and

not with garlic either!

Please send the references from India about goot -also like I said

I'm waiting to hear from ....

You know what? I've emailed Virginia from the Wild Morning show on

95.5 before to answer some question she had -I'm going to ask her to

do a favor for me and all the children and the world and have

try this new and improved from ancient India recipe " goot " and rub it

on him and see what he has to say. Of course I'll let her know there

are warnings about the burning, bad breath, flatulence (not sure if I

included that one). If he agrees to do it everyone will be able to

watch it first hand. I'm going to suggest he has to go out of the

studio and walk into a store or mall or something. Elevator would be

even better!

Then again -guess rubbing raw garlic on your kid as a treatment from

India isn't as bad as mercury powder for teething.


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I found it I found it!!!

OK didn't hear back from yet but I found out that what you

guys are calling " goot " was created by a nun from Kenya named Didi

Ananda Rucira from Kenya not India a " few years ago " and since the

following was written in 2003 -around 2000? (God bless the internet


Also the coconut oil rubs I found from India used over generations

were with turmeric -more on that below. Funny thing is that the one

quote I sent in my last post -if I only read a bit higher I would

have spotted THIS!

" GOOT is a formula I came up with several years ago "

" Goot - still good after one year - Garlic Oil Ointment

Sept., 2003. GOOT is a formula I came up with several years ago that

continues to this day to have miraculous healing powers. The formula

is described on page 273 of my book on Immune Restoration. It is made

by blending raw garlic cloves with olive oil and coconut oil. It is

blended in a coffee grinder or food processor until it turns into a


In my book, I recommend it for both external and internal problems

involving infections as garlic kills almost anything in its path ‚

bacteria, mycoplasma, fungus and viruses. It has not been tried on

Lyme disease and I don't know why not. It knocks out athlete's foot,

jock itch, anal itch, vaginitis, thrush, infections of the toe and

fingernails, skin infections of any kind and chest colds and sinus

infections. Just rub it in the skin near where the problem is. In the

Immune Restoration Handbook, I had recommended making a new batch

every 2 weeks, but no longer.

A surprise development has occurred within the past week. A batch of

GOOT I made last summer, over a year ago, has been in my refrigerator

all this time. A friend recently got a stomach flu. I gave him the

bottle of GOOT. He rubbed some on his stomach before bedtime. In the

morning he felt fine. Within the past two weeks, I came down with a

flu and cold. I applied the one-year old GOOT on my chest and found

the flu and cold on the wane the following day. I am truly amazed at

its effectiveness after one year. "


So -who is Didi?

" Didi Ananda Ruchira, Director Abha Light Foundation

(Sister) Didi Ananda Ruchira has been the driving force behind this

work since 1998 and has been honoured as a Fellow of the Kenya

Institute of Alternative Medicine for her contribution in promoting

homeopathy and alternative medicine in Kenya.

Didi is a yogic nun of Ananda Marga for 30 years and a homeopath

since 1997. "

Janice you are so right about to each their own -below from one local

paper today are some " owns " submitted by readers.

'As a teenager, I had acne. Mom made me rub peeled garlic cloves

right on the pimples three times a day. This worked very well, but

people thought I had bad breath! — Y.D., Tulsa, Okla.'



Actually glad this came up because (in honor of the closing ceremony

of the Olympics) the gold medal of this thread to me is that I

learned about turmeric! And unlike many other things it appears to

be healthy -not smelly -and no known side effects if one is not

allergic to it http://www.drugs.com/npp/turmeric.html So more on

turmeric which unlike garlic ointment is the original medicinal

ointment from India!

Below is an article from India on turmeric which is intriguing. But

first (to me) the million dollar question -what does turmeric smell

like " Fresh turmeric, on the other hand, has a distinct flavor, very

pleasing though delicate. The fleshy rhizome has a cylindrical

central root stem from which branches short, fingerlike appendages.

These fingers, about two to three inches long, break off easily from

the parent. There are several kinds of turmeric. The common variety

has a bright orange flesh, just like a carrot – some people swear it

smells like carrot and has a sweetness reminding them of carrot. Its

aroma is subtle, and it has a root quality to its taste. Though brown-

skinned with ringlike markings, tinges of orange show through

noticeably on the outside. The deep orange color of this turmeric

imparts a rich yellow to curries, soups and stews and rice dishes. It

is used extensively to flavor and color the food of southern

Thailand, including the delicious turmeric fried fish " Carrots? Not

bad. And (drum roll please) the India recipe I found for goot (even

though they don't call it that here)

" Through the ages, turmeric has been sought as a medicinal herb.

Herbalists are familiar with its stimulant and tonic properties and

prescribe the juice extracted from the rhizome as an internal

antiseptic and antidote to blood poisoning. In traditional folk

medicine, the dried root is ground and rubbed on the skin to treat

skin diseases; mixed with coconut oil, it speeds the healing of

wounds and minimizes scarring. It is also believed to possess magical

powers: a piece of the wild rhizome ingested or worn is said to

strengthen one's constitution when magic words are chanted to invoke

its protective essence. Finally, turmeric has been valued for

centuries as a natural cosmetic and dye, coloring the vibrant saffron

robes of Buddhist monks. Blended with pomegranate skin, it produces a

rich reddish brown color; with acacia leaves, a lovely shade of

green; and with lime, a pretty orangish red. "


Here's an ad on turmeric.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGqE9kNQdjw & feature=related I know when

got married she had

to change dresses a few times and she had the henna painted on her -

guess it was the turmeric.

If you put " tumeric " and " coconut oil " into Google you get a ton

of " medicinal " and even beauty skin rubs. (Tumeric is supposed to be

good as a beauty treatment as well -and even better it doesn't

stink!) If you put " tumeric " " coconut oil " and " garlic " into google

you get cooking recipes! You guys using the new goot recipe

should try the original one from India. And if what you are using is

the original please someone post a link. I'm sure I'll have an

update from soon! So much onn turmeric on the web. Here's just a bit more

from a site from India

Turmeric Medicinal Use From many years awareness of turmeric and its

use as medicine is continuously

increasing. A flowering plant, Turmeric, in the ginger family, is

commonly used as a food coloring and is one of the basic ingredients

in curry powder. To heal many health disorders like liver problems,

digestive disorders, treatment for skin diseases and wound healing

turmeric has long been used in Medicinal as an anti-inflammatory.

Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric which has been shown to

have a wide range of therapeutic effects.

Digestive Disorders Turmeric is considered as a digestive bitter and

a carminative. It can be added into foods including rice and bean

dishes to improve digestion, reduce gas and bloating. It is a

cholagogue, stimulating bile production in the liver and encouraging

excretion of bile via the gallbladder. This improves the body's

ability to digest fats. For chronic digestive weakness and/or

congestion turmeric is recommended. It can be taken as a single

extract or in the form of digestive bitters, which combine turmeric

with other bitter and carminative herbs. Turmeric is beneficial for

people who feel tired after consuming meals or who experience gas and

bloating. Whatever way turmeric is consumed it is beneficial to both

the digestive system and the liver.

Liver Diseases Turmeric is beneficial for its influence on the liver.

In spring more consumption of herbs and foods can strengthen the

liver. Turmeric shares similar liver protectant compounds that milk

thistle and artichoke leaves contain. It is said to shrink engorged

hepatic ducts, so it can be useful to treat liver conditions such as

hepatitis, cirrhosis, and jaundice.

Cancer Recent scientific research confirm that turmeric can cure host

of diseases, also they found that turmeric restrain the growth of

various types of cancer. Turmeric is used for the treatment of skin

cancer or pre cancerous skin conditions. Both topical and internal

uses are beneficial.

Atherosclerosis Turmeric may helpful in preventing the blockage of

arteries that can gradually cause a heart attack or stroke in one of

two ways. Turmeric makes cholesterol levels low and inhibited the

oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol). Oxidized LDL deposits in the

walls of blood vessels and contributes to the formation of

atherosclerotic plaque. Turmeric may also prevent platelet build up

along the walls of an injured blood vessel. Platelets collecting at

the site of a damaged blood vessel cause blood clots to form and

blockage of the artery as well.

Osteoarthritis Turmeric may help relieve the symptoms of

osteoarthritis because of its ability to reduce pain and disability.

Menstrual problems of Woman For women who experience monthly

menstrual cramps, try using turmeric extract or bitters twice daily

for two weeks prior to expected menstruation. Turmeric is an

antispasmodic to smooth muscles so it reduces digestive and menstrual

cramping. It should reduce the severity of pain, if not ease them

completely. Certainly, diet and standard of living have a reflective

influence on the menstrual cycle, but turmeric is a great addition.

Bacterial Infection / Wounds Turmeric is useful as an external

antibiotic in preventing bacterial infection in wounds.

Eye Disorder Curcumin may prove to be as effective as corticosteroids

in the uveitis (inflammation of the uvea, the middle layer of the eye

between the sclera - white outer coat of the eye and the retina - the

back of the eye) the type of eye disorder.

Other Health Disorders Turmeric decreases congestion and inflammation

from stagnant mucous

membranes. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory to the mucous membranes,

which coat the throat, lungs, stomach and intestines. Regular use of

turmeric can benefit from Colitis, Crohn's disease, diarrhea, and

post-giardia or post salmonella conditions. The itching and

inflammation that accompanies hemorrhoids and anal fissures can

reduce by use of turmeric. Turmeric can also benefit skin conditions

including: eczema, psoriasis and acne, for those it is potent


" Turmeric gives the energy of the Divine Mother and grants prosperity

of health. Turmeric is effectual for purification the chakras, as

well as purifying the path of the subtle body. "


And about neem (remember I asked what neem is?) Janice amongst

other things -it's a tea! For adults (at normal dosages) it's

safe -but for children -don't go there!

" Side Effects

Research reveals little or no adverse reactions in adults with the

use of neem at normal doses.


Neem is toxic in large doses. In infants, it can produce symptoms

like those of Reye syndrome. "


confusious say " just because something is natural doesn't mean it's better than

a twinkie "

OK now that I posted the warning first about why not to give this to kids

without being aware of the horrible side effect -here's the tea recipe:

" How to make and use Neem Tea

If you are boiling the leaves, then do so the Chinese way -- that is

use 3 cups of water for 10 leaves (2 teaspoons powder) and gently

boil it down to two cups. Drink one cup in the morning & one in the


Anybody with skin diseases should use Neem soap (surely available at

health shops & Indian markets in USA). Tooth disease & gingivitis

patients could use Neem toothpaste (also at health & Indian shops) or

wash the mouth out with Neem tea.

Neem will purify the liver, spleen, kidneys, blood, skin. It's been

used effectively to cure diabetes, high blood pressure, liver

ailments. Pancreas, kidney, spleen ailments too. It used against

psoriasis, eczema, HIV septic eruptions. I will take a guess and say

it can be effective against Kaposi's. It will destroy parasites of

all kinds (through pH factor or sterility) where ever they may be

found. I think there is no end to the number of diseases that Neem


HIV+ persons should consider using Neem as a general prophylatic.

That is, one could take it daily - for a period --say 1 month - in

order to purify the blood. Then take a one month break and resume the

treatment for another month. (Note: unless taken daily don't count on

it as birth control).

For other questions, ask the Neem foundation www.neemfoundation.org

Didi Ananda Rucira PO Box 6919 Nairobi, Kenya (Africa)

abhalight@... "


(does Didi knows " Neem is toxic in large doses. In

infants, it can produce symptoms like those of Reye syndrome " )


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still in cast toh

interesting. turmeric btw helps regulate blood sugar. i'm prediabetic

(high fasting, but not clinically a diabetic yet, and i notice a big

difference if i eat foods with turmeric and/or cinnamon. if my sugars are

running high i make indian lentils and my sugars even out - lentils,

turmeric and slices of garlic cooked in olive oil. yummy too.


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Well I guess the honey would be safer then neem for children since

neem " is toxic in large doses and in

infants, it can produce symptoms like those of Reye syndrome "


But for adults you can use neem as a sore throat gargle....

.... and an eyewash, a shampoo, an astringent, a grain preservative,

an insect repellent, a treatment for head lice, and

for skeeters " ensures complete inhibition of egg laying for seven

days " ...and a tea too! (cup of neem tea anyone?)

" Mix pure dried neem oil with Vaseline in the ratio of 1:5. This

combination can be used for repelling insects including mosquitoes as

well as for skin disorders, minor cuts, burns, wounds etc.

For complete skin protection make a strong tea with neem leaves and

add to the bath along with a little rose water.

Boil 10 freshly cleaned neem leaves along with cotton with a liter of

water for approx. 10 mins. Cool. Use as an eyewash in case of

conjunctivitis, itching etc.

For athletes' foot and other foot problems, make a strong tea and

soak feet.

For dandruff and head lice: Massage neem oil mixed with coconut or

olive oil into hair and leave for 1 hour. Shampoo. Repeat once weekly

for 3 weeks or as long as problem persists.

To treat a sore throat without antibiotics, gargle with neem leaf

water (add 2 – 3 neem leaves to 300 ml water and cool) to which honey

has been added.

For acne, pimples, skin infections pure neem leaf powder mixed with

water to the affected area.

In case of sinusitis, use pure neem oil as nasal drops. Two drops

morning and evening.

Prevent breeding of mosquitoes by adding crushed neem seeds and neem

oil to all breeding areas. Neem products ensure complete inhibition

of egg laying for seven days.

Add 30 ml of neem oil to 1 ltr of water. Mix well. Add 1 ml of teepol

(liquid detergent) and spray immediately for plant protection. Do not

store the mixture; make fresh formulation for each spray.

Boil 40 – 50 neem leaves in 250 ml of water 20 mins. Cool, strain and

refrigerate to use as a astringent.

Chewing 2 – 3 neem leaves regularly helps purify the blood and in

cases of hyperacidity and diabetes.

To ward of mosquitoes, add 5 – 10% neem oil to any oil and light as a

diya (lamp).

Add shake dried neem leaves for preservation of food grains like

rice, wheat, lentils etc. The leaves should be replaced every 2 – 3

months. "

http://www.neemfoundation.org/index.php?option=com_content & view=article & id=18 & It\



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, funny thing you mentioned that mercury teething powder from India.  They

used to do it here in the US until--oh, say the mid 60's when they finally put

an end to that practice but it took them over a decade after the theories of

mercury toxicity were well developed and critics were voicing their complaints

against the manufacturers to finally stop the greed and destruction of so many


Same as with vaccines, not too many doctors figured out why kids were getting

Pink Disease. Not all kids of course, since some excrete mercury better than

others and that's why it is so confusing, when it is only a minority that is

affected.  I posted a better link on this topic in one of my earlier posts which

was trying to prove a point about medical practices but I can't find it now so

this is all I found, but it explains it quite well, and shows that it's not just

India where this happened, it's just that there there's less regulation and it

may still be happening, and I've even read about mercury in soap in Tanzania.  i

find history fascinating and if we can't learn from past mistakes, we'll just

keep repeating them in the present and future.

 http://www.universalchiropractic.com.au/uc/Chiropractic.aspx?a=6 & s=53 & c=101

From: kiddietalk <kiddietalk@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Use Epson salt baths instead for the sake of

the rest of the world! Please!!!!!

Date: Sunday, August 24, 2008, 3:29 PM

Ok I get it that those into nacd are

into goot -but what about


rest of you? I know some of you live in India even -please do tell!

First I called my friend - -Ross MD who's family

are all from India even though she and a few others are in the US -

and most are medical doctors. is an out of the box internal

medicine doctor and I'm going to ask her if she knows about this

being part of India's history -but got her voice mail so I may hear

from her later. We do also have members from India so if you are

reading this please jump in.

I can tell you that just because something was used to treat a

condition for centuries doesn't mean it's right. In all of the

following the doctors or individuals thought the following " worked "

(and again both my boys are mainstreamed and normal and almost never

sick and we never rubbed garlic on them -but we all do like roasted

garlic on bread -yum)


a few old time treatments we

can pull up again:

" For bowel complaints, open bowels were treated with a plug of

opium. Closed bowels were treated with " blue mass " , which was a

mixture of mercury and chalk. "


Opium and mercury!!!

And speaking of mercury and India -here's a treatment for teething

because we all know how horrible teething can be:

" Mercury toxicity was suspected, and further questionning revealed

that the infants had been given a mercury-containing " teething

powder " from India once or twice a week over the 4 preceding months. "


Back before everyone had a clue (can I say they were " cluelesss or

will someone get offended) they used to think " bad air " caused

malaria. They didn't realize it was the skeeters!

" The 'bad air' agent — mal aria in Italian — was fancied to



cause of malaria

far into the nineteenth century. At that time, Ross

and Grassi discovered that mosquitoes transmit these microscopic

protozoa. "


Washington died in 1799 after two days of purging and bleeding

under the care of three top doctors- his problem: a sore throat.


id=D4WLtpvFAKcC & pg=PA105 & lpg=PA105 & dq=dangerous+medical+mercury+bloodletting+his\

tory & source=web & ots=nnrCyznUVT & sig=Dv4VZWo1oisWvtzafB-BD6aWVhA & hl=en & sa=X & oi=boo\

k_result & resnum=1 & ct=result

Well if you use mercury for teething I guess purging and bleeding

would be par for the course for a sore throat. Poor Mr. President!

I didn't find anything about raw garlic goot but found that raw

onions used to be rubbed on the skin...as an insect repellent -

perhaps that's why they

used garlic in India -to keep away

the bugs?

" In California wild onions were eaten raw after soaking in salt

water, roasted, or boiled, and raw onions were rubbed on skin as an

insect repellent. "



Hmmm it ends up that India goot is made with garlic -but also with

tumeric (used to make curries) and neem whatever that is -so who came

up with this other " smelly " recipe and why leave out the tumeric and

neem? If one is going to use an ancient India treatment shouldn't

they go all the way?

" Didi on " GOOT "

(GOOT is Garlic Oil Ointment.) Add a teaspoon of TUMERIC (yellow

powder) - the stuff that's used to make Indian curries yellow into

the recipe. Turmeric's herbal value is as a skin antiseptic and blood


You can buy the powder from any spice rack - buy " Turmeric "

not " Curry " ! The fresh root -

which is probably available at


Asian markets in USA, looks something like ginger but yellowish in

color. It can be ground, shredded or mashed and is more effective

than the powder.

The root is used in India as a daily blood tonic to clear out many

ailments -rheumatism, liver weakness and on and on. Traditionally

whenever there is a social gathering like a wedding or religious

festival, people will ritually bath then smear turmeric over their

bodies. This ritual is the ancient way of preventing the spread of

disease in circumstances where sanitation may be a problem (such as

holy gatherings of thousands of people) . For that matter we add Neem

powder into the Goot also. "


From some message boards from nacd people I did see the side effect

is skin burning -which probably isn't as painful as bloodletting -but

here are some other side

effects of raw garlic -but funny part is


best way they say to eat is would be the way we do -roasted on bread!

Safety: Headache, flatulence, halitosis, gastric distress, rarely

allergies, and changes in intestinal flora. Raw garlic may burn the

mouth and irritate the intestinal lining, perhaps causing nausea.

Contact with plant and juices may cause a rash, inflammation,

dermatitis (3) (6) (7) (11) (13). Garlic supplements may increase

bleeding time for users on warfarin (17)(18).

More safety: As a food copious amounts of this plant have been eaten

for over 100 centuries.

Notes: I like to roast garlic and eat in profusion--much to the

chagrin of my wife and friends. It is integral to most world flavor

principles. Garlic and other alliums (onions, chives, leeks) are used

worldwide as food and medicine.

Food: steam or roast cloves. Steam in Wok until soft, then use as a

spread on toast with tomatoes (lycopene)

and strong cheddar, Swiss,

Chevre cheese. Use garlic in salad dressings, pesto, stews, soups,

fish, omelets, stir fry. See world flavor principles to discover

other ways of preparing garlic.


(1) Breithaupt-Grogleer K, Ling M, Boudoulas H, Belz GG: Protective

effect of chronic garlic intake on elastic properties of aorta in the

elderly. Circulation 96:2649-2655, 1997.

(2) Dorant et al 1996, Consumption of onions and reduced risk of

stomach carcinoma, Gastroenterology, Vol 110, No. 1, 12-20.

(3) Harms, : Nutrition and Herbals for the Immune System./ NOAT

4th Annual Congress

(4) Phytochemical Constituents of GRAS Herbs and Other Economic

Plants, A. Duke; CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 1992.

(5) Meuninck et al.: Natural health with medicinal herbs and healing

foods, one hour video, Media Methods 1992.

(6) Duke, :Handbook of Proximate Analysis

Tables of Higher

Plants; Atchley, CRC Press; 1986.

(7) Duke, : Handbook of Medicinal Herbs, CRC Press, 1985.

(8) Brown, Demi: Encyclopedia of Herbs and Their Uses, Demi Brown;

Dorling Kindersley Publishing, NY,NY. 1995.

(9) Mill, S. Out of the Earth, the essential book of herbal medicine.

Viking Arkana/Penquin Books., U.K. 1991.

(10) Hsu, Hong-yen, et al.: Oriental Materia Medica, A Concise Guide.

Keats Publishing 1986.

(11) Meuninck, J., Duke, J.: Edible Wild Plants, 100 Useful Wild

Herbs. Video. Meuninck's Media Methods Inc. 1989.

(12) Kapoor, L.D.: Handbook of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants, CRC Press,


(13) Blumenthal, M. A. Goldberg, J. Gruenwald, T. Hall, C.W. Riggins

and R.S. Rister: 1997. German Commission E Monograph: Therapeutic

Monographs on Medicinal Plants for Human Use. Austin TX American

Botanical Council.

(14) Steiner, M. Khan, A.H.,

Holbert and Lin: A double cross over

blind study in moderately hypercholesterolemic men that compared the

effect of aged garlic extract and placebo administration on blood

lipids. American Journal Nutrition (1996) 64:866-70.

(15) Morien, Krista: Research reviews: Modest Cholesterol Effect with

Garlic. HerbalGram No. 44:17 (1998).

(16) Guide to Popular Natural Products; Facts and Comparisons; St.

Louis, MO. 1999: pp. 92-94.

(17) World health Organization. WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal

Plants. Vol 1 Geneva; 1999.

(18) Sunter, W. Warfarin and garlic (see letters in Pharm J.) 1991;

246: p. 722.


And goot is also a treat for horses? This came up in my search while

I was still searching for the India goot info:

Can someone give me a goot recipe for horse


please and thank you.

Oh i dont have apples right now... well

only one so unless the recipe

takes one apple dont give me apple recipes :)

6 months ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

My Mares favorite is

1 cup flour

1 cup shredded carrots or more if you like

1 cup oats (quaker oats)

1 tsp salt

1 Tbsp of sugar

2 Tbsp of oil

1/4 cup of mollases

1/4 cup of water

I sometimes add rasins too!

Mix ingredients all together, oil a cookie sheet, preheat over to

350' F then form little balls heaping teaspoon size drop on cookie

sheet bake for 15 to 20 minutes depending on the size of the treats

you make!

they store really well in the refrigerator!

Good Luck not just my mare the intire barn loves these nifty treats!

(;-) they call me the cookie lady at the barn cause I make these all




I like the goot for the horse better- sounds like oatmeal cookies and

not with garlic either!

Please send the references from India about goot -also like I said

I'm waiting to hear from ....

You know what? I've emailed Virginia from the Wild Morning show on

95.5 before to answer some question she had -I'm going to ask her to

do a favor for me and all the children and the world and have

try this new and improved from ancient India recipe " goot " and rub it

on him and see what he has to say. Of course I'll let her know there

are warnings about the burning, bad breath, flatulence (not sure if I

included that one). If he agrees to do it everyone will be able to

watch it first hand. I'm going to suggest he has to go out of the

studio and walk into a store or mall or something. Elevator would be

even better!

Then again -guess rubbing raw garlic on your kid as a treatment from

India isn't as bad as mercury powder for teething.


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