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Re: Voice volume problems and dysphonia

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We resolved the REALLY REALLY LOUD SPEECH using The Listening Program or as it

is often referred to here, TLP. After about 3 months of using TLP, this went

away for good. For us, the inability to guage sounds was the 'first' step in

resolving our extensive auditory processing issues (APD). If you haven't

already, give milk free a try as well as this can often congest the ears, which

in turn affects many of the body systems. Presently auditory processing issues

are a 'non-issue' for us and they were absolutely an essential key for Mark. It

is such a relief to have him processing at normal levels after all of this time.

Unfortunately APD issues went undiagnosed by the myriad of professionals that we

saw until we went to NACD ( http://www.nacd.org ) when he was 11 years old.

Within 8 months we eliminated all of the auditory processing issues and are now

attempting to bring Mark into a higher stage of processing so that he can enjoy

the intellectual advancement that this brings.

I have recently discovered that corn.... especially high fructose corn syrup is

at issue for my sons speech abilities as well. This stuff is absolutely nasty

and it is literally everywhere!

Hope this gives you a direction for your research.....


Mother of Mark, 13

[sPAM][ ] Voice volume problems and dysphonia

I haven't been here for a while, but I have a question I'm hoping

someone can help me with.

My 4 year old son has mild global dyspraxia, including the verbal

apraxia. He's done really well with speech therapy, but he's always

had a hard time with his vocal volume. In other words, he talks

REALLY loudly. Almost yelling when having a normal conversation.

Can that be considered a facet of the apraxia?

The problem is that it's affecting his vocal cords (his voice is

hoarse), and he now seems to have developed some dysphonia. We're

going to see his ENT on Wednesday, and she'll probably scope his

vocal cords again (they did this a year ago -- no nodules yet, but

evidence of irritated cords; his voice has gotten worse since then,

to the point that the hoarseness and breathy talking makes him hard

to understand sometimes). But I'm wondering if anyone else has gone

through it, and if there is any voice therapy that's successful for

kids with apraxia with this issue.


in Georgia

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I guess the answer will be yes, but it doesn't hurt to ask. Has the ENT checked

his hearing with a reliable test like an ABR?


From: ALLISON_G <allison_g@...>

Subject: [ ] Voice volume problems and dysphonia

Date: Monday, July 7, 2008, 12:42 AM

I haven't been here for a while, but I have a question I'm hoping

someone can help me with.

My 4 year old son has mild global dyspraxia, including the verbal

apraxia. He's done really well with speech therapy, but he's always

had a hard time with his vocal volume. In other words, he talks

REALLY loudly. Almost yelling when having a normal conversation.

Can that be considered a facet of the apraxia?

The problem is that it's affecting his vocal cords (his voice is

hoarse), and he now seems to have developed some dysphonia. We're

going to see his ENT on Wednesday, and she'll probably scope his

vocal cords again (they did this a year ago -- no nodules yet, but

evidence of irritated cords; his voice has gotten worse since then,

to the point that the hoarseness and breathy talking makes him hard

to understand sometimes). But I'm wondering if anyone else has gone

through it, and if there is any voice therapy that's successful for

kids with apraxia with this issue.


in Georgia

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Very interesting. actually had 3 months of Therapeutic Listening

when he was 2 1/2 for suspected APD. His receptive language abilities

skyrocketed when we completed the 3 months, so he clearly was having an

issue. I wonder if this is just another manfiestation of it, and he

might benefit from some more listening therapy. I'll ask his old OT

about it. Thanks for the advice!


> ,


> We resolved the REALLY REALLY LOUD SPEECH using The Listening Program

or as it is often referred to here, TLP.

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We have this in my nonspeech kid. It subsided with TLP and recently she

was checked out by ENT and had a hearing test, all were fine. Then two

days later, loud talking and needs volume up on TV???

> >


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