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Vaccine Ingredient: Aluminum Potassium Sulfate

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Aluminum potassium sulfate:AlK(SO4)2 12H2O an Adjuvant

Aluminum adjuvants are used in vaccine manufacturing to " stimulate " the immune

system  The presence of aluminium adjuvants has been associated with

injection-site reactions such as nodules, granulomas and erythema.  Aluminium

adjuvants may lead to the syndrome macrophagic myofascitis, a hi ...more

Aluminum adjuvants are used in vaccine manufacturing to " stimulate " the immune

system  The presence of aluminium adjuvants has been associated with

injection-site reactions such as nodules, granulomas and erythema.  Aluminium

adjuvants may lead to the syndrome macrophagic myofascitis, a histological

finding where aluminium-containin g macrophages infiltrate muscle tissue, and

may be accompanied by a clinical syndrome of myalgia, arthralgia and fatigue.  A

systematic review of controlled safety studies reported that vaccines containing

aluminium produce more erythema and induration than other vaccines in young

children (up to 18 months of age), and greater local pain in older children

(10–18 years).

Aluminum adjuvants are used in vaccine manufacturing to " stimulate " the immune

system  The presence of aluminium adjuvants has been associated with

injection-site reactions such as nodules, granulomas and erythema.  aluminium

adjuvants may lead to the syndrome macrophagic myofascitis, a histological

finding where aluminium-containin g macrophages infiltrate muscle tissue, and

may be accompanied by a clinical syndrome of myalgia, arthralgia and fatigue.  A

systematic review of controlled safety studies reported that vaccines containing

aluminium produce more erythema and induration than other vaccines in young

children (up to 18 months of age), and greater local pain in older children

(10–18 years).

Animal and human studies have shown that aluminum can cause nerve cell death [1]

and that vaccine aluminum adjuvants can allow aluminum to enter the brain, [2,3]

as well as cause inflammation at the injection site leading to chronic joint and

muscle pain and fatigue. [4,5]

EDF Suspected - cardiovascular or blood toxicant, neurotoxicant, respiratory

toxicant, respiratory  toxicant.  Implicated as a cause of brain damage; 

suspected factor in Alzheimer's Disease, dementia, convulsions and comas.  More

hazardous than most chemicals in 2 out  of 6 ranking systems.  On at least 2

federal regulatory lists. EDF Suspected - cardiovascular or blood  toxicant

neurotoxicant, respiratory toxicant.  More hazardous than most chemicals in 3

out of 11 ranking systems.  On at least 3 federal regulatory lists.

Chemical descriptions:

National Library of Medicine: PubChem

http://pubchem. ncbi.nlm. nih.gov/summary/ summary.. cgi?sid=586133

Adverse effects

http://www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/ entrez/query. fcgi?CMD=

search & DB=pubmed & term=%22Aluminum% 20Hydroxide% 2ftoxicity% 22[Mesh%20Terms%



http://www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/ entrez/query. fcgi?CMD=

search & DB=pubmed & term=%22Propiolacto ne%2ftoxicity% 22[Mesh%20Terms% 3anoexp


http://www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/ entrez/query. fcgi?CMD=

search & DB=pubmed & term=%22Aluminum% 20Hydroxide% 2fpoisoning% 22[Mesh%20Terms%


Scorecard: Pollution Information Site

http://www.scorecar d.org/chemical- profiles/ summary.tcl? edf_substance_

id=7429%2d90% 2d5

a.k.a. Sulfuric acid, aluminum potassium salt (2:1:1), dode Hide.

Love, Gabby. :0)

http://stemcellfora utism.blogspot. com/


" I know of nobody who is purely Autistic or purely neurotypical. Even God had

some Autistic moments, which is why the planets all spin. " ~ Jerry Newport




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