Guest guest Posted February 28, 2009 Report Share Posted February 28, 2009 Hi - I asked Josh's therapist to come to the p-t conference a couple of weeks ago - unfortunately, he actually had jury duty the week of the meeting so couldn't make it. The school psychologist called him prior to the p-t conference and they discussed what he has been doing with me and Josh, the strateges he has suggested and, according to the psych, he mentioned the " top 5 strategies " he would like to see implemented immediately (ones that I told them about in November!). The psych, in the conference, changed the subject and I came back to it asking what exactly were the top 5 strategies. She listed them, we talked about them, and not one of them, if I recall correctly, was included in the behavior plan and none of the conversation made it into the written summary of the conference that the psych prepared. Interesting, huh? I showed the plan to the therapist at Josh's last session last week and he agreed that it was not properly done and really didn't address what we've been talking about and doing with Josh in sessions. So, in my no-restraint letter, I asked that another assessment be done across environments and times, and with input from me and the ex. So far there has not been any word from Dist. as to when such a meeting would take place, or when a new assessment will begin. I'm not sure if insurance would pay for it in IL - something to look into. Any other IL folks out there know the answer? Thanks! Sherry and Josh ________________________________ From: sharon lang <flipperlang@...> Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 7:22:31 PM Subject: Re: [ ] Re: damage to school relationship-Theresa A good fba should be taylored to the child's needs and not a cut and dry program predesigned by teh county. As you know , it should be updated periodically, as well. Sherry, we have found that if you take the child to a clinic alot of times private insurance in GA will pay for a bcba -- I don't know about IL. However, not so in the home environment. I would really encourage you to get your own bcba and pay them to write a fba, attend and iep meeting ; I have not found schools to ever consider anything that came out of my mouth, unless I had a specialist recommend something. Even wth specialists some persons are just inflexible and incorrigable. We actually had a pt at the dist that refused to set a goal to have our child stand up from the middle of the florr (she has cp). the pt said she could not do it. I was adamant that she was already doing it at home and that this was a safety issue as there could be a fire and she culd get trampled if an adult were not within arms length. I had to gget the private pt to docuemnt that she could and was doing this as an emerging skill and the opthamologist document that there was nothing with her vision that would prohibit her from doing the goal. the only reason the county caved, imho, is that our pt had a phd and the county's had a ms. she met the goal in the first 8 weeks of school. in fact she met 2 others the pt said she would never ever be able to do by the end of the first semester and we are now working on new goals for her. some teachers/therapists are just stuck in a rut and are not open to learning about the child. I try to never work with those persons. If they think they can sum up my kid in a half hour, they are wrong as she is very, very complicated and challenges everyone who works with her Good luck. sl sl The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential, proprietary, and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you receive this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from all computers. Sharon Lang From: sherry silvern <srsilvern (DOT) com> Subject: Re: [childrensapraxiane t] Re: damage to school relationship- Theresa @groups. com Date: Saturday, February 28, 2009, 6:20 PM Actually, I am an attorney and I did special ed law many years ago (before I knew I would need it for my own family! funny thing about fate!) It's been a long time since I've dealt with it, but the eavesdrop laws in IL are pretty specific that both parties have to actually agree to being recorded. Go figure. I'm not sure what the laws are about things like " nanny-cams " but I've thought of that - put one in his backpack somehow or something like that. I'd need to look at that a bit more before trying something like that though! The no-restraint letter should suffice for preventing them from using the restraints and holds, but the Dist can turn around and say that Josh is too disruptive and pull him out of the class he's in - depending on what they would do as an alternative, it might not be a bad thing in the long run. This is the same Dist that, when we moved here, put Josh in a classroom for severely autistic children and Josh isn't even on the spectrum. It's supposed to be one of the best districts in IL but it's not impressing me in the least. Thanks for the suggestions! Sherry and Josh ____________ _________ _________ __ From: waddelltc <theresa@waddellcpa . com> @groups. com Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 8:08:27 AM Subject: [childrensapraxiane t] Re: damage to school relationship- long Have you talked with a special education attorney? I'd consult and know what your/Josh's rights are. One of my biggest fears is having things happen in school and my sons not being able to tell us about it. The attorney can tell you whether it's legal for your son to wear a wire (I'd even go for a pen-camera, but I'm paranoid, and I know some FBI agents!) Theresa Mom to three boys, two with PDD-Nos, Apraxia, ADHD, Dysphagia, sensory integration and motor planning issues > > Hi All - > > Weird goings-on here in Josh-land. For those who have been online, you probably remember that I've talked about Josh and his " fight " response (as opposed to the " flight " response) to sensory stuff/overwhelming sensory input/etc. Josh has always done that and we/I have always been able to talk to teachers about it and come up with strategies to minimize it or, in most school years, eliminate it. It takes time, but it works. This year, there was something that happened during the Fall and I have yet to find out exactly what it was. Josh had an extraordinarily difficult time afterward - he was even having nightmares and getting up in the morning saying " tummy hurt, I stay home, Mommy stay home. " <<snip>> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 28, 2009 Report Share Posted February 28, 2009 Not a bad idea to get a separate advocate. The ex and I are supposed to be making the decisions but, since he is so minimally involved, he really doesn't have a good handle on what is going on. I honestly try to keep him up to date on things - I send him emails, he gets information sent to him via email by the school, but he doesn't come to school, he doesn't participate in school events, he won't even take Josh to Special Olympic things (unless the head coach gets on him via email or telephone). So the ex is, as Josh's teacher said last year, " swooping in " as if to " fix " things at school but school personnel know his lack of involvement so don't always take him seriously. And, if he and I disagree, what happens then? And, having him abdicate his responsibility to the teacher or school psychologist, rather than sit down with me to have a conversation and come to a decision as Josh's parents, is just ridiculous. So, you're probably right that having another professional in there would be a good idea! Is Dr. Crum open to receiving emails from parents like me? Actually, whether the school is going to take it out on Josh in the future is a real concern. The ex said several months ago that he thought the school was angling to re-label Josh as a behavior disorder kid and I poo-pooed the idea. Now, with what is going on, I think he may have a point (OK, so maybe he's not as unaware...). I mentioned that to Josh's therapist at our last session and he agreed that Josh doesn't fit the " classical " definition of having a behavior disorder at all so I know I'll have at least one person out there on our side. Thanks again! Sherry and Josh ________________________________ From: sharon lang <flipperlang@...> Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 3:46:50 PM Subject: Re: [ ] Re: damage to school relationship-long Hi Sherry Do you have an attorney/advocate or even an ed consultant? I personally think you need some support here, espcialliy if you and your ex are not really united. Believe me I have been through it and the more people you can get on your team the better you will be received by the dist. Also, the more initials after their name, in my experience, the better your professionals will be received. dr susan crum, able2learnlive (DOT) com is a retired phd in neuropsychology and works as a special needs coach-- cross between and ed consultant and a tutor. I believe you could not go wrong with her. she will do everything via teleconference for you, so she can work anywhere. Good luck. Personall, I would spend my time building a team. IMHO, it is a chess game and right now you need some more pieces on your team. I don't think you can fly solo on this. When I saw teachers with special ed children of their own,hire former directors of special ed for advocates and attorneys who have special needs kids of their own, hiring other attorneys to advocate for their child, I realized that this would not work flying solo. You need a team. Yes, the school has a long memory, and my real concern would be whether they take it out on your child, but if your gut says that they won't, then I try to remember that it is not my job to be liked, but to get her needs met. Hope that helped in some way. I am not an advocate or attorny, just a parent relaying my personal experiences. sl sl sl The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential, proprietary, and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you receive this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from all computers. Sharon Lang From: pdearmin <pdearmin (DOT) com> Subject: [childrensapraxiane t] Re: damage to school relationship- long @groups. com Date: Saturday, February 28, 2009, 9:27 AM Hi Sherry- I would say to take a VERY deep breath. The stress and anxiety that you are feeling is something that your son does notice. I know this because my son just yesterday said " that's enough " when I was talking to his special ed teacher in front of him. And he has never said either of those words ever! I'm not saying it is easy, but the number one goal should be to remain focused on the goal of helping your son. And YOU are the number one person helping your son. You can tell that him being at school is not healthy for him. You are just trying to figure out why. And that is where you could put your energy. But, you could also take all that energy and focus on your son and what he needs when he is around you, recreate the postive experience you had over the holidays. I'm not saying ignore what is happening at school, but you are currently not getting the response you want from them using current communication methods. Take your time to see what is working at home, and take him out to crowded places and see how he reacts to the stimuli and what you do to minimize a negative response, and then share all those strategies with the school. I'm not trying to diminish how hard this is, and how easy it is for me to say from the outside. Just know you are not the only one dealing with this, but we all have to stay focused on what is healthy for us and our kids. Take care, Penny http://twoplusoneeq ualsfive. blogspot. com/ > > Hi All - > > Weird goings-on here in Josh-land. For those who have been online, you probably remember that I've talked about Josh and his " fight " response (as opposed to the " flight " response) to sensory stuff/overwhelming sensory input/etc. Josh has always done that and we/I have always been able to talk to teachers about it and come up with strategies to minimize it or, in most school years, eliminate it. It takes time, but it works. This year, there was something that happened during the Fall and I have yet to find out exactly what it was. Josh had an extraordinarily difficult time afterward - he was even having nightmares and getting up in the morning saying " tummy hurt, I stay home, Mommy stay home. " Obviously something was not right on the school front. I had gotten word from Josh's bus driver that one of the classroom aides had pulled Josh off the bus one morning - the principal had come on the bus causing all the kids to bunch up right by > Josh's seat and, with Josh's space issues and the change in routine, he pulled a girl's hair. The aide on the bus said he could have handled the whole thing just fine but the classroom aide jumped on the bus, pulled Josh off, and stood outside the bus yelling at him face to face. Of course, the principal denied anything like that happening, and the classroom aide said it simply didn't happen and he had no problems with Josh. The bus driver, on the other hand, said she was so upset by it that she was practically in tears by the time she returned the bus to the garage, and the bus aide said he was so disturbed and appalled by how the other aide handled things that he was furious. I called a meeting. I said, by the time the meeting took place, I didn't care what happened really since there were so many different versions of what happened coming my way and there was no way to really know. What I did care about was it not happening again so we > talked about strategies, etc. I also said that the classroom aide should not be near Josh unless he does something major to change how he deals with my son. The aide still is working with Josh. The bus driver was pulled off the route. Go figure. > > There was also a conversation with Josh's teacher that I had last Fall where she said Josh was acting out so much that it took two people to hold him down. Gotta tell ya, Josh has never acted out like that - never! So my gut was telling me that they simply didn't have a clue what to do with Josh. We had another meeting and reviewed strategies, methods, words, trigger words, how to understand " Josh-speak, " all of that. > > School decided it was necessary to do a functional behavior analysis. OK, I'm all for that, let's work together to come up with a plan and actually write down the strategies we had discussed and others. My ex and I also said we would take Josh to a therapist/counselor to see what that private sector professional could add to the mix. After every session, I would (and still do - the ex has yet to participate in the sessions) send long emails detailing all the ideas and suggestions from the counselor - none of them were ever implemented at school - it was always " well we haven't.... " I take part of that back, school did try one or two ideas but determined they were not working (OK, Josh processes things in his own time - a week or two trying a strategy is not enough for Josh to internalize it and learn it) so stopped doing the couple they tried after only a couple of attempts. > > Holiday break came in - absolutely no more nightmares, Josh did great over the holiday season, we had tons of fun and did some school work along the way. School started in January and things were good for a couple of weeks. Then Josh started with the " tummy hurt " thing again, or his head hurt, or whatever (there is nothing physically wrong that would cause any of that). > > We had our p-t conference two weeks ago. Josh has progressed in math and literacy skills, but has regressed in social and self-help skills. Hhhmmm... They also presented us with the functional behavior analysis and behavior plan. The assessment, from my understanding, was supposed to be across environments - take into account things from home, sleep patterns, school things, curriculum things, and so on. Nope. This assessment pretty much said Josh is hitting. Period. Oh, it did say when and where. Pretty much nothing about all the circumstances that surround an incident, no mention (that I can recall) in the analysis of Josh having sensory integration dysfunction and cognitive delays (along with the apraxia, global dyspraxia, and so on). We finished talking about the analysis - the ex sucked up and said he was really impressed with the assessment and thought they did a marvelous job. The plan included different behaviors that they > wanted to stop and, under each one, a series of methods for dealing with the behavior. For example, under hitting, there was a continuum from pretty much saying cut it out, to blocking him from view of the other kids with a movable baffle (there were also things like holding his hands, to using a " wrong hands " card that was put on his desk and the baffle put up - you get the idea.) We talked about some of the various strategies/methods for the various behaviors, and moved on to another subject (whether to send Josh to jr. h.s. a year early so he'd be there for 3 years instead of 2 - can help him with the transition and then the transition to h.s. later but he is pretty immature so the decision is difficult). We never talked about the last page of the behavior plan. During the course of the conference, the PT and OT both had constructive input, the school psych was diplomatic and had good input, the teacher limited her comments to academic > assessment results, school principal had opinion on jr h.s. (he thinks extra year would be good for a kid with Josh's particular needs), speech therapist didn't say a word, and school social worker said a couple of things but I can't remember what they were. > > The ex and I left the conference, went our separate ways, and we both happened to look at the last page of the plan and were both horrified. The last strategy was that if staff and teacher believe Josh is a danger or harm to himself or other kids, they can use " CPI restraints and holds. " OMG!!! If you don't know what those are, plug that phrase into the search engine. You'll be horrified as well. So, I went to bridges4kids. org and found a " no-restraint " letter (wrightslaw has the same letter). I did put in the letter that I didn't think the assessment was done as fully and adequately as it should have been and, if the Dist. agreed, it could consider the letter as consent to conduct another assessment that would include input from the ex and me, and be done across environments and times. The ex and I both signed it. I mailed the letter to the heads of special ed for the district and the school principal. (oh, during all this, > I've been working with the head of special ed to arrange a visit to the jr h.s. Josh would go to - I started out gung ho on the idea because of the extra transition time but now I'm really torn on the issue and want to see firsthand what it would be like; the ex is adamantly opposed because of Josh's maturity level but has said he doesn't want to be " obstructionist " and would go along with whatever Josh's teacher and the school psychologist said because " they would be most objective " - I seem to be getting along fine with the head of special ed even in light of my no-restraint letter.) > > Well, the teacher is now either not communicating with me or is minimally/snippy in her communications. She wrote on Monday that Josh went to OT/PT (it's a combined group thing that the ex and I never thought was appropriate for Josh but couldn't get the Dist to give him what he was supposed to have which was 1:1 OT and 1:1 PT - the 1:1 OT finally started in October - after fighting for sensory based OT for over a year, and 1:1 PT just started yesterday after the PT " reluctantly " decided the group thing wasn't working for Josh - duh!), he hit someone and then laid down on the floor refusing to participate. In the margin of the notebook, I wrote " How was it handled? " and " What was the activity? " and another question that I can't remember right now. Her response was " We followed the behavior plan. " I was livid but calmed down before I wrote back that perhaps I didn't ask the question properly since the behavior plan shows a continuum of methods and > I was wondering which method was used, and that I would like to know so that I can get a better handle on just what Josh's behaviors are and whether the methods are being successful. She wrote back that if I read the behavior plan it would show 7 different strategies for dealing with Josh hitting and they have, a lot of the time, success with method #1 (the least invasive/restrictiv e) although they use different ones depending on Josh's mood. > > So, I thanked her for letting me know, that it means a lot to understand the situation (as if her response actually answered the question I posed). No communication from her Wed., yesterday, or today even though there were things that I had written to her that would have prompted a response (totally not behavior stuff - a funny thing that happened with Josh, notice that the ex was picking him up yesterday for a visit, an apology for sending an oversized book for a book thing they were doing today, wishing a good weekend, that kind of thing). I'm thinking the relationship with the teacher, what there was of one, has now gone down the toilet. > > Anyone have any suggestions or comments on any of this? I would ask for a meeting but the state standardized testing is starting on Monday and I know everyone at school is stressing out about it and I don't think I should add to the stress level - testing will be over soon enough. I'm really at my wit's end with all of this so I'm open to all suggestions (including ones that include " go get a massage and relax! " LOL!) > > Thanks for listening! > > Sherry and Josh > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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