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Re: How do you deal with temp tantrums???

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Oh, also forgot to say that MB12 helped my son as well from sensory issues

ie:sound and light sensitivity. It opens detox pathways for some children-which

is what you want if the are holding toxins.

just wanted to correct that we did most chelation between ages 3-4 with dr

neubrander (I had said a diff age in prev post). He recovered well from sensory


Please google: mercury toxicity and sound sensitivity

Also there are autism sites that have charts showing columns with sysmptoms of

merc toxicity and autism toxicity. Very interesting when you see this.

A great book is McBride's

GAPS book, not near my library at the moment- but I believe many have mentioned

it here on this group (or perhaps others?). I met her and respect her and all

her gut associated therories of healing from there first to heal.

Yet, some have to take it and go beyond, she does not agree with chelation of

metals BUT I wanted to point out she does believe in healing - and chelating

naturally in a sense with juicing.

So-please look into the many ways to heal and detox your child's body.

Then there is homeopathy. I now use that on my 2yr old and we seem to be having

success. (This is w/ help through our nutritionist)

homeopathics can open channels of healing and supporting detoxing.

What I am trying to say is that each child and family is different, and there

are numerous ways to heal, so be open to them and find yours.

Ok, I have babbled way to long.

BTW-My sons are not at all autistic,never were, or even close to it yet we

followed ALL and read all pertaining to autism because they had " issues " . Be

open to reading things on autistic sites to learn from what they are doing (if

you haven't already!)

Sent from my BlackBerry� smartphone with SprintSpeed

-----Original Message-----

From: lucy2max@...

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Aggressiveness, defiance, sensory issues, screaming, tantruming all went away

when I found and eliminated my son's food sensitivities. Amen! Thank you Lord.

Hope this info might help someone else.


> Thanks for sharing!

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This was my son at age 5. Our whole family was a stressed out wreck. I hope

you see my other post about the dietary intervention. It completely annihilated

the problem. He became compliant and peaceful without any kind of discipline

change or behavioral intervention, it was like a miracle. He is now GFCF as

well as soy free, MSG (natural flavors) free, artificial colors free, yeast free

and there is still a lot to eat, lots of whole foods, fruits, veggies, natural

meats, nuts, potatoes, rice, and beans. He looks good, no more being too skinny

with dark circles around the eyes and crazy glazed over look. Amazing change.

If you don't want to take on such a dramatic dietary change, try Houston Enzymes

first. I also suggest getting an IgG/IgE profile which will show sensitivies.


> We have officially become the parents people give " The LOOk " because their

child is screaming, throwing and out of control.

> Our daughter is 3 1/2 diag. with apraxia. She speaks about 60 words now that

are understood mostly by us. She gets very frustrated if she is asked to repeat


> We have resorted to almost isolation because it has become so difficult to

deal with her in public.

> Today we went to church hoping for the best. As soon as we got into the

preschool room, she became frustrated over blocks and began throwing them

everywhere (nearly hitting the other children).

> We truly are at a loss on HOW to discipline her. I tried ignoring the tantrum

until she " uses her words " , time out (which I really don't think she

understands). Neither of these seem to work. Does anybody know of any books,

support groups, seminars, ANYTHING that might help! Any advice would be greatly



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As I understand it (not an expert by any means) you should protect the child

and OT should work on sensory issues with them through therapy.


On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 3:31 PM, emel kesici <emelkesici@...> wrote:



> My son also doesn't like certain types of loud noises. What I am wondering

> is that do we need to desensitize them by exposing them to these sounds as

> much as possible or should we protect them so that they are not overload.




> >


> > >


> > >


> > > We have officially become the parents people give " The LOOk " because


> > their


> > > child is screaming, throwing and out of control.


> > > Our daughter is 3 1/2 diag. with apraxia. She speaks about 60 words now


> > > that are understood mostly by us. She gets very frustrated if she is


> > asked


> > > to repeat something.


> > > We have resorted to almost isolation because it has become so difficult


> > to


> > > deal with her in public.


> > > Today we went to church hoping for the best. As soon as we got into the


> > > preschool room, she became frustrated over blocks and began throwing

> them


> > > everywhere (nearly hitting the other children).


> > > We truly are at a loss on HOW to discipline her. I tried ignoring the


> > > tantrum until she " uses her words " , time out (which I really don't

> think


> > > she understands) . Neither of these seem to work. Does anybody know of


> > any


> > > books, support groups, seminars, ANYTHING that might help! Any advice


> > would


> > > be greatly appreciated.


> > >


> > >


> > >


> >


> >

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