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moderate verbal apraxia

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Hello! I am brand new to this group and am thankful to see there is

support out here. I am a bit overwhelmed with all the apraxia

information online and I'm in information overload as to what applies

to us as well as how to prepare for the future.

Our son (age 26 months) was just diagnosed with moderate verbal

apraxia a couple weeks ago. He tested fine in the other

developmental areas.

I guess there are so many questions and uncertainties, we are a bit


We have weekly appts. with his speech pathologist and she has given

us various home exercises. We are very pleased with our pathologist,

she works very well with our son.

We have been excited with the progress he's made in the past couple

weeks. One month ago, he was only saying one word ( " hot " ). This

week he is up to around 6-8 words. Sometimes we can get him to say

it clearly and other times, something totally different comes out.

We've discussed his condition with our families over the holidays.

One side is very supportive, interested in hearing about his therapy

and willing to help anyway they can. We are sensing that the other

side feels we are jumping into this too soon since he's only 2 and

therapy isn't really necessary.

I'm just concerned how long of a journey this will be and if he will

have further issues once in school (reading, spelling, etc.) I've

been reading so many articles online and I'm getting some conflicting


We realize each child is different and each family will have a

different story, but is there anyone else out there that has had a

child diagnosed with moderate verbal apraxia? I would love to hear

about it and hear about their progress!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read!!!

Northeast Indiana

Side note: I've been reading so much about the benefits of fish

oil. We just started him on it a couple days ago.

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