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Stem Cell Research Talking Points

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Download Stem Cell Research Talking Points



LL_RESEARCH_-_021307.pdf?docID=1001 & autologin=true


Love, Gabby. :0)



" I know of nobody who is purely Autistic or purely neurotypical. Even God had

some Autistic moments, which is why the planets all spin. " ~ Jerry Newport



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Just be sure you get all the facts straight about which stem cell research has

actually proven to be useful before you begin a crusade, even in the name of

" saving " children from brain

I present two websites, each with a small amount of opposing commentary. If

you're familiar with the debate, you'll see it. But the information (to me)

seems clear, and the small amount of info. in the first article by no means

contradicts the facts provided by the second article.


Taken from http://www.newsbatch.com/stemcells.htm

What are " stem cells " ?

For purposes of the current controversy, these cells are known as " pluripotent

stem cells " . These are specialized cells which are formed at the very beginning

stages of human embryo development and are part of what is known as a blastocyst

(see illustration). These cells are unique because at this stage in development

they are not specialized and have the capacity to develop into 130 different

human tissue types.

Why are these stem cells important to medical scientists?

Although research is only in the early stages, there is a growing consensus

among researchers that many very effective medical treatments can be realized

through cloning stem cells. This is because these cells can be made to replicate

specific human tissues. These cells offer the possibility of a renewable source

of replacement cells and tissue to treat a myriad of diseases, conditions, and

disabilities including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, spinal cord injury,

stroke, burns, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

There is almost no realm of medicine that might not be touched by this


How are stem cells obtained?

Current research projects have obtained stem cells from tissue which has been

removed during terminated pregnancies or from embryos produced by in-vitro

fertilization clinics. Once isolated, the cells can be grown up in the

laboratory and stored for future use. Each reservoir of cells, derived from a

single embryo, is known as a cell line. A more reliable supply would be obtained

by copying or cloning embryos specifically for their stem cells.

Why the controversy?

Because stem cells are obtained from destroyed embryos, the concerns are similar

to those surrounding abortion. Most opponents of legal abortions also oppose

this research. In addition, the possibility that cell lines could be developed

from cloned embryos raises ethical concerns associated with propriety of human



......And from


The question of stem cells is currently the dominant subject in the debate over

biotechnology and human genetics: Should we use embryonic stem cells or adult

stem cells for future medical therapies? Embryonic stem cells are taken from a

developing embryo at the blastocyst stage, destroying the embryo, a developing

human life. Adult stem cells, on the other hand, are found in all tissues of the

growing human being and, according to latest reports, also have the potential to

transform themselves into practically all other cell types, or revert to being

stem cells with greater reproductive capacity. Embryonic stem cells have not yet

been used for even one therapy, while adult stem cells have already been

successfully used in numerous patients, including for cardiac infarction (death

of some of the heart tissue).


My point is simple: Regardless of your moral stance on the ethical debate of

adult vs. embryonic stem cells, the current fact is that only adult stem cells

have proven to be useful in many therapies already, while embryonic lines have

not, despite the research that has been done. No one may claim that it's because

it hasn't had enough money thrown at it, because it has had federal funding for

some time now. Even W. Bush's decision didn't destroy the research being

done on the existing 65 lines of embryonic cells.

This may not be the proper forum for this type of debate, being an apraxia

message board, but I just thought I'd interject some reason since these *rather*

one-sided " talking points " were brought up as a rallying cry for parents of

apraxic (and otherwise neurogically affected) children.


- In , a DeVelbiss

<gabrieladevelbiss@...> wrote:



> Download Stem Cell Research Talking Points





LL_RESEARCH_-_021307.pdf?docID=1001 & autologin=true



> Love, Gabby. :0)

> http://stemcellforautism.blogspot.com/


> " I know of nobody who is purely Autistic or purely neurotypical. Even God had

some Autistic moments, which is why the planets all spin. " ~ Jerry Newport








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