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Re: Becky & fillings--oooh long reply

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I am SO thinking that it's the PERFECT TIMING for you to ask me about


The reason is-- I am convinced that I have some really big issues with

mercury poisoning-- or whatever anyone wants to call it.

When they removed my fillings-- there were a few pieces that I caught

before they would have been swallowed/ingested. THANK GOD! They were large


pieces that they should have seen, too! I was a bit surprised that they were

not more careful with the removal, because everyone knows how dangerous

mercury is-- RIGHT? <sigh>

But I still ingested the powder fumes and that's not too great

Anyway-- yes-- I was VERY concerned about it when I became pregnant almost

immediately after-- or found out right as it was all happening. I wish I

could tell you that I feel fine or that I have no concerns-- but that would be a

huge lie

I almost came on to the BioMed group that some here are on to ask them

about how to chelate the mercury safely from my system and also from the baby.


feel horrible, and I have since I had those fillings taken out. I am

exhausted beyond measure, and it doesn't go away. My body just HURTS and ACHES


the dickens, and it doesn't go away, and I am also struggling with PPD moreso

than ever before.

I just feel SICK-- not as in cold sick, but SICK SICK and I feel ill

overall. I had pretty much decided over the weekend that I would call my


Dr and ask them to run a blood test to see what the metal levels were, but I

have no idea what that blood test is called (anyone????) I really think it's

the mercury from the fillings because that's about how long I've been

feeling yucky.

Now-- about the baby-- again, I wish I could tell you that I had no

concerns-- but that would ALSO be a big lie!!! Having (already) two neuro kids


sensory issues-- I can now pick it up in a heartbeat and see things in other

kids when we're out and about-- etc.

Aramis was SUPER FUSSY for the first 3-4mos. He would cry when we went into

a store that had flourescent lighting or those bright lights (CFC lights)

JUST LIKE MY NEURO boys BOTH did! He literally cries from the moment I walk

into the store til the moment I walk out. (he HAS improved though). Not only

that, but he would scream the moment I put him into the carseat and drove til

the moment I took him out of the seat-- quite literally for the first (whole)


I think this is linked to the vestibular issues you'd see with sensory kids,

and the lighting of course is the sensitivity to lights you'd see. Also-- he

would react to any sudden noises and they would frighten him--not in a

typical newborn way, but differently. We nicknamed him " scaredy cat " because of

this! LOL

this again makes me think of noise sensitivity that you'd see with sensory


All of this is quite worrisome to me. NOW-- I will say that he's SUPER fast

with development-- he's ALREADY doing the whole crawling thing. He started the

military crawl (on the belly) at 4 mos, and was up on all fours 2 wks

later-- doing a lunge/hop thing, and now he's doing a full crawl/creeping--



I've started getting concerned about HOW he's creeping, because he's

starting to lift his legs UP and not do the correct cross-pattern motion that IS

VITAL!!! (AGAIN like both my neuro boys!!!!)

So yes-- I'm concerned and I've seen enough sensory issues to get worried

and start praying for the little guy. With the creeping-- I spoke with the

Neuro chiro that is working with our 9 1/2 yr old (ADHD and possible Aspie) and

he said that I can't STOP the baby from crawling/creeping, so it's best to

flop him on his back and force a cross pattern mimick type thing as a therapy


at least get him to crawl the RIGHT WAY to avoid serious issues in the long

run. So-- it's a bit funny, but we're doing PT exercises with a 5 mos old!

LOL And it's interesting to get 2 people to do that motion in the right timing

and speed, too! LOL

I don't know what is to come-- but I PRAY that there won't be any issues

with him and that this is only me overreacting. (I'm not-- because the issues

are definitely there) but I pray that it won't be a PROBLEM in the long term.

I do need to figure out what can get this mercury out of my system though.

My sister swears that the Waiora NCD and Agarigold would do it-- and it's 100%

safe for me AND baby (even if given directly) so it can't hurt to try it. If

anyone else has any suggestions, I'm open to hearing it-- he's 5 mos and is

11 1/2 lbs (tiny guy) and I'm not sure what else is out there that's safe.

What would I recommend you doing?? Do something that I didn't do and that I

seriously regret--- get them taken out by a highly trained dentist that does

this holisitically and RIGHT! I had someone tell me that in order to do it

the right way you're supposed to be hooked up to an IV or something-- I bet you

could search on the proper way and the healthiest way to get them taken

out. But-- if you can't find anyone to do it in the area, then I would NOT

suggest getting them taken out til after you've had the baby and have weaned.

I really wish that I hadn't been so impatient to get my teeth done-- and I'm

not exactly sure WHY I was at the time-- <sigh>

It is what it is

those are my thoughts-- sorry you asked?


In a message dated 11/25/2008 1:37:22 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

nelia_nunes@... writes:

Hi Becky,

This is going to sound very random, but I was searching on this board

for " mercury fillings " and reading the posts that came up with those

words in them. I was doing that because I just recently got 2 silver

fillings removed and we want to start trying for baby #2 and I am

trying to figure out how long I should wait before we start trying. We

REALLY want to start trying ASAP. We've put off trying for a year due

to various things that I won't bore you with! Anyways, I noticed a

post from last year where you said you had fillings removed right

before getting pregnant and you were worried about that. I see that

little Aramis was born a few months ago (congrats!!)little Aramis was bor

asking if you see any delays or sensory issues with Aramis (that could

be a result of the fillings being removed)? What did you do, if

anything, to remove the mercury from your system? I saw that someone

recommended Epson salts?

Thank you!


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Becky wrote,

I think this is linked to the vestibular issues you'd see with sensory kids,

and the lighting of course is the sensitivity to lights you'd see. Also-- he

would react to any sudden noises and they would frighten him--not in a

typical newborn way, but differently. We nicknamed him " scaredy cat " because


this! LOL

==== This would be the 'startle' reflex that should be inhibited sometime

after the first few months. I would work to try to inhibit this reflex with

him. When you find that an action startles him to 'tears', calm him, and then

perform the act again. Does he tear up or does he 'anticipate', if he tears up,

then calm him and do it again.... can he now anticipate what mommy is going to

do? Work with this for this should be inhibited in him by now.

=====Becky, you might want to think about doing some pleoptics with him to

stimulate his vision and pupil retraction from bright to dark, dark to bright.

All of this is quite worrisome to me. NOW-- I will say that he's SUPER fast

with development-- he's ALREADY doing the whole crawling thing. He started the

military crawl (on the belly) at 4 mos, and was up on all fours 2 wks

later-- doing a lunge/hop thing, and now he's doing a full crawl/creeping--



I've started getting concerned about HOW he's creeping, because he's

starting to lift his legs UP and not do the correct cross-pattern motion that


VITAL!!! (AGAIN like both my neuro boys!!!!)

===== When he did the military crawl, was it cross patterned or was it

homo-lateral i.e. one sided? When you catch him creeping incorrectly, STOP HIM!

Reposition his hands so that he is NOT flexing his elbows outwards, fingers

should be flat on the ground facing forwards and you might even try slowing him

down (impossible maybe?) so that you can help him place his opposing arm to rest

with his opposing leg. That might be a tough one and you may just have to

continue to watch and get him to log a lot of miles on the floor so that this

will right itself.

For vision, what some people do is to put brightly colored tape on the childs

hands so that they will work their near point vision (by seeing the tape) and

transitioning to far point vision as they look where they are going.

I would try to encourage him to stay on the floor and to keep on creeping

until you see a nice proficient creep for at least a couple of months. Move all

of the tables and chairs to prevent him from 'cruising' if you have to! You know

what to look for so don't let him progress to the next stage of development

until you see that he has mastered the current stage of development..... okay?

I have a book for you to buy; It's called " Reflexes, Learning and Behaviour "

by Sally Goddard and it goes through all of the primitve birth reflexes and how

they are eventually inhibited to develop appropriate postoral reflexes.

If you work to get proper transition from birth reflexes to postoral reflexes,

you can save him and yourself a lot of grief down the road!

How is his poop? I would delay the introduction of solid foods for as long as

is feasible. For sure, I wouldn't introduce milk or gluten products until about

8 months after the recommended time period.... no need to rush this.... just

ensure that you've got a nice immune system developing. I would also look into

getting some probiotics into him so that you can begin to establish good gut

flora RIGHT AWAY! In addition, please take a look at your vaccination schedule

and think about doing the safe vaccination schedule.... I think that

Cave has one available on her site? Not sure but do rethink how you're going to

vaccinate.... separating shots and such.

Also, no vaccinating if he even has the SNIFFLES!!! Make sure that he is

healthy, strong and vibrant on vaccination days and DON'T use tylenol as it

suppresses glutathione in the immune system. I have actually heard that some

doctors recommend giving the baby's a little glutathione in either liposomal

form or by just putting some powder around the breast while nursing in the days

prior to vaccinating to get that immune system really 'working' at optimal

levels before the shots.

About that mercury issue.... that is a DAN question for sure! Do you have a

DAN doctor yet? I would think about contacting a Rescue Angel for questions on

this. Those gals know their stuff!

You may want to join the chelatingkids2 board and ask this

question there as well. There are some owners of supplement companies on that

board who are extremely knowledgeable (though they don't post very much).

Hope this gives you some ideas.... I know that probably will have

some sound advice as to what you should do about the mercury....


Mother of Mark, 13

In a message dated 11/25/2008 1:37:22 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

nelia_nunes@... writes:

Hi Becky,

This is going to sound very random, but I was searching on this board

for " mercury fillings " and reading the posts that came up with those

words in them. I was doing that because I just recently got 2 silver

fillings removed and we want to start trying for baby #2 and I am

trying to figure out how long I should wait before we start trying. We

REALLY want to start trying ASAP. We've put off trying for a year due

to various things that I won't bore you with! Anyways, I noticed a

post from last year where you said you had fillings removed right

before getting pregnant and you were worried about that. I see that

little Aramis was born a few months ago (congrats!!)little Aramis was bor

asking if you see any delays or sensory issues with Aramis (that could

be a result of the fillings being removed)? What did you do, if

anything, to remove the mercury from your system? I saw that someone

recommended Epson salts?

Thank you!


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ok I don't know nuttin' 'bout no pleoptics, Janice-- educate me, pretty



In a message dated 11/26/2008 5:00:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

jscott@... writes:

Becky, you might want to think about doing some pleoptics with him to

stimulate his vision and pupil retraction from bright to dark, dark to bright.

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for the short length in time that he did this crawl-- I'm pretty sure it was

the homo-lateral which is why I first started getting concerned!

I'm not sure HOW to stop him though-- and that's why I talked to the Neuro

Chiro working with Aiden (who's going to be doing some sort of crawl program

with him as well at 9 1/2) He said that at that age if they want to go, they're

going to go-- which is what he's doing. BUT-- to be sure to do those cross

patterning with the arms and legs as often/much as possible because it will

TEACH him that motion and he'll eventually get that down with the creeping


In a message dated 11/26/2008 5:00:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

jscott@... writes:

When he did the military crawl, was it cross patterned or was it

homo-lateral i.e. one sided? When you catch him creeping incorrectly, STOP HIM!

Reposition his hands so that he is NOT flexing his elbows outwards, fingers

should be

flat on the ground facing forwards and you might even try slowing him down

(impossible maybe?) so that you can help him place his opposing arm to rest

with his opposing leg. That might be a tough one and you may just have to

continue to watch and get him to log a lot of miles on the floor so that this


right itself.

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I know-- that's why I've been concerned about it, because I've definitely

seen neuro stuff so far, and it's a little daunting to me. :-(

I'll get a copy of the book ASAP from Amazon


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The poop seems to be ok-- but smells a bit too " sweet " maybe yeasty? It

smells many times like sour cream or cream cheese?

Here's the BAD part with his diet so far--- he's getting formula

supplements!!! Well, supplemental isn't quite what's going on-- but due to my


with Asa's therapy and all the other kids, and my not being an efficient

pumper (aka nothing has ever worked on these boobs!) he's got to eat something,

and formula has been it. :-(

I am sooooo not happy about this, AT ALL!!! And yet-- when he CAN'T be with

me for whatever reasons, and I have no breast milk for a bottle, it's all

there is. I did, however, find an organic formula that seems to be pretty

decent (as far as formula goes <sigh>). With all the crap in the newspapers


media regarding the toxins and poisons found in baby formulas-- this makes me

sick to my stomach even MORE (like I needed that!) I'd say that he's

nursing about 1/2 the time or so? The last couple of weeks he's been giving a


of grief at the breast, and I would nurse him until he'd stop, then I'd give

him a few oz. of formula. Then he progressed to being crabby at the breast

(which of course is the way it goes @@) and he refused to nurse for a day-- so

we're trying to get a balance.

Today he's nursed QUITE WELL and has " only " gotten maybe 4oz of formula in

addition to the nursing--so I've seen improvement which is good. I hope it


I know that some people may disagree with me--- but I think formula stinks,

and I hate it and it's not a good option for me, and yet, what else am I

supposed to do when he's refusing the breast of when I'm not even home to nurse

him? ARrrgh-- I guess I shouldn't be so upset that I've gotten to exclusively

nurse all my babies and with #8 we're still doing pretty well??? that

doesn't console me tho

but with solids-- that will probably hold off til 9mos- 1 yr if he'll make

it that long-- or til he has teeth. I'm a big time breast feeding advocate, so

holding off on solids is our " norm "

What sort of probitotics would be safe for him do you think?

And as for vaccinations-- we don't do them! :-)


In a message dated 11/26/2008 5:00:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

jscott@... writes:

How is his poop?

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If you've already had them taken out-- I'd do exactly as you're doing-- in

trying to get the mercury out as much as you can and just delay the pregnancy

a short while.


In a message dated 11/26/2008 5:02:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

nelia_nunes@... writes:

Hi Becky,

Thanks for your reply! I am sorry to hear that you have worries

about your youngest son. :-(

You had mentioned that I should get my fillings removed from a

dentist that specializes in holistic removal. The bad news is that I

already had 4 of them taken out, and not by a dentist who took them

out properly. The good news is that I am not yet pregnant, so I have

some control over that. I do still have 3 silver fillings in my

mouth, and I am not planning on removing those before the pregnancy.

The reason that I got the 4 out in the first place was because I had

do- they were cracked and needed to be replaced. And I know that

getting them out sends mercury in your body, BUT having cracked

mercury in my teeth didn't seem like a safe option, either! I didn't

want to risk having something happen to them when I was pregnant, so

we removed them. So now I just focus on getting the mercury out of

my body. I did have a mercury test before I had my daughter, and it

was normal, but now I hear that those tests aren't really accurate.

I think that mine was a urine test, and that only tells us how much

mercury is in my urine, and not in my organs. There's really no

accurate way of testing that from what I hear. And there are no real

answers out there. The amount of mercury in your body has so many

variables... it really depends on how YOUR body is able to get rid of

mercury. So there's no way of knowing exactly what your risk is, I

suppose. I did order the Waira detoxer- thanks for that suggestion.

Have you gone to the dr for a regular check up to have blood work

done? If you haven't done that I would start there in order to make

sure that everything checks out ok... a while back I was feeling very

sluggish and then I discovered I had anemia! Good luck!!



> Nelia-


> I am SO thinking that it's the PERFECT TIMING for you to ask me


> this!!!!

> The reason is-- I am convinced that I have some really big issues


> mercury poisoning-- or whatever anyone wants to call it.


> When they removed my fillings-- there were a few pieces that I


> before they would have been swallowed/ingested. THANK GOD! They

were large enough

> pieces that they should have seen, too! I was a bit surprised that

they were

> not more careful with the removal, because everyone knows how


> mercury is-- RIGHT? <sigh>

> But I still ingested the powder fumes and that's not too great


> Anyway-- yes-- I was VERY concerned about it when I became pregnant


> immediately after-- or found out right as it was all happening. I

wish I

> could tell you that I feel fine or that I have no concerns-- but

that would be a

> huge lie


> I almost came on to the BioMed group that some here are on to ask


> about how to chelate the mercury safely from my system and also

from the baby. I

> feel horrible, and I have since I had those fillings taken out. I


> exhausted beyond measure, and it doesn't go away. My body just

HURTS and ACHES like

> the dickens, and it doesn't go away, and I am also struggling with

PPD moreso

> than ever before.

> I just feel SICK-- not as in cold sick, but SICK SICK and I feel


> overall. I had pretty much decided over the weekend that I would

call my Primary

> Dr and ask them to run a blood test to see what the metal levels

were, but I

> have no idea what that blood test is called (anyone????) I

really think it's

> the mercury from the fillings because that's about how long I've


> feeling yucky.


> Now-- about the baby-- again, I wish I could tell you that I had


> concerns-- but that would ALSO be a big lie!!! Having (already)

two neuro kids with

> sensory issues-- I can now pick it up in a heartbeat and see things

in other

> kids when we're out and about-- etc.

> Aramis was SUPER FUSSY for the first 3-4mos. He would cry when we

went into

> a store that had flourescent lighting or those bright lights (CFC


> JUST LIKE MY NEURO boys BOTH did! He literally cries from the

moment I walk

> into the store til the moment I walk out. (he HAS improved

though). Not only

> that, but he would scream the moment I put him into the carseat

and drove til

> the moment I took him out of the seat-- quite literally for the

first (whole)


> I think this is linked to the vestibular issues you'd see with

sensory kids,

> and the lighting of course is the sensitivity to lights you'd see.

Also-- he

> would react to any sudden noises and they would frighten him--not

in a

> typical newborn way, but differently. We nicknamed him " scaredy

cat " because of

> this! LOL

> this again makes me think of noise sensitivity that you'd see with


> issues.


> All of this is quite worrisome to me. NOW-- I will say that he's

SUPER fast

> with development- with development-<WBR>- he's ALREADY doing the wh

started the

> military crawl (on the belly) at 4 mos, and was up on all fours 2


> later-- doing a lunge/hop thing, and now he's doing a full



> I've started getting concerned about HOW he's creeping, because


> starting to lift his legs UP and not do the correct cross-pattern

motion that IS

> VITAL!!! (AGAIN like both my neuro boys!!!!)


> So yes-- I'm concerned and I've seen enough sensory issues to get


> and start praying for the little guy. With the creeping-- I spoke

with the

> Neuro chiro that is working with our 9 1/2 yr old (ADHD and

possible Aspie) and

> he said that I can't STOP the baby from crawling/creeping, so it's

best to

> flop him on his back and force a cross pattern mimick type thing

as a therapy to

> at least get him to crawl the RIGHT WAY to avoid serious issues in

the long

> run. So-- it's a bit funny, but we're doing PT exercises with a 5

mos old!

> LOL And it's interesting to get 2 people to do that motion in the

right timing

> and speed, too! LOL


> I don't know what is to come-- but I PRAY that there won't be any


> with him and that this is only me overreacting. (I'm not-- because

the issues

> are definitely there) but I pray that it won't be a PROBLEM in

the long term.


> I do need to figure out what can get this mercury out of my system


> My sister swears that the Waiora NCD and Agarigold would do it--

and it's 100%

> safe for me AND baby (even if given directly) so it can't hurt to

try it. If

> anyone else has any suggestions, I'm open to hearing it-- he's 5

mos and is

> 11 1/2 lbs (tiny guy) and I'm not sure what else is out there

that's safe.


> What would I recommend you doing?? Do something that I didn't do

and that I

> seriously regret--- get them taken out by a highly trained dentist

that does

> this holisitically and RIGHT! I had someone tell me that in order

to do it

> the right way you're supposed to be hooked up to an IV or something-

- I bet you

> could search on the proper way and the healthiest way to get them


> out. But-- if you can't find anyone to do it in the area, then I

would NOT

> suggest getting them taken out til after you've had the baby and

have weaned.

> I really wish that I hadn't been so impatient to get my teeth done--

and I'm

> not exactly sure WHY I was at the time-- <sigh>

> It is what it is


> those are my thoughts-- sorry you asked?


> Bek



> In a message dated 11/25/2008 1:37:22 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> nelia_nunes@ nelia_





> Hi Becky,


> This is going to sound very random, but I was searching on this


> for " mercury fillings " and reading the posts that came up with


> words in them. I was doing that because I just recently got 2


> fillings removed and we want to start trying for baby #2 and I am

> trying to figure out how long I should wait before we start trying.


> REALLY want to start trying ASAP. We've put off trying for a year


> to various things that I won't bore you with! Anyways, I noticed a

> post from last year where you said you had fillings removed right

> before getting pregnant and you were worried about that. I see


> little Aramis was born a few months ago (congrats!!) little Ar

was bor

> asking if you see any delays or sensory issues with Aramis (that


> be a result of the fillings being removed)? What did you do, if

> anything, to remove the mercury from your system? I saw that


> recommended Epson salts?


> Thank you!

> Nelia





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Hi Becky,

Thanks for your reply! I am sorry to hear that you have worries

about your youngest son. :-(

You had mentioned that I should get my fillings removed from a

dentist that specializes in holistic removal. The bad news is that I

already had 4 of them taken out, and not by a dentist who took them

out properly. The good news is that I am not yet pregnant, so I have

some control over that. I do still have 3 silver fillings in my

mouth, and I am not planning on removing those before the pregnancy.

The reason that I got the 4 out in the first place was because I had

do- they were cracked and needed to be replaced. And I know that

getting them out sends mercury in your body, BUT having cracked

mercury in my teeth didn't seem like a safe option, either! I didn't

want to risk having something happen to them when I was pregnant, so

we removed them. So now I just focus on getting the mercury out of

my body. I did have a mercury test before I had my daughter, and it

was normal, but now I hear that those tests aren't really accurate.

I think that mine was a urine test, and that only tells us how much

mercury is in my urine, and not in my organs. There's really no

accurate way of testing that from what I hear. And there are no real

answers out there. The amount of mercury in your body has so many

variables... it really depends on how YOUR body is able to get rid of

mercury. So there's no way of knowing exactly what your risk is, I

suppose. I did order the Waira detoxer- thanks for that suggestion.

Have you gone to the dr for a regular check up to have blood work

done? If you haven't done that I would start there in order to make

sure that everything checks out ok... a while back I was feeling very

sluggish and then I discovered I had anemia! Good luck!!



> Nelia-


> I am SO thinking that it's the PERFECT TIMING for you to ask me


> this!!!!

> The reason is-- I am convinced that I have some really big issues


> mercury poisoning-- or whatever anyone wants to call it.


> When they removed my fillings-- there were a few pieces that I


> before they would have been swallowed/ingested. THANK GOD! They

were large enough

> pieces that they should have seen, too! I was a bit surprised that

they were

> not more careful with the removal, because everyone knows how


> mercury is-- RIGHT? <sigh>

> But I still ingested the powder fumes and that's not too great


> Anyway-- yes-- I was VERY concerned about it when I became pregnant


> immediately after-- or found out right as it was all happening. I

wish I

> could tell you that I feel fine or that I have no concerns-- but

that would be a

> huge lie


> I almost came on to the BioMed group that some here are on to ask


> about how to chelate the mercury safely from my system and also

from the baby. I

> feel horrible, and I have since I had those fillings taken out. I


> exhausted beyond measure, and it doesn't go away. My body just

HURTS and ACHES like

> the dickens, and it doesn't go away, and I am also struggling with

PPD moreso

> than ever before.

> I just feel SICK-- not as in cold sick, but SICK SICK and I feel


> overall. I had pretty much decided over the weekend that I would

call my Primary

> Dr and ask them to run a blood test to see what the metal levels

were, but I

> have no idea what that blood test is called (anyone????) I

really think it's

> the mercury from the fillings because that's about how long I've


> feeling yucky.


> Now-- about the baby-- again, I wish I could tell you that I had


> concerns-- but that would ALSO be a big lie!!! Having (already)

two neuro kids with

> sensory issues-- I can now pick it up in a heartbeat and see things

in other

> kids when we're out and about-- etc.

> Aramis was SUPER FUSSY for the first 3-4mos. He would cry when we

went into

> a store that had flourescent lighting or those bright lights (CFC


> JUST LIKE MY NEURO boys BOTH did! He literally cries from the

moment I walk

> into the store til the moment I walk out. (he HAS improved

though). Not only

> that, but he would scream the moment I put him into the carseat

and drove til

> the moment I took him out of the seat-- quite literally for the

first (whole)


> I think this is linked to the vestibular issues you'd see with

sensory kids,

> and the lighting of course is the sensitivity to lights you'd see.

Also-- he

> would react to any sudden noises and they would frighten him--not

in a

> typical newborn way, but differently. We nicknamed him " scaredy

cat " because of

> this! LOL

> this again makes me think of noise sensitivity that you'd see with


> issues.


> All of this is quite worrisome to me. NOW-- I will say that he's

SUPER fast

> with development-- he's ALREADY doing the whole crawling thing. He

started the

> military crawl (on the belly) at 4 mos, and was up on all fours 2


> later-- doing a lunge/hop thing, and now he's doing a full

crawl/creeping-- *BUT*


> I've started getting concerned about HOW he's creeping, because


> starting to lift his legs UP and not do the correct cross-pattern

motion that IS

> VITAL!!! (AGAIN like both my neuro boys!!!!)


> So yes-- I'm concerned and I've seen enough sensory issues to get


> and start praying for the little guy. With the creeping-- I spoke

with the

> Neuro chiro that is working with our 9 1/2 yr old (ADHD and

possible Aspie) and

> he said that I can't STOP the baby from crawling/creeping, so it's

best to

> flop him on his back and force a cross pattern mimick type thing

as a therapy to

> at least get him to crawl the RIGHT WAY to avoid serious issues in

the long

> run. So-- it's a bit funny, but we're doing PT exercises with a 5

mos old!

> LOL And it's interesting to get 2 people to do that motion in the

right timing

> and speed, too! LOL


> I don't know what is to come-- but I PRAY that there won't be any


> with him and that this is only me overreacting. (I'm not-- because

the issues

> are definitely there) but I pray that it won't be a PROBLEM in

the long term.


> I do need to figure out what can get this mercury out of my system


> My sister swears that the Waiora NCD and Agarigold would do it--

and it's 100%

> safe for me AND baby (even if given directly) so it can't hurt to

try it. If

> anyone else has any suggestions, I'm open to hearing it-- he's 5

mos and is

> 11 1/2 lbs (tiny guy) and I'm not sure what else is out there

that's safe.


> What would I recommend you doing?? Do something that I didn't do

and that I

> seriously regret--- get them taken out by a highly trained dentist

that does

> this holisitically and RIGHT! I had someone tell me that in order

to do it

> the right way you're supposed to be hooked up to an IV or something-

- I bet you

> could search on the proper way and the healthiest way to get them


> out. But-- if you can't find anyone to do it in the area, then I

would NOT

> suggest getting them taken out til after you've had the baby and

have weaned.

> I really wish that I hadn't been so impatient to get my teeth done--

and I'm

> not exactly sure WHY I was at the time-- <sigh>

> It is what it is


> those are my thoughts-- sorry you asked?


> Bek



> In a message dated 11/25/2008 1:37:22 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> nelia_nunes@... writes:





> Hi Becky,


> This is going to sound very random, but I was searching on this


> for " mercury fillings " and reading the posts that came up with


> words in them. I was doing that because I just recently got 2


> fillings removed and we want to start trying for baby #2 and I am

> trying to figure out how long I should wait before we start trying.


> REALLY want to start trying ASAP. We've put off trying for a year


> to various things that I won't bore you with! Anyways, I noticed a

> post from last year where you said you had fillings removed right

> before getting pregnant and you were worried about that. I see


> little Aramis was born a few months ago (congrats!!)little Aramis

was bor

> asking if you see any delays or sensory issues with Aramis (that


> be a result of the fillings being removed)? What did you do, if

> anything, to remove the mercury from your system? I saw that


> recommended Epson salts?


> Thank you!

> Nelia





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Yes, that is the book. I think you should also buy this video from Gentle

Revolution Press since there is nothing like 'seeing' that brings it all home!

You can get it at:

http://www.gentlerevolution.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD & Store_Code=G & Produc\

t_Code=0816DVD & Category_Code=VAN

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Glenn Doman®, with Doman and Bruce Hagy, teach parents how they

can enhance their children's mobility development, and in doing so their

intellectual and social development as well. It clearly shows parents how to

create optimal mobility environments for their babies, and how to encourage

their children to progress from one mobility level to another. The result is not

only great fun for the family, but physical excellence and neurological health

as well. 85 minutes

Quantity in Basket: None

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[sPAM]Re: [ ] Becky & fillings--oooh long reply

_Amazon.com: reflexes, learning and behaviour sally goddard_

(http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias=aps & field-keywords=reflex\



Janice-- this is all that I found-- is this it?


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