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Merck Concedes, Will Make Monovalent M, M, R By 2011

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May 19, 2009


How do you like our new look? (Thank you Hasenkamp!) I'm upgrading my

e-mail marketing efforts to accommodate the huge numbers of people who are

signing on. It's easy to add a friend or be removed - see links above the

banner. Highlights of this newsletter include Autism One, Merck's MMR

Concession, Breaking News and Upcoming Events.

GO TO CHICAGO - MAY 20-24, 2009

I urge all parents to consider attending Autism One's comprehensive, inspired

and exceptionally well-organized annual conference which begins tomorrow,

Wednesday, May 20 at the Westin O'Hare. This is a relevant investment in your

family's health, even if you do not have a child with autism. If we, for a

moment, set aside the 1 in 150 with autism, our children are still 1 in 6

learning disabled, 1 in 9 asthmatic, 1 in 26 with food allergies and 1 in 450

diabetic. One in 143 American babies dies before 12 months of age. Shockingly,

we now rank 45th in the world, behind every developed country except Poland. Our

children are trying to tell us something, if we'd only listen. Fueled by

necessity, the autism community is on the leading edge of research and treatment

but the lessons apply to all of us. Share the flyer. Go. I'll see you there.


Beset by strong public pressure, Merck announced last week that it will resume

production of individual measles, mumps and rubella vaccines starting in 2011.

Several sources, including Dr. Bob Sears, report hearing from Merck directly

(click HERE). We don't always know if our efforts hit their mark. Admittedly,

it's not a win yet. And we'll surely hold their feet to the fire. But this time,

we got a little something back. You must know that Merck would not have

capitulated, had it not been for your letters. So thank you for taking the time

to write. You made a difference.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the history, here's a brief recap.. On

Christmas Eve 2008, Merck quietly released a bombshell. They would be

discontinuing production and sales of its monovalent vaccines for measles, mumps

and rubella and would focus instead on its combination vaccine, MMRII.. Parents

responded with concern and anger, including Debi Vinnedge, Executive Director,

Children of God for Life, who shared her letter to Merck and the CDC and parent

Chapman who lamented " It's ALL or NOTHING! Say goodbye to choice! "

After personally receiving hundreds of anxious notes from parents frantically

searching for the last remaining individual doses of measles, mumps and rubella,

I announced our own massive letter-writing campaign. In an e-mail to my list

entitled " Desperately Seeking M, M and R, " I shared my letter to Merck and made

a personal appeal to each of you. I asked you to write to Merck and tell them

how you felt about their decision. We posted details of the campaign with NJCVC,

NVIC,Age of Autism and A-CHAMP.

And write in you did! All told, thousands of people wrote to Merck. I know this

because my in-box is stuffed to the gills with copies of your letters.

We will hold their feet to the fire. It starts with an opportunity to eyeball

the official Merck announcement ourselves. They have not updated their own site

with this news (click on the PDF icon: Vaccine Supply Status Update). Merck may

prefer to communicate this development solely to the medical community. But it's

the consumer who's demanding a response. They owe this much to us. We also want

to know why it will take them two years to get back in the saddle. And what

about other pharma competitors who might have an interest in providing the

monovalent vaccines? There's nothing like some healthy competition to remind

Merck of the market opportunity.


5/15 Judge rules child must get chemo against parents’ wishes

5/9 NYT says 1976 swine flu epidemic offers lessons and concerns

5/9 GCSE pupils brainwashed to support MMR vaccine

5/7 The great swine flu pandemic of 2009 that wasn’t

5/7 Swine flu overhyped, officials cried " swine "

5/7 Swine flu likely to return to U.S. in the fall (just-in-time vaccines!!)

5/6 CDC says we’re complacent about the flu

5/6 Treating eczema with… bleach

5/6 Why won’t the vaccine-autism story go away? (Discover Magazine)

5/6 Autism up twelve-fold or 1200% in California vs 27% population increase

5/4 WHO head indicates full flu pandemic to be declared

4/30 Kiddie Kollege saga resolved, NJ daycare built on old thermometer factory

4/30 The says we’re at risk of over-reacting, pushing vaccines

4/28 Autism May Be Linked To Being Firstborn, Breech Births Or Moms 35 Or Older

4/27 First swine flu cases in Mexico, home to field, world’s largest

industrial hog farm

4/23 Conducting Autism Research Like It’s 1994

4/23 Magnetic vaccines track immunization process using submicroscopic iron


4/22 Jim Carrey weighs in on the vaccine debate

4/20 Pasadena summit, including Offit, touts vaccines despite growing concerns

4/18 Autism Science Foundation focus is non-vaccine related autism research

4/16 But NYT says Genes Show Limited Value in Predicting Diseases

4/16 Stimulus bill offers millions for vaccine campaigns

4/15 AAP can’t take an April Fool’s joke

4/15 Texas medical board unfairly persecuting alternative practitioners. those

treating autism

4/14 Dr. Bernadine Healy blogs with wisdom on the vaccine-autism war

4/13 Autism risk higher near toxic waste sites.

4/13 Autism in Sweden - Abba Dabba Don’t by Dr. Ken Stoller (sign his letter)

4/10 Whoo hoo… no religious exemption, WV woman sues Mingo County Board of Ed

4/10 Doc groups seek to expose vaccine makers to litigation in state courts

4/9 NJ to get $40 million for vaccines

4/8 CDC developing new vaccination criteria for immigrants

4/7 1 in 5 obese among 4 year olds

4/3 Larry King Live on vaccines, podcast takes a few minutes to upload

4/1 Vioxx maker Merck drew up doctor hit list (how dare they criticize Vioxx?)

3/31 Scientists Find 'Baffling' Link between Autism and Vinyl Flooring:

Scientific American

3/31 Prevnar 13 gets FDA fast track status, Prevnar 7 no longer sufficient?

3/3 CNN reports food allergies increasing at alarming rate

2/27 B.C. babies get 6-in-1 vaccine, latest innovation to " reduce " the number of


2009 Potential new vaccines – nicotine, cocaine, neglected tropical diseases!

2009 Current WHO phase of pandemic alert

2008 Personalized vaccines! Vaccinomics- one size doesn’t fit all

2006 CDC reflects on 1976 swine flu vaccination program

1976 Swine flu scaremongering advertising


5/20-5/24: Chicago, IL – Autism One Conference, Westin O’Hare Hotel. I'm

speaking 5/22.

5/20: New York, NY - Educate Before You Vaccinate, Moulden, MD, PhD and

April , 6-9pm, School, 40 East 30th Street, 5th floor. NAA-NY Metro

Chapter. No charge, e-mail lisarudley@... to register.

5/31: Hasbrouck Heights, NJ – 1-4pm, Holiday Inn, 283 Route 17 South. Vaccine

choices seminar. Sponsors Dr. Kerry Escamilla and Whole Foods. Refreshments, no

charge, limited seating, e-mail louise@... to register.

6/2: Albany, NY - 10:30am, Vaccine Choice Rally, Legislative Office Building,

State Street. E-mail ritapalma@... for agenda, signage, bills to

support/oppose, questions.

6/4: Radio interview with Giorgio Repeti at 8pm EST, listen live or access the


6/15: Radio interview with the Natural Nurse & Dr. Z, 10-11am EST, airs live and

is archived on Null’s Radio Network

7/9-7/12: Los Angeles, CA – USAAA 2009 International Conference. I’m

speaking on 7/10.

7/15: Radio interview on Herbally Yours with Ellen Kamhi, RN, PhD, airs 12pm EST

on 90.3 FM, WHPC Garden City, NY

7/19: Radio interview on Herbally Yours with Ellen Kamhi, RN, PhD, airs 10:30pm

EST on 90.3 FM, WHPC Garden City, NY

7/24: Radio interview on Natural Alternatives, airs 6-7pm EST on 90.1 FM WUSB

Stony Brook, NY and simulcast on www.wusb.fm where it is archived for one week

9/12-9/13: Newark, NJ – Saving Our Kids Healing Our Planet. This will be big!

UMDNJ and the Newark Mayor’s Office are sponsors. Life Health Choices will be

there! Details to follow.

10/1-10/4: Reston, VA - Fourth International Public Conference on Vaccination,

Hyatt Regency Hotel, Reston, VA. Don't miss it! I'm speaking 10/4.

I look forward to growing Life Health Choices with your support. Join us at an

upcoming seminar or one of several conferences across the country. If you want

to sponsor a talk, initiate a campaign, donate or volunteer, e-mail me at

louise@.... We're working to launch phase one of our website.

And ask your friends to join our list. We're just getting started.

Louise Kuo Habakus

©2009 Life Health Choices | Blossom Cove Road Red Bank NJ 07701

Love, Gabby. :0)



" I know of nobody who is purely Autistic or purely neurotypical. Even God had

some Autistic moments, which is why the planets all spin. " ~ Jerry Newport

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