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Re: Coming along with lots of words!! A success story

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Cograts! I have always known that kids with low tone and horses are a good

match..... you've proven it yet again!

I am so happy for you and your boy. Keep up the good work.


Mother of Mark, 14

[ ] Coming along with lots of words!! A success


Well, since my last update on Christian (2 1/2 year old apraxia) we have had

so many more new words. He has at least 100 +! He is imitating every word he

hears and he is pretty clear and understandable! I am so proud of my little

one! I just wanted to tell the parents that are still awaiting that little

voice that it HAPPENS! Don't give up! I thought it wouldn't and the SLP at

hippotherapy said that one day it would just " click " and it has! I also wanted

to tell people that I think there is something to the hippotherapy and why my

son is speaking so much and so clearly. Christian's regular therapist (clinic)

has said that what she is seeing with Christian is not " usual " and is amazing.

I think with the combo of speech in the clinic and hippo it really has made the

difference. When we leave hippotherapy Christian can't keep himself quiet. The

horse really stimulates his nervous system! Here is a quick history on Christian

for those

that don't know him: Christian never babbled much at all. He was a quiet

baby. He said maybe 1 word at a year of age. He would say the word " es " and

point to everything. I think he was communicating with that word but we didn't

understand. He still says that word here and there but now labels everything.

He didn't ever put anything in his mouth...nor did he ever use his tongue

(sticking it out, licking). Now he does more of that. He was my first so I

wasn't aware of what was normal or abnormal. I now have a 1 year old and she

puts everything in her mouth! Anyway, that is a quick summary of Christian.

Well, if anyone has any questions on hippo I would be happy to answer. I am

very familiar with how and why it works. I highly recommend it!


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I have a daughter 4 years old with Apraxia , how can  i enroll her to




From: Christian Karriker <bug3235@...>

Subject: [ ] Coming along with lots of words!! A success story

" Apraxia Group " < >

Date: Saturday, January 31, 2009, 6:21 AM

Well, since my last update on Christian (2 1/2 year old apraxia) we have had so

many more new words.  He has at least 100 +!  He is imitating every word he

hears and he is pretty clear and understandable!  I am so proud of my little

one!  I just wanted to tell the parents that are still awaiting that little

voice that it HAPPENS!  Don't give up!  I thought it wouldn't and the SLP at

hippotherapy said that one day it would just " click " and it has!  I also wanted

to tell people that I think there is something to the hippotherapy and why my

son is speaking so much and so clearly.  Christian's regular therapist (clinic)

has said that what she is seeing with Christian is not " usual " and is amazing. 

I think with the combo of speech in the clinic and hippo it really has made the

difference.  When we leave hippotherapy Christian can't keep himself quiet.  The

horse really stimulates his nervous system! Here is a quick history on Christian

for those

that don't know him:  Christian never babbled much at all.  He was a quiet

baby.  He said maybe 1 word at a year of age.  He would say the word " es " and

point to everything.  I think he was communicating with that word but we didn't

understand.  He still says that word here and there but now labels everything. 

He didn't ever put anything in his mouth...nor did he ever use his tongue

(sticking it out, licking).  Now he does more of that.  He was my first so I

wasn't aware of what was normal or abnormal.  I now have a 1 year old and she

puts everything in her mouth!  Anyway, that is a quick summary of Christian.

Well, if anyone has any questions on hippo I would be happy to answer.  I am

very familiar with how and why it works.  I highly recommend it!



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We just pay out of pocket...but it is like any other therapy.  A prescription

for a SLP is what you will need.

From: Christian Karriker <bug3235 (DOT) com>

Subject: [childrensapraxiane t] Coming along with lots of words!! A success


" Apraxia Group " < @groups. com>

Date: Saturday, January 31, 2009, 6:21 AM

Well, since my last update on Christian (2 1/2 year old apraxia) we have had so

many more new words.  He has at least 100 +!  He is imitating every word he

hears and he is pretty clear and understandable!  I am so proud of my little

one!  I just wanted to tell the parents that are still awaiting that little

voice that it HAPPENS!  Don't give up!  I thought it wouldn't and the SLP at

hippotherapy said that one day it would just " click " and it has!  I also wanted

to tell people that I think there is something to the hippotherapy and why my

son is speaking so much and so clearly.  Christian's regular therapist (clinic)

has said that what she is seeing with Christian is not " usual " and is amazing. 

I think with the combo of speech in the clinic and hippo it really has made the

difference.  When we leave hippotherapy Christian can't keep himself quiet.  The

horse really stimulates his nervous system! Here is a quick history on Christian

for those

that don't know him:  Christian never babbled much at all.  He was a quiet

baby.  He said maybe 1 word at a year of age.  He would say the word " es " and

point to everything.  I think he was communicating with that word but we didn't

understand.  He still says that word here and there but now labels everything. 

He didn't ever put anything in his mouth...nor did he ever use his tongue

(sticking it out, licking).  Now he does more of that.  He was my first so I

wasn't aware of what was normal or abnormal..  I now have a 1 year old and she

puts everything in her mouth!  Anyway, that is a quick summary of Christian.

Well, if anyone has any questions on hippo I would be happy to answer.  I am

very familiar with how and why it works.  I highly recommend it!



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I would very much like to hear more info on the hippotherapy. We just

got the kids a horse for Christmas. I had no idea this could help my

little guy. He'll be 4 in two weeks. He is making progress and made

a big step after I did 3 sessions of Interactive Metronome Therapy

with him. Could you share some of your reasons why you think

Hippotherapy worked for your kiddo?

Thank you kindly,




> From: Christian Karriker <bug3235@...>

> Subject: [ ] Coming along with lots of words!! A

success story

> " Apraxia Group " < >

> Date: Saturday, January 31, 2009, 6:21 AM







> Well, since my last update on Christian (2 1/2 year old apraxia) we

have had so many more new words.  He has at least 100 +!  He is

imitating every word he hears and he is pretty clear and

understandable!  I am so proud of my little one!  I just wanted to

tell the parents that are still awaiting that little voice that it

HAPPENS!  Don't give up!  I thought it wouldn't and the SLP at

hippotherapy said that one day it would just " click " and it has!  I

also wanted to tell people that I think there is something to the

hippotherapy and why my son is speaking so much and so clearly. 

Christian's regular therapist (clinic) has said that what she is

seeing with Christian is not " usual " and is amazing.  I think with the

combo of speech in the clinic and hippo it really has made the

difference.  When we leave hippotherapy Christian can't keep himself

quiet.  The horse really stimulates his nervous system! Here is a

quick history on Christian for those

> that don't know him:  Christian never babbled much at all.  He was a

quiet baby.  He said maybe 1 word at a year of age.  He would say the

word " es " and point to everything.  I think he was communicating with

that word but we didn't understand.  He still says that word here and

there but now labels everything.  He didn't ever put anything in his

mouth...nor did he ever use his tongue (sticking it out, licking). 

Now he does more of that.  He was my first so I wasn't aware of what

was normal or abnormal.  I now have a 1 year old and she puts

everything in her mouth!  Anyway, that is a quick summary of Christian.

> Well, if anyone has any questions on hippo I would be happy to

answer.  I am very familiar with how and why it works.  I highly

recommend it!


> Yvette



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I was just reading this thinking that 100+ words at two and a half

years-old is not only normal but way above normal for a regular child

without Apraxia. I have 5 children and I apologize, but I am at a

total loss where " apraxia " has been an issue for your child. Boys

talk later than girls anyways and girls mouth more than boys on the

average across the board (what I know from being a nurse).

So, was this oral apraxia and not verbal apraxia? I am just trying to

understand. Maybe I am just lost because I do not know the whole

situation? Did your son just leave off the initial sounds for this

and say " es " as he pointed? Again, I just want to clarify whtI am

reading and I apologize for asking so many questions, but it seems

that your child is speaking above normally for a 2 1/2 yr.old.

Thanks for helping me understand.

(I have one who is almost two without Apraxia) -- In

, Christian Karriker <bug3235@...>



> Well, since my last update on Christian (2 1/2 year old apraxia) we

have had so many more new words.  He has at least 100 +!  He is

imitating every word he hears and he is pretty clear and

understandable!  I am so proud of my little one!  I just wanted to

tell the parents that are still awaiting that little voice that it

HAPPENS!  Don't give up!  I thought it wouldn't and the SLP at

hippotherapy said that one day it would just " click " and it has!  I

also wanted to tell people that I think there is something to the

hippotherapy and why my son is speaking so much and so clearly. 

Christian's regular therapist (clinic) has said that what she is

seeing with Christian is not " usual " and is amazing.  I think with

the combo of speech in the clinic and hippo it really has made the

difference.  When we leave hippotherapy Christian can't keep himself

quiet.  The horse really stimulates his nervous system! Here is a

quick history on Christian for those

> that don't know him:  Christian never babbled much at all.  He was

a quiet baby.  He said maybe 1 word at a year of age.  He would say

the word " es " and point to everything.  I think he was communicating

with that word but we didn't understand.  He still says that word

here and there but now labels everything.  He didn't ever put

anything in his mouth...nor did he ever use his tongue (sticking it

out, licking).  Now he does more of that.  He was my first so I

wasn't aware of what was normal or abnormal.  I now have a 1 year old

and she puts everything in her mouth!  Anyway, that is a quick

summary of Christian.

> Well, if anyone has any questions on hippo I would be happy to

answer.  I am very familiar with how and why it works.  I highly

recommend it!


> Yvette






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As I always say however -what we consider " words " may be

unintelligible to others. Tanner's " ti ti ti ti me " at 3 -I (at the time

not now!) thought of as a SENTENCE! of " can I have a little bit " Or

what about my sister " doo doo " or Dakota " bo bo " (think he was

trying to say brother?) I mean I counted them all as " words " really!!

(I have the actual list I gave to his preschool in The Late Talker book)

Only Yvette would know -but from memory I believe she is a special

education teacher herself -so she's a savvy mom! But savvy or not we

all as moms can understand what our child means long before others.

Or...Yvette's child was misdiagnosed- was never apraxic and she's just

experiencing a normal surge in developmental speech which translates

to her child 'was' just a late talker. If this was a clinical study

she would stop the fish oils and stop the therapy and see if her

child's surge continued -and then we'd all know...but it's not a study. It's

just happy news no matter what the reason!

Prior to the age of 3, without oral apraxia, you can really only

secure a diagnosis of " suspected apraxia " where you begin appropriate

therapy for apraxia just in case. Also you should secure a neuroMD

exam to confirm or rule out " soft signs " such as low tone and sensory

issues. If the child has no soft signs- just starts talking -and

stopping therapy doesn't matter....well horse back riding for a child

is probably a fun thing to do anyway if one has the money! But you

can just go on with your regularly scheduled program -meaning you

don't have to continue therapy if you don't want to! (that's a good



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I was wondering what Interactive Metronome Therapy is? thank you.



> +


> I would very much like to hear more info on the hippotherapy. We just

> got the kids a horse for Christmas. I had no idea this could help my

> little guy. He'll be 4 in two weeks. He is making progress and made

> a big step after I did 3 sessions of Interactive Metronome Therapy

> with him. Could you share some of your reasons why you think

> Hippotherapy worked for your kiddo?


> Thank you kindly,

> Jane



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They have a site: interactivemetronome.com. Click on Best Practices

at top then go from there. It's quite informative. I am a certified

provider and have seen exciting things happen with the therapy. They

do provide " IM Home " units now but that must go through a provider.




> Hello,

> I was wondering what Interactive Metronome Therapy is? thank you.

> Jenn

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Thanks for your information, Iam just scared when I think that she cant read or

write good like me or anyone normal, because now she is 4 years, and the

district didnt do anything

through her motor skills evalution.

From: caroline yassa <c_yassa (DOT) com>

Subject: Re: [childrensapraxiane t] Coming along with lots of words!! A success


@groups. com

Date: Saturday, January 31, 2009, 6:04 PM



I have a daughter 4 years old with Apraxia , how can  i enroll her to




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Thank you, Janice, you are encouraging. Can you tell me what a flat

saddle is and why it is needed verses a western saddle?

Thanks for you help,




> Dear Jane,


> While we have not done hippotherapy and the other girls can respond

to this....


> I rode horses for many years throughout my childhood. The unique

thing about riding is that it works whole body muscle tone. It is the

one rare exercise that does this. Well.... jumping on a trampoline

does this too but not nearly as intensively. So, the muscle tone in

the arms,hands, legs, and yes, even face is worked while doing this

exercise. The movement of the horse stimulates the entire body. The

closer to the pony the better thus try working with your boy on his

new best friend using a flat saddle as much as possible.


> You did GOOD! Even without prescribed hippotherapy, riding can do

wonderful things for body tone!


> Enjoy.....


> Janice

> Mother of Mark, 14



> [ ] Re: Coming along with lots of

words!! A success story



> +


> I would very much like to hear more info on the hippotherapy. We just

> got the kids a horse for Christmas. I had no idea this could help my

> little guy. He'll be 4 in two weeks. He is making progress and made

> a big step after I did 3 sessions of Interactive Metronome Therapy

> with him. Could you share some of your reasons why you think

> Hippotherapy worked for your kiddo?


> Thank you kindly,

> Jane


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