Guest guest Posted June 23, 2010 Report Share Posted June 23, 2010 It was a severe migrane with vertigo symptoms and I am fine. > > it sounds like you are on it with looking into it, and just wanted you to know that I am sending prayers your way that this wasn't a stroke. Just want you to know there are quite a few people that go through these exact symptoms that say it's from some sort of migraine. Here's just one thread on this under the topic for them symptoms include: stabbing headache, numbness, loss of speech/understanding, aura > > I found for you information on something called basilar-type migraines. May just want to be aware of this diagnosis to check this out too. Best of luck ! At least if this is what it is -you are not alone. There would be support sources all over the net for you just like there is for apraxia- so even conditions most of the world never heard of! I do agree with the one suggestion below that if this is what it is after all else is ruled out - you get some sort of med alert bracelet so people know what's going on if you happen to have an attack while out and about with strangers. > > Here's some information on the speech aspect > > Speech symptoms > Dysarthria > > Dysarthria (slurred speech) is a characteristic aura symptoms of basilar-type migraine (Bickerstaff, 1961), a subtype of migraine with aura in the IHS classification. For a diagnosis of basilar-type migraine, the migraine sufferer must meet the general criteria for migraine with aura and have two or more of the following symptoms: dysarthria, vertigo, tinnitus, hypacusia, double vision, bilateral visual symptoms, ataxia, decreased level of consciousness, simultaneously bilateral paraesthesias. > > " I have recently started suffering from migraines... My very first was at work on 4th June this year. It was so bad that an ambulance was called and I was taken off to hospital. First I got very hot, then I couldn't concentrate properly. I was talking to a colleague and then just suddenly dropped my pen and started shaking. I couldn't breathe too well and had to sit down on the floor. My hands felt like they were vibrating, and I felt dizzy. I couldn't stand up and my speech was slurred. I was taken off to the medical room for a lie down, but things got worse. I developed a headache and couldn't focus properly. I tried to stand up but just kept falling over, as though as I was drunk. I was taken off to Casualty (the ER), and told I had had a bad migraine. " > > (Dean Garraghty, Newsgroups:, Subject: New migraine sufferer, June 21, 1998) > > " My wife has experienced slurred speech, confusion, unsteady gait, on occassion and all tests (mri's, cat's, brain spect's) show nothing unusual. She has had migraines in the past but these symptons are not associated with a headache when they happen. Her neurologist says this could be atypical migraines. " > > (Brent, Newsgroups:, Subject: Slurred speech, confusion..but no this a migraine?, September 8, 2000) > > " I get slurred speech and confusion and fuzzy thinking with a migraine. " > > (Elaine Gallant, Newsgroups:, Subject: Slurred speech, confusion..but no this a migraine?, September 8, 2000) > > " My migraine follows a very specific pathology... Sometimes, my face goes numb on one side, and my speech gets slurred, almost like I'm drunk. " > > (Melinda Milford, Newsgroups:, Subject: (a long one) Just need to know if some things are normal..., February 12, 2002) > > " ... a basilar migraine ... for me it is slurred speech, falling, staggering, and memory loss... The scariest part of these is the fact that you don't usually recognize it as a migraine while it is happening (my husband has learned to recognize the symptoms and tell me to take my medicine). You can be accused of being drunk -- I was stopped on suspicion of drunk driving one time when the migraine came on while I was driving. I asked to do the breathalyzer, which of course read zero. I *did* get a ticket for reckless driving, though. " > > ( Bonello, Newsgroups: rec.crafts.textiles.needlework, Subject: OT Migraines, May 28, 2003) > > " I often begin to have slurred speech and dizziness for about two days before I get a migraine. I guess I should be glad to have the forewarning, but I have never heard of the symptoms starting that far in advance.The slurred speech and dizziness seem to be getting more intense in the last year, but it is a good tool for predicting my migraines. Is this common for migraine sufferers? " > > (a S, Email to Klaus Podoll, July 26, 2007) > > > And here is information with the other symptoms > Basilar-Type Migraine - The Basics > by Teri , MyMigraineConnection Lead Expert > > If you've heard of this form of Migraine before, you've probably heard or seen the term Basilar Artery Migraine (BAM). Under the International Headache Society's International Classification of Headache Disorders, 2nd Edition, the newer name for this form of Migraine is Basilar-Type Migraine (BTM). It has also been called Bickerstaff syndrome, brainstem Migraine, and vertebrobasilar Migraine. The term Basilar-Type Migraine is actually a bit misleading as it implies that the Migraine attack is vascular in origin. It was actually termed Basilar because it was first believed to be a result of spasm of the basilar artery and the subsequent ischemia. Since the time when the term Basilar came into use, however, it has been shown that Migraine is a genetic neurological disease, and BTM, as other types of Migraine are neural in origin. As with all Migraine, there is a vascular component once the Migraine begins, but the origin is neurological. Early literature on the subject suggested that BTM was most common in adolescent females. However, continued research and statistical analysis has shown BTM to affect all age groups and both male and female. BTM does exhibit the same female predominance seen overall in Migraine; there are three times as many female sufferers as male. > > A Basilar-Type Migraine is a Migraine that has aura symptoms originating from the brainstem and/or affecting both hemispheres of the brain at the same time, but with no motor weakness. The aura of BTM usually lasts less than 60 minutes, but in some cases can be more extended. Many Migraineurs who have BTM also report Migraine with typical aura. The aura of Basilar-Type Migraine can include temporary blindness, which is one reason they can be quite terrifying. However, BTM is actually essentially Migraine with aura with the aura localized to the brainstem. Still, because of that localization, Migraine-specific medications such as the triptans and ergotamines are contraindicated for BTM. Of the preventive medications, it's recommended that beta blockers be avoided in cases of BTM. Because of the medication contraindications, I highly recommend that Migraineurs who experience BTM wear some kind of medical identification at all times. Diagnosis of Basilar-Type Migraine requires at least two attacks meeting the following criteria: > > * Aura consisting of at least two of the following fully reversible symptoms, but no motor weakness: > o dysarthria (impairments or clumsiness in the speaking of words due to diseases that affect the oral, lingual, or pharyngeal muscles) > o vertigo (sense of spinning) > o tinnitus > o hypacusia (impaired hearing) > o diplopia (double vision) > o visual symptoms simultaneously in both temporal and nasal fields of both eyes > o ataxia (incoordination and unsteadiness) > o decreased level of consciousness > o simultaneously bilateral paresthesias (abnormal or unpleasant sensation often described as numbness or as a prickly, stinging, or burning feeling) > > * At least one of the following: > o at least one aura symptom develops gradually over five or more minutes and/or different aura symptoms occur in succession over five or more minutes > o each aura symptom lasts five or more and 60 minutes or less > * headache meeting criteria Migraine without aura begins during the aura or follows aura within 60 minutes > > Migraine experts caution that when there is motor weakness, great care be taken to arrive at the proper diagnosis as there are times when it can be difficult to differentiate between Basilar-Type Migraine and Hemiplegic Migraine. The IHS criteria also note that if motor weakness is present, the disorder should be coded as Familial Hemiplegic or Sporadic Hemiplegic Migraine. Another reason great care must be taken in diagnosis is that many of the symptoms of Basilar-Type Migraine are also stroke symptoms. > > Basilar-Type Migraine presents symptoms that can mimic other, far more serious conditions. It is essential that the diagnosis be definitive and correct. An imaging study such as a CT scan or MRI should be performed to rule out other causes for the symptoms, and an EEG is often performed to rule out seizure disorders. If the doctor making the diagnosis is hesitant about it, definitely seek a second opinion from another doctor. Since BTM is not common, seeing a Migraine specialist is advisable when possible. It is also important to continue medical treatment as advised by your doctor and not skip follow-up appointments. Some other conditions that should be ruled out in diagnosing BTM are: > > * seizure disorders > * space-occupying lesions of the brain > * brainstem Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM): a congenital defect consisting of a tangle of abnormal arteries and veins with no capillaries in between. The blood pressure in the veins is higher than normal and may result in a rupture of the vein and bleeding into the brain. > * vertebrobasilar disease > * stroke > > As with other forms of Migraine, BTM can be disabling. Because of the neurological symptoms that can occur during Basilar-Type Migraine aura, it can present a larger hurdle than Migraine with aura because the aura itself is debilitating and can last longer. This can mean special problems for people in the traditional work force or trying to care for young children. If they are in an environment where others are not educated about Migraine disease, it is particularly important that efforts be made to educate those around them. > > Basilar-Type Migraine is one of the most frightening of head pain disorders, but the symptoms are usually more frightening than harmful. However, as with other forms of Migraine, if the pain is extreme, it is best to seek emergency care. BTM does increase the risk of stroke slightly more than Migraine with aura and Migraine without aura, so additional care should be taken. Once diagnosed with BTM, it is important (as with any form of Migraine) to consult your doctor if your symptoms or Migraine pattern change. Without consulting a doctor, it's impossible to be sure that new symptoms or changes in pattern are attributable to BTM, and that no other condition is present. While BTM isn't cause to panic, it is more than reason to be sensible and take good care of yourself. > > > > > References: > > Saper, R., M.D.; Silberstein, , M.D.; Gordon, C. , M.D.; Hamel, L., P.A.-C; Swidan, Sahar, Pharm.D. " Handbook of Headache Management. " Baltimore, land: Lippincott & Wilkins, 1999. > > Tepper, J., M.D. Understanding Migraine and Other Headaches. University of Mississippi Press, 2004. > > Young, B. and Silberstein, D. Migraine and Other Headaches. St. , Minnesota: AAN Press, 2004. > > , Randolph W.; Ninan T. " Handbook of Headache. " Philadelphia: Lippincott & Wilkins. 2000. > > The International Headache Society. " International Classification of Headache Disorders, 2nd Edition. " Cephalalgia, Volume 24 Issue s1. May, 2004. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2982.2003.00823.x > > > > ===== > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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