Guest guest Posted June 1, 2008 Report Share Posted June 1, 2008 PLEASE DISTRIBUTE to YOUR NETWORKS: The Summer Inclusion Conference is July 9 and 10 at Montclair State University. The theme this year is linking students with disabilities to the general education curriculum. There are keynotes and 7 workshops each day, many of which parents/families would find useful. The workshops are presented by entertaining, knowledgeable national and NJ experts. NJCIE still has several parent scholarships available for one or two days. Contact us for the form. 732-613-0400. Full brochure is attached. Workshops include: Keynote on July 9: What is in the Heart of Inclusion! By Vazquez and Ari Ne'eman. These are young adults with disabilities ( has CP, Ari is on the spectrum) who will inspire listeners re: their experiences with inclusion. Keynote on July 10: Reach for the Stars! Tilton, national expert on differentiation. If you don't know what differentiation is all about, come hear ! Membership, Participation and Learning for Students with Significant Disabilities in Middle-High School General Education Classes, presented by McSheehan from the University of New Hampshire Meaningful Curricular Adaptations for Elementary Student with Complex Needs and Can I Hang with You? Creating Connections Between Kids with and without Disabilities by Kenna Colley, Radford University Program Options for Supporting Students with Disabilities in General Education, by Donna Bogart, Ed.D., NJ Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs a S. Lieb, Esq, President & CEO New Jersey Coalition for Inclusive Education 9 Auer Court, Suite H East Brunswick, NJ 08816 (P) 732-613-0400 (F) 732-390-7696 njcie@... A conference for ALL teachers, administrators, parents, pre-referral teams, CST members, paraprofessionals, related service professionals, self-advocates, and others to learn important skills to support students with disabilities in general education classrooms. Connecting to the General Education Curriculum. Life, Activities and Peers! Presented by: New Jersey Coalition for Inclusive Education, Inc. District co-sponsor: West New York School District NJ Education Association, National Down Syndrome Society, NJ Department of Education- Office of Special Education Programs, NJ Association of School Psychologists, The Arc of New Jersey, NJ Association of Speech Language Specialists, NJ Speech-Language-Hearing Association, NJ Council on Developmental Disabilities, Statewide Parent Advocacy Network. NJCIE Summer Inclusion Conference 2008 Location: THE CONFERENCE CENTER, Montclair State University (MSU) University Hall, 7th Floor, 1 Normal Avenue, Montclair, NJ 07043 NJCIE's 6th Annual Summer Inclusion Conference, 2008 , West New York School District July 9 & 10, 2008 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE: Wednesday, July 9th and Thursday, July 10th Registration and Continental Breakfast Begin at 8:30 am Welcome and Keynote 9:30 am Session I Workshops (A.M.) 10:30 am-12:30 pm Lunch 12:40 pm-1:20 pm Session II Workshops (P.M.) 1:30 pm-3:30 pm JULY 9th KEYNOTE: Helena Vazquez and Ari Ne'eman TWO IMPRESSIVE YOUNG adults with disabilities who graduated from New Jersey's public schools will share their thoughts about their experiences with inclusion and their insights into how schools can help students connect to life, activities and peers. 1) Tools for Tomorrow: Teacher Friendly Strategies for Connecting All Students to Content Standards: How can all students meet New Jersey's Core Curriculum Content Standards in an inclusive classroom? Dr. Amerman will provide real examples from New Jersey classrooms meeting that challenge. She will also provide strategies and tools that teachers can implement immediately in their classrooms to motivate struggling learners, foster academic independence, and meet the challenge of New Jersey's high stakes testing standards. Presenter: Amerman, Assistant Professor, NJ City University 2) Membership, Participation and Learning for Students with Significant Disabilities in Middle - High School General Education Classes: There is a growing body of research on teaching students with significant disabilities academic content in Middle and High Schools. Policy mandates require that students with significant disabilities demonstrate academic content learning via alternate assessments. How does this research translate into practice in the general education classroom? How can the research and practice innovations help succeed with alternate assessment? What supports need to be in place for this to happen? This session will translate the most recent advances in inclusive education research for students with significant disabilities into practical application in the classroom and in alternate assessments. Examples will emphasize students with labels of autism, multiple disabilities; intellectual and other developmental disabilities in general education classrooms learning general education academics. Presenter: McSheehan, Clinical Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of New Hampshire 3) Meaningful Curricular Adaptations for Elementary Students with Complex Needs within a Standardized Curriculum: Academic learning is the vehicle for participation in classrooms. Learn how students with complex needs in grades K-6 can be actively included in classroom instruction via creative adaptations. Presenter: Kenna M. Colley, Radford University, Radford, Virginia 4) Paraprofessionals: Maximizing the Possibilities and Avoiding the Pitfalls: Paraprofessionals are one of the most utilized supports in schools yet their assets are often untapped or used incorrectly. Learn how to maximize this valuable resource in the classroom, to support teachers and students. Presenter: Orah Raia, NJCIE Speakers' Bureau Consultant 5) Sharing Real Experiences, Great Ideas: An Interactive Workshop for Teachers: Developing communities of learning among teachers is crucial if we hope to embed inclusive practices in our schools. This workshop will feature early childhood and upper elementary teachers from two New Jersey elementary schools which have won fellowship awards in inclusive practices from the New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities. The teachers will share strategies and ideas which have worked well in their classrooms of diverse learners, then open the floor for an interactive sharing among all of the teachers, including those in the audience. Pick up some great ideas from your colleagues. Presenters: Teachers from the Early Childhood Center-Hamilton Terrace Elementary School, Berkeley Heights School District and a second elementary school to be announced. 6) Practical Applications of Positive Behavior Support (PBS) in the Classroom: The behavioral challenges of students impact the job satisfaction of over 80% of teachers. However, many interventions used currently in New Jersey classrooms are neither research-based nor teacher-friendly. Participants will receive an overview of the empirically valid principals of positive behavior support and discuss practical behavior intervention strategies based on these principals. Strategies include using strategies to prevent behaviors that interfere with instruction, teaching replacements for students' interfering behaviors, and encouraging appropriate student behavior through reinforcement. Presenter: Lockwood, Positive Behavior Support Specialist, NJCIE 7) Integration of Assistive Technology in the Educational Process: Specific Performance Areas where best practices have indicated Assistive Technology may have an impact on students with disabilities will be defined. A framework for decision-making, centered on the IEP process, will provide the necessary structure for complying with IDEA through the systematic consideration of Assistive Technology devices and services. Examples of Assistive Technology available for each Performance Area will be covered. Attendees will be provided a resource guide for implementation of the concepts and practices presented. Presenter: Bud Rizer, AT Support Team, Office of Education, Department of Children and Families Wednesday July 9th A.M. SESSION P.M. SESSION Workshop One Workshop Two Workshop Three Workshop Four Workshop Five Workshop Six Workshop Seven 1) Differentiating Instruction in a Diverse Classroom (AM ONLY): In this session, Tilton, will expand upon and answer questions about the ideas introduced in her keynote, described above. 2) Program Options for Supporting Students with Disabilities in General Education (AM ONLY): An array of program options for supporting students with disabilities in general education programs, including the use of consultation, teacher aides, integrated therapies, supplemental instruction, and resource programs will be presented. Presenter: Donna S. Bogart, Special Education Consultant, NJDOE-OSEP, LRC-North 3) Assessing and Influencing School Climates to promote Inclusion: This workshop is designed to heighten awareness and promote discussion about the critical nature of School Climates and Culture that have a direct influence on successful inclusion of all students. There will be an attempt to build a conceptual framework with the participants reflecting an understanding and analysis of school climates and culture. Theory and practice in whole school reform; positive school-wide approaches to behavior; the building of positive / supportive environments for academic and social learning will be used. Presenter: Jerry G. Petroff, Assistant Professor, The College of New Jersey 4) Supporting Students Who Use Oppositional and Inflexible Behaviors Through Collaborative Problem Solving: Often the behaviors of students with emotional needs due to mental health issues, autism spectrum disorders and other disabilities may appear to be oppositional and defiant in nature when they are actually driven by anxiety, low-self esteem, and poor social skills. Participants will discuss the differences and apparent commonalities among the behaviors of students who are described as " inflexible " and those who are viewed as being " oppositional " and carry away strategies for avoiding power struggles. Presenter: Lockwood, Positive Behavior Support Specialist, NJCIE 5) Standards to Practice - Turning Standards-Based Education into ative Inclusive Education: Learn a process of curriculum development using the NJ Core Curriculum Standards. This presentation is based upon the presenter's successful teaching practice in inclusive Science classrooms. A particular focus is given to thematic unit production and multiple intelligence theory. Presenter: , Assistant Principal, stown School District, New York 6) Can I Hang With You? Creating Connections between Kids with and without Disabilities: Facilitating positive peer relationships is essential to the development of successful inclusive classrooms. This workshop focuses on relationship building ideas, challenges, strategies for children with and without disabilities, along with problem solving around common relationship issues in schools. Presenter: Kenna M. Colley, Radford University, Virginia ADMINISTRATORS' STRAND 7) Leadership, Change and Inclusive Schools (AM ONLY): This workshop will examine the process and practice to bring about school and district change when developing and maintaining an inclusive program. Discussion will include organizational challenges associated with the change process and the role of school leaders. This session will be co-presented by two former NJ school superintendents who have spent many years working in the field of organizational change and inclusive education. Presenters: Bastardo, Senior Associate, RIISA, Graduate School of Education, Rutgers University; Snyder, former Superintendent of Schools, Freehold Township NJ ADMINISTRATOR'S STRAND 8) In-Class Resource Program Instruction: Overview for Administrators (PM ONLY): In-class resource program instruction is one option for supporting students with disabilities in the general education curriculum within the general education classroom. Designed for administrators, this session will provide an overview of in-class resource program instruction with a focus on the following areas: 1) student characteristics; 2) co-teacher roles and responsibilities; 3) instructional arrangements; and, 4) administrator's role in implementation. Presenter: Donna S. Bogart, Special Education Consultant, NJDOE-OSEP, LRC-North JULY 10th KEYNOTE: Reach for the Stars! with Tilton HOW TO DIFFERENTIATE INSTRUCTION in Today's Diverse Classroom. Welcome to a celebration of tools, tips and techniques to use in differentiating instruction! This highly practical keynote session is filled with dozens of " take back and use " ideas to help every student succeed! The ideas suggested are time-efficient and extremely effective. Specific strategies will help students get organized, be accountable for results, compensate for difficulties, and improve reading, math, and writing skills. This session includes ideas for all grade levels and content areas. In each topic area listed, will suggest many concrete strategies. These are the " nuts and bolts " ideas that you will take back and use immediately! Thursday July 10th A.M. SESSION P.M. SESSION Workshop One Workshop Two Workshop Three Workshop Four Workshop Five Workshop Six Workshop Seven Workshop Eight A Note to Educators & Parents: All workshops are interactive and cover topics identified by teachers, administrators and other educational professionals as most needed to improve instruction and support inclusive educational practices in their schools. Parents are welcome to attend any sessions which interest them! Location: Set on the seventh story of University Hall, The Conference Center has a million-dollar panoramic view of the Manhattan skyline that will leave you breathless. The MSU campus is easily accessible by car from the Garden State Parkway, the New Jersey Turnpike, Route 46; by bus from several locations; by train from New York City (train station on campus). See below for Directions. Directions: MSU is located at 1 Normal Avenue, Montclair, NJ, USA 07043. *Please note, when using online or GPS mapping systems, use 30 East Normal Avenue as your destination, (directly across from the main entrance). The Conference Center is located on the 7th Floor of: University Hall (Building #51) - The College of Education and Human Services. Campus Map: Registration includes all fees: NJCIE professional development programs are designed to satisfy the criteria and state requirements for travel by school district personnel. Registration: See the registration form for details. Registration will open at 8:30 A.M. at The Conference Center (7th Floor of: University Hall (Building #51) - The College of Education and Human Services). Spots may be available for on-site registration, but you must call NJCIE at 732-613-0400 by Tuesday, July 1, 2008 to determine if spaces are still available. Refunds: Conference plans and expenses are based on pre-registration. No refunds awarded after June 1, 2008. However, substitutions are permitted with prior approval by NJCIE. Local Hotels: Information about hotels close to the MSU campus may be found at Professional Development Hours: NJCIE is a registered continuing education provider (#4273) by the NJ Department of Education. Professional development certificates will be available attended workshops. (5 hrs / day). This conference is a NJEA approved event. Discounted Conference Fees: Discounts are available for current NJCIE members and for school-based teams of 2 or more people from one school registering for both days. Registrations must be received in the same envelope. See the enclosed registration form for details. Achieve Through Inclusion L inda Tilton is an international author, speaker and educational consultant with 35 years in the field of education. She is best known for her highly practical " take back and use " strategies designed to help every student succeed. believes passionately that today's engaged student is tomorrow's lifelong learner. She is the author of several books including The Teacher's Toolbox for Differentiating Instruction and Inclusion: A Fresh Look. She has created two staff development kits and the video, Choosing to Change. All of her materials share 's enthusiasm for learning and life. She is a true champion of student success! K enna M. Colley, is an Assistant Professor in the College of Education and Human Development at Radford University in Radford, Virginia and the Co-director for its Training and Technical Assistance Center. She facilitates systems change within public schools (K-12) throughout southwest Virginia via long-term technical assistance. Kenna has worked as an educator supporting students with disabilities in general education classrooms in preschool, elementary and middle school settings, along with working in adult services and administration. She is an active presenter at state and national conferences on collaboration, best practices in inclusive settings, positive behavioral supports and peer supports for students with disabilities. Kenna has appeared in the HBO documentary " Educating " and has contributed to several books on inclusive education. M ichael McSheehan is Clinical Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and a Project Associate with UNH's Institute on Disability/ UCED. Mr. McSheehan's primary area of interest is the learning of general education curriculum in the general education classroom by students with significant (cognitive) disabilities. He presently coordinates two federally funded projects on alternate assessment. From research conducted during a 4-year project, Beyond Access, he co-authored three peer-reviewed articles about the Beyond Access Model, high expectations, and learning of academic content by students with significant disability labels. is past Chair of the TASH Education Committee, guest faculty in UNH's Inclusion Facilitator Program, faculty member for the Annual NH Summer Institute on Autism and the NH Resource Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders, presents internationally at professional conferences and for family organizations. JULY 9 JULY 10 JULY 9 & 10 Nationally Recognized PRESENTERS A Note to Educators & Parents: All workshops are interactive and cover topics identified by teachers, administrators and other educational professionals as most needed to improve instruction and support inclusive educational practices in their schools. Parents are welcome to attend any sessions which interest them! Location: Set on the seventh story of University Hall, The Conference Center has a million-dollar panoramic view of the Manhattan skyline that will leave you breathless. The MSU campus is easily accessible by car from the Garden State Parkway, the New Jersey Turnpike, Route 46; by bus from several locations; by train from New York City (train station on campus). See below for Directions. Directions: MSU is located at 1 Normal Avenue, Montclair, NJ, USA 07043. *Please note, when using online or GPS mapping systems, use 30 East Normal Avenue as your destination, (directly across from the main entrance). The Conference Center is located on the 7th Floor of: University Hall (Building #51) - The College of Education and Human Services. Campus Map: Registration includes all fees: NJCIE professional development programs are designed to satisfy the criteria and state requirements for travel by school district personnel. Registration: See the registration form for details. Registration will open at 8:30 A.M. at The Conference Center (7th Floor of: University Hall (Building #51) - The College of Education and Human Services). Spots may be available for on-site registration, but you must call NJCIE at 732-613-0400 by Tuesday, July 1, 2008 to determine if spaces are still available. Refunds: Conference plans and expenses are based on pre-registration. No refunds awarded after June 1, 2008. However, substitutions are permitted with prior approval by NJCIE. Local Hotels: Information about hotels close to the MSU campus may be found at Professional Development Hours: NJCIE is a registered continuing education provider (#4273) by the NJ Department of Education. Professional development certificates will be available attended workshops. (5 hrs / day). This conference is a NJEA approved event. Discounted Conference Fees: Discounts are available for current NJCIE members and for school-based teams of 2 or more people from one school registering for both days. Registrations must be received in the same envelope. See the enclosed registration form for details. NOTE: Parking in the Red Hawk Campus Parking Facility is $5.00 Achieve Through Inclusion L inda Tilton is an international author, speaker and educational consultant with 35 years in the field of education. She is best known for her highly practical " take back and use " strategies designed to help every student succeed. believes passionately that today's engaged student is tomorrow's lifelong learner. She is the author of several books including The Teacher's Toolbox for Differentiating Instruction and Inclusion: A Fresh Look. She has created two staff development kits and the video, Choosing to Change. All of her materials share 's enthusiasm for learning and life. She is a true champion of student success! K enna M. Colley, is an Assistant Professor in the College of Education and Human Development at Radford University in Radford, Virginia and the Co-director for its Training and Technical Assistance Center. She facilitates systems change within public schools (K-12) throughout southwest Virginia via long-term technical assistance. Kenna has worked as an educator supporting students with disabilities in general education classrooms in preschool, elementary and middle school settings, along with working in adult services and administration. She is an active presenter at state and national conferences on collaboration, best practices in inclusive settings, positive behavioral supports and peer supports for students with disabilities. Kenna has appeared in the HBO documentary " Educating " and has contributed to several books on inclusive education. M ichael McSheehan is Clinical Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and a Project Associate with UNH's Institute on Disability/ UCED. Mr. McSheehan's primary area of interest is the learning of general education curriculum in the general education classroom by students with significant (cognitive) disabilities. He presently coordinates two federally funded projects on alternate assessment. From research conducted during a 4-year project, Beyond Access, he co-authored three peer-reviewed articles about the Beyond Access Model, high expectations, and learning of academic content by students with significant disability labels. is past Chair of the TASH Education Committee, guest faculty in UNH's Inclusion Facilitator Program, faculty member for the Annual NH Summer Institute on Autism and the NH Resource Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders, presents internationally at professional conferences and for family organizations. JULY 9 JULY 10 JULY 9 & 10 Nationally Recognized PRESENTERS A Note to Educators & Parents: All workshops are interactive and cover topics identified by teachers, administrators and other educational professionals as most needed to improve instruction and support inclusive educational practices in their schools. Parents are welcome to attend any sessions which interest them! Location: Set on the seventh story of University Hall, The Conference Center has a million-dollar panoramic view of the Manhattan skyline that will leave you breathless. The MSU campus is easily accessible by car from the Garden State Parkway, the New Jersey Turnpike, Route 46; by bus from several locations; by train from New York City (train station on campus). See below for Directions. Directions: MSU is located at 1 Normal Avenue, Montclair, NJ, USA 07043. *Please note, when using online or GPS mapping systems, use 30 East Normal Avenue as your destination, (directly across from the main entrance). The Conference Center is located on the 7th Floor of: University Hall (Building #51) - The College of Education and Human Services. C ampus Map: Registration includes all fees: NJCIE professional development programs are designed to satisfy the criteria and state requirements for travel by school district personnel. Registration: See the registration form for details. Registration will open at 8:30 A.M. at The Conference Center (7th Floor of: University Hall (Building #51) - The College of Education and Human Services). Spots may be available for on-site registration, but you must call NJCIE at 732-613-0400 by Tuesday, July 1, 2008 to determine if spaces are still available. Refunds: Conference plans and expenses are based on pre-registration. No refunds awarded after June 1, 2008. However, substitutions are permitted with prior approval by NJCIE. Local Hotels: Information about hotels close to the MSU campus may be found at Professional Development Hours: NJCIE is a registered continuing education provider (#4273) by the NJ Department of Education. Professional development certificates will be available attended workshops. (5 hrs / day). This conference is a NJEA approved event. Discounted Conference Fees: Discounts are available for current NJCIE members and for school-based teams of 2 or more people from one school registering for both days. Registrations must be received in the same envelope. See the enclosed registration form for details. NOTE: Parking in the Red Hawk Campus Parking Facility is $5.00 Achieve Through Inclusion L inda Tilton is an international author, speaker and educational consultant with 35 years in the field of education. She is best known for her highly practical " take back and use " strategies designed to help every student succeed. believes passionately that today's engaged student is tomorrow's lifelong learner. She is the author of several books including The Teacher's Toolbox for Differentiating Instruction and Inclusion: A Fresh Look. She has created two staff development kits and the video, Choosing to Change. All of her materials share 's enthusiasm for learning and life. She is a true champion of student success! K enna M. Colley, is an Assistant Professor in the College of Education and Human Development at Radford University in Radford, Virginia and the Co-director for its Training and Technical Assistance Center. She facilitates systems change within public schools (K-12) throughout southwest Virginia via long-term technical assistance. Kenna has worked as an educator supporting students with disabilities in general education classrooms in preschool, elementary and middle school settings, along with working in adult services and administration. She is an active presenter at state and national conferences on collaboration, best practices in inclusive settings, positive behavioral supports and peer supports for students with disabilities. Kenna appeared in the HBO documentary " Educating " and has contributed to several books on inclusive education. M ichael McSheehan is Clinical Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and a Project Associate with UNH's Institute on Disability/ UCED. Mr. McSheehan's primary area of interest is the learning of general education curriculum in the general education classroom by students with significant (cognitive) disabilities. He presently coordinates two federally funded projects on alternate assessment. From research conducted during a 4-year project, Beyond Access, he co-authored three peer-reviewed articles about the Beyond Access Model, high expectations, and learning of academic content by students with significant disability labels. is past Chair of the TASH Education Committee, guest faculty in UNH's Inclusion Facilitator Program, faculty member for the Annual NH Summer Institute on Autism and the NH Resource Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders, presents internationally at professional conferences and for family organizations. JULY 9 JULY 10 JULY 9 & 10 Nationally Recognized PRESENTERS SUMMER 2008 INCLUSIVE EDUCATION CONFERENCE Connecting to General Education Curriculum.Life, Activities, Peers July 9th & July 10th, 2008 8:30am - 3:30pm .. ALL CURRENT STUDENTS (ID Required).$40 registration fee. .. Please Note, NJCIE Individual Memberships are available at an annual fee of $35. Organizational Memberships are $100. annually, and entitle those registering as a member of a team from that organization, to a discount as indicated above. .. NO REFUNDS - Conference plans & expenses are based on pre-registration. If you must cancel, we regret that we cannot offer refunds or release purchase orders after June 1, 2008. .. Registration closes July 1, 2008. ONE FORM PER PERSON Please Print Clearly FIRST NAME: ______________________________ LAST NAME: _______________________________ THE ADDRESS YOU HAVE PROVIDED IS YOUR WORK / HOME (CIRCLE ONE): ADDRESS: _________________________________ CITY: ______________________________________ STATE: ____________________________________ ZIP: _______________________________________ COUNTY: ___________________________________ WK. PH. ___________________________________ HM. PH. ___________________________________ FAX: _______________________________________ EMAIL: _____________________________________ CONFIRMATION WILL COME BY EMAIL ONLY. MAKE SURE IT IS ACTIVE & LEGIBLY WRITTEN. DISTRICT/ SCHOOL/ ORGANIZATION/ AFFILIATION: _______________________________ I AM ATTENDING AS A: _______ PARENT _______ PROFESSIONAL IF EDUCATOR, PLEASE SPECIFY TITLE:______________________________________ SPECIAL ACCOMODATIONS REQUIRED?: _________________________________ DISCOUNTED FEES. NJCIE MEMBERS ONLY! Circle the Appropriate Choice EARLY BIRD BY June 1st AFTER June 1st Individual Member, Both Days $190 $215 Organization Member Team, Both Days [2 or more members, attending both days]. Registrations must be submitted together. $180 pp $210 pp Individual Member, One Day Only ________ Wed. ________ Thurs. $115 $140 NON-MEMBER FEES. Circle the Appropriate Choice EARLY BIRD BY JUNE 1st AFTER JUNE 1st Individual, Both Days $205 $240 Team Person, Both Days [A person attending as part of a team, made of 2 or more people, attending both days]. Registrations must be submitted together. $195 pp $230 pp Individual, One Day Only ________ Wed. ________ Thurs. $130 $155 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DISTRICT __________________________________ PURCHASE ORDER __________________________ PAID _______________________ CREDIT CARD________________ CHECK # ____________________ SIC 2008 REG# ________ ___________ ____________ PAYMENT METHOD CHECK # ____________ P.O. # _______________ PYMT AMT ______________ CARD # ____________________________________________ EXPIR.___________ VISA OR MASTERCARD (circle one) NAME AS IT APPEARS ON CARD: ________________________________________ SIGNATURE __________________________________________________________ MAIL PAYMENT OR P.O. TO: NJ COALITION FOR INCLUSIVE EDUCATION, INC. 9 AUER COURT, SUITE H EAST BRUNSWICK, NJ 08816 NJCIE PHONE 732-613-0400 NJCIE FAX 732-390-7696 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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