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Where to start?

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I got started by reading here on DeFelice's site: www.enzymestuff.com

She is on this list and can answer any questions you may have. I had been

looking into the gfcf diet and because my son is 6, high functioning and a picky

eater.... I decided to give AFP Peptizyde (for casein, gluten, soy and proteins)

a try from HNI . We have been

using this for the past month and I could not be more delighted. Supplements

were not working well and I suspected malabsorption issues. Now I am seeing a

difference with food, supplements and his language. He is a picky eater and he

is trying more foods even being a few bites. I am hopeful to working him up to

at least his age---6 bites and all done if he says he doesn't like it. He can

look at it and tell me he doesn't like it before he trys it. But we are getting


I did begin by reading 's book called " Enzymes for Autism and Othere

Neurological Disorders " and found it to be one of the best books I have read!!!

(Thanks !) It has provided me with information not only for my PDD child,

but my 4 yo with digestive problems (from birth) we are now healing his gut! I

would highly recommend it. You can read and excerpt of the book on the

enzymestuff.com website.

Traditional therapy of ST, OT and PT have done wonders for him and our home

program... but he needed more with attention, focus and sensory issues. This is

why I researched enzymes and chelation therapies. Go to her site an learn

everything you can about enzymes... they have been wonderful for us!


weya <weya98@...> wrote:

My son was diagnosed with Autism almost 3 years ago. So I'm not new to this

lovely rollercoaster ride. I looked into enzymes way back then and decided to go

" noninvasive " with the GF/CF diet. At that time, I wasn't ready to consider

supplements, chelations, enzymes, etc. We've come a long way since then.

He's been GF/CF for most of these 3 years. However, he's extremely limited his

diet for the past year or so. If it's not flat, tan, and crunchy, he won't eat


We've been looking at all sorts of reasons and causes. And one of the things I'd

like to research is the possibility of using enzymes to help with any digestion

issues. Ideally we might be able to give up the GF/CF diet and be able to use

peer modeling to get him to try more foods. He does note what we eat at home and

peers over his friends' shoulders at school to see what they are eating for

snacks & lunch. So he's curious, but not eating it. Most of the snacks at school

have, of course, gluten or casein or both so he gets

something different and isn't allowed to have what his friends are having.

I guess I'm thinking we restrict his foods so that sets him up for ....

restricting foods. (at least for the behavioral component of this eating issue)

So if enzymes would open up avenues for addressing any behavioral component

without worrying about regression due to leaky gut issues ... I'd like to give

it a shot.

If you all could point me somewhere to research and learn, I'd really appreciate




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Hello, Autism is a puzzle you must figure out and there will most

likely be set back so getting ready to do some Biomedical stuff over

the summer is a good idea-- I remember getting one thing under control

only for something else to pop up - it happened like ten times in a

row - things that work for one person will work for around 50% of

others mostly becuase of what has already been cleared up in them...

these group are very important for the help and support you need.

Here is my favorite paper print and read ( 50 pages?) it I will help

to decide what to do- If you ask me enzymes are a very easy place to

start and if the are not being made in your childs body already they

are very important for the uptake and use of essential fatty acids and

ammino acids and other supplements.



My 2 Cents Ann

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  • 7 months later...


> I am new to the concept of Bowel Cleansing, and I really don't know

> where to start. I am interested in getting started with the most

> effective method, but I am not intetested in spending alot of money


> unnecessary equipment. I am open to any suggestions.


> Thanks


The master cleanse/lemonade diet is great but it's a fast. You can do

it in as little as 10 days or longer if you want. The money you'd

normally spend on food for 10 days gets spent on lemmons, maple syrup

and cayenne pepper.


The longer you do it the more " old fecal " matter you get out. I liked

it because going to the bathroom was predictable. You do a salt water

flush which flushes everything out within 2 hours every morning. So

throughout the day you have no sudden urges and aren't running to the

bathroom. It's also a full detox program and even takes care of

parasites. You just have to do a liver flush a week after going off the


The other 2 most popular ways are Oxypowder and Colonix



If you're prone to constipation you might want to avoid the colonix.

I've heard of it constipating people more. Oxypowder is also really

good but it liquifies everything.

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  • 1 year later...

Hang in there !

My guy has big phenol issues which cause hand waving, hyperness, screaming.

I've seen a big jump in language and focus with diet,enzymes and homeopathy.

We are new to helping our son heal and are closer to the beginning of the

journey but we

have seen nice benefits with these things in this order. Other moms on this site

may have

more experience but feel free to e-mail me anytime to share ideas.

- trust your intuition and research and talk to as many informed people as

possible. You

know your son best. What's worked for other mothers has not worked for my son

and vise


- we read the books Ken Bocks Healing the new childhood epidemics, Impossible


Enzymes and Autism

-restricted diet -for us this meant-gf/cf/soy, corn, yeast, egg and sugar

free!!!!! (The diet

for me is the hardest part to deal with but we really have no choice right now.)

In the

beginning- take away ANYTHING he may be allergic to. This gives his body time to


and work on other healing.


- enzymes all three houstons(after 3 months my son finally tolerates a whole


capsule) Huge jump in language and focus with enzymes!

_non-classical homeopathy - gently de-toxes his body ( only work with someone

who has

experience with autism and has had good results with other autistic children)


brought about a new level of well being and happiness in our son and cleared his



We are going to start adding in a good multivitamin, once I can find one he

tolerates for


Some moms are getting great results from the Phiffer Clinic.

It's defintily a roller coaster ride!

I wish you and your son all the best,



> Trying to figure out my son becomes overwhelming at times. I believe

> most of this comes from not really knowing where to start and how long

> to be consistent. How do you keep up with it all?


> My concerns for my ds (3 & 1/2) are:

> 1) non-verbal - can put some words together but not many for his age.

> Definitely no sentences.

> 2) screams a lot

> 3) self stimulation: waving hand and humming

> 4) very short attention span


> He is not getting any treatment at this moment of any kind. What would

> you recommend that I do? Any and all suggestions will be greatly

> appreciated.


> Thank You,



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> Trying to figure out my son becomes overwhelming at times. I believe

> most of this comes from not really knowing where to start and how long

> to be consistent. How do you keep up with it all?

Keep a journal, write down everything, and only make one change at a time.

> My concerns for my ds (3 & 1/2) are:

> 1) non-verbal - can put some words together but not many for his age.

> Definitely no sentences.

What my son required for language is written here. Anti-virals and

B12 [with a lot of precursers] were the most important.


> 3) self stimulation: waving hand and humming

Hand waving was a visual for my son. See the " issues " link above.

Humming usually meant yeast overgrowth.

> He is not getting any treatment at this moment of any kind. What would

> you recommend that I do? Any and all suggestions will be greatly

> appreciated.

Starting with digestive enzymes is probably a good first step.


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  • 4 months later...

Here are some sites I have collected and found helpful. Lots of


Description of Candida


Diet and Treatment web site


Books, Testing and other stuff


Yeast Infection Cure



From: candidiasis

[mailto:candidiasis ] On Behalf Of Sheri

Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 10:40 AM


Subject: Where to start?

I'm very new to this. But excited to get started on feeling

better and

taking control.

I have read many of the posts on this board and additional


on the web. But it's hard to know where to start.

Does anyone have advise on books, articles, or websites that

gives a

good start on the foods to eat (and avoid), supplements, info on

cleansing, etc. The whole picture?

Any help is appreciated!


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A basic candida protocol is here in the archives:


The whole picture can be found by googling degenerative illnesses

protocol and seeing the first link returned; click the link on my

page one. Googling anti-aging protocol turns it up on link #3 this


Duncan Crow


> I'm very new to this. But excited to get started on feeling better


> taking control.


> I have read many of the posts on this board and additional


> on the web. But it's hard to know where to start.


> Does anyone have advise on books, articles, or websites that gives


> good start on the foods to eat (and avoid), supplements, info on

> cleansing, etc. The whole picture?


> Any help is appreciated!

> Sheri


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  • 5 months later...
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Hi ,

I just started my son who is 2 and 30 lbs on Super Nu thera.How old is your son?

I am wondering how much you started him with. I started my son on 1/4 of a tsp

in the morning. Are you seeing any improvements?My son was very vocal

yesterday(He is completely non verbal.)He iniated sounds with me and waiting for

me to respond back with the same sounds as him. I can only contribute this with

the super nuthera.I started my son on the GFCFSF diet three months ago.Would

love to hear from ya,

Tami >Mom of 4----daughter 10 NT,daughter 9 NT, daughter 7 ADHD, 2 year old son


Where to Start?

I need help to get started with all of this. & nbsp; I have started my son on

Super Nu-Thera on Saturday. & nbsp; He seems to be taking it well. & nbsp; I am

looking for some advice. & nbsp; He has been on a GFCF diet for about 4 months

now. & nbsp; Desperate mom looking for anything to help her son.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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If you would like I can send you out some information and samples on

Enzymedica's enzyme products. We make the number 1 selling digestive

enzyme. I would love to walk you through any questions or concerns you

might have. I have a wonderful technical department at Enzymedica

helping me with all types of questions. So please let me know if there

is anything I can do to help.


Enzymedica's Education Department


> I need help to get started with all of this. & nbsp; I have started my

son on Super Nu-Thera on Saturday. & nbsp; He seems to be taking it

well. & nbsp; I am looking for some advice. & nbsp; He has been on a GFCF

diet for about 4 months now. & nbsp; Desperate mom looking for anything

to help her son.






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Yes could you Please send me some info that would be great.  I am just not sure

where to go from here.  Thank You.

u, 7/3/08, Alessandra <milagros205@...> wrote:

From: Alessandra <milagros205@...>

Subject: Re: Where to Start?

Date: Thursday, July 3, 2008, 11:25 AM


If you would like I can send you out some information and samples on

Enzymedica's enzyme products. We make the number 1 selling digestive

enzyme. I would love to walk you through any questions or concerns you

might have. I have a wonderful technical department at Enzymedica

helping me with all types of questions. So please let me know if there

is anything I can do to help.


Enzymedica's Education Department


> I need help to get started with all of this. & nbsp; I have started my

son on Super Nu-Thera on Saturday. & nbsp; He seems to be taking it

well. & nbsp; I am looking for some advice. & nbsp; He has been on a GFCF

diet for about 4 months now. & nbsp; Desperate mom looking for anything

to help her son.






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> It's been a long time since I started the candida diet....but with

all that

> is going on in my body right now I have the desire to restart


> with just a few foods as I hate feeling crappy....


> I can eat cauliflower, eggs, asparagus and butter w/o issue. Do

these seem

> like good foods to start with for a while and then I'll add in


> thanks

> Caryn

==>When did you start on my candida program? There's no point

starting over, since what you have accomplished so far with the

nutrients isn't a lost cause. Those toxins had to come out sometime,

unless you've been off the program, or added too many foods too soon,


The only other thing that would cause your symptoms would be candida

overgrowth raging like mad if you went off the program.


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  • 1 year later...
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We use creon. It's a pancreatic enzyme. It has no flavor, but it comes in

little granules w/in a capsule. If she has aversions to textures, this might

be off-putting to her, but it is completely flavorless.

I don't think anyone on here uses the same probiotic as I do. We use

SCDophilus from GI ProHealth because they could guarantee me that it was

casein free (My son is allergic to milk protein and is on SCD. This one is

SCD legal.) www.giprohealth.com


On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 3:29 PM, raeofsunshine80




> I've just been on the board trying to make sense of what's on here.

> first i would like my daughter's digestive system running better.

> when she was a wee baby everything made her constipated. after her first

> flu and cold at age 16mo she has been super runny. I realize it's likely a

> bug sticking around that her system isn't able to fight off very well. she

> was born with yeast problems that a nurse saw in her mouth but the peds doc

> brushed off.


> she has had some success with her pro biotic and digestive enzymes but i

> don't think she is on the right ones for her. though with them she has had

> major development strides. it's hard to say if she would have anyway without

> them as she is only 21mo old.


> she was about 6 mo-a year delayed total for everything. and now she seems

> to be catching up.


> I have a hard time getitng any supps in her as she will refuse to eat

> things that ive put it in.


> i dont know where to star with finding a better digestive enzyme and

> probiotic? what does everyone here use for their children?




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Some suggestions of where to start:

Has she had a hair test? Because yeast so young implies something is affecting

her immune system...possibly mercury.

Next, a probiotics that contains strains in the billions and is usually found in

the fridge at the store or says to refrigerate after opening, it might also be

good if it were dairy free if your child has problems with dairy. Judging by the

constipation in infancy...I'd say she does. So a dairy free high strain

acidpohilus type probiotic.

Enzymes..a multispectrum product like Multiple Enzyme Formula or EnZymAid by

Kirkman...or another similar product.

Clean up her diet....eliminate dairy and possible wheat later on to see if helps

things. Lactose intolerance can cause chronic diarrhea...so can gluten


Once you have found a probiotic your happy with, consider trying natural

antifungals to kill yeast. Most kids in my experience (including my own and some

in my family) who had thrush as infants....still have a fungal problem unless

it's been treated...and any kid whose had antibiotics ever....can benefit from

treating yeast because they usually have gut yeast.

Refusing supplements is common and can be for a few reasons....taste. If it's

icky any kid is going to refuse it, so taste the stuff your giving first to make

sure it's not deplorable. Second...oral sensory issues...kids with this tend to

eat a limited diet consisting of a few foods and will not try any others, they

also tend to be gaggy, have trouble using spoons or drinking from straws. If you

think she might be one of those kids, get her a battery operated tooth brush to

play with. Let her bite on it and mouth it as she wishes to help reduce the over

sensitivity. (or consult with an OT therapist).

These are just suggestions and hopefully something will be helpful....


> I've just been on the board trying to make sense of what's on here.

> first i would like my daughter's digestive system running better.

> when she was a wee baby everything made her constipated. after her first flu

and cold at age 16mo she has been super runny. I realize it's likely a bug

sticking around that her system isn't able to fight off very well. she was born

with yeast problems that a nurse saw in her mouth but the peds doc brushed off.


> she has had some success with her pro biotic and digestive enzymes but i don't

think she is on the right ones for her. though with them she has had major

development strides. it's hard to say if she would have anyway without them as

she is only 21mo old.


> she was about 6 mo-a year delayed total for everything. and now she seems to

be catching up.


> I have a hard time getitng any supps in her as she will refuse to eat things

that ive put it in.


> i dont know where to star with finding a better digestive enzyme and

probiotic? what does everyone here use for their children?


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comments interspersed.


> Some suggestions of where to start:

> Has she had a hair test? Because yeast so young implies something is affecting

her immune system...possibly mercury.

no but im sure she does i had a blood analysis done on myself shortly after she

was born and im heavy metal toxic. and have a full mouth of fillings. plus i was

a huge tuna fan at one point ...


> Next, a probiotics that contains strains in the billions and is usually found

in the fridge at the store or says to refrigerate after opening, it might also

be good if it were dairy free if your child has problems with dairy. Judging by

the constipation in infancy...I'd say she does. So a dairy free high strain

acidpohilus type probiotic.

already found out she has dairy issues she couldnt tolerate formula when i

needed to supplement unless it was the hypoallergenic one. she would get so

gassy and projectile vomit, her belly button even herniated.


> Enzymes..a multispectrum product like Multiple Enzyme Formula or EnZymAid by

Kirkman...or another similar product.


> Clean up her diet....eliminate dairy and possible wheat later on to see if

helps things. Lactose intolerance can cause chronic diarrhea...so can gluten


we got he blood prick alergy test for her and nothing showed up even her milk

one (though it was the most elevated and nearing allergenic but she hadn't had

milk for months before the test)wheat was slightly elevated as was sweet

potatoes. i think she was too young to be getting tested. and i had been not

giveing her most grains cus they constipated her and wheat in particular would

give her " alergy shiners " she would get lethargic and sleep for 2-4 hours. that

got better over time. she still doesnt get much wheat. and she gets runny no

matter what she is eating. but i am working on the wheat elimination. it's tough

as she is in day care 4 days a week while i go to group therapy.


> Once you have found a probiotic your happy with, consider trying natural

antifungals to kill yeast. Most kids in my experience (including my own and some

in my family) who had thrush as infants....still have a fungal problem unless

it's been treated...and any kid whose had antibiotics ever....can benefit from

treating yeast because they usually have gut yeast.

yeast problems run in my family too my younger brother and dad were born with it

as well. younger bro has autistic traits as well but not bad enough for a

diagnosis. but he has many other brain problems. i have yeast issues too but not

as systemic as they do. but in my home husband included we are all prone to

getting ring worm infections too that we cant get rid of. even with manuka


> Refusing supplements is common and can be for a few reasons....taste. If it's

icky any kid is going to refuse it, so taste the stuff your giving first to make

sure it's not deplorable. Second...oral sensory issues...kids with this tend to

eat a limited diet consisting of a few foods and will not try any others, they

also tend to be gaggy, have trouble using spoons or drinking from straws. If you

think she might be one of those kids, get her a battery operated tooth brush to

play with. Let her bite on it and mouth it as she wishes to help reduce the over

sensitivity. (or consult with an OT therapist).

this kid is a bit different she will try something at least once. maybe more if

she sees me eat it. She just learned to drink from a a straw and to tip her

bottle back to drink this month (so we switched to sippy cups)

she also has sensitive hearing and any motor like a vacuum or electric tooth

brush makes her really upset. we just made huge strides on her letting us even

brush her teeth. as it makes her gag

ot is occupational therapy right?


> These are just suggestions and hopefully something will be helpful....




> >

> > I've just been on the board trying to make sense of what's on here.

> > first i would like my daughter's digestive system running better.

> > when she was a wee baby everything made her constipated. after her first flu

and cold at age 16mo she has been super runny. I realize it's likely a bug

sticking around that her system isn't able to fight off very well. she was born

with yeast problems that a nurse saw in her mouth but the peds doc brushed off.

> >

> > she has had some success with her pro biotic and digestive enzymes but i

don't think she is on the right ones for her. though with them she has had major

development strides. it's hard to say if she would have anyway without them as

she is only 21mo old.

> >

> > she was about 6 mo-a year delayed total for everything. and now she seems to

be catching up.

> >

> > I have a hard time getitng any supps in her as she will refuse to eat things

that ive put it in.

> >

> > i dont know where to star with finding a better digestive enzyme and

probiotic? what does everyone here use for their children?

> >


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thank you.

she does have some aversion to texture. I have to hide everything in her food or

milk to get her to take it, between taste and texture.

ive been looking into the SCD diet for a bit now. but it may be tough in my

house to do. husband is a meat eating potatoe and pasta loveing man. however he

has an intolerance to starchy foods. they make him crabby and sleepy. but he has

a texture problem and cant handle most vegtables.


> >

> >

> > I've just been on the board trying to make sense of what's on here.

> > first i would like my daughter's digestive system running better.

> > when she was a wee baby everything made her constipated. after her first

> > flu and cold at age 16mo she has been super runny. I realize it's likely a

> > bug sticking around that her system isn't able to fight off very well. she

> > was born with yeast problems that a nurse saw in her mouth but the peds doc

> > brushed off.

> >

> > she has had some success with her pro biotic and digestive enzymes but i

> > don't think she is on the right ones for her. though with them she has had

> > major development strides. it's hard to say if she would have anyway without

> > them as she is only 21mo old.

> >

> > she was about 6 mo-a year delayed total for everything. and now she seems

> > to be catching up.

> >

> > I have a hard time getitng any supps in her as she will refuse to eat

> > things that ive put it in.

> >

> > i dont know where to star with finding a better digestive enzyme and

> > probiotic? what does everyone here use for their children?

> >

> >

> >




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> I've just been on the board trying to make sense of what's on here.

Start with the FAQ in the files section.


<a href= " http://www.noamalgam.com/index.html " >Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and

Treatment</a >

<a href= " http://www.noamalgam.com/hairtestbook.html " >Hair Test Interpretation:

Finding Hidden Toxicities</a >

<a href= " http://www.noamalgam.com/nourishinghope.html " >Nourishing Hope for

Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children</a >

<a href= " http://www.noamalgam.com/biologicaltreatments.html " >Biological

Treatments for Autism and PDD</a >

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> I've just been on the board trying to make sense of what's on here.

> first i would like my daughter's digestive system running better.

> when she was a wee baby everything made her constipated. after her first flu

and cold at age 16mo she has been super runny. I realize it's likely a bug

sticking around that her system isn't able to fight off very well. she was born

with yeast problems that a nurse saw in her mouth but the peds doc brushed off.

Yeast generally tends to be constipating



> i dont know where to star with finding a better digestive enzyme and

probiotic? what does everyone here use for their children?

I used HNI enzymes with much success.


My son did not tolerate probiotics, so I used biotin instead.


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My two year 4 month old's SLP believes that my daughter has apraxia. She is not

willing to definitively say that it what it is due to her age. I am not sure

where to start. I am finding the internet very contradictory and confusing when

it comes to what apraxia actually is. I have ordered The Late Talker book but I

haven't received/read it yet. What should I be doing to inform myself and find

the right treatment for my child?

A little about my daughter... Great signer, she communicates primarily through

signs and gestures. She has been combining signs since she was 18 months old.

She is generally pretty quiet. She will babble/jargon some. She seems to have

a limited number of sounds that she can make and has difficulty mimicking

sounds. She whispers and mouths words a handful of which I can make out. She

can make sounds at a normal tone so I don't know why she whispers words. She has

said words once that she never said again. She has normal receptive language and

cognitive skills (maybe even precocious) and playskills. She has normal fine

and gross motor skills. She does not drool or have feeding issues. She has

normal muscle tone and is a great climber! She attends a regular preschool two

mornings a week and is doing fine there though she is really falling behind her

peers in speech.

Any thoughts?

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  • 1 month later...

I didn't get any response to this so I am reposting in case it was missed. I

spoke to my service coordinator and she has no idea. She has never heard of

this so I don't think she is going to be any help. She has never even heard of

filing a claim directly with medicaid. She said only doctors can file claims

with medicaid. Thanks.


> Hi. I just joined this group. I have a 6 year old son with autism. We just

got approved for NY medicaid effective 8/1/08. We purchased a soft chamber in

April 2009. Can I submit the cost of the chamber to medicaid? If so, how do I

begin? I am new to medicaid so I haven't even used it yet.


> Thanks for any help that can be provided.


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You must obtain a certificate of need from your health care

practitioner. It is just like getting a wheel chair, walker, or other

piece of durable medical equipment.

The package that needs to go in with this to justify it (because they

will deny it and there will need to be an appeal), is something the IHMA

is currently working on. The Exceptional Parent magazine article Dr.

Harch did starts as a place holder on treatment for CP. The new studies

just done by Dr. Rosignol are a basis for the Certificate of Need.

I'll see what I can do to find some of our team members who can spend

some time putting these documents together.

Bill Duncan


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Thank you for your help.


> You must obtain a certificate of need from your health care

> practitioner. It is just like getting a wheel chair, walker, or other

> piece of durable medical equipment.




> The package that needs to go in with this to justify it (because they

> will deny it and there will need to be an appeal), is something the IHMA

> is currently working on. The Exceptional Parent magazine article Dr.

> Harch did starts as a place holder on treatment for CP. The new studies

> just done by Dr. Rosignol are a basis for the Certificate of Need.




> I'll see what I can do to find some of our team members who can spend

> some time putting these documents together.




> Bill Duncan




> DR.

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