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tap extravaganza show may 29th 2009

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Hi all,

My dad, Carl Schlesinger has been producing the Tap Extravaganza Show for 20

years in NYC and I wanted to spread the word in case any of you wanted to





Peg Legs Bates,

1991 Flo-Bert Honoree

TICKETS: $69, $55, $45, $25 Order by credit card (no discount):

212-279-4200 or use website: www.ticketcentral

Go to Ticket Central Box Office:

416 W 42d St. (9th & 10th Aves.) noon to 8pm daily

Traci Mann and her

Mann Arts Tap Company

Nemr and his CPD Dance Group

The New Jersey Tap Dance Ensemble

Yvette Glover

Savion Glover*

Toes, , & Traci doing

Bill 's dance

Jerry Ames

Calvin Booker

Harold Cromer

Michela Marino Lerman

and her Dance Troupe

DeWitt Fleming

Rod Ferrone

Mable Lee

Music by The Owens Trio

Owens piano Bernice drums Lisle Atkinson bass

Make out your check or money order to FLO-BERT Ltd. Send it, with a stamped,

self-addressed envelope, to

Ruth Cohen, NY Committee, 1864 64th St., #2R , Brooklyn, NY 11204. (Groups

of 14 or more call 718-232-1852)

Please send me ______tickets for May 24th Tap Extravaganza at: (Check One)

$69 $55 $45 $25

A check made out to FLO-BERT Ltd. for $_________ and a stamped,

self-addressed envelope is enclosed for tickets.

(If mailed by May 5th you may deduct $3 off each ticket - no discounts on

$25 seats)








Phone No.



To help make and preserve tap history by producing these shows, I enclose a

tax-deductible contribution of $________ Thank you!








Please put me on your mailing list Take me off your mailing list Moved, new

address above



*schedule permitting

Congratulate the

Honorees in Our Souvenir Program!

For $20 you can send your personal message of up

to 16 words (including name) in our show program.

Write message, send with a check made out to

Flo-Bert Ltd.

Mail to: TapEx Program Advertising

c/o Laraine Goodman

124 East 4th St., New York, NY 10003

Mail your message by May 5, 2009

Ticket contributions to Flo-Bert Ltd., a 501 ©(3)

tax-exempt organization, in excess of $43 per person

are tax deductible as charitable contributions.

Full ticket costs may be deductible as a business

expense. For our financial report, write the NY Dept.

of State, Charities Registration, 162 Washington Ave.,

Albany NY 12210 or to Flo-Bert Ltd., c/o NYFA,

155 Sixth Ave., 6th flr., New York, NY 10013-1507.

Flo-Bert Ltd., New York Committee To Celebrate

National Tap Dance Day, is affiliated fiscally with the

New York Foundation For The Arts/Management.

Order Early

Save $3

per ticket

coupon below

photo: Eccles

Mail coupon below with check, selfaddressed

envelope for good reserved seats

Dr. Prince Spencer

is the surviving member of

the four Step Brothers, first

black act to play in Radio

City Music Hall. In 2002, he

and eight other tappers

were awarded a prestigious

education title, an Honorary

Doctorate of Tap Dance by

Oklahoma City University.

Mercedes Ellington

graduated from Juilliard

School of Music and rose to

become Artistic Director of the

DancEllington Tap Company.

A Broadway choreographer

and dancer, she is CEO,

president and founder of the

Duke Ellington Center for the

Performing Arts. " Duke " was

Mercedes' grandfather; this

year is his 110th birthday.

photo: Melba Huber

This is our 20th continuous

year of producing tap dance

and honors shows.

We have built a reputation

for introducing lively,

unforgettable tappers,

excellent music and honoring

aging dancers who were

great in their day. We return

them to the stage so that

young tappers have the

chance to meet them in

person before they take

their " last steps. "

Fashion Institute of Technology Haft Auditorium

227 West 27th Street (bet. 7th & 8th ave) nyc

Sunday, May 24, 2009, 7pm


c/o New York Committee to Celebrate

National Tap Dance Day / Tap Extravaganza®

P.O. Box 2156, New York, NY 10108







*please recycle this flyer

Our Flo-Bert Awards to be presented to

Dr. Prince Spencer

Honarary Doctorate, Tap

Oklahoma City University


Merceded Ellington

Julliard Graduate, Dance,

Artistic Director/DanceEllington,

Educator, Choreogrpaher

Tap Extravaganza is the publication of the New York Committee to

Celebrate National Tap Dance Day, a program of Flo-Bert Ltd. Flo-Bert is

fiscally overseen by the New York Foundation For the Arts, A New York State

Not-for-Profit Organization, published irregularly. The New York Foundation

of the Arts is located at 155 Sixth Avenue, 6th floor, New York, NY 10013.

Sunday, May 24, 2009, 7pm


Fashion Institute of Technology Haft Auditorium

227 West 27th Street (bet. 7th & 8th ave) nyc

This is our


Year of shows!

1990- 2009

come join our celebration!

Peg Legs Bates,

1991 Flo-Bert Honoree

See and Hear

Some of the





on our

Stage to

Hot Jazz!

The purpose and goals of the New York

Commmittee to Celebrate National Tap Dance

Day since its beginnings in 1990 are:

To raise public appreciation for the unique art and skill involved in

tap dancing, which is a true American creation, by presenting it in an

entertaining, educational and multicultural way.

To preserve on archival videotape for dance students and scholars of

generations to come the dances, steps and visual personalities of the

great tap mastersof today and the emerging masters of tomorrow.

To learn more about us, please go to our website:

www.tapextravaganza.org or phone: 201.935.5504


Traci's ad


When tap royalty celebrates

We all win!

Saturday May 16th at Flushing Town Hall

A celebration is really a big deal when the Celebration Queen- Cobi Narita

plans it, of course. Cobi is planning a program for Saturday May 16th


at 7:30 PM at Flushing Town Hall - 137-35 Northern Blvd. Queens, New York.

There will be hot jazz, cool blues, steaming tap and lovely voices. PLUS-YOU

of course. The box office is 718 463-7700 ext. 222, you can reserve your


Why the celebration? Because May 25th each year we tappers pay tribute to

Bill " Bojangles " , for whom National Tap Dance Day was created.

Bill is the All-American star tap dancer of the 19th and 20th centuries.


the one who trained young Shirley Temple to do his very difficult stair


with him. Come and see why we make a big deal of this special day. Buy seats

soon, as seats at Queen Cobi's Flushing Town Hall goes fast!

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