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Vaccine Bullies & Fighting Back

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Vaccine Bullies & Fighting Back

by Barbara Loe Fisher


During the past decade, families in the United Kingdom, Canada and America have

witnessed the demonization of brave doctors and parents of vaccine injured

children. It has been both sickening and frightening to watch physicians and

some journalists engage in a relentless persecution of Dr. Wakefield, who

first published research in 1998 examining the potential association between MMR

vaccine and autism. It has become obvious that their goal is to turn him into a

horrible warning to any physician who dares to investigate vaccine injury,

especially regressive autism. Not satisfied with trying to destroy the doctor,

who refuses to recant and defends pursuit of scientific truth, forced

vaccination proponents are now acting to kill not only freedom of thought and

scientific inquiry but also freedom of speech and informed consent to voluntary

use of vaccines.

Exactly what was the sin that British gastroenterologist, Wakefield, M.D.

committed in 1998 that made him a target for persecution? He dared to

hypothesize that a subset of children may be vulnerable, for immunological

reasons, to developing vaccine strain measles virus infection triggered by MMR

vaccination that causes acute and chronic inflammation in the body and can lead

to persistent health problems, including a form of inflammatory bowel disease

and brain dysfunction manifested by autism. It is hardly a radical hypothesis.

Since smallpox vaccine, evidence that vaccines can cause acute and chronic

immune-mediated inflammation in the brain and other parts of the body has been

well documented in the medical literature (A literature review of evidence is

featured in the 2008 book " Vaccines, Autism & Chronic Inflammation: The New

Epidemic. " )

What has so infuriated the vaccine establishment is that the live vaccine strain

viral infection mechanism not only has strong biological plausibility but has

been acknowledged by physicians and scientists for decades, particularly with

regard to live vaccine strain paralytic polio and death from persistent vaccine

strain measles infection. In fact, vaccine strain viral infection has been

associated with not only live virus polio and measles vaccine, but also with

live BCG, chicken pox and, now, rotavirus vaccine. A late-breaking report at the

annual meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology

discusses the development of live vaccine strain rotavirus infection following

rotavirus vaccination in children with immune deficiencies. The human-bovine

genetic hybrid vaccine, Rotateq, for which Offit, M.D.is a co-patent

holder, caused diarrhea, acidosis, failure to thrive, dehydration and shock in

two babies with undiagnosed immune

system dysfunction within two months of vaccination. Molecular analysis of

rotavirus isolates taken from the babies indicated that the rotavirus vaccine

strains mutated.

All of the biological mechanisms involved in vaccine induced neuroimmune

dysfunction and the biological high risk factors for suffering vaccine injury

and death have not been scientifically investigated, and few methodologically

sound vaccine risk studies get funded and published in the medical literature,

which makes the attempt by doctors and scientists to block the search for

scientific truth and limit the public's right to know and act even more

repulsive. On February 26, 2009, bully boy Dr. Salisbury, the Director of

Immunization at the UK Department of Health, threatened The One Click Group, a

UK internet based news service founded by Jane , that he would sue them

for publishing facts about MMR vaccine risks unless One Click removes the

information he wants censored and apologizes for publishing it without his


On March 7, a British newspaper reported that no longer would duly elected

legislators have ultimate responsibility for saying " yes " or " no " to new vaccine

mandates but that the power to force vaccine use in Britain would be wielded by

unelected physicians and scientists, who are members of the government's Joint

Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI). A day later, another British

newspaper reported that many members of the JCVI have financial ties to vaccine

manufacturers, including Merck, GlaxoKline, Sanofi Pasteur and Novartis and

that the JVCI has been involved in past attempts to hide evidence that MMR

vaccine can cause brain inflammation and permanent brain damage.

On March 12, a reporter writing for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation called

for a " legalized type of censorship, " a ban on talking about the " vaccine/autism

hypothesis " because he pronounced it " the modern equivalent of falsely crying

'fire' in a crowded theatre. " Pointing to opinions issued by three individuals

working for the U.S. Court of Claims denying federal compensation to MMR vaccine

injured autistic children as if he was referring to the tablet Moses inscribed

with the Ten Commandments, bully boy Strauss demanded that legislatures

" draft a law or courts should hand down a ruling prohibiting anti-vaccine

promoters from claiming that vaccines cause autism. "

This rabid foaming at the mouth, which is being exhibited by physicians and

journalists promoting forced vaccination, would be comical if it wasn't for the

decidedly Stalinist bent to their rants. Bully boys always choose to use fear

and intimidation to try to control the thoughts and actions of others and those

calling for censorship and punishment for exercising freedom of thought,

expression and informed consent to vaccination are no exception.

But educated citizens committed to defending their right to know and freedom to

decide, are acting to protect themselves. Following is listing of events in New

Jersey and New York which promote vaccine education and freedom to choose:

Merck Write-In Campaign: Sponsored by the New Jersey Coalition for Vaccination

Choice (NJCVC ), an Action Alert that was also published by Age of Autism, urges

vaccine maker Merck to continue to market the individual measles, mumps and

rubella vaccines rather than forcing parents to give their children the

combination MMR vaccine. Write-In Campaign coordinator Louise Habakus says

" Let's send a strong message from parents that Merck must resume manufacturing

the monovalent vaccines. " Click here for more information and a sample letter.

NY Vaccine Mandates & Exemption Action: New York has pending legislation to

mandate HPV vaccine (A778) and Hepatitis A vaccine (A6008) as well as

legislation protecting medical exemptions (A880/S2339); religious exemptions

(A883/S2338); and adding philosophical exemption (A4886/S2337) to vaccine laws.

Parents are organizing vaccine education campaigns for legislators and the

public. Contact New Yorkers for Vaccination Information Choice (NYVIC)

Learn how important it is to fight for the right to exercise vaccine exemptions

by watching an arrogant New York state attorney grill NY Mom Rita Palma about

her religious beliefs concerning vaccination. For more information go to

www.MyKidsM yChoice.com

March 24: In Albany, NY, the Autism Action Coalition (AAC) holds the First

Autism Advocacy Day that will include a 10:30 a.m. rally and Noon meeting with

state legislators to advocate for autism support services and the need for a

philosophical exemption to vaccination. Click here for more information about

the rally and day's events.

March 25: In New York City at 6:30 p.m., pediatrician Lawrence B. Palevsky, M.D.

gives a three hour presentation on the safety and efficacy of vaccines. For more

information and tickets, go to www.drpalevsky.com

Americans cannot sit back and assume that we will always be free to make choices

about use of pharmaceutical products, including vaccines, that physicians and

government officials invoking the " greater good " direct us to use. Censorship in

science and on the internet combined with forced medical risk taking is a

prescription for tyranny and will become a reality if we don't become activist

citizens and stop the bully boys from taking away our right to know and freedom

to choose. For more information, go to www.NVIC.org.

Love, Gabby. :0)



" I know of nobody who is purely Autistic or purely neurotypical. Even God had

some Autistic moments, which is why the planets all spin. " ~ Jerry Newport



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