Guest guest Posted August 22, 2008 Report Share Posted August 22, 2008 FYI Attached there is information regarding a Conference for Catechists. They are several workshops designed to train catechist to teach students with special needs. Catechist Convocation November 15, 2008 Paramus Catholic Regional High School 425 Paramus Road Paramus, New Jersey 07652 Life and Mission Vida y Misión Catechist Convocation November 15, 2008 Paramus Catholic Regional High School 425 Paramus Road Paramus, New Jersey 07652 Are you interested in Faith Formation through: Catechesis - Liturgy - Spiriutality? We Invite. ?? Parish Catechetical Leaders ?? Catechists ?? Catholic School Teachers ?? RCIA Catechumenate Teams ?? Eucharistic Ministers ?? Parish Sacramental Teams ?? Youth Ministers ?? Parents ?? Peace and Justice Teams ?? Social Justice Teams ?? Adult Spirituality Teams ?? Liturgists ?? Priests and Deacons ?? Adult Faith Formation Teams Schedule Registration/Hospitality 8:15-8:45 am Welcome/Opening Prayer Acknowledgement Ceremony (Auditorium) 8:45-9:30 am Workshop 1 9:45-11:00 am Workshop 2 or Lunch A 11:15 am-12:30 pm Workshop 3 or Lunch B 12:45-2:00 pm Workshop 4 2:15-3:30 pm Closing Prayer (In classrooms) 3:30-3:35 pm Programa Matricula/Hospitalidad 8:15-8:45 am Bienvenida/Oración de Apertura Ceremonia de Reconocimiento (Auditorio) 8:45-9:30 am Taller 1 9:45-11:00 am Taller 2 o Almuerzo A 11:15 am-12:30 pm Teller 3 o Almuerzo B 12:45-2:00 pm Taller 4 2:15-3:30 pm Oración Final (En la clase) 3:30-3:35 pm All folders and workshop assignments will be distributed at the Convocation. El día de la Convocatoria serán distribuídas las carpetas con la lista y horario de los talleres asignados a cada personsa. Workshops have a suggested audience but anyone can attend any workshop they wish. The suggested audience is listed as follows: ?? Track 1-Primary Catechists, Grades PK to 3 ?? Track 2-Elementary Catechists, Grades 4 to 6 ?? Track 3-Adolescent Catechists and Youth Ministry ?? Track 4-PCLs ?? Track 5-Catechists for Special Needs ?? Track 6-Adult Faith Formation (including young adults) ?? Track 7-Spanish Language Workshops Schedule / Programa 1. Basic Catholic Beliefs: Embracing the Mystery Judith Dunlap 9:45 - 11:00 am or 12:45 - 2:00 pm Sponsored by St. Messenger Press This workshop will look at the three great mysteries of our Faith: the Trinity, the Paschal Mystery and the Eucharist. We will discuss the common thread between these great Catholic truths and hopefully see more clearly who God calls us to be. Tracks 1 to 6 2. Helping Young People (Grades K - 6) to Encounter the Living Christ Power 9:45 - 11:00 am or 2:15 - 3:30 pm Sponsored by H. Sadlier, Inc. Using a variety of approaches, one will see how young people can come to encounter the Lord. Models of family involvement will be presented as well. This multi-media workshop will be engaging and informative with many handouts provided. Tracks 1, 2, 4 and 5 3. Adult Faith Formation: The Parish is Where It's Happening! Sister Donna Ciangio, OP 11:15 am - 12:30 pm Sponsored by RCLBenziger Publishing Co. Faith formation of adults in our parish is critical and vital to the life of the Church. What are some guiding principles we can adopt as we provide " learning moments " for adults of all ages? What are some practical ideas that are easy to implement and reflect our parish's vision? These questions will be addressed in a lively and interactive workshop. Track 6 4. Seeing the Gospel: Pastoral Ministry with the Deaf Deacon M. 2:15 - 3:30 pm This workshop will explain the linguistic practices and visual presentation techniques necessary for the inclusion of culturally-Deaf Catholic people into the life and mission of the Church. It will include visual aids, ritual adaptation, specialized religious instruction and sacramental preparation as well as the provision of culturally-competent Pastoral Care, Social Services and Evangelization. Track 5 5. From Sunday to " CCD " !-How do catechists make the connection? Sister DeMasi, SSJ 9:45 - 11:00 am or 12:45 - 2:00 pm Sponsored by RCLBenziger Publishing Co. Liturgy is the primary place of catechesis. In this workshop, Sister Sandy will discuss the relationship of liturgy and catechesis in a parish catechetical program. Practical ideas and approaches will be shared. Tracks 1 to 5 6. Twenty Exciting Ways to tell a Bible Story and Joanne Tyne Sponosred by JMT Productions 11:15 am - 12:30 pm or 2:15 - 3:30 pm Your students will be excited about hearing stories in your class when you use drama, puppets, songs and object lessons. You will be excited about our easy to use methods for capturing your students' attention. This participative workshop will show you ways your students will retain your lessons. Tracks 1, 2, 4 and 5 7. Marketing your Programs Cristiano 11:15 am - 12:30 pm This workshop will give you practical techniques you can use to attract catechists and increase participation in your religious education program. It is all in the marketing! Track 4 8. The Gentle Road to Jesus-A Guide to Teaching the Faith Basile 9:45 - 11:00 am or 12:45 - 2:00 pm Sponsored by St /Alba House Publishers How can we bring young people to Christ? There are many roads that lead to Him and it is up to the catechist to show them the way. This workshop will offer some practical ideas to remove the obstacles that separate young Christians from Jesus. Tracks 2 to 6 9. Dining with the Evangelists: Eucharist in the New Testament Rev. Dente 11:15 am - 12:30 pm or 2:15 - 3:30 pm The Eucharist is at the center of our faith but where does our understanding of this important sacrificial meal come from? The New Testament offers a variety of insights and theologies into our Eucharistic faith. Come and see how the Scriptures and the Sacrament of the Eucharist are intricately linked. Tracks 1 to 6 10. Catechesis through Storytelling Gibbons 9:45 - 11:00 am or 12:45 - 2:00 pm " Once upon a time " are words that seem to immediately spark our interest. People of every age and culture are attracted to storytelling. Let us look at ways to use stories as an effective tool for catechesis. Tracks 1 to 6 11. Can You Hear Me Now? Allan 11:15 am - 12:30 pm or 2:15 - 3:30 pm This workshop will examine how God creatively reached out to a few of the men and women we find in the Scriptures and how we too can listen and respond to the voice of God in our lives through prayer. Tracks 1 to 6 12. The " SAT " Retreat Fred Herron and Sisca Pace, Ph.D. 12:45 - 2:00 pm Sponsored by Mount Manresa Jesuit Retreat House The SAT Retreat successfully integrates Catholic spirituality into an area of education that has until now been exiled from any real attempt to connect students with God. Students who have taken this retreat testify to significant point increases and a radical transformation in attitude. Tracks 3 and 4 13. Catechist Certification On-Line with the Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation R. Drabik 9:45 - 11:00 am or 12:45 - 2:00 pm Sponsored by UDayton VLCFF Come learn about the Archdiocesan Partnership with the University of Dayton for Catechist Certification and Adult Faith Formation through the Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation. Tracks 1 to 6 14. Preparing Children for First Reconciliation/First Eucharist Sister Adrienne Bradley, SSJ 11:15 am - 12:30 pm or 2:15 - 3:30 pm Sponsored by H. Sadlier, Inc. This workshop will explore the catechesis as well as child/parent preparations for both sacraments. We will look at some rituals and activities that will help enhance preparation in school, the home and/or religious education programs. Tracks 1, 2, 4 and 5 15. Knowing Your Neighbor-Basic Understanding of Islamic Practices Mohamed El Filali and Rev. Philip Latronico 9:45 - 11:00 am or 12:45 - 2:00 pm We will look at similarities and differences between Muslims and Catholics so as to assist teacher and student in being better neighbors to local Muslims. Tracks 1 to 6 16. Faithful Citizens Still? Eugene V. Tozzi, Ph.D. 12:45 - 2:00 pm Every four years the bishops of the US issue a document that is helpful in making decisions about national elections. Its value does not end here. It offers a concise guide to issues we should continue to follow and to raise with our public officials as new leaders take their places. Tracks 3, 4 and 6 17. Catechist: Is It a Ministry or a Job? Eileen 11:15 am - 12:30 pm or 2:15 - 3:30 pm How we answer affects greatly the way we catechize. Together we will reflect on how to be ministers in answer to Jesus' call to " feed my sheep. " Tracks 1 to 6 18. For Me Life is Christ! Sister Theresa , FMA 9:45 - 11:00 am or 12:45 - 2:00 pm This workshop will look at the fascinating life and mission of , the Apostle of the Gentiles as a model disciple and evangelizer. It will include interactive sharing as well as a distribution of activities and resources to celebrate the Jubilee Year of St. (June 2008 - June 2009) personally and with children and young people. Tracks 1 to 6 19. Encountering the Living Christ in Prayer Barbara D'Arrigo 11:15 am - 12:30 pm or 2:15 - 3:30 pm A Life of Prayer: The importance of prayer in the life of a catechist. How is prayer within the faith community conveyed to your learners? What is prayer? How do we pray? Our model of prayer, Jesus, how did He pray? We will try to answer these questions as we encounter the living Christ. Tracks 1 to 6 20. Faith-based Media Education Sister Bernadette M. Reis, FSP 9:45 - 11 am or 12:45 - 2:00 pm Sponsored by Daughters of St. The fundamental concepts of Media Literacy Education in a faith context will be explored. Participants will apply these concepts to television ads. Tracks 1 to 6 21. Classroom Strategies for Nurturing Children's Moral Development Louise Timko, Ph.D. 11:15 am - 12:30 pm or 2:15 - 3:30 pm Discover activities, classroom management techniques and teaching tools you can use to integrate Christian moral principles more effectively in the classroom. This workshop includes information on understanding conscience development and suggestions for teaching the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Ten Commandments, Beatitudes, Works of Mercy and more. Tracks 1, 2, 4 and 5 22. " What is a 'Suitable Catechesis'? " Rev. Sheehan 2:15 - 3:30 pm The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the model for all catechesis. This workshop will explore " suitable " by breaking open paragraph 75 of the Rite and exploring its implications for all catechesis. Tracks 4 and 6 23. Problems in Social Justice Rev. Reilly 11:15 am - 12:30 pm Come see situations where the Church was present in helping to solve problems in Social Justice. Msgr. Reilly will explain why the Church can't turn a deaf ear to these situations. The Good News requires it. Tracks 1 to 6 24. Forming Disciples of our Lord Jesus for Life and Mission Brown, SFO 9:45 - 11:00 am or 12:45 - 2:00 pm This workshop is designed to help those we minister to ENCOUNTER GOD'S HOLY WORD in the ancient forms of ICONS and WOODCUTS. Handouts will be given that can be used in any learning situation. Tracks 1 to 6 25. Journeying with Junior High Students Sister Claudette Jaszczynski, CSJB 11:15 am - 12:30 pm or 2:15 - 3:30 pm Is this the right moment for the Catholic Church and her pastoral ministers to take the lead in providing for the spiritual formation of young people? In this presentation, we will survey our pastoral experiences with Junior High students, reflect on the latest development of adolescent catechesis and plot some strategies for our catechetical work with these young people. Tracks 3 and 4 26. Dealing with Difficult Parents Gail Marie Poverman-Kave, LCSW 9:45 - 11:00 am or 12:45 - 2:00 pm This workshop will highlight some of the most common difficult behaviors with which we are met when dealing with parents. Information as to the possible causes of these behaviors will be explored and finally strategies for dealing and coping more effectively with these behaviors will be offered. The premise of this workshop is not " how do I change them " , rather, " how do I change how it is that I respond to them " . Effective strategies are our best defense. Tracks 1 to 5 27. Cyber-Catechesis ph 9:45 - 11:00 am or 12:45 - 2:00 pm Learn what resources are available on the internet for catechists. Explore several websites that you will find helpful to enhance your lesson plans and the catechetical experience. Tracks 1 to 5 28. The Spirituality of the Catechist J. Arsenault 11:15 am - 12:30 pm or 2:15 - 3:30 pm This workshop will present a look at the connection of spirituality to the task of handing on the faith. Participants will reflect on how they are fed spiritually, on how their busy life is the context for deepening their connection to Christ, and some practical ways to deepen spiritually and to integrate spirituality into the ministry of catechesis, e.g. spirituality and session planning. Tracks 1 to 6 29. Hooray for You! Retreat to Refresh Each of Us! Charlane Faught 9:45 - 11:00 am or 12:45 - 2:00 pm Sponsored by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Celebrate your call to minister to the children and families of your parish. A mini retreat for women-where Jesus offers us living water.Go away refreshed and happy to share our relationship with Jesus and help others to grow in their relationship with Jesus. Will be able to use this in classrooms to help children pray more, mediate and grow in their relationship with Jesus. Tracks 1 to 5 30. God works through You Sister Crucifix Pandullo, CSJB 9:45 - 11:00 am Catechists have a very prominent role in guiding the hearts of young people in following their call, vocation in life and inviting them to respond. This workshop will give practical ways and offer resources to assist catechists and catholic school teachers in this very important ministry in the Church. Tracks 1 to 5 31. A Baker's Dozen of Creative Ideas for Evangelizing your Students Ken Doran 11:15 am - 12:30 pm or 2:15 - 3:30 pm Sponsored by H. Sadlier, Inc. The NDC (National Directory for Catechesis) calls for a " new evangelization " . What is this? And what does it mean for us as Catholics? We will spend a short amount of time unpacking the whole idea of 'evangelization' and what the Church teaches about it. Then we will workshop through some simple yet creative ideas that can make our classrooms places where our students not only hear about the " Good News " of Jesus but experience it each day as well! Tracks 1 to 5 32. Me? A Creative Catechist? Are You Kidding? Conroy 11:15 am - 12:30 pm or 2:15 - 3:30 pm Come and discover some simple and inexpensive ways to make your lesson planning exciting yet meaningful. Take home ideas and sample projects that can easily change your lesson from hum-drum to memorable. Pre-school through primary grades will be targeted, but many ideas can be used in the middle grades as well. Tracks 1, 2, 4 and 5 33. Why do I believe what I believe? Conroy 9:45 - 11:00 am or 12:45 - 2:00 pm What do we believe and why do we believe it? This presentation will explore the history of Creed in the Roman Church and the formulation of our beliefs as a Catholic People. We will discuss the central, core beliefs that identify us and examine how our beliefs frequently meet with opposition from the secular community. In a world that venerates the modern idols of self, wealth, and gratification how do we interact with this while maintaining and preserving our faith? Some suggestions, dialogue and insights will be offered. Tracks 1 to 6 34. Being a Catechist: Discovering the Tools of the Trade Sister Kathleen Burton, SSJ 11:15 am - 12:30 pm or 2:15 - 3:30 pm Sponsored by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Using some of the obvious as well as the not so obvious " tools of the trade " , Sr. Kathy will lead the catechist through a variety of roles from quiz show host to leader of prayer. Incorporating these " tools of engagement " will help the learner grasp and remember and put into practice those lessons taught. Tracks 1 to 5 35. The Year of St. : What can it mean for us? Sister Honora C. Nolty, OP 11:15 am to 12:30 pm Sponsored by RENEW International This workshop is an invitation to explore the heart of St. whose encounter with Christ was a turning point for the life of our church. Participants will experience the inclusivity of 's catechesis and the challenge of his desire to spread the Good News. It will be presented within the framework of the letters of St. and the lessons they hold for our times. Track 6 36. Called to Establish Shalom Beatrice Mondare 9:45 - 11:00 am or 12:45 - 2:00 pm The vision of Genesis chapters 1 and 2 is one of deep peace and harmony based on right relationships of humans with God, with the universe and with each other. As disciples of Christ, we are called to establish God's shalom, God's peace, by bringing about justice in the world. This workshop will provide information and classroom resources based on Catholic Social Justice Teaching to inspire and guide students to work for justice and for the deep peace of God's reign on earth. Tracks 1 to 6 37. To Love and Serve the Lord and One Another Margie Copeland 11:15 am - 12:30 pm or 2:15 - 3:30 pm Sponsored by Loyola Press How seriously do you take this charge at the end of Mass? Do the children in your faith formation program understand? Join in discovering what this means through the themes of Catholic Social Teaching. Resources and other materials to assist in this area will be offered. Tracks 1 to 5 38. The Liturgical Year Sister Joan Amelia Ferruggiaro, SSJ 11:15 am - 12:30 pm or 2:15 - 3:30 pm This workshop will deal with the catechesis of the liturgical year and traditional Catholic devotions. Together they help to bring about a true Catholic culture for your students. Tracks 1 to 5 39. Icebreakers for Adult Groups Gladys Pozza 12:45 - 2:00 pm Icebreakers not only create an atmosphere for your presentation but they can also reinforce your message. This workshop will present different ideas and resources for ice breakers and how to incorporate them into your presentation. Have your group interacting and laughing, so that they are relaxed and open to your message and remember it. Tracks 4 and 6 40. Further into Special Needs in Catechesis Geraldine Gibbia, Ph.D. and Anne Masters 9:45 - 11:00 am In the Gospel there are many examples of Jesus meeting people where they are. As catechists we are challenged to do this. In this workshop we will explore more advanced methods of catechesis with learners with developmental disabilities. This workshop will build on previous workshops. Level 5 41. An Introduction to Special Needs in Catechesis Anne Masters 12:45 - 2:00 pm In the Gospel we regularly see Jesus embracing those who do not fit into the " mainstream. " In this workshop we will explore the needs of learners with learning, developmental and intellectual disabilities. Focus is on behavioral and communicative supports and resources for inclusion in catechesis and liturgy, as well as discuss different options for inclusion. Level 5 42. Presente y fururo de nuestra salvación en Cristo José Ciordia, OAR 9:45 - 11:00 am o 12:45 - 2:00 pm Cristo siempre presente en nuestras vidas, nuestra roca y refugio, seguridad de que la salvación viene de EL. Track 7 43. Compromiso de las primeras comunidades cristianas, a través de las cartas paulinas María de los Angeles García 11:15 am - 12:30 pm o 2:15 - 3:30 pm Ven a descubrir como las primeras comunidades cristianas vivian, y como fueron aceptando a Cristo como su Señor. Dificultades y logros que afrontaron. Track 7 44. Mi experiencia catequizando a los jóvenes Margarita Gutiérrez 9:45 - 11:00 am o 12:45 - 2:00 pm De una forma práctica este taller te presentará la mejor forma de tener una buena sesión de catequesis adaptada a jóvenes de este momento. Track 7 45. Conocete a tí mismo, el aprendizaje del hombre Carmen M. Hernández 11:15 am - 12:30 pm o 2:15 - 3:30 pm Siguiendo a San Agustín aprendamos con este taller a descubrirnos a nosotros, descubir a los demás y como esto nos lleva al aprendizaje. Track 7 46. La música herramienta de la catequesis Liz Cañarte 9:45 - 11:00 am o 12:45 - 2:00 pm Como aprovechar la música para ayudar al crecimiento de la fe de acuerdo a las distintas edades de los catequizandos. Track 7 47. Como aprovechar la tecno-logía en la catequesis Dulce Jiménez 11:15 am - 12:30 pm o 2:15 - 3:30 pm Patrocinado por H. Sadlier, Inc. Este taller nos ofrecerá la tecnología como un magnífico recurso a fin de ofrecer una amena y efectiva sesión de catequesis. Track 7 48. Las órdenes religiosas ¿por qué? Y ¿para qué? Diácono Asterio Velasco 9:45 - 11:00 am o 12:45 - 2:00 pm Todos hemos oído hablar de benedictinos, franciscanos, dominicos, carmelitas, agustinos, jesuítas, salesianos, conozca-mos cómo nacieron estas órdenes y congregaciones religiosas, su misión en la Iglesia y la diferencia entre los sacerdotes religiosos y los sacerdotes diocesanos. Track 7 49. Justicia social ante un problema, la Iglesia siempre dirá presente Msgr. Reilly 9:45 - 11:00 am Msgr. Reilly presentará distintas situaciones en que la Iglesia ha dicho presente, y expondrá razones por las que la misma no puede estar ajena ante un problema que afecte al hombre. Track 7 50. Cómo atraer a los adultos al programa del RICA Dania Junco 11:15 am - 12:30 pm o 2:15 - 3:30 pm La realidad del adulto cuando no ha recibido los Sacramentos de Iniciación o le falta alguno, siguiendo el modelo del Pre-Catecumenado cómo motivarlo a que se incorpore al programa del RICA. Track 7 51. El Catequista y la Oración Sor María Luz Ortíz 9:45 - 11:00 am o 12:45 - 2:00 pm Patrocinado por Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Sor María Luz presentará distintos modelos de oración y destacará la importancia de la oración para el cristiano y el catequista en particular. Track 7 52. Diálogo entre la Fe y la Cultura María E. Hernández 11:15 am - 12:30 pm o 2:15 - 3:30 pm ¿Cómo poner la fe en medio de las distintas culturas que tiene nuestra Arquidiócesis? Ilevar las mismas a un contexto de diálogo y acercamiento a Cristo. Track 7 53. Caminar con el pobre, caminar con Cristo Fr. López Cardinale 9:145 - 11:00 am o 12:45 - 2:00 pm Patrocinado por RENEW International ¿Cómo poner en relación el valor teológico del pobre a una práctica pastoral? Veamos como nuestras prácticas catequéticas tienen sus raíces en este redescubrimiento. Track 7 54. ¿Y después de bautizados qué? José Planas 11:15 am - 12:30 pm o 2:15 - 3:30 pm ¿Qué pasa después que nuestros hijos se bautizan? ¿Qué pasa con muchos adultos? Cómo ayudar a que esta realidad cambie y se convierta en un verdadero compromiso bautismal, después de la iniciación cristiana. Track 7 55. Qué nos trajo SS Benedicto XVI en su visita a USA Raúl Couto 9:45 - 11:00 am o 12:45 - 2:00 pm Análisis crítico de los grandes logros de la visita de SS Benedicto XVI, usando distintas publicaciones, reacción de la comunidad católica y de la ciudadanía en general ante esta visita importante. 56. María, la mejor testigo Sor Ana fa Fajardo 11:15 am - 12:30 pm o 2:15 - 3:30 pm La presencia de María en la Biblia y en todo el recorrido de Cristo hasta el Calvario, la presencia de María en la Iglesia, y en particular en el católico de habla hispana. Track 7 57. Introducción a las necesida-des especiales en Catequesis Myriam Alizo 12:45 - 2:00 pm En el Evangelio vemos como Jesús acoge con regularidad a aquellos que no se adaptan al común denominador de la gente, a lo convencional. En este taller vamos a explorar las necesidades de los estudiantes con discapacidades intelectuales, de apren-dizaje y de desarrollo. Vamos a enfocarnos en los soportes de comunicación y de comportamiento para lograr la inclusion en la catequesis y en la litúrgia; también se van a discutir diferentes opciones en el tema de la inclusión. Track 7 58. Qúe puede hacer la familia por la catequesis Diácono Orlando Sánchez 11:15 am - 12:30 pm o 2:15 - 3:30 pm La familia actual, sus problemas, necesidad de incorporarla en el desarrollo de la fe de los hijos. Ventajas que esto traerá para la familia y la comunidad parroquial. Track 7 Track 7 Presenters/Presentadores J. Arsenault is the Director of the Office of Catechesis for the Diocese of Trenton, NJ. He has over 30 years experience in parishes and Catholic high schools as well as an adjunct instructor in Catholic College. He has an MA in Theology, has served on national committees and been published. He lives with his wife and daughter in East Windsor, NJ. Workshop #28 Basile serves as the Religion Department Chairman at Kellenberg Memorial High School in Uniondale, New York. As an assistant chaplain he also oversees the apostolic programs at Kellenberg as well as the music ministry. He is the author of Finding Faith in a Godless World. Workshop #8 Sister Adrienne Bradley, SSJ Sister Adrienne, a Sister of Saint ph of Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia is a presenter for theological, doctrinal and spiritual talks. Currently she is the DRE and Adult Spiritual Formation Leader at St. Anastasia Church. Workshop #14 Brown, sfo Tom is the Diocesan Consultant for Parish Catechetics in the Paterson Diocese. He served as a teacher and DRE in Blessed Sacrament in Paterson for five years. Workshop #24 Sister Kathleen Burton, SSJ Sister Kathy is presently the DRE at Holy Trinity Parish, Westfield. She served six years as an executive member of NPCD and one year as its vice president. Along with an MA she has other post graduate credits and a certificate in Family Counseling. Workshop #34 Sister Donna I. Ciangio, OP Sister Donna is a Dominican sister of Caldwell, NJ and has a Doctor of Ministry degree from Drew University. Most recently, she served as the Director of Pastoral Services at the National Pastoral Life Center, New York City and is now a consultant for RCL Benziger Publishing Company. Workshop #3 Conroy Jim holds a Master of Divinity degree from St. ph's Seminary (NY) and has been engaged in pastoral work and adult education for more than 35 years. He and his wife have presented Catechist Certification courses, Religious Education classes and conducted Children's Liturgy of the Word in St. Parish, Westwood, NJ. Workshop #33 Conroy has been the Pastoral Associate for Child Catechesis at St. 's in Westwood since 1988. Previously a Catholic elementary school teacher in New York, she has an MA from City College of New York. She lives in River Vale, NJ with her husband and three children. Workshop #32 Margie Copeland Presently a consultant for Loyola Press as well as being the Director of Faith Formation at St. ph Parish, Fairhaven, MA. She has been involved in secondary education and youth ministry as well as being a DRE and a representative for Loyola. Workshop #37 Cristiano has always been connected to the Church as a student, Catholic School Teacher, admissions director and now director of marketing for Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Newark. Workshop #7 Barbara D'Arrigo Barbara has an MA from the School of Theology of Seton Hall University. She is Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation at Our Lady of the Visitation in Paramus. Workshop #19 Sister DeMasi, SSJ Sister Sandy has a BS in Education from Chestnut Hill College and an MA in Liturgical Studies from the University of Notre Dame. She was the director of the Worship Office of the Archdiocese of Newark. She presently serves as pastoral associate in two diocesan parishes and is a consultant with RCLBenziger Publishing Company. Workshop #5 Rev. A. Dente Fr. Tom is the Director of the Office of Divine Worship for the Archdiocese of Newark. He holds a M. Div. from Seton Hall University and an MA in Theology (Liturgical Studies) from Notre Dame University. Workshop #9 Ken Doran Ken is the National Catechetical Consultant for H. Sadlier, Inc. He has over 31 years experience in catechetical ministry as a high school religion teacher and chairperson, DRE, and Diocesan Director of Religious Education for the Diocese of Salt Lake City. He has given numerous workshops throughout the country. Workshop #31 R. Drabik has a BA in Religious Studies from Lourdes College, Sylvania, OH and an MA in Theological Studies from the University of Dayton, Dayton, OH. He is the Director of Multimedia & Technology for the VLCFF at the University of Dayton. Workshop #13 Judith Dunlap Judith has given numerous workshops across the country and is author of several books on catechesis. She worked as a catechetical consultant for St. Messenger Press & Franciscan Communication for ten years. She has an MA in theology and is a wife, mother, and a grandmother. Workshop #1 Charlane Faught Charlane has been a catechist for 24 years and a DRE for eleven years. Previously she taught in public schools for ten years. She holds a BS in Education and a Masters in Religious Education. She attended Trenton State College and Georgian Court University. Workshop #29 Mohamed El Filali Mohamed is the Outreach Director of the Islamic Center of Passaic County and Chaplain at the Passaic County Jail. Workshop #15 Sister Joan Amelia Ferruggiaro, SSJ A Sister of St. ph of Chestnut Hill, PA, Sister Joan has an MA in Theology from St. Bonaventure University. She has been a teacher and a principal and is presently the Assistant Superintendent for the Archdiocese of Newark. Workshop #38 Geraldine Gibbia, Ph.D. Co-founder and Executive Director of The Phoenix Center in Nutley, NJ, Geri is a speech-language pathologist. She is a 2007 recipient of the Professional Award from NJ Coalition for Inclusive Ministries and a member of the PRAISE Executive Advisory Board for the Archdiocese of Newark. Workshop #40 Gibbons has an MA in Theology from the College of Saint , Convent Station, NJ as well as a certificate in Pastoral Ministry. Presently she is the PCL at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, Roseland, New Jersey. Workshop #10 Fred Herron Fred is Program Director at Mount Manresa Jesuit Retreat House, Staten Island and chairperson of the Religious Studies Department at Fontbonne Hall Academy, Brooklyn, NY. He is also a member of St. 's University faculty and has authored six books on Catholic education and spirituality. Workshop #12 Sister Claudette Jaszczynski, CSJB Sister is presently serving as Associate Director in the Catechetical Office of the Archdiocese of Newark. She has taught in both elementary and secondary schools and served as principal and DRE. She has postgraduate degrees in both education and theology. Workshop #25 Sister Theresa , FMA A Salesian Sister of St. Bosco, she holds a BS in Education from Seton Hall University and an MA in Theology and Catechetics from the University of Aquinas. She has been involved in Catholic schools and parish religious education programs as teacher, principal and DRE. She presently teaches theology at the college level and is the Chairperson of the Diocesan Catechetical Commission and a member of the Diocesan Pastoral Council for the Diocese of Paterson, NJ. Workshop #18 Rev. Philip Latronico Fr. Phil has been ordained since 1986, a DRE from 1972 - 2005, youth minister currently at St. the Apostle, Linden, Chaplain of Community of God's Love, Rutherford, Executive Secretary of Commissions for Christian Unity and of Interrreligious Affairs of the Archdiocese of Newark, and President of the North Jersey Christian Muslim Project. Workshop #15 Anne Masters Anne has an MA and is the director of the department of Pastoral Ministry with Persons with Disabilities in the Archdiocese of Newark. She is a board member of the New Jersey Coalition for Inclusive Ministries and a member of the Autism and Faith Task Force. Workshops #40 and 41 Beatrice Mondare Beatrice has been teaching high school religious studies at Immaculate Heart Academy, Washington Township for 21 years. She is also the parish coordinator of the Social Justice Committee for Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Oakland, NJ. Workshop #36 Eileen Eileen has been a catechist for over 30 years and involved in catechetical training and leadership for 28 years. She was a Master Catechist for the Dioceses of San Diego and San Bernardino prior to moving to NJ. She and her husband of 33 years are involved in the Marriage Encounter ministry in the Paterson Diocese. Most recently Eileen is the Director of Religious Formation at Our Lady of Lourdes in West Orange. Workshop #17 Sister Honora C. Nolty, OP Sister has several degrees among which are education, theology and spiritual direction. She has worked as a teacher, principal, supervisor and pastoral associate. She also has vast experience in conducting adult education and spirituality courses in New York and Washington state. Presently she works with RENEW International. Workshop #35 Sister Crucifix Pandullo, CSJB Sister's ministry in education has brought her to the classroom in the United States and in Zambia, Africa where she served for 25 years. She worked as a Catechetical Leader and was involved in the Vocation Awareness Programs for the Archdioceses of Newark and New York and the Dioceses of Paterson and Metuchen. Presently she is the Regional Catechetical Director for Staten Island. Workshop #30 Power Mike holds a Masters Degree in Religious Studies from Manhattan College. He has served in many different areas of ministry such as a high school religion chairperson and parish music director as well as a PCL. Currently he is a sales representative for H. Sadlier, Inc. Workshop #2 Gail Marie Poverman-Kave, LCSW Mrs. Poverman-Kave is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in private practice. She is a graduate of wood University's Graduate School of Social Work. She belongs to numerous organizations and has done extensive presentations. She is married and the mother of two wonderful twins. Workshop #26 Gladys Pozza Gladys is a Pastoral Associate for Family Faith Formation at Church of the Presentation in Upper Saddle River. She incorporates ice breakers into her presentations to create engaging presentations to reinforce the message. Gladys has an MA in Pastoral Ministry for Caldwell College. Workshop #39 Sister Bernadette M. Reis, FSP Bernadette M. Reis, fsp is a member of the Daughters of St. and currently performs her community's media ministry at ine Books & Media in New York City. She holds a BA in Spanish and English Literature and a Master Teacher Certificate in Media Literacy Education. Workshop #20 Rev. J. Sheehan Father Mike is the Pastor of the Church of the Annunciation in Paramus. He has been the Director of the RCIA for the past 16 years. He was ordained on May 27, 1978. Workshop #22 Deacon M. Tom is the Director of Archdiocese of Newark Pastoral Ministry with the Deaf. He began learning sign language during his graduate studies in Communication Disorders. He is advocate for the spiritual, civil and human rights of Deaf and Hard of Hearing People. Workshop #4 Sisca Pace, Ph.D. Dr. Pace specializes in academic achievement. She has a doctorate in psychology from the University of Southern California, a certification in spiritual direction from the Jesuit Center in Wernersville, PA and over 25 years experience as an education seminar leader and youth mentor. Workshop #12 Rev. J. Reilly Fr. Reilly is currently the pastor at Most Holy Name, Garfield, NJ as well as the Archdiocesan Director of MultiEthnic and Multicultural Affairs. He was the founding director of St. Bridget's Church Immigaration Assistance Service. Workshop #23, Taller #49 Louise Timko, Ph.D. Louise received her doctorate in theological and religious studies from Drew University. She has been a catechetical writer and editor for more than twenty years and is currently a catechist at Immaculate Heart of Parish, Scotch Plains. Workshop #21 Eugene V. Tozzi, Ph.D. Gene is Associate Director for Adult and Family Catechesis at the Catechetical Office of the Archdiocese of Newark. He has 28 years experience as a parish director of religious education and has taught as an adjunct professor at Fordham University and at Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology at Seton Hall. Workshop #16 and Joanne Tyne and Joanne are proud parents and grandparents. Together they have developed a ministry in which they put together their skills of clowning and puppeteering. They have performed many programs throughout the parishes in NJ. Workshop #6 ph Joe is currently Dean of Campus Ministry and teaches Religion to Seniors at Paramus Catholic High School, Paramus. For the past five years he has taught a class Faith and Media, where his workshop originated. He has been in youth ministry and religious education for many years. Workshop #27 Allan F. Allan has an MA in Theology and is a teacher at Union Catholic Regional High School. He has written two books, Jesus in the House and Silent Witnesses in the Gospels which are published by St. Messenger Press. Workshop #11 Myriam Alizo Myriam ha trabajado en SPAN desde el año 2003 como especialista de grupos de padres, en educación especial para los condados de Bergen, Hudson, Union y Essex. Ha realizado presentaciones bilingues. Trabajo en " Parent to parent of Miami, Inc " como coordinadora de apoyo familiar. Myrian posee un grado en Ingenieria Electrónica de la Universidad Simón Bolivar de Caracas, Venezuela. Taller #57 Liz Cañarte Liz tiene una maestria en música de Jersey City University, Maestra Certificada por el Estado de Nueva Jersey, Ministro de la música de la parroquia the Most Holy Name, Garfield, NJ. Ha enseñado música en los programas de catequesis de San Agustín de Union City, y en la parroquia de Holy Family de esa misma ciudad, y ahora lo hace en la parroquia de Most Holy Name de Garfield. Taller #46 Rev. López Cardinale Sacerdote Diocesano de la Arquidiócesis de Caracas, Venezuela, miembro del Equipo de Renew Internacional. Ha desarrollado una intensa labor en la formación de Catequistas. Tiene una Maestria en Pastoral Catequética del Intitut Supérieue de Pastorale Catéchétique de Paris, desarrolla su doctorado en teología práctica en la Université Laval Québec-Cananda. Taller #53 Rev. José Ciordia, OAR Sacerdote ordenado el 9 de Abril, 1961 en Roma. Tiene una Maestria en Ciencias Bíblicas del Bibllicum en Roma en 1965. Profesor de la Sagrada Escritura en el Centro Guadalupe en Union City NJ, desde 1999 hasta el presente. Vicario Parroquial de la Iglesia San Agustín, Union City desde el 2008. Taller #42 Raúl Couto Raúl es Ingeniero Mecánico graduado de NJIT, trabaja para el Board of Educación de la ciudad de Union, fue catequista en Holy ry/St. en y miembro del Consejo Parroquial de esa parroquia por varios años, fue profesor del Programa de los Ministerios Pastorales CFM, y en anteriores Congresos de Catequesis ha ofrecido talleres. Taller #55 Sor Ana fa Fajardo Miembro de la Congregación de Hermanas Misioneras del Sagrado Corazón, Licenciatura en Educación, Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, Licenciatura en Ciencias Religiosa, Seminario Pontifício Santo Tomás de Aquino de Santo Domingo, D.R. Catequista por 25 años. Taller #56 María de los Angeles García, PH.D Doctora en Educación, Fue Directora Asociada de Catequesis para los Hispanos en la Arquidiócesis de Newark por 25 años, ha desarrollado una gran labor como catequista en la Parroquia de San Agustín de Union City. Reconocida nacionalmente como una autoridad en catequesis por su experiencia y grandes conocimientos. Taller #43 Margarita Gutiérrez-Solana Graduada de Ingeniero Eléctrico en Cuba. Actualmente tiene una Maestria en Educación y una especialización en Educación Especial. Maestra por quince años y catequista en la parroquia de San Agustín de union City por esa misma cantidad de tiempo. Taller #44 Carmen Milagros Hernández, PH.D Licenciatura en Psicología Clínica, Universidad de Santo Tomás de Villanueva, Cuba, Doctorado en Psicología Escolar New York University. Facilitadora del Programa " Protegiendo los Niños de Dios " de la Arquidiócesis de Newark. Taller #45 María Esther Hernández Graduada del Seton Hall University con Licenciatura en Periodismo y Teología. Profesora de Kean University Y Seton Hall, Abogada Criminalista e Instructora del Departamento de Catequesis de la Arquidiócesis de Newark. Taller #52 Dulce Jiménez Dulce, es Directora de Programas en Español de la Publicitaria H. Sadlier. Profesora y traductora de materiales de religión lo que permite que tengamos publicaciones bilingues de la misma. De origen dominicano, ha trabajado como traductora para los Cristófros por más de siete años, también para Alba House y el Departamento de Catequesis de la ciudad de Nueva York. Enseñó por doce años antes de venir a Estados Unidos en la Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña en su tierra Santo Domingo. Posee un Bachillerato de la Universidad Pedro Henriquez Ureña y una Maestría de la Universidad de Michigan. Taller #47 Dania Junco Dania posee una maestria en Literatura Española, esta terminando una maestria en Teología con concentración en el Antiguo Testamento. Taller #50 Sor María Luz Ortiz, MHSH La Hna María Luz Ortiz tiene una maestría en Teología de St. 's University Baltimore, MD, un Bachillerato en sociología de Loyola College, Baltimore, MD y diferentes certificados de catequesis y ministerio parroquial. Ha servido como catequista por más de 35 años, en Venezuela, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana y Colombia, S.A. además en diferentes Estados de la Unión Americana. Fue Vice-Presidenta de NOCH por los últimos 6 años, Actualmente es consultora de Catequésis de la Compañia Publicitaria Harcourt, para los hispanos. Taller #51 José Planas, PH.D Doctor en Educación, Master en Arte, catequista por 25 años en la Parroquia de San Agustín de Union City, actualmente Director Asociado de Catequesis para los Hispanos en la Arquidiócesis de Newark. Taller #54 Diácono Orlando Sánchez Ingeniero Mecánico. Ordenado Diácono Permanente en el año 2003 por nuestro Arzobispo J. Myers, Instructor de los cursos de Formación Ministerial. Asistente Coordinador del Ministerio " Matrimonios Unidos en Cristo " . Taller #58 Diácono Asterio Velasco Master en Arte, Master en Historia de la Iglesa (Seton Hall). Coordinador del Programa de Catequesis de la parroquia de San José San de Union City. Taller #48 .. DIRECTIONS TO PARAMUS CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL/ DIRECCIONES PARA LLEGAR A PARAMUS CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL From the Garden State Parkway Northbound (and Route 80 Eastbound): Take exit #163 (left-hand exit) to Route 17 North. Go a short distance to the second Midland Avenue exit. Go up ramp and over Route 17 staying in the left lane. Go straight through the traffic light and up the hill past Annunciation Church on the left. At the next light make a left onto Paramus Road. At the first light make a right into Paramus Catholic. From Garden State Parkway Southbound: Take exit #163 (left-hand exit) to Route 17 South. Take Century Road exit and bear right at the exit ramp. Head west on Century Road through industrial area and up the hill. Washington Cemetery is on the right. At the light make a right onto Paramus Road. Go straight through the next traffic light but keep in the right lane in front of Bergen Community College. Make the jug handle turn (on the right) at the next light and come straight across Paramus Road into Paramus Catholic. From New Jersey Turnpike North (or Route 80): Take Route 80 West (local) to Route 17 North to Route 4 West to the Paramus Road exit. Bear right at the end of the exit ramp and head North on Paramus Road. Go through 2 traffic lights and keep in the right lane in front of Bergen Community College. Make the jug handle turn (on the right) and come straight across Paramus Road into Paramus Catholic. Desde el Garden State Parkway Norte (y Ruta 80 rumbo al Este): Tome la salida 163 (la salida esta a la izquierda) hasta la Ruta 17 Norte. Maneje una corta distancia hasta la segunda salida de la Avenida Midland. Suba por la rampa sobre la ruta 17 manténgase en el carril de la izquierda. Continue derecho hasta la luz de tráfico, y siga por la colina pasando por la Iglesia de la Anunciación que le quedará a su izquierda. En la siguiente luz de tráfico haga una izquierda en Paramus Road. En la primera luz haga una derecha en Paramus Catholic. Desde el Garden State Parkway Sur: Tome la salida 163 (la salida esta a la izquierda) hasta la ruta 17 sur, use la salida de Century Road doble a la derecha en la salida de la rampa. Dirijase al Oeste en Century Road hacia la zona industrial sobre la colina, el Cementerio de Washington le va a quedar a su derecha. En la luz haga una derecha en Paramus Road continue derecho hasta la próxima luz pero manténgase en la línea de la derecha en frente del Bergen Community College. Continue por Paramus Road, hasta que vea Paramus Catholic High School, haga una derecha hasta el parqueadero. Desde New Jersey Turnpike Norte (o Ruta 80): Desde la Ruta 80 West (local) hasta la Ruta 17 Norte, y de esta a la Ruta 4 Oeste hasta la salida de Paramus Road. Doble a la derecha en la salida de la rampa hasta que se encuentre con Paramus Road en la segunda luz de tráfico manténgase en la línea de la derecha frente al Bergen Community College. Guire a la derecha y siga derecho por Paramus Road hasta Paramus Catholic High School. Life and Mission Vida y Misión Catechist Convocation November 15, 2008 Paramus Catholic Regional High School 425 Paramus Road Paramus, New Jersey 07652 (English form on reverse side.) Convocatoria de Catequesis ~~~ Noviembre 15, 2008 POR FAVOR, ESCRIBA CLARO Y CON LETRA DE MOLDE Nombre ___________________________________ Apellido ____________________________________ Correo Electrónico ____________________________________________ Parroquia____________________________________________ Ciudad ____________________________ Almuerzo: Por favor seleccione uno. No se servirá almuerzo después de las 2:00 pm Primera Selección: Número del Taller Selección Alternativa: Número del Taller Primera Sesión 9:45 - 11:00 am NO ALMUERZO Segunda Sesión 11:15 am - 12:30 pm Almuerzo A _______ Tercera Sesión 12:45 - 2:00 pm Almuerzo B _______ Cuarta Sesión 2:15 - 3:30 pm NO ALMUERZO Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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