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ATTN New Jersey Autism Advocate: A. 2238 to be Voted on By the Assembly This Thursday - Please Attend

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ATTN New Jersey Autism Advocate: A. 2238 to be Voted on By the

Assembly This Thursday - Please Attend

05/20/09 Autism Votes... It's time for lawmakers to listen.

Dear New Jersey Autism Advocate,

Thank you for all the calls and e-mails to your New Jersey Assemblymembers.

Your voices are being heard! Please note that the New Jersey Assembly will

vote on A2238 tomorrow, Thursday, May 21, at approximately 1:00 pm.

Please help us with a final push of support in the New Jersey Assembly for


Here is How You Can Help:

1. Come to the State House on Thursday, May 21 at 1pm! If you can possibly

be there to witness the vote, please do so. Legislators need to see the

faces of those whose lives they impact with their decisions. WEAR RED. Be

there if at all possible!

> Click here for directions to the State House. Parking is available at

> either the State House garage or the public garage at the Marriott.

2. Please continue to contact your State Assemblymember and ask them to

vote " YES " on A.2238 when it is voted on Thursday.

> Call your State Assemblymember and tell them that you, as their

> constituent, expect them to vote yes on this critical legislation. Be

> polite and persistent. Don't hang up without knowing what their vote will

> be. Click here to find the name and phone number for your State

> Assemblymember!

> Click here to follow up your phone conversation with an e-mail to your

> State Assemblymember. We've done the work for you here, just click and

> send. Make sure to personalize your e-mail in the box provided.

3. Forward this e-mail to everyone you know in New Jersey. There is strength

in numbers and we need thousand of voices from across the state speaking up

for our families.

4. Register at Autism Votes to stay up to date on the progress of this

groundbreaking legislation in New Jersey.

Now is the time for meaningful health insurance reform to become a reality

in New Jersey for the many families who struggle with the challenges of

autism. Help us ensure passage of A2238 by taking action TODAY!

For more information on the autism insurance reform bills, visit our website

at www.autismvotes.org/newjersey.


Judith Ursitti

Regional Director of State Advocacy Relations

Autism Speaks

Take Action Today

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