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Re: Please help me out

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Most states in the nation should have a " Assistive Technology Alliance "

in their states, with web access. Here in Washington, ours offer information

to all the organizations that offer assistance to those needing it. Moneys

are usually tight with any organization, so you'll go through a screening

process, but don't give up. I would recommend you file for Social

Security, you may be able to get some assistance, money wise from them, if

you're off of work medically, if it's longer than 6 months.

Don't limit your search to just an electric wheelchair, organizations

also have the electric scooters, also on hand, and they're sometimes more

plentiful than the electric wheelchairs.

If this is something that medically is going to worsen, you may want to

look at a Medical Retirement. You can only go for as long as your body

medically can hold out on. I had decompression surgery at 19, at 45 my body

broke down because I didn't listen to my body. I needed major help with my

spine, sooner than what I seeked. I worked till I dropped, and let me tell

you, it's not fun tearing yourself down because you waited too long. I also

had a lousy Doctor and his HMO, so being ensured isn't all that it's cracked

up to be either.

Good luck, and check into California Assistive Technology Alliance on

the Internet, and Social Security.



Please Help Me Out

> Hi Everyone! I know I'm pretty quite on here but I do read the

> messages daily. Here are my questions: I need to know where I can

> get an electric wheelchair for free or very very cheap. I have been

> having mobility problems and been in quite a bit of pain daily,

> however I have no medical insurance and no money because I have been

> out of work for three months now. I would like to know if anyone

> knows where I can actually find a wheelchair that will fit me and

> not swallow me whole! I am 52 inches tall or 4'2 " tall. I need

> just a basic chair with good hip support and a footrest that is

> pretty high up. If anyone has one to sell really cheap to me and

> lives in or near southern california or can help me find one, please

> write to me. A donation would be greatly appreciated also, I'm only

> getting $92 a week from unemployment and that doesn't even cover my

> two bills I pay. Also if anyone has any information on good lp

> doctors in southern california or medical insurance that is very

> cheap and worth the purchase please let me know. Thank you for any

> help!




> ===


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shortstuff writes:

<I need to know where I can get an electric wheelchair for free or very very

cheap. I have been having mobility problems and been in quite a bit of pain

daily, however I have no medical insurance and no money because I have been

out of work for three months now. I would like to know if anyone knows where I

can actually find a wheelchair that will fit me and not swallow me whole!>

Try contacting your local Shriners' hospital or group. If nothing else, they

might provide a rented chair until you can make arrangements for a permanent



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  • 4 years later...
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Dear Di,

That word offends me because most people use it as

slang and not what it is meant for. I dislike the

people around me that uses it not because I expect to

change the world but that I would hope they would have

enough respect for me and my feeling to not use the

word around me. I can't help the world at large but

I'd like to choose the people that I surround myself

with, to be supportive and loving of me, my family,

and our situation. If they can't do that then I would

choose not to be around them. As for the Christian

reference, I would love to see her meet her maker and

use that word in describing one of his children. Even

he would say - not to put down but to help lift them.

B - Edit as you wish :)

--- Di <drf218@...> wrote:

> I am in the midst of a " situation " that has been

> discussed in one form or another on the list. VERY

> long story short, I've stopped going to the hair

> stylist whom I've been going to for 21 years. She

> says the " R " word a lot and I've always let it roll

> off my back but am very hurt by it. She said to a

> friend of mine (also has a child w/ DS) that she

> just doesn't understand why that word bothers me so

> much and she's been saying it all her life and

> really doesn't think she can stop now. This was

> hurtful to me because I thought we were friends (not

> to mention faithful clients). The fact she was

> saying it didn't hurt as much as her not wanting to

> make an effort NOT to say it around me. She is 1/2

> hour away but I still continued to go there. After

> this, I decided that I can't change her mind and

> shouldn't have to explain myself after all these

> years (NIc is 10) so rather, I just decided not to

> go there anylonger-after all why drive 30 minutes

> PLUS pay her to offend me?

> Now, I'M the bad-guy here. She said to my friend

> that I think the world revolves around me and that

> " What is she gonna do, change the whole world? " She

> also claimed I wasn't acting very Christian like and

> began insulting me in that respect too. She said

> I'm " overly sensitive " .

> So what I want to do is take a poll. I will send it

> in a separate email, I'll print them out and give

> them to her to show her that I'm not the only one

> offended by this and our reasons why we think it's

> offensive. Please keep the responses short because

> I'm afraid if they are too long, she'll just throw

> them away. Also, I won't give her your email

> address, just use first name only.


> Thanks in advance...


> Di


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





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Personally, I do not like the word. To me, it is one of those ugly

adjective-describing words that people use in a derrogatory way, or out of

ignorance, just like other words in our society we no longer use to describe

people of various ethnic backgrounds, races, religions, etc.

A person is a " person with developmental disabilities " if it even has to be

mentioned at all. I like to meet people, few and far between, who look at our

kids as just plain people. After all, we are all different. We all have

somthing different about us, and we all have various medical things that others

do not have.

America has come a long way in acceptance and tolerance, but still has a ways

to go, with children in general, with children with disabilities specifically,

with people who are heavy, etc.

Dad to , Kristi, (all three Down syndrome and adopted WE WANTED

IT THAT WAY) and (Cri du chat)

Husband to C. in Mo.

Uncle Daddy to and in California (both Down syndrome)

Brother in Law to in Calif.

Di <drf218@...> wrote:

I am in the midst of a " situation " that has been discussed in one form

or another on the list. VERY long story short, I've stopped going to the hair

stylist whom I've been going to for 21 years. She says the " R " word a lot and

I've always let it roll off my back but am very hurt by it. She said to a friend

of mine (also has a child w/ DS) that she just doesn't understand why that word

bothers me so much and she's been saying it all her life and really doesn't

think she can stop now. This was hurtful to me because I thought we were friends

(not to mention faithful clients). The fact she was saying it didn't hurt as

much as her not wanting to make an effort NOT to say it around me. She is 1/2

hour away but I still continued to go there. After this, I decided that I can't

change her mind and shouldn't have to explain myself after all these years (NIc

is 10) so rather, I just decided not to go there anylonger-after all why drive

30 minutes PLUS pay her to offend me?

Now, I'M the bad-guy here. She said to my friend that I think the world revolves

around me and that " What is she gonna do, change the whole world? " She also

claimed I wasn't acting very Christian like and began insulting me in that

respect too. She said I'm " overly sensitive " .

So what I want to do is take a poll. I will send it in a separate email, I'll

print them out and give them to her to show her that I'm not the only one

offended by this and our reasons why we think it's offensive. Please keep the

responses short because I'm afraid if they are too long, she'll just throw them

away. Also, I won't give her your email address, just use first name only.

Thanks in advance...


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This is nto my answer to your poll. just talking here.. I actually got

that post first and my answer was unaffected by this post.

Un Christian? Didn't Jesus say " what so ever you do to the least of

my people, that you do unto me? " Would be willing to Call CHRIST a

dehumanizing demeaning term.?? !!

You are perfectly allowed to pick and choose who cuts your hair for what

ever reason you want. That is just her guilty conscious trying to

justify her behavior. She knows she is being callous. She is too proud

to admit it. It is not unChristian to find a new hairdresser. Esp one

that is 30 minutes out of your way.

She is not responsible for what the world says. Only what she says.

Hang in there

Steph ~

" We all want progress, but if you're on the wrong road, progress means

doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case,

the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive. "


-----Original Message-----

> " What is she gonna do, change the whole world? " She

> also claimed I wasn't acting very Christian like and

> began insulting me in that respect too. She said

> I'm " overly sensitive " .

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Hi Di,

You did what you needed to do, and you are NOT the bad guy. And yes,

you might be able to change the world.... who knows? It's amazing that

someone who works with people can be so insensitive, but you've given it

a good try, and some people are not willing to change their behavior.

I'm glad that you finally stopped going to her, and hope you find a new

hair stylist (which may be as difficult as getting this one to stop

offending you, LOL) I did your poll, and hopefully she will see that

just because she's been offensive her whole life, it's never too late to

change. Unfortunately, it's a bad habit, and we all know how hard

habits are to break. I think her comment that you we're acting very

Christian is actually even worse than her unwillingness to break her bad

habit. I may not be a Bible scholar, but I don't recall anywhere it

says " you must keep getting your hair cut by a person who says offensive

things " Now, if had you burned her store to the ground, or went on the

news saying she was a " retard-hater " or something like that, she might

be vindicated for the " un-Christian " comment :-) But, since you are

simply taking your business elsewhere, this is a really low blow, I think.

Good news is, even if she doesn't change, she won't ever forget the issue.

, mom to (11), (9 DS), and Sammy (7)

Di wrote:

> I am in the midst of a " situation " that has been discussed in one form

> or another on the list. VERY long story short, I've stopped going to

> the hair stylist whom I've been going to for 21 years. She says the

> " R " word a lot and I've always let it roll off my back but am very

> hurt by it. She said to a friend of mine (also has a child w/ DS) that

> she just doesn't understand why that word bothers me so much and she's

> been saying it all her life and really doesn't think she can stop now.

> This was hurtful to me because I thought we were friends (not to

> mention faithful clients). The fact she was saying it didn't hurt as

> much as her not wanting to make an effort NOT to say it around me. She

> is 1/2 hour away but I still continued to go there. After this, I

> decided that I can't change her mind and shouldn't have to explain

> myself after all these years (NIc is 10) so rather, I just decided not

> to go there anylonger-after all why drive 30 minutes PLUS pay her to

> offend me?

> Now, I'M the bad-guy here. She said to my friend that I think the

> world revolves around me and that " What is she gonna do, change the

> whole world? " She also claimed I wasn't acting very Christian like and

> began insulting me in that respect too. She said I'm " overly sensitive " .

> So what I want to do is take a poll. I will send it in a separate

> email, I'll print them out and give them to her to show her that I'm

> not the only one offended by this and our reasons why we think it's

> offensive. Please keep the responses short because I'm afraid if they

> are too long, she'll just throw them away. Also, I won't give her your

> email address, just use first name only.


> Thanks in advance...


> Di



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  • 1 year later...
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Hi Will and welcome!

Good news is that he's already saying a few words and is already way

ahead of schedule on his academic skills!! Awesome!!!! It's

possible he has a mild delay in speech -but of course you are wise to

question it just in case. Is he showing any sign of frustrations?

In other words does it appear he wants to communicate more than what

he is able to say? Read the following to see if this helps:


Have you contacted Early Intervention? If he's qualified he'll get

some fun speech therapy that will look more like play which may help

to stimulate speech even if it is just a simple delay in speech.

He starts talking fine 2-3 session even -poof -speech therapy is over.

It's hard to know why your child is mouth stuffing. It's possible

that he has some type of sensory issue as that is a diagnosis on it's

own. Could be other reasons than this -but will include just in case.

sensory integration dysfunction

" Who it effects

12-30% of all children

Some type

70% of children with learning disorders



Premature infants


Head trauma

Commonly seen in boys

80% "

From an informative slide show on DSI



Either way if it's a feeding issue he could qualify for oral motor therapy

services as that's something most insurance companies won't argue with! Here's

just two links on this:



Below is a recent archive with a few links that may be helpful!

(not saying your child sounds apraxic! -mouth stuffing links)

Re: How to decide if my son has Apraxia/mouth stuffing

My son Tanner went through the mouth stuffing part before we knew he

had oral and verbal apraxia, low tone and sensory integration

dysfunction - and before he received appropriate therapies for

them including oral motor therapies. We have some great oral motor at

home exercises in The Late Talker book -and here's an article that I

wrote help from Cherab's advisor, Sara R. , CCC/SLP.


Two articles from Tanner's one SLP - A. Ortega, M.S., CCC-SLP



The following is an awesome article on this

" Mouth stuffing can also be an important sign of sensory or motor

difficulties in oral-motor control. When the mouth is fully stuffed

with food, children obtain more sensory information about the

boundaries of their mouths and the presence of food in the mouth. "



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Dear WK-

I hate to sound non-chalant about this, because it seems as though it's

really a concern of yours. But just in reading what you've come here with, it

sounds as though-- well, it sounds as though this is a typically developing 27

mos old baby.

If your gut is telling you that something is wrong, I would never suggest to

go against that gut feeling. But-- in all honesty, he sounds like all other

27m babies out there to me. I have one that is almost 2, and isn't saying half

of that already-- so your son sounds fine.

If things don't continue to progress or if you see him LOSING his words--

that is when I would get more concerned. But I would wait it out a little bit

and see where he is in 6 mos and then take it from there

Not sure I helped?


In a message dated 4/4/2008 11:59:21 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

sgw_2001@... writes:

Dear All,

First, I need to thank you all for sharing your

thoughts on this forum.

My Son, who is 27 months old and he can say lots of

words and even all the Alphabets and numbers 1 -10 and

all the body parts. But he his not coming out with any

2 words or three words sentences.

He also stocks food in his mouth while eating, I am

pretty concerned is it normal or I am over reacting or

give him some time to pick it up.

He also started walking late at around 13-14 months,

Please share your thoughts and throw some light on

what I have to do next.

I live in Dallas,Texas.




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While I do think that Sensory kids DO tend to stuff their mouths, I also

just think that at THIS AGE (27mos) it's very much a typical thing that a

toddler does. They don't get the " little bites " thing, and choking-- so it

definitely is something that you'd see in a typically developing child.

Not to say that the child doesn't have any issues mind you, but at this

particular age, I'm not so sure that I would get too nervous about the things

she's described.


In a message dated 4/5/2008 2:40:05 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

colleen.somerville@... writes:

but the stocking the food in the mouth

kind of concerns me a bit.

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Sounds like the language is there, but the stocking the food in the mouth

kind of concerns me a bit. Ask about that. Sounds a bit like a possible

sensory issue? Keep a keen eye on him. Make sure you read the late talker



Mother of Charlie 2. 5years

Re: [ ] Please help me out

Dear WK-

I hate to sound non-chalant about this, because it seems as though it's

really a concern of yours. But just in reading what you've come here with,


sounds as though-- well, it sounds as though this is a typically developing


mos old baby.

If your gut is telling you that something is wrong, I would never suggest to

go against that gut feeling. But-- in all honesty, he sounds like all other

27m babies out there to me. I have one that is almost 2, and isn't saying


of that already-- so your son sounds fine.

If things don't continue to progress or if you see him LOSING his words--

that is when I would get more concerned. But I would wait it out a little


and see where he is in 6 mos and then take it from there

Not sure I helped?


In a message dated 4/4/2008 11:59:21 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

sgw_2001 (DOT) <mailto:sgw_2001%40> com writes:

Dear All,

First, I need to thank you all for sharing your

thoughts on this forum.

My Son, who is 27 months old and he can say lots of

words and even all the Alphabets and numbers 1 -10 and

all the body parts. But he his not coming out with any

2 words or three words sentences.

He also stocks food in his mouth while eating, I am

pretty concerned is it normal or I am over reacting or

give him some time to pick it up.

He also started walking late at around 13-14 months,

Please share your thoughts and throw some light on

what I have to do next.

I live in Dallas,Texas.




You rock. That's why Blockbuster'You rock. That's why Blockbuster'<WBR>s

offering you one month

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest


My son walked when he was 17 months old due to a severe problem in his spine.

Still, it was difficult to convince the doctors that there was something wrong

because they do not consider a child " officially " a late walker until they are

18 months old! So your son, so far, seems to be doing everything on time to me.


kiddietalk <kiddietalk@...> wrote:

I did answer this one already



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I'm just commenting on the walking....if he began at 13-14 mo. thats

not considered a " late walker " I wouldn't stress that. 2 of out 3 of

mine didn't walk on thier own until 13 mo. My youngest son the one

(born 6 wks early) surprised me by being the earliest walker at 12 mo.



> WF,

> My son walked when he was 17 months old due to a severe problem

in his spine. Still, it was difficult to convince the doctors that

there was something wrong because they do not consider a

child " officially " a late walker until they are 18 months old! So

your son, so far, seems to be doing everything on time to me. -L

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