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My son also does this quite a bit. He didn't start really using sentences until

he was almost 4. He still repeats phrases and words quite often but he also has

some independant speech now.


( ) Echolalia

Ok, so is almost 3 and he can speak, but does very little

independently. (unless it's number related!) I call him my little

myna bird because he will repeat absolutely everything that comes

out of my mouth (over and over) or he will repeat all of the same

phrases that he associates with an object (ie: on the potty: you

done?, finish going, go peepee)and he doesn't say them for any

seemingly particular reason other than he heard me ask or say the

phrases at the time. Anyway, does anyone have a suggestions on

helping him along with more communication on he own rather than just

mimicking all the time. I try to do " conversation exercises " with

him by providing him with the answers to questions (ex: whats your

name? My name is )and I'll ask him throughout the day. I

just was wondering what else I can do for him. It gets so

frustrating sometimes b/c I wish he could/would just talk to me.

Sorry I know that sounds terrible, I'm just having a tough time b/c

my 18 month old dd is chattering up a storm and actually speaking in

sentences to me, so I'm having a huge reality check and I don't

really like it! Sorry just a little vent. Thanks in advance to any

help you guys can give...

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  • 2 years later...

sounds like yeast die off to me, should pass if you stick with tx, Alison M

-------------- Original message ----------------------

From: Alyssa Davi <johnalyssa43@...>

> My son, 2 1/2 started his yeast treatment, Nizoral, this week.  I am seeing a

> marked increase in echolalia.  Is this common or uncommon?  Any thoughts

> welcome.


> Alyssa







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  • 2 months later...

My 3-year-old son was diagnosed with verbal apraxia back in October. 

Since then, an ENT also recommended he have his adenoids and tonsils taken out. 

We are on the surgery list in January and I hope that it will help with some of

's speech issues.


is almost three and half.  He has made progress this year with language,

but articulation is still the biggest challenge for him.  His father and I are

often the only people that understand him.  I have noticed that is

showing significant signs of echolalia.  He repeats what we are saying instead

of answering yes.  He will say no if he doesn't want something.  But never yes. 

Instead our conversation would sound more like this...


Me - " Do you want chocolate milk? "

" Chocolate Milk. "


Has anyone else had this problem?  's been late on everything and I know

echoing is a process of language development.  Is this something he will out

grow?  I know it's a symptom of autism/asperger's and that's what I am most

worried about.  He shows no other signs, but that echolalia has me all but

panicked tonight.  I just keep thinking about his conversation skills that seem

to have improved, but are still not where they need to be.  Not by a long shot.


I am in search of a developmental pediatrician.  I'll go anywhere (but we are

living in Ohio) if anyone has any recommendations!     :)




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