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Fw: Getting now confusing need your opinion

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From: caroline yassa <c_yassa@...>

Subject: [ ] Getting now confusing need your opinion

Date: Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 4:02 AM



My child 4 years old is diagonised with Verbal Apraxia, my concern now WHTA



A our school divides the lasses to 3 classes in Pre-school


1- Special day class, With special Teacher, 17 kids with Disability


2- Collabritve Class, with Special Teacher, 8 kids with disability and 8 are

typically developpmening.


3-Kidzone class, with General Teacher, 14 kids normal, and 4 with disability.


all these classes was dividing to the Academic goals, and the kind of the



Now, iam very frustrated mom, cause my daughter was diagonised with Verbal

Apraxia, and Ishe is now in a kidzone class, but seems she is not act good in

the class.


When I asked the district today they told me she is good in her class, and you

dont have any ACADEMIC GOALS in your IEP.


but my daughter cant follow now two directions , she cant close the bottoms of

the T- Shirt, she doesnt seem to play with DOH, when she cant tell me anything

she crys,

she cant run very fastlike a normal kid, or Jump, and when climb she needs help,

very Picky in her Food, seems she doesnt have good appetit.


Anxiety, bit her nails, Cant put on her dress on, pains she neds help almost,

doesnt seem she likes to draw or write.


Now I asked the district she needs to be inspecial education, they said she is

already in but she is in  kidzone class Language class, and they said she will

ok with other kids she will learn from them, but it seems she only learn from

her teacher.


Also they put for annual goals only 4 Goals, is this enough or...


NEED YOUR HELP, When Iam writing this message I cant hold my Tears cause my


says it is not the suitable placement for her, and I cant trust the school.


Thank you,



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From: caroline yassa <c_yassa@...>

Subject: [ ] Getting now confusing need your opinion

Date: Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 4:02 AM



My child 4 years old is diagonised with Verbal Apraxia, my concern now WHTA



A our school divides the lasses to 3 classes in Pre-school


1- Special day class, With special Teacher, 17 kids with Disability


2- Collabritve Class, with Special Teacher, 8 kids with disability and 8 are

typically developpmening.


3-Kidzone class, with General Teacher, 14 kids normal, and 4 with disability.


all these classes was dividing to the Academic goals, and the kind of the



Now, iam very frustrated mom, cause my daughter was diagonised with Verbal

Apraxia, and Ishe is now in a kidzone class, but seems she is not act good in

the class.


When I asked the district today they told me she is good in her class, and you

dont have any ACADEMIC GOALS in your IEP.


but my daughter cant follow now two directions , she cant close the bottoms of

the T- Shirt, she doesnt seem to play with DOH, when she cant tell me anything

she crys,

she cant run very fastlike a normal kid, or Jump, and when climb she needs help,

very Picky in her Food, seems she doesnt have good appetit.


Anxiety, bit her nails, Cant put on her dress on, pains she neds help almost,

doesnt seem she likes to draw or write.


Now I asked the district she needs to be inspecial education, they said she is

already in but she is in  kidzone class Language class, and they said she will

ok with other kids she will learn from them, but it seems she only learn from

her teacher.


Also they put for annual goals only 4 Goals, is this enough or...


NEED YOUR HELP, When Iam writing this message I cant hold my Tears cause my


says it is not the suitable placement for her, and I cant trust the school.


Thank you,



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Hi Carolyn!

Answer from CHERAB VP Cheryl

http://www.cherab.org/about/cheryl.html :

The question is if you have an IEP and you have all these areas of

concern -OT and PT and speech -are those all related services in the

IEP? Because no matter whether your child is in an inclusive program,

or a self contained program, or a resource centered program; what

matters are the types of services that are being provided to the child

in that setting.

You don't mention anything about speech, occupational or physical

therapy in this program. From what I am hearing it sounds like she

would require at least two times a week of individual sessions for

each related service.

Special education is not a place it's a series of services that

support the child in the educational and social world. It sounds like

your child is not receiving supported services. It doesn't matter if

there are 2 or 20 kids in the class -what services is your child

receiving to help her achieve her goals?

Can you let me know what state you are in? No matter what state you

are in if in the US there should be a statewide parent advocacy

network that is set up to help parents support their child. Each

state should have one and they should be able to assist you in

advocating for your daughter.

I'd like to know in the IEP how did they base their decision on what

her placement and therapies should be? Did they use standardized

testing? You are not really telling us what services are written into

the IEP. Because of your child's inabilities to stay on task, climb,

play with other children appropriately, she really needs intensive

therapy. Speech, OT, PT, (socialization program too if she isn't

playing appropriately with others) -she needs all of this based on

what you wrote.

The main issues to me doesn't appear to be placement as much as

therapy and services that she is receiving. "

~~~~~~~~~~~end of answer from Cheryl -my two cents:

I just wanted to add that the eating issues would be addressed via

oral motor therapy. The biting of her fingernails and the frustration

she is showing it a sign that your heart is right -and that she's not

in the right placement/receiving the appropriate therapies. Even for

me as a parent it would be hard to tell you even if you wanted to know

which classroom placement would be the best as you'd have to observe

each and see which one you believe would offer the best placement for

your daughter. I agree with Cheryl that the therapy is more important

but also you want the least restrictive environment. If I had to

throw something out the fact she's showing so many frustrations and

she is still preschool age -I'd probably want her in a more contained

placement as she's probably standing out as one of the only special

needs children and based on what you wrote she sounds like she needs a

much more intensive early intervention placement and program. The

goal is to get our children mainstreamed by kindergarten -so I'm a

huge fan of special needs preschool to get them up to speed during

that time.

Are you able to take her for private evaluations for at least speech?

If possible I'd take her private for out of district evaluations in

occupational therapy and to a neuroMD (pediatric neurologist or

developmental pediatrician) as well

Let us know!


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Hi ,


Actually, Iam very pleased that you answered my email, she received now from

school on paper IEP one-one ST, but in fact she receives it with group, cause I

saw her once a time going with a group to therapy, but no one noticed that, also

when she returnedfrom school, i usually asked her, you took speech, she says

yes, alone, she says no, who else , then she points with her finger after 2

minutes with help, 2 boys, one girl,she tries several times to say the names she

cant, when I faced the teacher, and I told her, what is going on with the

therapy, she cant lie to my face, she says i gave her with group cause she needs

that, then she started lying to saying you follow me, and then she asked the

district to transfer her to another school,  the new one is the same.



Please letme know How can I help her, also she doesnt get any OT, PT, therapy,

nothing only speech theray.


we asked for more speech and we will have another IEP again with the school

again , but seems they dont need to give her one-one, and do another placement

for her, the teacher says there she will be ok, when i asked about foodissues,

they said we will send to me paper  or note what she eat or not eat in class ,

SNACK TIMeE, but only they wrote what she can eat not what she cant eat?????


Also, Iasked them she needs PROMPT THERAPY, she has weakness in lips, jaw,...

they told no, she will be fine.



Iam in California State,


From: kiddietalk <kiddietalk@...>

Subject: Re: Fw: [ ] Getting now confusing need your opinion

Date: Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 6:25 PM

Hi Carolyn!

Answer from CHERAB VP Cheryl

http://www.cherab. org/about/ cheryl.html :

The question is if you have an IEP and you have all these areas of

concern -OT and PT and speech -are those all related services in the

IEP? Because no matter whether your child is in an inclusive program,

or a self contained program, or a resource centered program; what

matters are the types of services that are being provided to the child

in that setting.

You don't mention anything about speech, occupational or physical

therapy in this program. From what I am hearing it sounds like she

would require at least two times a week of individual sessions for

each related service.

Special education is not a place it's a series of services that

support the child in the educational and social world. It sounds like

your child is not receiving supported services. It doesn't matter if

there are 2 or 20 kids in the class -what services is your child

receiving to help her achieve her goals?

Can you let me know what state you are in? No matter what state you

are in if in the US there should be a statewide parent advocacy

network that is set up to help parents support their child. Each

state should have one and they should be able to assist you in

advocating for your daughter.

I'd like to know in the IEP how did they base their decision on what

her placement and therapies should be? Did they use standardized

testing? You are not really telling us what services are written into

the IEP. Because of your child's inabilities to stay on task, climb,

play with other children appropriately, she really needs intensive

therapy. Speech, OT, PT, (socialization program too if she isn't

playing appropriately with others) -she needs all of this based on

what you wrote.

The main issues to me doesn't appear to be placement as much as

therapy and services that she is receiving. "

~~~~~~~~~~~end of answer from Cheryl -my two cents:

I just wanted to add that the eating issues would be addressed via

oral motor therapy. The biting of her fingernails and the frustration

she is showing it a sign that your heart is right -and that she's not

in the right placement/receiving the appropriate therapies. Even for

me as a parent it would be hard to tell you even if you wanted to know

which classroom placement would be the best as you'd have to observe

each and see which one you believe would offer the best placement for

your daughter. I agree with Cheryl that the therapy is more important

but also you want the least restrictive environment. If I had to

throw something out the fact she's showing so many frustrations and

she is still preschool age -I'd probably want her in a more contained

placement as she's probably standing out as one of the only special

needs children and based on what you wrote she sounds like she needs a

much more intensive early intervention placement and program. The

goal is to get our children mainstreamed by kindergarten -so I'm a

huge fan of special needs preschool to get them up to speed during

that time.

Are you able to take her for private evaluations for at least speech?

If possible I'd take her private for out of district evaluations in

occupational therapy and to a neuroMD (pediatric neurologist or

developmental pediatrician) as well

Let us know!


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