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Rhythmic motor entrainment in children with speech and language impairments: Tapping to the beat

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Rhythmic motor entrainment in children with speech and language impairments:

Tapping to the beat


Kathleen H. Corriveaua, b and Usha Goswamia


Harvard University Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA, USA

Received 12 January 2007; 

revised 1 May 2007, 4 July 2007; 

accepted 24 September 2007. 

Available online 31 October 2008



In prior work (Corriveau et al., 2007), we showed that children with speech and

language impairments (SLI) were significantly less sensitive than controls to

two auditory cues to rhythmic timing, amplitude envelope rise time and duration.

Here we explore whether rhythmic problems extend to rhythmic motor entrainment.

Tapping in synchrony with a beat has been described as the simplest rhythmic act

that humans perform. We explored whether tapping to a beat would be impaired in

children for whom auditory rhythmic timing is impaired. Children with SLI were

indeed found to be impaired in a range of measures of paced rhythmic tapping,

but were not equally impaired in tapping in an unpaced control condition

requiring an internally-generated rhythm. The severity of impairment in paced

tapping was linked to language and literacy outcomes...



Love, Gabby. :0)



" I know of nobody who is purely Autistic or purely neurotypical. Even God had

some Autistic moments, which is why the planets all spin. " ~ Jerry Newport



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