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DAN doctor

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Full explanation here http://www.autismwebsite.com/ari/dan/dan.htm

You do not need a DAN Dr for enzymes, read this website and book for help with

enzymes http://enzymestuff.com/

sfred1234 <fredericks04@...> wrote:





in Oceanside, CA

Fighting for one child, in hopes it helps another child.

Updated 4-11-05 to include...

~Doing the best I can with the hand I was dealt~


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  • 6 months later...

Hi, Connie,

You can go to the Generation Rescue website. www.generationrescue.org

Then click on " Read More " in the upper right hand corner

Select " What to do " offered in the menu to the left

Then select " find a doctor " which is the third option down from that

pull-down menu

Also... it is a good idea to read over " The big picture on treatment " and

" action plan " offered there as well.

Good luck and God bless!

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DAN stands for Defeat Autism Now. From what I have read, a doctor must

attend some specific training to qualify for the DAN network of doctors.

These doctors are trained in using a biomedical approach to treating

autism and related disorders. Many of them are very knowledgeable of

nutritionional imbalances, mal-absorbtion, dietary issues, immune system

disfunction, allergies, gut/digestional issues, and heavy metal poisoning

and detoxification.

I'm sorry I forgot to answer this part of your question earlier.

Others can probably elaborate on DAN doctors more completely than I have



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DAN! doctors more or less follow the biomedical treatment consensus

(DAN! protocol) reached at Defeat Autism Now (DAN) conferences.

There's a Ann Block in Dallas.

1750 Norwood Dr.

Hurst (Dallas), TX 76054

ph: 817-280-9933

fax: 817-280-9933

Also Autism Research Institute's (ARI) link should work. There you can

get a larger list of doctors around the country.




> What is a DAN doctor and where can i find a list? The links provided

> by this group that i have found do not work. Can someone help?


> My sister lives in Rockwall, Texas. Very close to Dallas/Plano, Texas

> area.


> Connie


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A Dan! dr has to be a licensed physician and attend ONE, just ONE, Dan!

conference. No specific training required.

Re: [ ] DAN Doctor


DAN stands for Defeat Autism Now. From what I have read, a doctor must

attend some specific training to qualify for the DAN network of doctors.

These doctors are trained in using a biomedical approach to treating

autism and related disorders. Many of them are very knowledgeable of

nutritionional imbalances, mal-absorbtion, dietary issues, immune system

disfunction, allergies, gut/digestional issues, and heavy metal poisoning

and detoxification.

I'm sorry I forgot to answer this part of your question earlier.

Others can probably elaborate on DAN doctors more completely than I have



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There are also, if I'm not mistaken, DAN! nurse practitioners. Of

course, that would make them not DAN! *doctors* but DAN! practitioners.



> A Dan! dr has to be a licensed physician and attend ONE, just ONE,

Dan! conference. No specific training required.



> Re: [ ] DAN Doctor



> Connie,


> DAN stands for Defeat Autism Now. From what I have read, a doctor


> attend some specific training to qualify for the DAN network of


> These doctors are trained in using a biomedical approach to treating

> autism and related disorders. Many of them are very knowledgeable of

> nutritionional imbalances, mal-absorbtion, dietary issues, immune


> disfunction, allergies, gut/digestional issues, and heavy metal


> and detoxification.


> I'm sorry I forgot to answer this part of your question earlier.


> Others can probably elaborate on DAN doctors more completely than

I have

> here.


> -







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> A Dan! dr has to be a licensed physician and attend ONE, just ONE,

Dan! conference. No specific training required.



Hey , I'm pretty sure you are wrong: they do not have

to attend ANY conferences, as long as they agree with a statement

of philosophy. I have a link to the info about this here,

but I think the DAN site may have been rearranged (that is,

I think some of my links are " broken " ):


DAN has also been trying to make more info available, since

there have been some issues about the wide variety of DAN

doctors (e.g. different levels of conference attendance,

different methods that use, etc.)

For SOME of the doctors on the DAN list there is a link that

will take you to a page that (maybe) lists the last DAN

conference they attended and other info. DAN sent this

survey out to all the doctors, and SOME returned it.

good wishes,


p.s. for more info on TEXAS doctors, go join this list:

Autism Treatment/

I *think* the person who asked initially was asking regarding

Texas? If not, I guess I will look a bit foolish, here :)

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Hey Moira, It is even more scarey than I had originally thought.

I'm pretty sure you are wrong: they do not have

to attend ANY conferences, as long as they agree with a statement

of philosophy. I have a link to the info about this here,

but I think the DAN site may have been rearranged (that is,

I think some of my links are " broken " ):


DAN has also been trying to make more info available, since

there have been some issues about the wide variety of DAN

doctors (e.g. different levels of conference attendance,

different methods that use, etc.)

For SOME of the doctors on the DAN list there is a link that

will take you to a page that (maybe) lists the last DAN

conference they attended and other info. DAN sent this

survey out to all the doctors, and SOME returned it.

good wishes,


p.s. for more info on TEXAS doctors, go join this list:

Autism Treatment/

I *think* the person who asked initially was asking regarding

Texas? If not, I guess I will look a bit foolish, here :)


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I've been to 2 DAN! docs. One I liked okay only I felt she wasn't

offering me anything other than being able to run some labs that we

couldn't do on our own & couldn't justify the expense. The first DAN!

doc clearly had no good understanding of DAN! protocol/philosophy. I

think DAN! docs are like any other doc, you need to find them through

patient referral rather than a list.



> Hey Moira, It is even more scarey than I had originally thought.



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  • 1 year later...
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That probably depends on the doctor. Ours is covered. His focus is

family medicine, but he is knowledgable and willing to work with

families following the DAN protocols.


Western Michigan University

Office of University Relations

300 Walwood Hall


Fax: 387-8422

>>> Tamara Kuhn <tkuhn1@...> 03/01/07 2:51 PM >>>

Are they ever covered by insurance or do you just plan on paying

cash out of

pocket? Thanks in advance.


Re: Re: Newbie with questions

My best advise for parents beginning this journey is to find a good

DAN doctor (there are sites that list them by state. Google 'DAN

doctor'). Whether or not your child is on the Autism Spectrum or

some other diagnosis, the symptoms and problems overlap. A DAN

doctor can really help serve as a guide, but will not replace your

need to constantly read and research. Best of luck,


Western Michigan University

Office of University Relations

300 Walwood Hall


Fax: 387-8422

>>> otis_floyd <lrfwoodbellsouth (DOT) <mailto:lrfwood%40bellsouth.net>


03/01/07 11:09 AM >>>

Hi ,

Welcome. I have been here for just a month or so and am facing the

same challenges you are. Your son sounds just like my 7 yr old who

can learn but doesn't care to in any conventional way. Hates to


and can't pay attention long enough to a 'work' task to show what he

can do. We have tried meds, but they only worked for a little while

and I hated giving them to him.

We started enzymes because milk was always a problem for my son and

once we took milk out, we had great behavior improvements. I wanted

to try enzymes before I attempted a gluten free diet for my very

picky, very thin little man. We have been on for them about 6 weeks

with some improvement in appetite and but no major changes in

behavior yet. However, I believe he may have a yeast problem, so we

just started that and he got the flu. I'm not stopping there.. I

intend to investigate viruses, bacteria, and metal toxicity, but one

step at a time.

We started with pep... then added zyme... then added no fenol and he

now has one of each with every meal. I just started a yeast


of threelac, which is the only thing I can get him to take. He then

got the flu and we see possible signs of yeast die off with the


coating on his tongue actually getting worse. I am hopeful. Since

being on the yeast protocol, he has been a much happier child,

despite having the flu.

My next step is to try metal toxicity. That is a big issue as well

that some people have said needs to be cleared (if you have it)

before any yeast or gut issue will ever work in the long run.

Again, this is just what I have summized for my reading, I am a work

in progress. But just wanted you to know we are in the same boat


I'm gonna keep trying until I find the answer. I would start with

the enzymes and don't look back.

Have a good one,



> Hello, My name is H. I just finished reading 's book


> Enzymes and Autism. I have a 6 year old son who is not autistic,

but is

> definitely ADHD. He also has some moderate to severe sensory


(as does

> his father and grandfather, interestingly enough...there has to be

a genetic

> predisposition with the SI, in my opinion). Jack also has some


> that I could only classify as " odd " , and which may push him a

little farther

> onto the Autistic Spectrum, in my opinion. He has never been


> formally, because he is homeschooled. He is in K this year, and

already we

> are having some big learning problems. He is extremely bright, but


> difficulty with attention, learning, focus, behavior, and his

overall desire

> to learn (i.e. he doesn't want to!).


> He has had eczema since about 4 months old, at which time he was

tested for

> food/environmental allergies. He came up positive to just about


> under the sun (wheat, corn, egg, dairy, peanut, molds, grasses,

trees, cats,

> dogs, etc.). Once I removed peanuts from my diet (he was breastfed

for 2 1/2

> years), the eczema was dramatically reduced, though not


He is

> anaphylactically allergic to peanuts, but eats all other foods.


> retested his allergies every year using blood tests, and new

> foods/environmental allergens keep appearing. Just last month, we


> a latex, cantaloupe, and banana allergy. I understand that these

three are

> all connected...cross reactive, etc. He doesn't seem to suffer



> from eating these allergic foods, except for a very stuffy nose a

lot of the

> time, and of course, his behavior. I tried eliminating all these

foods, but

> it was too much for me. I just couldn't do it. However, we are

> well-established on the Feingold diet, to which his behavior


> dramatically. Incidentally, dh with sensory integration issues


> responded dramatically, so we are on FG as a family now.


> SO. :) That brings me to my newbie questions! I've read the entire


> and Autism book, and I'm ready to begin. We are using classical


> with Jack, and we are seeing slow improvement in some areas. But

I'm hoping

> that enzymes will also be a piece of the puzzle for him, too. So

here we go

> with the millions of questions...


> 1. Could all his allergies be from leaky gut? Will enzymes likely

help with

> these multiple allergies if it heals the leaky gut?


> 2. Will enzymes help with his learning problems at all? I intend



> other roads here...I think he may have some learning disabilities

that need

> diagnosis and treatment. But will enzymes help with the ADHD


of his

> learning?


> 3. Where do I start? From my reading, I think that starting

Peptizyde on the

> low and slow method is what I should do first. Correct? Then


> Zyme-Prime in slowly as well? I'm thinking I should avoid fruit


> enzymes, due to his salicylate sensitivity...correct?


> 4. When should I try the No-Phenol for the salicylate foods that


> eliminates in Stage 2. He currently does not tolerate any stage 2

items, but

> just being able to add these in would be like heaven for us. I can

live the

> rest of our lives without artificials, but would love to add in



> stage 2 fruits and veggies. Anyone using No-Phenol for sals, would

love you

> experience and input here.


> 5. I'm assuming I should start with the Houston Nutriceuticals


> here. They were the ones mentioned most often in the book, and


to be

> the gold standard. Any reason not to?


> 6. I also want to start him on regular Culturelle...any good


> resources for the cheapest price? I've used it before for myself,

but always

> bought it at Walgreens..very expensive.


> Thank you all SO much for indulging all my questions. Much thanks


> advance...and more questions to come, I'm sure. :)


> in CA

> Wife of 9 years to Phil

> Mother to Emma (8), Jack (6), baby Graham b/d 6-2-05, and Liam

> (11 months)

> Homeschooling for our 4th year


> Our blog about our kids: http://philhalpin.

<http://philhalpin.com/blog/kidsstuff.html> com/blog/kidsstuff.html


> " Be gentle to all, and stern with yourself. " --St. Theresa of







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Tammy, Yes, they can be covered by insurance, but it takes some effort

on our behalf. DanDrs are usually seen as " specialists " out of the

network, so I go to my son's Pediatrician and get a Referral from her,

first - before the appointment. Then when I go to the appointment I

pay for it on our credit card. When I get home I call the insurance

company, and forward our claim along with a copy of both the referral

and receipt/proof of appt and proof of payment. I have been reimbursed

every time and we have been at it for two years now.

It does take effort, but it's worth it. Our initial appt. two years

ago was $1,000 - we were reimbursed $885(minus the 15 copay). All

other followup visits have been between $250-500 and they have all been

reimbursed. What isn't reimbursed are telephone calls - they are

usually referred to as " teleconferences " .

If you have trouble getting the referral from your child's

pediatrician, then find out the speciality of the doctor (neurology,

toxicology, etc.) and tell him/her that you want this referral because

this doctor specialized in autism within his/her speciality. If they

insist you go to one of their doctors within the network - agree to do

so, but then ask for a " second opinion " from the one you chose.

Also, if you have one of those Pediatricians that you suspect are

against biomedical - don't mention anything about biomedical and just

say they specialize in treating children with autism within their


Also, if you want to save $$ on supplements, you can go to a pharmacist

that takes your insurance and instead of purchasing them off the

internet. FOR EXAMPLE, I get all my son's enzymes and MB12 shots

covered by insurance because I got a perscription from the dandr. We

use Creon10 enzymes and it was the best for my son.

It's worked for me - hopefully this info helps you,

Best of luck!



> Are they ever covered by insurance or do you just plan on paying cash

out of

> pocket? Thanks in advance.




> Tammy




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Do you mean you requested your pharmacist to stock your supplements and that is

how they route the payment/ billing? I am sorry, I am unclear.

----- Original Message -----

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>>>Whether or not your child is on the Autism Spectrum or

some other diagnosis, the symptoms and problems overlap. A DAN

doctor can really help serve as a guide, but will not replace your

need to constantly read and research.

This is an important core idea. Ultimate decisions will come down to

the parent/caregiver. It is good to find a health specialist that you

can work with. This person may be a dan doctor but it might equally

not be. Dan doctors each do their own thing anyway - they can follow

very different programs - and some dan doctors are less than helpful.

But there are some good ones too. The point I am getting at is not to

get hung up on the label of 'dan doctor'...just find someone who can

help you. If you start with a doctor on the dan list, check out by

word of mouth and parent references if that person is reputable or

not, and what his or her personal philosophy is. Check also with

parents about good doctors that may not be dan affiliated. It is worth

it to hunt out a doctor who is a good 'fit' with your particular



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  • 10 months later...

Where is your Dan Doctor located? We have been looking for one.




In , " jkaty2 " <jkaty2@...> wrote:


> Thanks for the welcome and hugs, I would love to hear from a few of

> you that have older kids that have recently gone to GFCF diets. There

> are changes in his focus, word finding word organizing abilities and

> meltdowns, but he is not convinced. If asked he says he has gone to

> the " dark side " {stars wars reference} on this diet now that we have

> done it at 11 yrs, anyone have a great pizza, or donought

> recommendation a sandwich bread would be nice too so long as I'm

> asking. Our DAN doc is great and supplements going well. Thanks

> again Katy


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  • 3 months later...
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HI, Yes, we have had results with a DAN doctor. (DAN stands for Defeat Autism Now). We give my son enzymes to help digest sugar and starch and Methyl B 12 shots every three days. His behavior improved after we started this. He is also on a milk free diet. We give him Rice Milk. Forgive me for saying this but his bowel movements used to be hard as rocks. Now they are more regular. At the same time, we introduced occupational therapy and social skills training and parent training for me and my husband so it was a combination of things that helped our son. Not every intervention helps all kids. Each kid is different so I would recommend you research before you try something because it all is very expensive (any therapy). If you want, there are some books that I would recommend you read before going the DAN route because of the

expense. Enzymes for Autism and other Neurological Conditions: The pracitcal Guide for Digestive Enzymes and Better Behavior by DeFelice and Enzymes: Go with your Gut More Pra ctical Guidelines for Digestive Enzymes by DeFelice. I would also recommend The Food Allergy Cure: A New Solution to Food Cravings, Obesity, Depression, Headaches, Arthritis, and Fatigue by Ellen Cutler, M.D. Shauna Patti Journey <pjpoo78363@...> wrote: Hi, We have just started speaking to Thoughtful House in Austin, Tx. my question is have any of you taken your children with aspergers/autism to this place or a dan doctor and really gotten good results? The first call I made cost $50 just for them to get the history on my son. I am supposed to have another appoitment on the phone this thursday and it will cost us $290 per hour and it will be for 1.5 hours for biomedical information. On the 15th of May for nutrition it will be $250 per hour and the appt is for 1.5 hours. The Insurance will not pay for most of this. We are going to be wiped out soon. My husband says he doesn't care as long as this works. Our son has bad stomach pain so we despartly want to get him some help. I just hope all this will help, and if

they put him on a strick diet, I don't think my son will stay on it completly because we have tried to keep him on he GFCF diet, but my son is always eating, sneaking other foods. So I need advice, do you think this will work to help my son, or is it a waste of time and money? I have been so depressed worry about the money issue and if my son will really be helped. Thank you, pj Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Dear Patti, I've never heard of Dan doctor. My son is 16 and I've taken him to so many different professionals who have recommended so many different things.It's so hard to know what to do. If he's in pain there must be some intestinal issues and he is probably holding his emotions in his stomach. Does he have someone to talk to?I like to approach everything holistically. What's happening physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually? It would be great if you had someone who could work with him on an emotional level and someone to address the physical stuff. Is that what Dan Doctor does?Keep us posted. Jody "Be the change you want to see in the world" Gandhi ( ) Re: dan doctor

Dear Patti, I am responding not to your query of DAN doctors - sorry,

no experience there - but, to your comment about your son's stomach

pain. What are the symptoms... is he constipated? Any fever,

distended tummy, oozing of fecal matter? I just get concerned that

there could be an intestinal issue going on, such as Encopresis.

Often, an exam is not sufficient to rule out the condition, but an x-

ray can accurately determine whether or not there is an issue that

warrants further investigation. Keep us posted...


> Hi, We have just started speaking to Thoughtful House in Austin,

Tx. my question is have any of you taken your children with

aspergers/autism to this place or a dan doctor and really gotten good


> The first call I made cost $50 just for them to get the history

on my son. I am supposed to have another appoitment on the phone

this thursday and it will cost us $290 per hour and it will be for

1.5 hours for biomedical information. On the 15th of May for

nutrition it will be $250 per hour and the appt is for 1.5 hours.

> The Insurance will not pay for most of this. We are going to be

wiped out soon. My husband says he doesn't care as long as this

works. Our son has bad stomach pain so we despartly want to get him

some help. I just hope all this will help, and if they put him on a

strick diet, I don't think my son will stay on it completly because

we have tried to keep him on he GFCF diet, but my son is always

eating, sneaking other foods.

> So I need advice, do you think this will work to help my son, or

is it a waste of time and money? I have been so depressed worry

about the money issue and if my son will really be helped. Thank

you, pj




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I think it will do one thing - empty your bank account. But it is your money and your child - your decision. You will find people who think these DAN protocols are the magic cure while other people think it doesn't do much at all, if anything. So you are asking a loaded question, IMO!

I would ask these people to produce scientific data/proof that what they are doing is going to help your child before forking over this kind of money to even talk to them. I think it is just incredible that people pay these prices for nothing. I mean, is there some kind of guarantee? In writing? Or you just pay and pay and pay and hope and hope and hope...and..then what? I'd be busy asking them questions instead of them asking me questions. Like what kind of data is going to be taken and what shows progress? ugh, but then again, I could not afford to spend that kind of quality time with these folks on the phone. On the phone! Imagine! I sometimes think I am in the wrong business....

RoxannaAutism Happens

( ) dan doctor

Hi, We have just started speaking to Thoughtful House in Austin, Tx. my question is have any of you taken your children with aspergers/autism to this place or a dan doctor and really gotten good results?

The first call I made cost $50 just for them to get the history on my son. I am supposed to have another appoitment on the phone this thursday and it will cost us $290 per hour and it will be for 1.5 hours for biomedical information. On the 15th of May for nutrition it will be $250 per hour and the appt is for 1.5 hours.

The Insurance will not pay for most of this. We are going to be wiped out soon. My husband says he doesn't care as long as this works. Our son has bad stomach pain so we despartly want to get him some help. I just hope all this will help, and if they put him on a strick diet, I don't think my son will stay on it completly because we have tried to keep him on he GFCF diet, but my son is always eating, sneaking other foods.

So I need advice, do you think this will work to help my son, or is it a waste of time and money? I have been so depressed worry about the money issue and if my son will really be helped. Thank you, pj

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Patti – I’m not sure if you

were in this group a couple of months ago when there was quite a “lively”

discussion about DAN doctors and treatments. This is a copy of what I

wrote at that time in response to this subject. I know at that time I

also commented that most insurance companies, if not all, will not pay for these appointments or

treatments as they are considered “alternative” treatments as there

is not really any scientific research to back up their claims.

I am a nurse and my husband is a physician

and so we believe all medical care and treatments should be based on scientific

research and individuals that provide this care should be thoroughly and

appropriately trained. I pulled the following statement right off the

website of the Autism Research Institute which is the website for DAN (Defeat

Autism Now):


a practitioner must attend at least one Defeat Autism Now! Conference and/or

Physician's seminar in order to be added to the list of clinicians using the Defeat Autism

Now! approach.

I don’t know about anyone else but I would

not allow a surgeon to do a CABG (coronary artery bypass graft – open

heart surgery) on me or my love ones after only attending one conference on

heart surgery!

From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Roxanna

Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 9:10


Subject: Re: ( )

dan doctor

I think it will

do one thing - empty your bank account. But it is your money and your

child - your decision. You will find people who think these DAN protocols

are the magic cure while other people think it doesn't do much at all, if

anything. So you are asking a loaded question, IMO!

I would ask

these people to produce scientific data/proof that what they are doing is going

to help your child before forking over this kind of money to even talk to

them. I think it is just incredible that people pay these prices for

nothing. I mean, is there some kind of guarantee? In writing?

Or you just pay and pay and pay and hope and hope and hope...and..then

what? I'd be busy asking them questions instead of them asking me

questions. Like what kind of data is going to be taken and what shows

progress? ugh, but then again, I could not afford to spend that kind of

quality time with these folks on the phone. On the phone!

Imagine! I sometimes think I am in the wrong business....


Autism Happens

( )

dan doctor

Hi, We have just started speaking to Thoughtful House in Austin, Tx.

my question is have any of you taken your children with aspergers/autism to

this place or a dan doctor and really gotten good results?

The first call I made cost $50 just for them to get the

history on my son. I am supposed to have another appoitment on the phone

this thursday and it will cost us $290 per hour and it will be for 1.5 hours

for biomedical information. On the 15th of May for nutrition it will be

$250 per hour and the appt is for 1.5 hours.

The Insurance will not pay for most of this. We are

going to be wiped out soon. My husband says he doesn't care as long as

this works. Our son has bad stomach pain so we despartly want to get him

some help. I just hope all this will help, and if they put him on a

strick diet, I don't think my son will stay on it completly because we have

tried to keep him on he GFCF diet, but my son is always eating, sneaking other


So I need advice, do you think this will work to help my

son, or is it a waste of time and money? I have been so depressed worry

about the money issue and if my son will really be helped. Thank you, pj

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try

it now.

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My son is either constipated or diarrhea, no fever, never noticed oozing from fecal matter. He does seem bloated a lot. Since he has been on prozac he has lost a lot of weight. He used to weigh 258 and now is done to 216 lbs. It has been about 5-6 months since he started prozac, before that he took respidol (?) that made him gain a lot of weight. This stomach pain has been since he was an infant. He had colic forever. If he didn't have this pain, I could put up with all the rest, I think. I feel very down right now about his situation. He has had colonoscopies, and endoscopies, you name it, we have done it. Went to MD's and specilist. Have tried the GFCF, probotics, enzymes. That's why we were going to try the Dan doctors. If

anyone has a suggestion I would appreciate it. At the end of my rope. pj

Dear Patti, I am responding not to your query of DAN doctors - sorry, no experience there - but, to your comment about your son's stomach pain. What are the symptoms... is he constipated? Any fever, distended tummy, oozing of fecal matter? I just get concerned that there could be an intestinal issue going on, such as Encopresis. Often, an exam is not sufficient to rule out the condition, but an x-ray can accurately determine whether or not there is an issue that warrants further investigation. Keep us posted...>> Hi, We have just started speaking to Thoughtful House in Austin, Tx. my question is have any of you taken your children with aspergers/autism to

this place or a dan doctor and really gotten good results? > The first call I made cost $50 just for them to get the history on my son. I am supposed to have another appoitment on the phone this thursday and it will cost us $290 per hour and it will be for 1.5 hours for biomedical information. On the 15th of May for nutrition it will be $250 per hour and the appt is for 1.5 hours. > The Insurance will not pay for most of this. We are going to be wiped out soon. My husband says he doesn't care as long as this works. Our son has bad stomach pain so we despartly want to get him some help. I just hope all this will help, and if they put him on a strick diet, I don't think my son will stay on it completly because we have tried to keep him on he GFCF diet, but my son is always eating, sneaking other foods. >

So I need advice, do you think this will work to help my son, or is it a waste of time and money? I have been so depressed worry about the money issue and if my son will really be helped. Thank you, pj> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____________ __> Be a better friend, newshound, and > know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile. / ;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR 8HDtDypao8Wcj9tA cJ>

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HI, We went to the DAN doctor only once or twice due to the cost. Now we just do it on our own. It is less expensive and our son seems to respond to it. But every child is different so you do need to decide for yourself and do your homework. You can also read up on it and just do it yourself. You don't need a prescription to get the probiotics, enzymes, etc. We only need a prescription for the Methyl B12. I take it also and my husband sure notices a difference when I don't get it. I met a lady who said she put her daughter with lower functioning autism on a gluten free caseine free diet and the behaviors so improved. Then one day the child got pizza and the behaviors were back. So, it worked for her. But once again, you must do your research and decide on your own what you want to do. Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, and

social skills are a good way to spend your money if you don't want to go the DAN route. Shauna <cindyelgamal@...> wrote: Patti – I’m not sure if you were in this group a couple of months ago when there was quite a “lively” discussion about DAN doctors and treatments. This is a copy of what I wrote at that time in response to this

subject. I know at that time I also commented that most insurance companies, if not all, will not pay for these appointments or treatments as they are considered “alternative” treatments as there is not really any scientific research to back up their claims. I am a nurse and my husband is a physician and so we believe all medical care and treatments should be based on scientific research and individuals that provide this care should be thoroughly and appropriately trained. I pulled the following statement right off the website of the Autism Research Institute which is the website for DAN (Defeat Autism

Now): Currently, a practitioner must attend at least one Defeat Autism Now! Conference and/or Physician's seminar in order to be added to the list of clinicians using the Defeat Autism Now! approach. I don’t know about anyone else but I would not allow a surgeon to do a CABG

(coronary artery bypass graft – open heart surgery) on me or my love ones after only attending one conference on heart surgery! From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of

RoxannaSent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 9:10 PM Subject: Re: ( ) dan doctor I think it will do one thing - empty your bank account. But it is your money and your child - your decision. You will find people who think these DAN protocols are the magic cure while other people think it doesn't do much at all, if anything. So you are asking a loaded question, IMO!

I would ask these people to produce scientific data/proof that what they are doing is going to help your child before forking over this kind of money to even talk to them. I think it is just incredible that people pay these prices for nothing. I mean, is there some kind of guarantee? In writing? Or you just pay and pay and pay and hope and hope and hope...and..then what? I'd be busy asking them questions instead of them asking me questions. Like what kind of data is going to be taken and what shows progress? ugh, but then again, I could not afford to spend that kind of quality time with these folks on the phone.

On the phone! Imagine! I sometimes think I am in the wrong business.... RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) dan

doctor Hi, We have just started speaking to Thoughtful House in Austin, Tx. my question is have any of you taken your children with aspergers/autism to this place or a dan doctor and really gotten good results? The first call I made cost $50 just for them to get the history on my son. I am supposed to have another appoitment on the phone this thursday and it will cost us $290 per hour and it will be for 1.5 hours for biomedical information. On the 15th of May for nutrition it will be

$250 per hour and the appt is for 1.5 hours. The Insurance will not pay for most of this. We are going to be wiped out soon. My husband says he doesn't care as long as this works. Our son has bad stomach pain so we despartly want to get him some help. I just hope all this will help, and if they put him on a strick diet, I don't think my son will stay on it completly because we have tried to keep him on he GFCF diet, but my son is always eating, sneaking other foods. So I need advice, do you think this will work to help my son, or is it a waste of time and money? I have been so depressed worry about the money issue and if my son will really be

helped. Thank you, pj Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. size=2 width="100%" align=center> No virus found in this

incoming message.Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.6/1404 - Release Date: 4/29/2008 6:27 PM

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Poor boy, he's been through the whole gambit of testing, it sounds.

Even in adults, these procedures are difficult to endure. There has

got to be a underlying reason for the constipation and diarrhea, but

I don't pretend to know what it could be if Encopresis, Colitis, or

Celiac Disease has already been ruled out. So sorry!

> >

> > Hi,   We have just started speaking to Thoughtful House in


> Tx.  my question is have any of you taken your children with

> aspergers/autism to this place or a dan doctor and really gotten


> results? 

> >    The first call I made cost $50 just for them to get the


> on my son.  I am supposed to have another appoitment on the phone

> this thursday and it will cost us $290 per hour and it will be for

> 1.5 hours for biomedical information.  On the 15th of May for

> nutrition it will be $250 per hour and the appt is for 1.5 hours. 

> >    The Insurance will not pay for most of this.  We are going to


> wiped out soon.  My husband says he doesn't care as long as this

> works.  Our son has bad stomach pain so we despartly want to get


> some help.   I just hope all this will help, and if they put him on


> strick diet, I don't think my son will stay on it completly because

> we have tried to keep him on he GFCF diet, but my son is always

> eating, sneaking other foods. 

> >    So I need advice, do you think this will work to help my son,


> is it a waste of time and money?  I have been so depressed worry

> about the money issue and if my son will really be helped.  Thank

> you, pj

> >

> >

> >

> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> ____________ __

> > Be a better friend, newshound, and

> > know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

> http://mobile. / ;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR 8HDtDypao8Wcj9tA cJ

> >








> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.



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I'm sorry to hear that your son is going thru such discomfort and that your facing these tough decisions. It's hard when kids suffer... we'd do anything to make it better.

I agree with Roxanna's thoughts. I'd like to have more concrete answers. I have had no experience with DAN and only know what I learned thru this group, but I am from the medical field and I wouldn't feel comfortable receiving or giving care over the phone.

Have you exhausted all the routine medical interventions? Can you see your son's pediatrician or be referred to a specialist that would be covered under your insurance? I completely understand the financial strain that you referred to.


From: Patti Journey <pjpoo78363@...>Subject: ( ) dan doctor Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 12:45 AM

Hi, We have just started speaking to Thoughtful House in Austin, Tx. my question is have any of you taken your children with aspergers/autism to this place or a dan doctor and really gotten good results?

The first call I made cost $50 just for them to get the history on my son. I am supposed to have another appoitment on the phone this thursday and it will cost us $290 per hour and it will be for 1.5 hours for biomedical information. On the 15th of May for nutrition it will be $250 per hour and the appt is for 1.5 hours.

The Insurance will not pay for most of this. We are going to be wiped out soon. My husband says he doesn't care as long as this works. Our son has bad stomach pain so we despartly want to get him some help. I just hope all this will help, and if they put him on a strick diet, I don't think my son will stay on it completly because we have tried to keep him on he GFCF diet, but my son is always eating, sneaking other foods.

So I need advice, do you think this will work to help my son, or is it a waste of time and money? I have been so depressed worry about the money issue and if my son will really be helped. Thank you, pj

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Like you, I have a son with lots of intestinal issues. He has been on

miralax for 3 of his 6 years, and we follow a strict toileting routine

that is very cumbersome. He has encopresis--he has accidents.

Fortunately they are small accidents and he hasn't been ridiculed

about being stinky at school, but he often has terrible pain from

holding his bm's in. He will only use the toilet at home. He has to

undress most of the way, and he often has diarrhea for unexplained

reasons. If you haven't seen a gastroenterologist yet, your insurance

might cover that before you spend a fortune on the DAN stuff. I tend

to agree with Roxanna. I read this article on quackwatch.org once,

written by a dad of autistic kids who is also a doctor. Through the

Looking Glass: My Involvement with Autism Quackery R. Laidler,

MD. I won't post the whole article, but anyone who's interested or

questioning can search for it.

Good luck,


> Hi, We have just started speaking to Thoughtful House in Austin,

Tx. my question is have any of you taken your children with

aspergers/autism to this place or a dan doctor and really gotten good


> The first call I made cost $50 just for them to get the history

on my son. I am supposed to have another appoitment on the phone this

thursday and it will cost us $290 per hour and it will be for 1.5

hours for biomedical information. On the 15th of May for nutrition it

will be $250 per hour and the appt is for 1.5 hours.

> The Insurance will not pay for most of this. We are going to be

wiped out soon. My husband says he doesn't care as long as this

works. Our son has bad stomach pain so we despartly want to get him

some help. I just hope all this will help, and if they put him on a

strick diet, I don't think my son will stay on it completly because we

have tried to keep him on he GFCF diet, but my son is always eating,

sneaking other foods.

> So I need advice, do you think this will work to help my son, or

is it a waste of time and money? I have been so depressed worry about

the money issue and if my son will really be helped. Thank you, pj






> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.



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  • 5 months later...

Please does anyone remember the web site for finding a DAN doctor! I

know there is one in Bethany, OK but don't know his name. I have tried

to call every doctor there but there is just too many!!!! Joy

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go to generation rescue site.

[ ] DAN doctor

Please does anyone remember the web site for finding a DAN doctor! I

know there is one in Bethany, OK but don't know his name. I have tried

to call every doctor there but there is just too many!!!! Joy

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