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Re: Diet ???s

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Milk is a pretty sensititve topic on this particular site. In my family, we

are casen free, as my son has a severe sensitivity to it. It has saved him

from having ashma, I believe among sooo many other things. Oh and Yes, you

can substitute different types of milk in cooking. If you lean more toward

the biomed side, as many find their gains with this, you may want to

consider the Group ApraxiaDyspraxiaBiomed Support. There you will

find several people from this site who lean more toward biomed intervention.

My favorite book is: Healing the New Chilhood Epidemics: 4 A disorder, By

Dr. Bock, Changing the Course of Autism, by Dr. Jepson. You may want

to check out the site www.kellydorfman.com

I hope this helps!


Mother of Charlie 3 years

[ ] Diet ???s

I've heard about a casein free diet, but didn't really know what

casein is, so I did a quick search on it-nothing too intense. I

found out that it is basically a milk allergy - different than an

intolerance. While researching, I came across the GFCF diet and

found it to be fascinating and am seriously considering going on it -

due to hubby's intestinal issues (IBS +), my allergy issues (I've

had a rash for over a year now and have a referral to an allergist

and just had " the patch test " done as well as the blood work for

food allergies, my other son's allergy issues (constant runny nose

and being put on claritin by conventional doctor), as well my child

with apraxia. (It is funny that neither child is biological to me

and they both seem to have allergies like me.)

-So we are on a milk-free diet, recommendation of our DAN doctor. I

was wondering if anybody has any suggestions for the diet. I have

used rice milk and almond milk and one child hates both and the

other likes both. When cooking, can you use rice milk for all

recipes or is the fat content of milk important? I looked up

groups for any GFCF groups that could help with the GFCF diet and I

found most of the recipes had either butter in them -some even

had " cream of " soups. This is not milk free.

Any suggestions for books, websites, or anything else!

Thanks ahead of time! You gals are great!!!!

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Hi ,

I have very little time so I will cut and paste from an older post to another

mom, so take a look and see what applies to you--it includes the gluten free

diet info, but that is because it is rare that a child is intolerant to casein

and not to gluten, they most often go hand in hand, both are proteins that are

hard to digest once the intestinal permeability is compromised and they have a

predilection to affect the brain--we've seen it with our daughter and so have so

many parents. I will just say that for us the diet and right supplements have

been amazing--her speech, her attention, ability to focus and comply, have all

turned around completly with the help of the diet!  Yes, both Husband and I

apparently have a family history of autoimmune/ skin/neurologicalissues and

these are most often diet connected. Here it is:

" You will see the words Celiac, and autistic come up a lot

in much of this literature. Please note that most apraxic kids do NOT

necessarily have digestive symptoms, or the Celiac gene. It can be

misleading to just go by that as there are multiple genes implicated in

gluten intolerance and it can also be acquired, as in my case, which is

still a genetically triggered intolerance when in contact with viral,

bacterial, parasitic infections, or even antibiotics without a healthy

follow up of probiotics, which call can create permeable intestines and

thus enable the gluten to enter the blood stream and erode immune,

neurological functioning establishing a heightened immune response from

that moment on. The important take home message is that gluten/casein

intolerances DO NOT GO AWAY!!

 Secondary intolerances developed due to the leaky gut can go away, but the

gluten one especially is core and the gluten peptides have an affinity for the



don't be misled by the Celiac label, or autistic labels, the fact

remains gluten intolerance is much more common than modern clinical

medicine thinks and is implicated in most neurological disorders of

unknown etiology like autism,

Parkinson, Alzheinmers' etc The research is all there, but clinical

practice isn't big on diet and nutrition and still works with archaic

lists and data as there is no real financial incentive for them to

change, no vegetable salesman is going to knock on the doctors' door

promising a free yearly supply of vegetables to everyone there in the

office, and trips to Hawaii to learn more about the role of vegetables

and to then push them on their patients.  So you get the picture, the

profit just isn't there so large scale clinical trials are difficult

and confounding variables difficult to control for etc.  Just not easy

to do and NOT a money making proposition.   Wheat on the other hand is

a booming business as it is

included in just about everything

processed on the market and even in much of the restaurant foods too as

it has a way of appearing in the most inconspicuous places. Read the Celiac.com

link on how to avoid the gluten when eating out.


gluten intolerance  is much  more common than the food industry ever

suspected--as almost everything processed--unless gluten free--contains

a form of gluten either as anitcaking agent, or as thickener, flavor

enhancer etc.  Gosh, they even put it in some Salsas for some unearthly

reason so always read your labels!  I think the next decade will reveal

a whole array of neurological/immune system disorders, as well as other

organs often implicated as l the liver, the adrenals, the thyroid, and

all these chronic degenerative disorders very often have gluten

intolerance linked to them--if not as the initial cause, certainly as a

complicating factor. Anyway, here are some links --some about the

problem, some about the solution and click around.







h-Neurological-And-Psychiatric-Symptoms & id=450571 & opt=print


this is actually the medical practice I go to and

they're getting ready to publish a book on the topic








http://ezinearticles.com/?Understanding-the-Genetics-of-Gluten-Sensitivity & id=20\











The Gluten Connection: How Gluten Sensitivity May be Sabotaging Your

Health - and What you Can Do to Take Control NOW by Shari Lieberman,

Ph.D., CNS, FACN..



Keep in mind that for those with severely damaged intestines or persistent yeast

etc. GFCF may not be enough and SCD diet (Specific Carbohydrate Diet)

may be recommended.  Oftentimes parents make the mistake of taking

their kid off gluten and replacing all wheat products with corn, soy

and rice and all of these are refined carbs that can still impair the

immune system, Refined carbs should be reduced, soy most often avoided

as most people intolerant to wheat cannot tolerate the soy peptides

either and corn spikes the insulin level in the blood promoting

inflammation just like rice, and potato--they're all starches and feed

bad bacteria in us.

So if at all possible limit the refined

carbs, even those gluten free and increase, vegetables, leafy greens,

healthy grass fed / free range organic meats and consider the dairy

factor too. Not all gluten intolerant individuals are also casein

intolerant but until the gut heals you want to avoid dairy too and try

introducing it alter carefully, the raw preferred. Anyway, here's a

chart that compares the major diets that have worked well for people

with autoimmune, neurological, metabolic and digestive disorders.







you find these useful. My recommendation is that you try the diet and

supplements based on tests that check for your child's specific

metabolic issues since it really is important to prioritize the

interventions and only a doctor who treats biomedically can interpret

results, reactions and ensure that the path to healing is cleared. For

us it has been a wonderful journey of discovery.  We started with the

diet first and made mistakes along the way of course but overall we saw

improvements in attention, behavior and focus. We added some

supplements and saw huge improvements especially with the B12 shots

--often a major deficiency in gluten intolerant individuals, the PRO

EFA/EPA + vitamin E have also made a HUGE surge and we're also working

on detoxification as she seems to not detoxify mercury and other heavy

metals as a normal child would. Again, related to malabsorptions most

likely yeast, fatty acids etc.--so we're addressing that now as well

and will start on the yeast soon which means going more toward the SCD

diet at  least for a while.  there are so many options that clearly

stand to benefit our children with metabolic disorders

and possibly milder form of mitochondrial dysfunction as Dr.

explained. Read her Apraxia 101 doc and presentation notes, those will

also give you a good background in case you haven't already, they

should be archived on the site. 

All the best,

Elena -mom

to Ziana age 4 --apraxic, but otherwise a happy healthy child and

improving her speech every day now that appropriate PROMPT therapy,

diet/ and supplements have all been implemented.

From: by Capitola Mall <loveisfosteringhere@...>

Subject: [ ] Diet ???s

Date: Saturday, November 22, 2008, 8:53 PM

I've heard about a casein free diet, but didn't really know what

casein is, so I did a quick search on it-nothing too intense. I

found out that it is basically a milk allergy - different than an

intolerance. While researching, I came across the GFCF diet and

found it to be fascinating and am seriously considering going on it -

due to hubby's intestinal issues (IBS +), my allergy issues (I've

had a rash for over a year now and have a referral to an allergist

and just had " the patch test " done as well as the blood work for

food allergies, my other son's allergy issues (constant runny nose

and being put on claritin by conventional doctor), as well my child

with apraxia. (It is funny that neither child is biological to me

and they both seem to have allergies like me.)

-So we are on a milk-free diet, recommendation of our DAN doctor. I

was wondering if anybody has any suggestions for the diet. I have

used rice milk and almond milk and one child hates both and the

other likes both. When cooking, can you use rice milk for all

recipes or is the fat content of milk important? I looked up

groups for any GFCF groups that could help with the GFCF diet and I

found most of the recipes had either butter in them -some even

had " cream of " soups. This is not milk free.

Any suggestions for books, websites, or anything else!

Thanks ahead

of time! You gals are great!!!!


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