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Protect Yourself from MSG and Aspartame Excitotoxicity

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I am sorry, but amino acids are now toxins...

Please. This is rubbish.

On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 9:41 PM, <stardora@...> wrote:



> Protect Yourself from MSG and Aspartame Excitotoxicity

> Thursday, May 07, 2009 by: Fassa, citizen journalist

> See all articles by this author


> http://www.naturalnews.com/026216.html



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My daughter had 2 so called " fatal " heart attacks from MSG toxicidy. Her

heart was beating 360 beats per minute, so that meant all 4 chambers were

beating separate from each other.... She survived because her heart was

strong, but her Nodes in hear heart are sensitive to MSG due to previous

surgeries... Amino acids are not toxic, it's the glutamic acid that's been

freed by processing and isolating them that makes them toxic. Stroke

victims have damage more from the freed glutamic acid hurting their brain

tissue than from the injury itself... Another good place to look for

information is Dr. Blaylock on youtube.. Just type in the name and see the

information that he has... A good counter measure for MSG when having a

reaction is, Magnesium, which they know about in the emergency room and give

intravenously to patients who are having fast beating hearts, .. And Taurine

which is in red meats and fish. ... When there's something out there, it's

worth doing lots of research on your own to see what is hype and what is

true. ...

Sincerely, Barb M.

-- Protect Yourself from MSG and Aspartame Excitotoxicity

Protect Yourself from MSG and Aspartame Excitotoxicity

Thursday, May 07, 2009 by: Fassa, citizen journalist

See all articles by this author


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I have been avoiding monosodium glutamate (msg) for years; it gave me a headache

and affected my memory; the following gives some idea of why:


" Excitotoxicity may be involved in spinal cord injury, stroke, traumatic brain

injury and neurodegenerative diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) such

as Multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),

Parkinson's disease, Alcoholism or alcohol withdrawal and Huntington's

disease.[2][3] Other common conditions that cause excessive glutamate

concentrations around neurons are hypoglycemia[4] and status epilepticus.[5] "



> Protect Yourself from MSG and Aspartame Excitotoxicity

> Thursday, May 07, 2009 by: Fassa, citizen journalist

> See all articles by this author


> http://www.naturalnews.com/026216.html



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The first line of defense against the two most commonly used and pernicious food

additives, MSG and aspartame, is avoidance. However, complete avoidance is not

possible for everyone all the time. MSG, monosodium glutamate, has been

disguised with several different names. Aspartame or its primary constituent,

aspartic acid, along with disguised variations of MSG, have even shown up in

food products or supplements sold in health food stores!

Eating out, you're sure to be taking in some MSG. Even if the restaurant doesn't

add MSG to the food it prepares, MSG or disguised variations are sure to be

within the foods purchased by the restaurant. Soups, gravies, and all liquids

with MSG or aspartame will ensure a more rapid overload of excitotoxins than

other forms of tainted foods.

Even worse maybe, now it has been disclosed that many crops are being sprayed,

some for several years, with the essential ingredient of MSG, processed free

glutamate. So a second line of defense is certainly in order.

See MSG Now Used to Spray Crops: http://www.naturalnews.com/026157.html

What Are Excitoxins

Excitotoxins are amino acids that also serve as neurotransmitters in the brain.

The nervous system needs amino acid neurotransmitters to operate. But when the

dose is too high or builds from excessive daily intake, these amino acids cross

the blood brain barrier and excite the neurons of brain cells to a point of

absolute exhaustion. Then those brain neurons eventually die..

As one consumes MSG or aspartame over time, there is a formaldehyde byproduct

from metabolizing these toxic ingredients. The formaldehyde binds with cellular

DNA and causes DNA damage. It tends to stick to the DNA and over time the

formaldehyde accumulation causes massive cell damage, which breeds diseases of

all sorts, even cancer.

Within the brain and throughout the nervous system, heart, and intestinal tract

there are glutamate receptors or channels. So it is not only the brain that is

affected by excitotoxins over time. If one is lacking in glutamate or other

excitoxin protection naturally, drinking or eating a large quantity of MSG or

aspartame laced liquid at one time can result in an immediate negative physical


Natural Protection From Excititoxic Reactions

Magnesium has been discovered to help impede glutamates from overloading

glutamate receptors. People with low magnesium content are the most prone to

acute excitotoxicity that can cause a sudden severe digestive distress,

headache, or even heart attack. Magnesium is vital to 300 biochemical functions

within the body. So it is important for overall health in addition to blocking

glutamate sensors or channels from excitotoxin overload.

Magnesium comes in all sorts of supplemental forms. It is wise to get one that

dissolves in water for easier absorption into the blood. Magnesium content is

high in green, leafy vegetables. It is also available in whole grains and many

beans and nuts. Try purchasing organic fresh vegetables and organic bulk grains

or beans if possible.

Research seems to indicate that Ginko Baloba also protects against excitoxicity.

It has been known to help protect against Alzheimer's as well as reduce brain

fog for some time now.

Omega 3 fatty acids also block excitoxins while repairing cellular damage. Fish

oils seem to be the best source of Omega 3 for this specific purpose, according

to Dr. Russel Blaylock, author of Excitoxins: The Taste That Kills, and Health

and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life.

Selenium is another protector of glutamate receptors from excitotoxin invasion.

It is available as a supplement. Small doses are recommended. Brazil nuts are

considered a high source of selenium. Two or three Brazil nuts a day is

considered sufficient for optimum selenium intake.

Red Clover was recommended by Barbara L. Minton in her September 22, 2008

Natural News article Red Clover Blocks Neurological Damage From MSG. It is

basically an herb that is inexpensive and available as leaves for tea, in

tinctures, liquid extracts, and capsules. According to Barbara Minton's article,

lab tests demonstrated a significant decline in brain cell neuron damage when

red clover's essential protective ingredient was added.

Zinc also helps obstruct the glutamate receptor channels from excessive

excitotoxin absorption. Many in our society today are zinc deficient. A zinc

taste test can be done to determine if one has sufficient zinc stored in his or

her body. A solution of zinc sulfate is tasted for the test. If an immediate bad

taste ensues, that usually indicates a sufficient zinc level in the body.

Excitotoxin Detox

Again, the first step in any detoxification effort is eliminating the toxin..

Aspartame is obvious and easy to recognize. It's in all artificial sweeteners,

diet sodas, and sugar free sports drinks as well as in many sugar free processed

foods. Don't confuse this with Stevia, which is a natural and safe sugar


However, MSG is disguised with several favorable terms, some of which are

actually accurate descriptions of separating glutamate from its protein bound

and making free glutamate, which is toxic!

Some of the glutamate or glutamic acid disguises are hydrolyzed vegetable or soy

protein, natural flavor, artificial flavor, spice, casseinate digest, yeast

extract, and more.

For a more detailed list of hidden MSG names, Google " Hidden Names for MSG " ..

Keep this in mind: Hydrolyzed proteins, soy, vegetables, and grains are where

the protein bound glutamates are separated and become the toxic free glutamates.

Hydrolyzing is the process itself. Once you have been practicing aspartame and

MSG abstinence to the best of your ability, your body will start detoxing from


To enhance and ensure detoxification, Dr. Blaylock recommends Milk Thistle to

help the liver eliminate all toxins. Curcumin is the essential ingredient of

turmeric. It enhances bile flow as well as DNA repair enzymes. He also

recommends Taurine, an amino acid that contains sulfur to aid the liver, as well

as vitamins B1 and B6 and vitamins C and E.

It has to be accepted that big business food processing industries hold their

profit over public health. So caveat emptor or buyer beware applies. Making

cheap foods taste better cheaply regardless of the toxicity is their goal. This

article is by no means a comprehensive and detailed guide for protecting

yourself from excitotoxins. It is a lay person summary or introduction of the

topic and a beginner's guide, if you will.

The sources listed below and any links or URL's provided will take you further

into the subject if you wish.


Dr. Blaylock's website, http://www.russellblaylockmd.com/

Article: Excitotoxins, Death by Profit Margin, by L. Myers. CNC

Detox Information, www.DORway.com

Article: Red Clover Blocks Neurological Damage From MSG by Barbara L. Minton,

Natural News

Article: www.excitotoxins.com/1004_MSG_aspar... Interview of Dr. Russel Blaylock

by Mike , editor of Natural News, September 26, 2006


About the author

Fassa has morphed from eating processed foods and popping vitamin pills to

becoming a vegetarian who goes organic as much as possible. He now relies on

right foods, juicing, herbs, and super foods for maximum nutrition and health.

He also practices Chi-Lel Chi Gong daily, and he is trained as a polarity

therapy practitioner. understands working the energies of the subtle body

is at least as important as good nutrition.

Youthful and energetic as he approaches his 67th year in this incarnation, he

feels fortunate to have been exposed to the right things after years of youthful

neglect and folly. Fassa wishes to share some of those right things so

others may make the right decisions for their health and welfare.

Love, Gabby. :0)



" I know of nobody who is purely Autistic or purely neurotypical. Even God had

some Autistic moments, which is why the planets all spin. " ~ Jerry Newport



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Sorry, I meant rubbish on the aspartame point. On the MSG point I also think

it's best to avoid this unnatural food additive.

On the aspartame point, I completely disagree with the point that it causes

excitotoxicity, but I still think it's best to try and avoid aspartame.

Aspartame, although it has a bad rap, is probably safe:


On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 5:31 AM, mikes688 <mikes688@...> wrote:




> I have been avoiding monosodium glutamate (msg) for years; it gave me a

> headache and affected my memory; the following gives some idea of why:


> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excitotoxicity


> " Excitotoxicity may be involved in spinal cord injury, stroke, traumatic

> brain injury and neurodegenerative diseases of the central nervous system

> (CNS) such as Multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Amyotrophic lateral

> sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson's disease, Alcoholism or alcohol withdrawal and

> Huntington's disease.[2][3] Other common conditions that cause excessive

> glutamate concentrations around neurons are hypoglycemia[4] and status

> epilepticus.[5] "


> Mike



> >

> > Protect Yourself from MSG and Aspartame Excitotoxicity

> > Thursday, May 07, 2009 by: Fassa, citizen journalist

> > See all articles by this author

> >

> > http://www.naturalnews.com/026216.html

> >

> >

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