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Re: Gabby's Health News Brief... (12/16/08) Lori

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Dear Lori:

Apraxia is a damage done to the brain, the origin of any brain-damage can

vary ... Some people may have acquired it in the womb, some during birth, some

after an accident (trauma) and at any time given after exposure to toxicity pre

or post birth the most common one is vaccines and exposure of fetuses to

mother's amalgams and other toxic load!!! For instance for my son it was at the

hospital after given the Hep B shot, that caused him to have high bilirubin

levels (Jaundice).

Excessive bilirubin damages developing brain cells in infants (kernicterus) and

may cause mental retardation, learning and developmental disabilities, hearing

loss, or eye movement problems, bilirubin may be toxic to brain development in

newborns (up to the age of about 2–4 weeks)...


 Engerix hep B vaccine may raise risk of MS in kids:



Multiple sclerosis reported following administration of hepatitis B and other

vaccines: http://us.gsk.com/products/assets/us_engerixb.pdf



Disturbing facts:

- Bilirubin levels tend to be slightly higher in males than females (just like

ASD and Apraxia)

- Newborns: Excessive bilirubin damages developing brain cells in infants

(kernicterus) and may cause mental retardation, learning and developmental

disabilities, hearing loss, or eye movement problems. It is important that

bilirubin in newborns does not get too high.

- Reasonst to test an infant are:If they have been exposed to hepatitis viruses

(vaccine:Hep B at second day of birth in the hospiital)

- shows evidence of jaundice

- last but not least there is a well documented connection between Hep B vaccine

and MS in children.

All this symptoms and facts were present after my son received Hep B vaccine

prior to leaving the hospital... One thing it does not mention is the nonstop

crying (his voice went horse before we even left the hospital...) He was eating

and sleeping fine prior to the shot and developed intolerance to protein after

that... and just told me he was a coliky baby and dismissed any observation I

had... And told me to go home and put my boy in the sun as much as posible...

they never tested levels of bilirubin at all... I could tell he was in a very

intence pain and kept on giving Tylenol (which depletes glutathione levels)

prescribed by the Pediatrician, probably making things worse!!!

I wish I knew then what I know now...And each time he received a new vaccine he

kept having rashes and what not... until 1 year of age when he received MMR and

a Flu shot all in one day... after that he went off the deep end and regressed

more and more!!! Having very low muscle tone, difficulty with fine motor skills,

Sleep depravation, difficulty digesting certain proteins, bloating, pain, and

fatigue (this are all symptoms of my child having liver and brain damage). That

Hep B shot was the first step we took & started our journey in to ASD world...

And if you add to this the Mercury, Aluminum as well as other aditives in the

shots, which have been recently discussed in the theory of vaccines causing

micro-vascular stokes from Dr. Moulden... It just makes more sense ... Our

children have been injured... vaccine by vaccine and all of them contribute to

more and more regressions!!! MMR is just the tip of the iceberg & the straw that

broke the camel's back...

Love, Gabby. :0)



" I know of nobody who is purely Autistic or purely neurotypical. Even God had

some Autistic moments, which is why the planets all spin. " ~ Jerry Newport



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Dear Lori:

Apraxia is a damage done to the brain, the origen of any brain-damage can vary

.... Some people may have aquired it in the womb, some during birth, some after

an accident (trauma) and at any time given after exposure to toxicity pre or

post birth the most comon one is vaccines and exposure of fetuses to mother's

amalgams and other toxic load!!! For instance for my son it was at the hospital

after given the Hep B shot, that caused him to have high bilirubin levels


Excessive bilirubin damages developing brain cells in infants (kernicterus) and

may cause mental retardation, learning and developmental disabilities, hearing

loss, or eye movement problems, bilirubin may be toxic to brain development in

newborns (up to the age of about 2–4 weeks)...


 Engerix hep B vaccine may raise risk of MS in kids:



Multiple sclerosis reported following administration of hepatitis B and other

vaccines: http://us.gsk.com/products/assets/us_engerixb.pdf



Disturbing facts:

- Bilirubin levels tend to be slightly higher in males than females (just like

ASD and Apraxia)

- Newborns: Excessive bilirubin damages developing brain cells in infants

(kernicterus) and may cause mental retardation, learning and developmental

disabilities, hearing loss, or eye movement problems. It is important that

bilirubin in newborns does not get too high.

- Reasonst to test an infant are:If they have been exposed to hepatitis viruses

(vaccine:Hep B at second day of birth in the hospiital)

- shows evidence of jaundice

- last but not least there is a well documented connection between Hep B vaccine

and MS in children.

All this symptoms and facts were present after my son received Hep B vaccine

prior to leaving the hospital... One thing it does not mention is the nonstop

crying (his voice went horse before we even left the hospital...) He was eating

and sleeping fine prior to the shot and developed intolerance to protein after

that... and just told me he was a coliky baby and dismissed any observation I

had... And told me to go home and put my boy in the sun as much as posible...

they never tested levels of bilirubin at all... I could tell he was in a very

intence pain and kept on giving Tylenol (which depletes glutathione levels)

prescribed by the Pediatrician, probably making things worse!!!

I wish I knew then what I know now...And each time he received a new vaccine he

kept having rashes and what not... until 1 year of age when he received MMR and

a Flu shot all in one day... after that he went off the deep end and regressed

more and more!!! Having very low muscle tone, difficulty with fine motor skills,

Sleep depravation, difficulty digesting certain proteins, bloating, pain, and

fatigue (this are all symptoms of my child having liver and brain damage). That

Hep B shot was the first step we took & started our journey in to ASD world...

And if you add to this the Mercury, Aluminum as well as other aditives in the

shots, which have been recently discussed in the theory of vaccines causing

micro-vascular stokes from Dr. Moulden... It just makes more sense ... Our

children have been injured... vaccine by vaccine and all of them contribute to

more and more regressions!!! MMR is just the tip of the iceberg & the straw that

broke the camel's back...

Love, Gabby. :0)



" I know of nobody who is purely Autistic or purely neurotypical. Even God had

some Autistic moments, which is why the planets all spin. " ~ Jerry Newport



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