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DAN doctors

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I've been reading posts about DAN doctors, and I would like to hear a little

more about them.

What do they do? And can an allergy really cause a child to have a speech


My son is almost 23 months, and he can say a few words but he understands


When he was evaluated, they said he has apraxia, and he is recieving speech

therapy 4 times

a week. When I read about allergies, I thought maybe there could be a

connection, since my

son had blood in his diaper when he was a baby so we suspected an allergy.

Since then, he

seems to be OK with all of the foods that I give him, but I wonder if he really

had an allergy. If

so, how could that affect his speech.

Also, if anyone knows of a good DAN doctor in New York, please let me know!


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We use Dr. Bradstreet in Melbourne, FL who Dr. Bock mentions in his book a

few times. I think they were in " think " tanks together and Bradstreet helped

pioneer the DAN protocol. You can start out with their office via phone, and


visit once a year if medically necessary. They are on the internet as

International Child Development Resource Center and I think everyone in the


has an autistic child. You fill out a form via the net, then they contact you

to set up a phone appt. with the Dr. And depending on your situation he will

order bloodwork and urine from your local lab.

I think Dr. Kartzinel ('s McCarthy's Dr.) help start this practice. The

Dr.s are Jeff Bradstreet and a Dr. Rosingol (I spelled that wrong). We work

with the P.A. This is a great practice. They are very nice and

very concerned about your child. My first appt. I was on the phone with him for

over an hour. Everyone in the DAN community is familiar with them.

Good Luck!


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do you belong to " " group? Look for the

folders on fish oil and vitamin E. These 2 supplements have done

incredible things for some kids with apraxia - mine included. He

also has bad allergies - have not yet determined what they are from.


> I've been reading posts about DAN doctors, and I would like to hear

a little more about them.

> What do they do? And can an allergy really cause a child to have a

speech delay?


> My son is almost 23 months, and he can say a few words but he

understands everything.

> When he was evaluated, they said he has apraxia, and he is

recieving speech therapy 4 times

> a week. When I read about allergies, I thought maybe there could

be a connection, since my

> son had blood in his diaper when he was a baby so we suspected an

allergy. Since then, he

> seems to be OK with all of the foods that I give him, but I wonder

if he really had an allergy. If

> so, how could that affect his speech.


> Also, if anyone knows of a good DAN doctor in New York, please let

me know!


> Thanks!


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If your child is mildly affected I suggest that you speak with

www.kellydorfman.com I have had the pleasure of working with her for close

to a year now. She is a very knowledgeable nutritionist who doc call on for

nutritional needs. My son was 2 and non verbal in Aug. He is now caught up

and doing quite well. She has a waiting list but is worth every penny! I

would have paid more!!


Mother of Charlie almost 3

[ ] Re: DAN doctors

I have not but heard from a credible source that a big name DAN is

not always the best choice for the less affected child. Kind of like

going to an oral surgeon for a cavity.

> > >

> > > Do you know Dr. Bock's first name so that I can find his

> > number?

> > Thanks!

> > >

> >

> >

> >




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For those of you whom are putting your children on GFCF diet, were

they tested for Casein and Gluten allergy? Did the results impact

your decision for dietary change?

My son was tested mildly positive for cow milk IGE (Level 0/I), but

when he was retested it was negative. He is Casein IG E positive but

gluten IGE negative. I am undecided about putting him on GFCF diet.

Any suggestions here?

My son is 4yo with apraxia, dyspraxia and SID.

Thank you,

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I didn't start my son on the vitamin E yet. I probably will try the

vitamin E at some point from what I've read about them. I am so

thankful that I learned about the fish oils from The Late Talker book

and then found this group and from the cherub website

http://www.cherab.org/information/dietaryeffects/efabasics.html and

this special http://www.shop-in-service.com/proefa.htm My 3 year old

darling son has been trying to say so many words now as before he

didn't try to say anything at all. Even my neighbors have noticed

the change in him as he tried to ask for a hamburger the other day at

a barbeque. It sounded like " ah ba ba " I hugged him so hard and

almost cried I was so happy! I credit his speech therapist for much

of his improvements -but I also know that he was in therapy for

months with no progress prior to the ProEFA so my son's therapist

believes it has helped him too. So far to me the most important

professional has been my son's speech therapist and she has been a

comfort to me when I worry too much.



> do you belong to " " group? Look for the

> folders on fish oil and vitamin E. These 2 supplements have done

> incredible things for some kids with apraxia - mine included. He

> also has bad allergies - have not yet determined what they are from.

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My son is not allergic to cows milk and gluten sensitive. Sorry to say, but

I believe your best bet is to to the diet. I know that it is difficult, but

the rewards are greater. YOu can try an elimination challenge on milk for 3

weeks. Then reintroduce it very heavily. You should get your answer there on

the milk. But it sounds like you should do the diet.



Mother of Charlie 2.5 years

[ ] Re: DAN doctors

For those of you whom are putting your children on GFCF diet, were

they tested for Casein and Gluten allergy? Did the results impact

your decision for dietary change?

My son was tested mildly positive for cow milk IGE (Level 0/I), but

when he was retested it was negative. He is Casein IG E positive but

gluten IGE negative. I am undecided about putting him on GFCF diet.

Any suggestions here?

My son is 4yo with apraxia, dyspraxia and SID.

Thank you,

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I didn't do any diets until we had the positive data in hand. How I

wish I had not wasted an entire year waiting on definitive test

results that were very long in coming.

My child did test postitive and it took 5 tests before we finally got

confirmation. A few specifics amongst those tests: He is both gluten

intolerant (genetically tested but it still took the skill of an HLA

expert to interpret the results of the Celiac genetic panel correctly

as it came back from the lab indicating negative for Celiac. True,

but the genetics still indicated gluten intolerance). Two previous

plasma Celiac panels done in late 2006 and early 2007 were negative as

well. It took 11 weeks off of gluten to tell that it was making a


We had RAST IgE testing performed in May 2007 which showed negative

for everything (positive for peanut), including dairy and wheat among

many others.

Then we had skin-prick testing in Nov 2007 and that did show actual

allergy to wheat, diary, egg yolk, Baker's yeast, molds, & peanut.

Took him off of everything and wow, what a difference. Did further

single food elimination testing at home with chocolate and peas (two

of his obsessions) and saw immediate behavioral indications that he is

sensitive to those, so those are out, too.

A good book to read: Is This Your Child? by Doris Rapp (from $1 used

on Amazon.com). It helps you ID allergies by what you can see

behaviorally when testing is coming up negative but you still suspect

a sensitivity.

The testing is simply not cut and dry. I cringe everytime I read that

someone has had IgE testing done and everything was negative - so

there must not be a problem. That just means the allergens are not

mediated by the IgE antibodies. It could be IgG or IgA. Now when I

suspect something, I eliminate it and then reintroduce to see if a

difference is seen. But single eliminations don't work well if you

have multiple sensitivities and they are still in the diet. The Rapp

book will help with a full elimination test, too.


> For those of you whom are putting your children on GFCF diet, were

> they tested for Casein and Gluten allergy? Did the results impact

> your decision for dietary change?


> My son was tested mildly positive for cow milk IGE (Level 0/I), but

> when he was retested it was negative. He is Casein IG E positive


> gluten IGE negative. I am undecided about putting him on GFCF diet.

> Any suggestions here?


> My son is 4yo with apraxia, dyspraxia and SID.


> Thank you,



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  • 2 years later...
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I'm in the middle. I don't think someone is good or bad just because they call

themselves a Dan -and some but not all are medical doctors even if they call

themselves a Dan 'doctor'. If you want to go the route of a Dan doctor, as any

doctor, I'd find out more their background -is it in pediatrics, neurological


Some make you sign a contract where you pay X amount up front and then have to

pay X amount a month plus whatever supps. Find out all the facts first.

There's never going to be an easy answer- and anyone who believes all are good

or bad in any profession or specialty is not dealing in reality.


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We've been doing biomed--diet/nutritional interventions for over 3 years

now--with very positive results.  And yes we have a DAN doctor--a regularly

trained pediatrician with additional DAN and homeopathic training. i respect her

opinion on many things--we've followed her protocols for some things BUT not for

all--no doctor can know it all any more--these kids have such highly

individualized needs soemtimes----that really the parents need to do all their

research and co-construct the treatment protocol with the doctor.

The problem with many DANs is that yes--they may not have the proper training if

they ar e not MDs--and have not studied nutrition and various metablic processes

and supplement/drug interactions, but the biggest problem is that they tend to

have HUGE Egos and expect parents to follow their protocols without

question--pretty much like their mainstream counterparts. 

I say find an open minded doctor /pediatrician who has additional biomed

training--DAn or not who is willing to work with you in the best interest of the

child---and not appl the one size fits all protocol---our kids ar ento liek

that--soem things can be beneficial to all or most-but others not.   I go to my

DAN with my research already written up--I consult her--she

agrees or disagrees--we debate--i expect her to tell me if there are any

red flags--and I woudl trust her on that--but I do not trust her to not

miss any ---so i do my homework first and I never give anythign to my

child just ecause the doctor said so--I look it up--rad--ask other

aprents on various lists etc etc...then go back anddiscuss it with the

DAN--e-mail--and we decide if it makes sense for my child given what we

know about her--her lab work, her clinical profile and the expected


Never trust ANY doctor blindly--i've heard of a lot of DAN doctors harming their

patients-----and not necessariloy improving them--although that was the idea--

they of course have good intentions--but franlkly many do lack proper training

in areas theya re dabling in--and the bottom line is--just as their mainstream

counterparts a lot of the DANs fall prey to marketing at their DAn conferences

and recommend treatments/supplements without fully understanding the chemistry

and the possible pitfalls--as I said it is really up to us --the parents to

educate ourselves and take matters into our own hands---DAN or not--it is our

responsibility and no doctor will be held accountable or be stuck trying to fix

a problem that got worse instead of getting better--it will be us--the parents.

 So do your homework very carefully--read up all you can--Yes biomed is

wonderful for soem kids miraculus as they are missing vital brain nutrients and

have toxic overload--viral/bacterial/chemical/food induced---but there are not

quick fixes here-it is all trial and error based--and the first do no harm

approach shoudl be  the first priority for all.

Best of health,


From: kiddietalk <kiddietalk@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: DAN Doctors

Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2011, 3:28 PM

I'm in the middle.  I don't think someone is good or bad just because they call

themselves a Dan -and some but not all are medical doctors even if they call

themselves a Dan 'doctor'.  If you want to go the route of a Dan doctor, as any

doctor, I'd find out more their background -is it in pediatrics, neurological


Some make you sign a contract where you pay X amount up front and then have to

pay X amount a month plus whatever supps.  Find out all the facts first. 

There's never going to be an easy answer- and anyone who believes all are good

or bad in any profession or specialty is not dealing in reality.


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I'm middle ground. I firmly believing in doing my own research. I find

that a DAN MD is helpful because they can write scripts and it opens the

options for treatments. I wanted a DAN who is also knowledgeable in

alternative medicine (I think that's my primary criteria). But no matter

what, I will question every single thing that the DAN recommends and I will

research to death everything he says. I need to understand exactly how the

supplement/medication works. I need to understand the metabolic process.

Even when I stumble upon something that works well on my own, I need to

understand and be able to visualize what's going on and how it's working.

I've spent a lot of time reading and combing through biomed groups, and

thinking about all the components of biomed, learning about different

metabolic processes and trying different things. There are many ways to use

anything. I ask a lot of questions to knowledgeable parents. When I need

help or tests that are specific to our needs, I go to the DAN, I don't waste

time and by the time I walk into the DAN's office, I already have a good

idea about what needs to be done and when I go in there, we are just talking

about the specifics on how to execute it. The DAN does not need to wet

nurse me through the treatment or explanation. I don't feel that's his


I find that many in the medical field will just crouch down into fetal

position, slap their hands over their ears, close their eyes tight and just

say over and over again in a very loud voice, " There is no cure for autism.

There is no cure for autism. There is no cure for autism. " Whatever.

They're not even looking at autism in the right way. I'd like to take a

survey and find out what most pediatricians even think autism is because I

don't feel many can even define what autism is.

I will never see another doctor again in the same way. In the last year,

I've almost completely lost my faith in mainstream medicine. It isn't only

until recently that I've found out how little most doctors know about

anything. I told our pediatrician that my daughter has a milk and soy

allergy (and really, I was just looking for a referral to an immunologist or

an allergist) and she replied, " Oh, it's just autism. Give her some

Pediasure. " and wrote a referral for respite services. This is the

pediatrician's answer? Pediasure, when my daughter has no eating issues and

I just told her that my daughter is allergic to milk and soy and gets

rashes? She also said that dietary intervention doesn't work (she's

wrong). Mine have benefitted from various dietary intervention. We all

know that Pediasure contains massive amounts of soy, which are GMO,

carcinogenic...and my daughter's allergic to it!!! She also said that all

autistic children have self-limiting diets. Mine do not. In fact, my

daughter went from moderate-severe autism (with an ATEC score of 72) to mild

autism (ATEC score of 30) through dietary intervention. Yeah, maybe all

autistic children will develop self-limiting diets if they're being treated

by a Village Idiot. I never went back there again.

I question everything that every healthcare professional says to me now. I

research everything first. I'm not a fan of blind faith, especially when it

comes to doctors, DAN or not.

To me, any DAN who is able to write a prescription is fine. I do my own

research (I do about 15 to 30 hours of research a week on top of working two

jobs) and I know what the game plan is in terms of treatment and I already

know what we're going to do. In autism, the DAN is merely the one who

writes the script when needed. I think that the parent is the real

attending physician.

On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 1:14 PM, <waterlilis@...> wrote:




> Really just wondering what people think about DAN Doctors?

> I never really met anyone in the middle. Either they are all for them or

> not at all. Most in medical field I have encounter seem to think there isn't

> enough research yet.



> Sent from my iPhone


> On Mar 8, 2011, at 12:55 PM, " kiddietalk " <kiddietalk@...> wrote:


> > Marie most of us checked out NV with our child's pediatric medical

> doctor- you can use the information here

> http://pursuitofresearch.org/find-a-professional/ There is much

> information about this in the archives. It's just food, all essential

> nutrients are from food, so not like taking a supplement which can have

> issues -thus makes it easier to approve. (kind of like approving water)

> >

> > About speak- there is also much information about this in the archives-

> including recently so as it's a sore spot for many here who's children had

> horrific side effects on speak- we don't go into details. But please look up

> hypervitaminosis in regards to the amounts of vitamin e and k in the

> product. Also, this group had experience over a period of 2 years with

> primarily 200 to 400 IUs of vitamin e- there were to my knowledge only a

> handful of parents working direct with either Dr. or Dr. Agin -Cheryl

> was one of them for her daughter Shea who at 4 years old was put on (Cheryl

> jump in if I'm getting the dosage wrong) but 1000 IU of vitamin e- and I

> don't know the exact amounts but mega amounts of vitamin k as well.

> Basically Shea was put on the speak formula but prior to speak existing and

> by the doctor that formulated it with her theory of vitamin e. From the

> formula of speak- Cheryl's daughter started having psychotic episodes as you

> can find the archives which di d not cease- and she was not progressing

> without regressing again until NV as is also in the archives.

> >

> > Below is a recent message from a parent of a two year old that did know

> about the side effects in others from this group -but Ivy tried the one

> month special from the speak company anyway -and the following is a recent

> topic between us. Again much more in the archives -but I'm sure there is

> much in the following as well.

> >

> > ~~~first message from Ivy -then me- then Ivy

> >

> > Oh my gosh! Thank you for this message back to me. I am so sickened with

> anger and disgust, and cannot believe I gave that product to him. I am so

> concerned now, and have much to look into. The doctor (we don't see

> currently) who approved us using it, my son was little and underwt last

> year, saw the amt of E and K in it and said " go ahead " . Wow, and my little

> guy did all four caps weighing about 26lbs.

> >

> > I know that my son did awful on the SPEAK product, yet I never made the

> connection that his regression was cause by it. He didn't go totally silent

> after that oil, but definately lost all gains in speech and never could get

> back up. IF it had been a dead-stop halt on everything or such bad groping

> coming out of his mouth, it would have been much clearer to me.

> >

> > Disgusted is what i am now. Also, maybe have a direction to seek help

> going forward..so many unanswered questions as to his regression have been

> drilling my head. Thank you again for shedding light on this. I see Tanner

> took 7 months to get back to where he was before SPEAK. My son is 13 months

> since..and not getting better. NV, yes, will put him back on this AM. BTW i

> think i never answered you when you asked what else my son was on when he

> did the NV trial..he was only on a homeopathic remedy, which doesnt matter

> now..since we may have answer to this whole situation.

> >

> > I never saw seizures. Yet i should look up the date when he started

> rubbing his forehead..since he doesnt sign " pain/owie " and doesnt point to

> painful areas..what if he HAS been getting headaches? He is a kind gemtle

> child, cooperative..yet somedays he throws toys outta nowhere and i always

> attributed it as yeast/bacteria. (we are having a stool test done this next

> week because of all of the symptoms i mentioned). Homeopathy has gotten him

> to come running to me with semi-disturbed tears when hurt or to complain

> about his brother..that area has improved!

> >

> > My son never really feels pain as much as other kiddos..and when he is

> hurt, he shows pain for a fraction of time..much less than other kids. He

> feels it, but gets over it fast. WHAT if he has headaches and doesnt

> attribute the pain, discomfort, to tnat and acts out? I cannot give a reason

> to the head rub he does.

> > How do i know if he has headaches?

> > How long to heal from effects of that nasty oil?

> >

> > WHAT else do I do to help him? EEG to check for seizures? How do i fix

> and check for " hypervitaminosis " ? And is it only the vit E..what about the

> K..how do I check..especially since so long ago taken?

> >

> > Okay going to read up on stuff. Scared a bit at what happened to him..all

> possibly because of that product.

> >

> > Thanks for shedding light,

> > Ivy

> >

> >

> >

> > Oh Ivy!!! I'm so sorry!!! Now it all makes sense -I was so confused

> before and now it makes sense!!!

> >

> > My son who was way 11 years old -way older than yours. in less than 2

> weeks (so half the time you had your child on pharma omega speak) regressed

> to where he couldn't say ANYTHING on this same product and it took 7 months

> to be anywhere back to normal. I still get a knot in my stomach thinking of

> the poor little guy standing in our driveway when he opened his mouth to say

> something and nothing at all came out -and the look of horror on his face

> -he regressed back from 11 years old all the way to before he was on fish

> oils at 2. I have gone into detail about this as I've outlined my son's

> severe regression many times here and how I had to go to his school where he

> was doing so incredible and speak to the entire school -teachers, students,

> head of school all there about Tanner-with Tanner there. It had gotten

> around that I put Tanner on an " exploratory drug " and nobody could figure

> out why Tanner had trouble saying even simple words -when prior to pharma

> omega speak - this is how he was speaking

> http://www.debtsmart.net/talk/tanner.html In addition to Tanner's horrific

> regression in speech- Tanner's grade PLUMMETED from mainly As and a few Bs

> to Ds -he suddenly found the school work difficult that he was able to do

> prior. This was after again less than 2 weeks on pharma omega speak. Tanner

> wasn't put on NV until about 2 years after pharma omega speak and all that

> know Tanner -family, friends and professionals credit NV for not only

> bringing Tanner back -but he's so beyond where he was prior -he's excelling

> beyond the norm in so many areas now!

> >

> > While I (or you for that matter) don't know if there were seizures from

> this product unless you witnessed it or tested for it, quite a few parents

> reported that their children had seizures from this product pharma omega

> speak that never had seizures prior. We have used fish oils of all dosages

> in this group for over ten years -myself included -at one point Tanner was

> up to 9 capsules and Dakota (my ADHD son) up to 10 fish oil capsules a day-

> and doing great as you can tell from the recordings of Tanner above. By the

> way the other thing Tanner developed after being on pharma omega speak was

> severe headaches. Do you know if your child gets headaches? There is a list

> of side effects in this group and I believe here as well

> http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=115029735601 & topic=7363

> >

> > I personally am shocked that pharma omega speak is still on the market

> and it sickens me to my stomach when I think that (to me) I poisoned my son

> with vitamin E and K. You may want to again read the following page

> > http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=115029735601 & topic=7363

> >

> > And to read all the reports compiled from this group after trying pharma

> omega speak which was overwhelmingly negative you may want to read this from

> our link section




> >

> > PLEASE don't take your child off NV Ivy!!!!! Again now that you shared

> this. Now it all makes sense to me where I was clearly so confused before!

> That's what I was trying to find out -why did your son regress it just

> didn't make sense!

> >

> > You absolutely need to take all the information above to your child's

> doctors and have your child tested to see if there are any signs of neuro

> damage since being on pharmaomega speak.

> >

> > Look up the words " hypervitaminosis E " and check the meta analysis which

> shows vitamin e toxicity and links to giving even an adult 400 IU of vitamin

> E increase death for various reasons. Please check the " upper tolerable

> level " here at this NIH site and you'll see your child should not have any

> more than 300 IU of vitamin E http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/vitamine/Each

speak capsule from what I can remember has 200 IU of alpha vitamin E

> and 100 IU of gamma vitamin E. Your child got at least double over the

> amount of vitamin E.

> >

> > Before you told me this, as I wrote in the one email, I would have agreed

> with that one doctor to stop NV as nothing has made a difference with all

> the therapies, therapists, alternative treatments...it all didn't make

> sense- but again now it does- and please don't stop NV now that I know!!!

> Ivy NV is the only thing that brought my son Tanner back to where he was

> prior to that being put on that (in my opinion and yes I'm going to scream

> it!!!) CRAP!!!!! And my son was only on it for less than 2 weeks. Not only

> did NV bring him back but I thank God every day that he's had such

> tremendous surges in areas that were above and beyond from before. Tanner

> just happened to be in the same school with the same professionals -one of

> them highly respected in education in my area of Florida (Tanner's school

> was one of the 2 from Florida invited to the inauguration no matter who

> became president) It was this head of school after Tanner was on NV for one

> week that called me up in shock over the changes in Tanner in speech and

> academics -specifically reading non stop and being alert and focused and

> participating in class- noticed by all in the school -sudden dramatic

> change. Also Tanner effortlessly normalized in weight very quickly -he lost

> 6 pounds in 5 days where he never lost a pound prior and 9 pounds in 2 weeks

> -then he shot up -at one point he grew taller and had lost 15 pounds- he's

> now slightly over 6 foot tall at 14 years old and around 180 pounds. he's

> become I'd say even graceful in playing basketball and football- he's a

> different person. He's independent -all the areas of surge I have here

> http://pursuitofresearch.org/pursuit-of-research/

> >

> > I believe that pharma omega speak created both neurodamage and damage to

> my child's metabolic system. THAT is the reason I put my son on NV to begin

> with for those that wonder " who in the world would put their child on a

> product that was formulated for weight management in adults? " My son was 5 7

> and 162 at 13 years old -2 years after that product and no matter how well

> he ate and how much he exercised he just kept gaining weight. I have this in

> the history here




> >

> > And for those reading this -if your child has a growth disorder, failure

> to thrive and is put on NV -read the reports that the same child will have

> growth in height and weight/muscle. These are all the conditions that have

> not just parental but professionals anecdotal feedback of positive surges

> once on NV Autism Spectrum Disorder, Apraxia, Dyspraxia, Dysarthria,

> Undiagnosed Speech Delay, Language Disorder, Asperger Syndrome, ADHD, CAPD,

> Traumatic Brain Injury, Seizure Disorders, Epilepsy, Metabolic Disorder,

> Delayed Myelinazation, Cerebral Palsy, Tic Disorders, Growth Disorders,

> Failure To Thrive, Hypotonia, Mild Periventricular Leukomalacia, Genetic

> Syndrome, Chromosomal Abnormalities, Sensory Integration Dysfunction,

> Cognitive Impairment, Mental Retardation, Congenital Insensitivity To Pain

> With Anhidrosis (CIPA) Rare Genetic Disorder, Agenesis Of Corpus Callosum

> (Congenital Disorder) Global Delays and even in Alzheimer's Disease

> >

> > And we even in our survey have have reports of surges in those children

> with undiagnosed speech delays http://pursuitofresearch.org/survey/

> >

> > The other thing that is very interesting is the high number of older

> children, teens and even young adults. It does not appear to matter what age

> you start NV to see results -Clearly Teri's 89 year old father who suffered

> from Alzheimer's for 9 years is a clear indication of that too!!




> >

> > In this past year based on my son and SO many others, and based on

> research on the foods in NV, I now believe that NV both supports the

> metabolic system and creates neuro repair. In regards to the metabolic

> system - who's 5 and a half year old son's remarkable surge from

> severe profound to mild moderate apraxic in 3 months (yes you read that

> right -THREE months!!) documented by the child's SLP and neurologist from

> Kent University as " must be a combination of therapy and Nutriiveda " and

> what will tell you is that her son was getting 2 days a week of

> therapy at Kent University and after being put on NV the therapy was cut to

> once a week -and yet he still had that surge!

> >

> > Well another update is that this same child's neurologist did blood

> testing since being on NV and now all nutritional levels that were low

> before are normalized and this one test which had a range say of 4 to 11 or

> something - any higher being really bad -well her son was one below the

> lowest number. So the mom asked the neurologist what that meant...and you

> ready?? The neurologist said " that just means your child's metabolism is

> working better than the average person " She is mailing me the entire report

> so I can take out names and put that up here on the same page where her

> child's professional anecdotal report from Kent University of the remarkable

> surge from basically profound to mild apraxia in 3 months is




> >

> > Please email me in private- lisa@ I would like to talk to you to help

> you help your child. I want to talk to you a bit more about dosage

> considering the situation so you can talk to your child's doctor. Oh and by

> the way -the study that Jeanne just posted here yesterday about serotonin

> links to autism -I updated our page which talks about this one essential

> amino acid




> >

> > When you supplement you only get a fraction of the nutrient -perhaps 10

> to 30 percent...when you get that same nutrient in food you absorb typically

> 100 percent. That in itself may be why NV is helping our kids -the essential

> amino acid it contains from food are linked to neuro repair



to-help-tbitraumatic-brain-injury-research-amino-acids/and the entire product

was formulated by world renowned medical doctors

> http://pursuitofresearch.org/endorsed-by-the-chopra-center/ to support the

> metabolic system- and as I wrote above we know that's working the way it

> should!!

> >

> > I am so sorry I didn't know your child was ever on pharma omega

> speak...again I was so confused but now it all makes sense to me!! And yes I

> do believe there is hope Ivy -based on what I have seen in my son Tanner,

> and now that I know what your child is dealing with - I so believe that!!!

> >

> > Hugs,

> >

> >

> >

> > =====

> >

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well said and done.


From: Alberta <gnomederwear@...>

Sent: Wed, March 9, 2011 5:56:18 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] DAN Doctors


I'm middle ground. I firmly believing in doing my own research. I find

that a DAN MD is helpful because they can write scripts and it opens the

options for treatments. I wanted a DAN who is also knowledgeable in

alternative medicine (I think that's my primary criteria). But no matter

what, I will question every single thing that the DAN recommends and I will

research to death everything he says. I need to understand exactly how the

supplement/medication works. I need to understand the metabolic process.

Even when I stumble upon something that works well on my own, I need to

understand and be able to visualize what's going on and how it's working.

I've spent a lot of time reading and combing through biomed groups, and

thinking about all the components of biomed, learning about different

metabolic processes and trying different things. There are many ways to use

anything. I ask a lot of questions to knowledgeable parents. When I need

help or tests that are specific to our needs, I go to the DAN, I don't waste

time and by the time I walk into the DAN's office, I already have a good

idea about what needs to be done and when I go in there, we are just talking

about the specifics on how to execute it. The DAN does not need to wet

nurse me through the treatment or explanation. I don't feel that's his


I find that many in the medical field will just crouch down into fetal

position, slap their hands over their ears, close their eyes tight and just

say over and over again in a very loud voice, " There is no cure for autism.

There is no cure for autism. There is no cure for autism. " Whatever.

They're not even looking at autism in the right way. I'd like to take a

survey and find out what most pediatricians even think autism is because I

don't feel many can even define what autism is.

I will never see another doctor again in the same way. In the last year,

I've almost completely lost my faith in mainstream medicine. It isn't only

until recently that I've found out how little most doctors know about

anything. I told our pediatrician that my daughter has a milk and soy

allergy (and really, I was just looking for a referral to an immunologist or

an allergist) and she replied, " Oh, it's just autism. Give her some

Pediasure. " and wrote a referral for respite services. This is the

pediatrician's answer? Pediasure, when my daughter has no eating issues and

I just told her that my daughter is allergic to milk and soy and gets

rashes? She also said that dietary intervention doesn't work (she's

wrong). Mine have benefitted from various dietary intervention. We all

know that Pediasure contains massive amounts of soy, which are GMO,

carcinogenic...and my daughter's allergic to it!!! She also said that all

autistic children have self-limiting diets. Mine do not. In fact, my

daughter went from moderate-severe autism (with an ATEC score of 72) to mild

autism (ATEC score of 30) through dietary intervention. Yeah, maybe all

autistic children will develop self-limiting diets if they're being treated

by a Village Idiot. I never went back there again.

I question everything that every healthcare professional says to me now. I

research everything first. I'm not a fan of blind faith, especially when it

comes to doctors, DAN or not.

To me, any DAN who is able to write a prescription is fine. I do my own

research (I do about 15 to 30 hours of research a week on top of working two

jobs) and I know what the game plan is in terms of treatment and I already

know what we're going to do. In autism, the DAN is merely the one who

writes the script when needed. I think that the parent is the real

attending physician.

On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 1:14 PM, <waterlilis@...> wrote:




> Really just wondering what people think about DAN Doctors?

> I never really met anyone in the middle. Either they are all for them or

> not at all. Most in medical field I have encounter seem to think there isn't

> enough research yet.



> Sent from my iPhone


> On Mar 8, 2011, at 12:55 PM, " kiddietalk " <kiddietalk@...> wrote:


> > Marie most of us checked out NV with our child's pediatric medical

> doctor- you can use the information here

> http://pursuitofresearch.org/find-a-professional/ There is much

> information about this in the archives. It's just food, all essential

> nutrients are from food, so not like taking a supplement which can have

> issues -thus makes it easier to approve. (kind of like approving water)

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