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Re: Day 7 of SPEAK (Speech gains, no blleding issues)

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Each time I added another capsule of proefa my son did and said so

much more but I just don't want to raise him too quickly. Was your

son on 9 capsules of fish oil before?! From what I read each 2

capsules of speak has 500 of alpha and 200 of gamma? 6= from the math of

what I read isn't that the same as 9 capsules of fish oil plus 1,500

of alpha plus 600 of gamma?? I just read the highest amount of

vitamin e on a recent post for children and it's 200 or 300 at the

most so isn't your child way over? I thought everyone was just using

200 of alpha and gamma? I only have my son who is 3 on 2 capsules of

proefa and one of proepa and we have not started any vitamin e and if

I did I would stay with the dosage that is safe for a 3 year old.

Did you talk to your pediatrician about this?



> Today is my son's 7th day of SPEAK. Except for Day 1 when we got


> supplement in the mail and only got 2 doses (one in the afternoon


> one at night) my son has had 3 doses a day of 2 capsules each dose


> 6 total per day. He is 5 years 3 mos and 37lbs.


> On day 5 on our nightly 2.3 mile dog walk I heard my son talking


> his dad and he consistently said the " y " sound. He clearly

> said " Yeah " and " Yard " . If you have been reading in the last month

> you may have read where I said we were working on the " y " sound. I

> believe that in conjunction with speech therapy the SPEAK has


> my son. I can ask him if something is " yucky " or " yummy " and he can

> say it clearly not like before when he said " wucky " or " Wummy. "


> This time he has had no weird emotional issues and he's on 3x the

> Vitamin E I gave him before! Also no loose stools. Perhaps in the

> past his bowel movements and the fish oils were just a coincidence?

> He still hardly eats yet he is eating more these days? An extra

> benefit of the SPEAK?


> I keep 4x6 index cards. On the upper right hand side I write " Day

1 "

> (or whatever day it is) and on the upper left I write the day of


> week. Below I make 4 horizontal columns with the date, time, and


> many capsules given, and if he swallowed the chewed capsule or not.


> On the remainder of the card I write observations. Perhaps this set-

> up will work for you for record keeping?


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I know this has probably been gone over already...but regarding SPEAK (which I

ordered yesterday), do the capsules themselves contain anything? i.e..

flavoring? vit. E? or is everything in the oil itself? My daughter pokes a hole

in the cap and squeezes her proEFA onto her tongue. Will she be losing any

benefits of SPEAK by not consuming the capsule itself?

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I probably need to give him 3 times a day then. I have been giving my

8 year old 2 caps twice daily. That is great about your son!!! Keep

us posted. Kristy

On Sep 21, 2008, at 5:18 PM, debjward wrote:

> Today is my son's 7th day of SPEAK. Except for Day 1 when we got the

> supplement in the mail and only got 2 doses (one in the afternoon and

> one at night) my son has had 3 doses a day of 2 capsules each dose or

> 6 total per day. He is 5 years 3 mos and 37lbs.


> On day 5 on our nightly 2.3 mile dog walk I heard my son talking with

> his dad and he consistently said the " y " sound. He clearly

> said " Yeah " and " Yard " . If you have been reading in the last month

> you may have read where I said we were working on the " y " sound. I

> believe that in conjunction with speech therapy the SPEAK has helped

> my son. I can ask him if something is " yucky " or " yummy " and he can

> say it clearly not like before when he said " wucky " or " Wummy. "


> This time he has had no weird emotional issues and he's on 3x the

> Vitamin E I gave him before! Also no loose stools. Perhaps in the

> past his bowel movements and the fish oils were just a coincidence?

> He still hardly eats yet he is eating more these days? An extra

> benefit of the SPEAK?


> I keep 4x6 index cards. On the upper right hand side I write " Day 1 "

> (or whatever day it is) and on the upper left I write the day of the

> week. Below I make 4 horizontal columns with the date, time, and how

> many capsules given, and if he swallowed the chewed capsule or not.


> On the remainder of the card I write observations. Perhaps this set-

> up will work for you for record keeping?




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Did a DAN doctore prescribe Speak? What is it exactly and how do I order it?

The only fish oil my sons take are ProEPA by Nordic Naturals 2x daily and CLO 4

capsules daily. My son is mostly non verbal and the other one is verbal but all

engages in verbal self stim behavior.

-------------- Original message --------------

From: " mykitkate " <mykitkate@...>

Each time I added another capsule of proefa my son did and said so

much more but I just don't want to raise him too quickly. Was your

son on 9 capsules of fish oil before?! From what I read each 2

capsules of speak has 500 of alpha and 200 of gamma? 6= from the math of

what I read isn't that the same as 9 capsules of fish oil plus 1,500

of alpha plus 600 of gamma?? I just read the highest amount of

vitamin e on a recent post for children and it's 200 or 300 at the

most so isn't your child way over? I thought everyone was just using

200 of alpha and gamma? I only have my son who is 3 on 2 capsules of

proefa and one of proepa and we have not started any vitamin e and if

I did I would stay with the dosage that is safe for a 3 year old.

Did you talk to your pediatrician about this?


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To all the people whose child has been taking SPEAK...how the heck are you

getting them

to take it?? We are in the focus group and yesterday was my first day. I

normally pierce the

capsules of NN Omega 3/6/9, Pro EPA + Vit E. and mix it in a syringe, then just

squirt it in

my 2 1/2 year olds mouth. He doesn't LOVE it, but he tolerates it to get the

little cookie


Well, I though I would do the same thing with SPEAK.......not working! He spit

it out- well,

not exactly spit because he can't do that yet ;-) Then took off running and


The next dose I tried to give, went even worse. Now I can't even get him to take

his Motrin

anymore...and he loves it! The smell of SPEAK really lingers too. I washed my

hands FIVE

times to get the fishy smell to go away. This stuff is really expensive to be


This afternoon I tried to hide it in pudding (which he loves) . He took one

smell of it and

pushed it away.......no, I mean he flung it away.....pudding flying everywhere

in the


After dinner tonight I just went back to the old cocktail, but he had a total

melt down when

he saw the syringe! This is now day two of NO FISH OIL........

Any suggestions???




> Today is my son's 7th day of SPEAK. Except for Day 1 when we got the

> supplement in the mail and only got 2 doses (one in the afternoon and

> one at night) my son has had 3 doses a day of 2 capsules each dose or

> 6 total per day. He is 5 years 3 mos and 37lbs.


> many capsules given, and if he swallowed the chewed capsule or not.


> On the remainder of the card I write observations. Perhaps this set-

> up will work for you for record keeping?


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Jenna oh this brings back memories of Efalex. Just curious -did you

try tasting it? Tanner's taking speak along with 400 mg of gamma but

he swallows all the capsules. (I have to give him gamma -too much alpha in this

for him and I wish not so high!!)

Here's my suggestions if it is " yucky "


I remember the first time I tried Efalex at first I

thought..disgusting but not...that..b.. " AHHH " The aftertaste gets

you!! I shoved tons of food into my mouth to try to get rid of the

taste and couldn't for 2 days it seemed like.

Years later when I first was introduced to ProEFA by the one owner

she said " the borage oil is naturally sweet and with the

lemon flavoring it's almost like a lemon candy " I laughed and said

no way am I trying any more fish oil. But...I finally got up the

nerve to try it (I forgot that curiosity killed the cat) and if

that's a lemon candy then NEVER offer me a lemon candy ever again in

my life!!!

The proefa was not as disgusting however as the Efalex- but from then

on I thought of as a female Euell Gibbons and told her she

probably eats tree bark as a treat.


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you can poke a hole in it with a needle or sharp knife and squeeze it

in his mouth. My child either does that or he will just chew the soft

gel cap. Kristy

On Sep 21, 2008, at 10:01 PM, Jenna wrote:

> Hi,

> To all the people whose child has been taking SPEAK...how the heck

> are you getting them

> to take it?? We are in the focus group and yesterday was my first

> day. I normally pierce the

> capsules of NN Omega 3/6/9, Pro EPA + Vit E. and mix it in a

> syringe, then just squirt it in

> my 2 1/2 year olds mouth. He doesn't LOVE it, but he tolerates it to

> get the little cookie

> afterwards.


> Well, I though I would do the same thing with SPEAK.......not

> working! He spit it out- well,

> not exactly spit because he can't do that yet ;-) Then took off

> running and crying.

> The next dose I tried to give, went even worse. Now I can't even get

> him to take his Motrin

> anymore...and he loves it! The smell of SPEAK really lingers too. I

> washed my hands FIVE

> times to get the fishy smell to go away. This stuff is really

> expensive to be wasting!


> This afternoon I tried to hide it in pudding (which he loves) . He

> took one smell of it and

> pushed it away.......no, I mean he flung it away.....pudding flying

> everywhere in the

> kitchen!


> After dinner tonight I just went back to the old cocktail, but he

> had a total melt down when

> he saw the syringe! This is now day two of NO FISH OIL........


> Any suggestions???


> Thanks,

> Jenna


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Hi Jenna-

We just started Speak yesterday. My son notices the difference in

taste as well, and I can notice the smell. I have been mixing

strawberry syrup (the liquid you use to make strawberry flavored

milk). The novelty of the color is fun, or you could use chocolate

syrup. I mix it in a little medicine cup. It stays separated from

the oils, but I figure it helps mask the smell/taste. The best

strategy I have found is just to make him take it, no choices. Just

like he hates brushing his teeth, but has to do it. Good luck!


> Hi,

> To all the people whose child has been taking SPEAK...how the heck

are you getting them

> to take it?? We are in the focus group and yesterday was my first

day. I normally pierce the

> capsules of NN Omega 3/6/9, Pro EPA + Vit E. and mix it in a

syringe, then just squirt it in

> my 2 1/2 year olds mouth. He doesn't LOVE it, but he tolerates it

to get the little cookie

> afterwards.


> Well, I though I would do the same thing with SPEAK.......not

working! He spit it out- well,

> not exactly spit because he can't do that yet ;-) Then took off

running and crying.

> The next dose I tried to give, went even worse. Now I can't even

get him to take his Motrin

> anymore...and he loves it! The smell of SPEAK really lingers too. I

washed my hands FIVE

> times to get the fishy smell to go away. This stuff is really

expensive to be wasting!


> This afternoon I tried to hide it in pudding (which he loves) . He

took one smell of it and

> pushed it away.......no, I mean he flung it away.....pudding flying

everywhere in the

> kitchen!


> After dinner tonight I just went back to the old cocktail, but he

had a total melt down when

> he saw the syringe! This is now day two of NO FISH OIL........


> Any suggestions???


> Thanks,

> Jenna

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where can I buy this supplement-  is there a website Thank You

From: pdearmin <pdearmin@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Day 7 of SPEAK (Speech gains, no blleding


Date: Monday, September 22, 2008, 8:36 AM

Hi Jenna-

We just started Speak yesterday. My son notices the difference in

taste as well, and I can notice the smell. I have been mixing

strawberry syrup (the liquid you use to make strawberry flavored

milk). The novelty of the color is fun, or you could use chocolate

syrup. I mix it in a little medicine cup. It stays separated from

the oils, but I figure it helps mask the smell/taste. The best

strategy I have found is just to make him take it, no choices. Just

like he hates brushing his teeth, but has to do it. Good luck!


> Hi,

> To all the people whose child has been taking SPEAK...how the heck

are you getting them

> to take it?? We are in the focus group and yesterday was my first

day. I normally pierce the

> capsules of NN Omega 3/6/9, Pro EPA + Vit E. and mix it in a

syringe, then just squirt it in

> my 2 1/2 year olds mouth. He doesn't LOVE it, but he tolerates it

to get the little cookie

> afterwards.


> Well, I though I would do the same thing with SPEAK....... not

working! He spit it out- well,

> not exactly spit because he can't do that yet ;-) Then took off

running and crying.

> The next dose I tried to give, went even worse. Now I can't even

get him to take his Motrin

> anymore...and he loves it! The smell of SPEAK really lingers too. I

washed my hands FIVE

> times to get the fishy smell to go away. This stuff is really

expensive to be wasting!


> This afternoon I tried to hide it in pudding (which he loves) . He

took one smell of it and

> pushed it away.......no, I mean he flung it away.....pudding flying

everywhere in the

> kitchen!


> After dinner tonight I just went back to the old cocktail, but he

had a total melt down when

> he saw the syringe! This is now day two of NO FISH OIL........


> Any suggestions? ??


> Thanks,

> Jenna

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http://speechnutrients.com/products.aspx - SPEAK

On Sep 22, 2008, at 10:22 AM, carolyn wasniewski wrote:

> where can I buy this supplement- is there a website Thank You




> From: pdearmin <pdearmin@...>

> Subject: [ ] Re: Day 7 of SPEAK (Speech gains, no

> blleding issues)


> Date: Monday, September 22, 2008, 8:36 AM


> Hi Jenna-

> We just started Speak yesterday. My son notices the difference in

> taste as well, and I can notice the smell. I have been mixing

> strawberry syrup (the liquid you use to make strawberry flavored

> milk). The novelty of the color is fun, or you could use chocolate

> syrup. I mix it in a little medicine cup. It stays separated from

> the oils, but I figure it helps mask the smell/taste. The best

> strategy I have found is just to make him take it, no choices. Just

> like he hates brushing his teeth, but has to do it. Good luck!



> >

> > Hi,

> > To all the people whose child has been taking SPEAK...how the heck

> are you getting them

> > to take it?? We are in the focus group and yesterday was my first

> day. I normally pierce the

> > capsules of NN Omega 3/6/9, Pro EPA + Vit E. and mix it in a

> syringe, then just squirt it in

> > my 2 1/2 year olds mouth. He doesn't LOVE it, but he tolerates it

> to get the little cookie

> > afterwards.

> >

> > Well, I though I would do the same thing with SPEAK....... not

> working! He spit it out- well,

> > not exactly spit because he can't do that yet ;-) Then took off

> running and crying.

> > The next dose I tried to give, went even worse. Now I can't even

> get him to take his Motrin

> > anymore...and he loves it! The smell of SPEAK really lingers too. I

> washed my hands FIVE

> > times to get the fishy smell to go away. This stuff is really

> expensive to be wasting!

> >

> > This afternoon I tried to hide it in pudding (which he loves) . He

> took one smell of it and

> > pushed it away.......no, I mean he flung it away.....pudding flying

> everywhere in the

> > kitchen!

> >

> > After dinner tonight I just went back to the old cocktail, but he

> had a total melt down when

> > he saw the syringe! This is now day two of NO FISH OIL........

> >

> > Any suggestions? ??

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Jenna




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I got mine in the mail today, and the first thing I noticed was a

pleasant orange scent. That lasted for about 3 seconds. Apparently my

son thought the same, because he did well with the first half the

capsule, then changed his mind and ran away. I tried hiding it in

apple juice, and when I get within 3 feet of the cup, I smell it. He

now refuses to drink it.

My mom always told me that the only way she could take fish oil (to

hide the taste) was to freeze it. I'll try putting them in the fridge

or freezer to hide the taste until it goes down. In the meantime, I

feel your pain - I've washed my hands 5 times, using soap and lemon

juice. Finally, I doused my fingers in nail polish remover. It's the

only thing more obnoxious than fish. But I must say, I've seen more

of my cats today than I have in 3 years.

Carolyn> The website is speechnutrients.com. If you go to the very

bottom of the page, there's a link for the virtual focus group - it

will tell you they're not accepting members, but will give you a code

for $10 off your first order.

> >

> > Hi,

> > To all the people whose child has been taking SPEAK...how the


> are you getting them

> > to take it?? We are in the focus group and yesterday was my first

> day. I normally pierce the

> > capsules of NN Omega 3/6/9, Pro EPA + Vit E. and mix it in a

> syringe, then just squirt it in

> > my 2 1/2 year olds mouth. He doesn't LOVE it, but he tolerates it

> to get the little cookie

> > afterwards.

> >

> > Well, I though I would do the same thing with SPEAK....... not

> working! He spit it out- well,

> > not exactly spit because he can't do that yet ;-) Then took off

> running and crying.

> > The next dose I tried to give, went even worse. Now I can't even

> get him to take his Motrin

> > anymore...and he loves it! The smell of SPEAK really lingers too.


> washed my hands FIVE

> > times to get the fishy smell to go away. This stuff is really

> expensive to be wasting!

> >

> > This afternoon I tried to hide it in pudding (which he loves) .


> took one smell of it and

> > pushed it away.......no, I mean he flung it away.....pudding


> everywhere in the

> > kitchen!

> >

> > After dinner tonight I just went back to the old cocktail, but he

> had a total melt down when

> > he saw the syringe! This is now day two of NO FISH OIL........

> >

> > Any suggestions? ??

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Jenna



















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If you read the archives you will find I had to give my son fish oils

in an oral medicine syringe for over a year!!! My child has been

getting fish oils for 2 1/2 years almost non-stop so he's used to it.

He's a resistent eater too so I could never hide it in food or bribe

him with food since food isn't a reinforcer for him.

My thoughts are to use an oral medicine syringe (I got mine free at

Wal-Greens when I got a prescription filled but they also sell them

for a few dollars) and give them to your son that way. I held my son

in my lap with one of his arms around me and his neck resting on my

arm slightly reclining and I gave them that way. Squirt the oil

towards the inner cheek in the back. Don't wear anything you don't

want fish oils to get on! Keep a paper towel handy (Viva are the

softest in the world!)

In my experience my child got used to it but it took a year of this!

*Immediately afterwards I read him a story, took him outside to swing

on the swings, or did some other fun thing for him in order to

associate the pleasant feelings that come afterwards.

Best wishes!

> >

> > Today is my son's 7th day of SPEAK. Except for Day 1 when we got


> > supplement in the mail and only got 2 doses (one in the afternoon


> > one at night) my son has had 3 doses a day of 2 capsules each

dose or

> > 6 total per day. He is 5 years 3 mos and 37lbs.

> >



> > many capsules given, and if he swallowed the chewed capsule or


> >

> > On the remainder of the card I write observations. Perhaps this


> > up will work for you for record keeping?

> >


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I keep mine in the fridge because the box says not to store at above

86 degrees and here in Central FL that is hard to do!

> > >

> > > Hi,

> > > To all the people whose child has been taking SPEAK...how the

> heck

> > are you getting them

> > > to take it?? We are in the focus group and yesterday was my


> > day. I normally pierce the

> > > capsules of NN Omega 3/6/9, Pro EPA + Vit E. and mix it in a

> > syringe, then just squirt it in

> > > my 2 1/2 year olds mouth. He doesn't LOVE it, but he tolerates


> > to get the little cookie

> > > afterwards.

> > >

> > > Well, I though I would do the same thing with SPEAK....... not

> > working! He spit it out- well,

> > > not exactly spit because he can't do that yet ;-) Then took off

> > running and crying.

> > > The next dose I tried to give, went even worse. Now I can't


> > get him to take his Motrin

> > > anymore...and he loves it! The smell of SPEAK really lingers


> I

> > washed my hands FIVE

> > > times to get the fishy smell to go away. This stuff is really

> > expensive to be wasting!

> > >

> > > This afternoon I tried to hide it in pudding (which he loves) .

> He

> > took one smell of it and

> > > pushed it away.......no, I mean he flung it away.....pudding

> flying

> > everywhere in the

> > > kitchen!

> > >

> > > After dinner tonight I just went back to the old cocktail, but


> > had a total melt down when

> > > he saw the syringe! This is now day two of NO FISH OIL........

> > >

> > > Any suggestions? ??

> > >

> > > Thanks,

> > > Jenna

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Too funny !!!!! No I haven't tried it (I am probably the only Vegetarian in

this group!).

I will try a couple more things before I give up on it. I am curious to see how

other little

ones, who can't swallow a pill, think of the taste of SPEAK.

-Jenna (Larsyn 2.5 yrs and Chance 5 yrs)


> Jenna oh this brings back memories of Efalex. Just curious -did you

> try tasting it? Tanner's taking speak along with 400 mg of gamma but

> he swallows all the capsules. (I have to give him gamma -too much alpha in

this for him

and I wish not so high!!)


> Here's my suggestions if it is " yucky "

> http://www.cherab.org/information/dietaryeffects/efatips.html#My


> I remember the first time I tried Efalex at first I

> thought..disgusting but not...that..b.. " AHHH " The aftertaste gets

> you!! I shoved tons of food into my mouth to try to get rid of the

> taste and couldn't for 2 days it seemed like.


> Years later when I first was introduced to ProEFA by the one owner

> she said " the borage oil is naturally sweet and with the

> lemon flavoring it's almost like a lemon candy " I laughed and said

> no way am I trying any more fish oil. But...I finally got up the

> nerve to try it (I forgot that curiosity killed the cat) and if

> that's a lemon candy then NEVER offer me a lemon candy ever again in

> my life!!!


> The proefa was not as disgusting however as the Efalex- but from then

> on I thought of as a female Euell Gibbons and told her she

> probably eats tree bark as a treat.


> =====


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In the meantime, I

> feel your pain - I've washed my hands 5 times, using soap and lemon

> juice. Finally, I doused my fingers in nail polish remover. It's the

> only thing more obnoxious than fish. But I must say, I've seen more

> of my cats today than I have in 3 years.


Is this why our 3 cats keep hanging out in the kitchen and on the couch where

the fish oil


Too Funny :o)


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Lucky you! My son has some sensory issues, and has not been willing

to take anything by oral syringe in about a year and a half. If it's

not chewable or well hidden, he won't take it. I will definitely try

to reward him afterwards, though.

> >

> > Hi,

> > To all the people whose child has been taking SPEAK...how the


> are you getting them

> > to take it?? We are in the focus group and yesterday was my first

> day. I normally pierce the

> > capsules of NN Omega 3/6/9, Pro EPA + Vit E. and mix it in a

> syringe, then just squirt it in

> > my 2 1/2 year olds mouth. He doesn't LOVE it, but he tolerates it

> to get the little cookie

> > afterwards.

> >

> > Well, I though I would do the same thing with SPEAK.......not

> working! He spit it out- well,

> > not exactly spit because he can't do that yet ;-) Then took off

> running and crying.

> > The next dose I tried to give, went even worse. Now I can't even

> get him to take his Motrin

> > anymore...and he loves it! The smell of SPEAK really lingers too.


> washed my hands FIVE

> > times to get the fishy smell to go away. This stuff is really

> expensive to be wasting!

> >

> > This afternoon I tried to hide it in pudding (which he loves) .


> took one smell of it and

> > pushed it away.......no, I mean he flung it away.....pudding


> everywhere in the

> > kitchen!

> >

> > After dinner tonight I just went back to the old cocktail, but he

> had a total melt down when

> > he saw the syringe! This is now day two of NO FISH OIL........

> >

> > Any suggestions???

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Jenna

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