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Ritalin ADHD Drug Linked to 500 Percent Increased Risk of Sudden Death in Children

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Just how dangerous are the amphetamine stimulant drugs prescribed for children

with so-called ADHD? According to scientific research funded by the FDA and the

National Institute of Mental Health, drugs such as Ritalin increase the risk of

sudden death by five hundred percent among children and teens..

In these cases of sudden death, the child suddenly collapses and dies, only to

be discovered later by parents or siblings. That's what happened to

Hohmann in 2004 (http://abcnews.go.com/Health/MindMo...), and according to this

new research, it keeps happening to more and more children at a rate that's 500

percent higher than would be considered typical for children of a similar age

and health status.

ADHD drugs like Ritalin are, of course, amphetamine stimulants. They used to be

sold on the street as " speed, " but now they're prescribed by psychiatrists to

children after a subjective diagnosis of a fictitious disease: ADHD -- a

" disorder " which has no measurable biological symptoms whatsoever.

Interestingly, the FDA banned ephedra, an herbal stimulant, after a handful of

consumers died from consuming huge amounts of the herb in a desperate effort to

lose weight. In that case, in banning the herb, the FDA announced " the risks

outweigh the benefits, " declaring that " ephedra is not safe at any dose. "

In great contrast to that, even as children are literally dropping dead after

taking ADHD drugs, the FDA is now insisting " the benefits are worth the risks. "

But what benefits, exactly, are they talking about? There are no trusted

scientific studies whatsoever showing ADHD drugs like Ritalin have any long-term

positive effect on children. In fact, the available studies show that ADHD drugs

stunt the physical growth of children while impairing brain development.

Children who take these drugs, in other words, are not merely at a 500 percent

increased risk of sudden death; they are almost assured to be stunted in their

brain and body growth by this dangerous amphetamine stimulant drug.

The only real benefits to ADHD drugs, it turns out, are the financial benefits

to the drug companies. With hundreds of millions of doses of ADHD drugs sold

around the world each year, Big Pharma is raking in the profits while children

are dropping dead in their own homes. So when the FDA says " the benefits are

worth the risks, " what they mean is that the financial benefits to the drug

companies are worth the risks to the lives of children.

Pharmaceuticals pose an imminent danger to our children

When parents take their children to psychiatrists and are told to put them on

drugs like Ritalin, most parents believe what the doctors say. They believe the

FDA wouldn't approve a drug so dangerous that it could kill their child without

warning. And they believe the drug companies would never sell products that harm


But those beliefs are foolish. In reality, the FDA, the drug companies and the

psychiatrists are all working in collusion, knowingly pushing dangerous, deadly

drugs onto families for the sole purpose of generating profits. While children

suffer and die, they cash in on the ADHD delusion, first by promoting a

fictitious disease and then later through high-profit pharmaceutical quackery.

And yet, astonishingly, the mainstream media says nothing. Senators and

Congresspeople remain silent. Corrupt, dishonest psych doctors keep pushing the

pills and pharmacists keep filling the bottles while children die, day after

day, from the very drugs they were told would help them.

The mass drugging of our own children is the greatest unacknowledged crime of

our time. It is a modern-day chemical holocaust being perpetrated by our own

health care system!

Today, the pharmaceutical industry operates as an organized drug ring, inventing

fictitious diseases, then cashing in on the " treatments " for those diseases even

though the treatments ultimately harm far more people than they conceivably

help. To further boost their profits, the drug companies offer free " screening "

-- based on an utterly unscientific tests rigged to label virtually everyone

with ADHD (adults included).

The entire ADHD scene is a circus of junk science, corporate profiteering and

FDA betrayal. If it wasn't so tragic and deadly, it would be downright

laughable. Yet, sadly, the mass chemical poisoning of our children continues

today, and those who profit from it continue to call it " treatment. "

Help put an end to chemical child abuse

One organization is fighting more than any other to stop the criminal operators

of modern psychiatry: CCHR (the Citizens Commission on Human Rights).

(www.CCHR.org) They need your help and your financial support.

Follow CCHR's announcements on Twitter:


Watch this shocking video about the mental health screening of children:


And check out my Disease Mongering Engine where you can invent your own

fictitious diseases at the click of a button:



Washington Post:


ABC News:


Love, Gabby. :0)



" I know of nobody who is purely Autistic or purely neurotypical. Even God had

some Autistic moments, which is why the planets all spin. " ~ Jerry Newport



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