Guest guest Posted September 11, 2000 Report Share Posted September 11, 2000 Can anybody answer this? Bob a question? > Dear Bob, > > Could you please let me know if you know anything about > NOBLE RESEARCH SOCIETY, out of NAMPA, IDAHO. > > A dear freind is not doing well it looks like she may loose her battle with > cancer . > COULD you please let me know. I am reading your site as well. Thanks Annette > P.S. I am so concerned about this noble because they tried to get her to fly > out there right away after hearing them on a Christian Radio station. we are > in Ohio.they wanted her to drop everything and come. If you can help us with > this you will be speaking with her Sister Sue. Please help if you can. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 11, 2000 Report Share Posted September 11, 2000 Doesn't this Christian Radio Station have any info on the Noble Research? Or the Cancer Society in Ohio? I haven't heard of it, but let us know , or perhaps someone else from the group will respond! Good luck... Sincerely, McEwen Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 9, 2002 Report Share Posted May 9, 2002 Luthien, I believe that email attachment WAS virus-infected. To the list, I'll just use this as an opportunity to issue a friendly computer-geek reminder... I urge everyone to make sure that you: 1) have the latest virus software updates 2) always make safe back up copies of any personal information that you can't afford to lose (i.e. letters and documents, spreadsheets, databases, pictures, address books, saved emails, etc.) 3) check for the latest updates and security " patches " for Microsoft Internet Explorer and Microsoft Outlook If you follow these steps, you should be reasonably safe from viruses! Dave On Thu, 9 May 2002, luthien wrote: > BlankSorry if I've gone over my three notes, but I need some info: I > received an e-mail from lpa_officers with an > attachment labeled " a questionnaire. " I was leery of opening it due > to that new virus, so I wrote back asking about the note. sent > it back as undeliverable. Does anyone know about that addy or > attachment? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 7, 2009 Report Share Posted February 7, 2009 Hi Deborah, I am a nurse, but certainly NO expert in disease but will try to explain what little I know and understand. And I would love the input of any other healthcare professional traditional or alternative too! It depends on the disease. There, wasn't that easy? Just kidding, it is a whole combination of things and we truly don't always know why some people get sick when others don't. Let's look at something as simple as the common cold or the flu (influenza NOT the stomach virus). You know that when a friend or relative has one of those there is a lot of coughing an sneezing. Every time they cough and sneeze it spreads the germs of that disease/ virus. We pick up the germs when we open doors, hold on to the rails of the escalators and shake hands. That's why you always hear to wash your hands! But you can also get it as a direct transmission. Sneeze particles can travel I think as far as like 8-10 feet! But that still doesn't answer your question about WHY people actually come down with something after exposure. I really don't understand " toxins " but think in " free radicals. " *I do understand what toxins are, but my brain looks at it a little different, it's just how we deal with the toxins or try to get rid of the free radicals that count. The last 7-8 years, after I left clinical nursing, I have been studying how food/nutrition may play a part in our health and disease prevention. Even the healthiest people develop free radicals every day! Exercise causes your body to develop free radicals, even just the aging process is a result of free radical production. I like the example of a fire in a fireplace (I'm a very visual learner). Let's say you have a fire in a fireplace but no screen up. When the wood pops little sparks/ embers will pop out and land on the carpet in front of the fireplace. At first you don't really see it. It's just a little spot here and there. After a while though, it will start to be noticeable so you may turn the carpet and put a table over the bad spot. But why don't we just put a screen up and prevent the little embers to pop out? The wood is still going to pop (free radical development) but we can put the screen up the prevent them from popping out and making holes in the carpet. So. . . If our immune system is the healthiest it can be by eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables/whole grains/drinking plenty of water and regular exercise, thats the same as putting a screen up. Hippocrates said " Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. " Now does that mean that if you eat the 7-13 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables recommended you won't get sick? Of course not! BUT, you will be sick less often and probably your sickness will not be as severe or as long as someone else who does not take care of themselves. My daughter who turned 14 in October had an ear infection the week before Thanksgiving in November. It was just her 4th ever in her entire 14 years! Last year was a bad influenza year (the caught, fever, body aches flu). Since my family has NEVER had a flu shot, you would have thought we might have gotten it bad. My husband and daughter were actually home together ONE day. Neither one was really that sick, and as a matter of fact fought over the TV remote all day! There were other kids in my daughters class that were out an entire week to 10 days! She missed one day with a temp of 99.8. Here is another thing to think about: What we do know scientifically is that by eating just 100 grams of sugar (about the amount of sugar in a can of soda and candy bar) our immune system will decrease 50% for up to 5 hours! That's been proven by research. Now the theory behind that tid bit is why kids catch everything they get exposed to at school. They are in small rooms with several little kids. They are also getting candy rewards from their teachers, sweet treats for birthday and star of the week things. We have Halloween, Christmas, Valentines day, EAster. If kids are in middle or high school they also have vending machines available to them. These kids constantly have sugar in their systems and are constantly immunocompromised. And this applies to adults too who have the soda and donut for breakfast, might have a salad for lunch but wash it down with another soda and then whatever for dinner. I think I read somewhere that we eat so much packaged/processed man- made foods that our body just was not designed to recognize and therefore really doesn't know what to do with. And we are learning all the time that these chemical laden food things are playing havoc with our bodies in a variety of ways. There are also all kinds of environmental toxins/issues that test our immune system every day that play a part in our health. Did that kinda answer your question? I can get on a roll sometimes, and actually love to talk and educate people so I've started a business doing just that. Lori Krause On Feb 7, 2009, at 5:28 AM, Deborah Ellard wrote: > I keep reading in here and in other places that it is the body that > is diseased and therefore when it becomes ill it is expelling the > toxins. > > My question is, if this is so, how then do whole members of the same > family come down with a disease at the same time? Or how do lots of > members of a school come down with chickenpox at the same time? its > a bit of a stretch to think that they all got high toxin levels and > came out with the same disease at the same time. > > Take for example the plague, how did this work? > > I would be grateful if someone could explain this to me. > > Thank you in antcipation. > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 7, 2009 Report Share Posted February 7, 2009 OOps! I realized I didn't finish my thought on free radicals. *The dog decided he had to go for a walk, right then! Anyway, when we develop free radicals, it's also called oxidation. And those free radicals or the oxidation process also interferes with healthy cell development, our immune system even our DNA. Some sources say that we ALL have cancer cells in our body, but it is something that triggers the DNA/cell mutation that causes it to grow in some people. So that's why we try to eat foods high in ANTI-oxidents. Foods to keep the oxidation process to a minimum. There are over 5000 scientific studies to prove that a diet high in fruits and vegetables can prevent or at least improve almost any disease state. Or we've all heard, " an apple a day keeps the doctor away. " Using the Vitamin C example that was going around a few days ago. . . an apple only has about 5.7mg of vitamin c. But that 5.7 mg together with all those thousands of other micronutrients is as effective as a 1500mg vitamin c pill. Again, if you eat a good healthy diet of fresh whole foods and very little processed foods will keep you healthy all the time? No, but it certainly won't hurt and may even help! Lori On Feb 7, 2009, at 5:28 AM, Deborah Ellard wrote: > I keep reading in here and in other places that it is the body that > is diseased and therefore when it becomes ill it is expelling the > toxins. > > My question is, if this is so, how then do whole members of the same > family come down with a disease at the same time? Or how do lots of > members of a school come down with chickenpox at the same time? its > a bit of a stretch to think that they all got high toxin levels and > came out with the same disease at the same time. > > Take for example the plague, how did this work? > > I would be grateful if someone could explain this to me. > > Thank you in antcipation. > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 7, 2009 Report Share Posted February 7, 2009 Let me give you a few quotes, from one of Bragg's book. Why are we so degenerated? Simply because we have loaded our systems with too much matter in the form of cooked, prepared, devitalized, artificial foodstuffs. And that this soft, heavy, slimy mush( such as is formed from all articles of food made of flour when mixed with moisture in the body) is only a burden on all the organs of elimination--in fact can hardly be gotten rid of at all by the system. And when we think that in addition to being so disastrously reduced in bulk and robbed of its coarse laxative parts, our food has also been deprived of vital mineral salts and vitamins; that it has been refined, chemicalized, devitalized, demineralized, artificially colored and flavored, until it is practically nothing more than dead, useless inorganic matter, no more nutritious than crushed stone would be; when we consider that we live on foodless foods, is there any doubt as to the cause of disease in the human body? How can we expect to build LIFE on dead food? Diet is the main thing, because food, in the last analysis, is the ultimate cause of our dis-ease. In the Medica Curricula some four hundred diseases are listed according to name. In reality there are four hundred (and more ) symptoms, but only one disease. It is a symptom or group of symptoms, to which the medical name is given. There is only one disease manifesting itself in innumerable different kinds of pains, aches, distresses and annoyances. The name of the disease merely indicates the LOCATION of the pain or distress. The manifestation, the symptom which we FEEL is not the disease. It is only a warning, a danger signal, that disease is present. The process of absorption is what is called digestion. The matter taken up by the blood stream in digestion is carried by 200 miles or more of tiny hair-like capillaries to the various cells and tissues of the body and there deposited. A very small portion of this deposit is burned up for energy. The great balance remains, causing congestion and usurping the place of oxygen, which is our life. It is this fact that is not understood: That only a part of the food matter brought by the blood stream to the different cells and tissues is used for the needs of living--that the remainder is stored in the various tissues and organs of the body, there forming the basis of disease. In this accumulating deposit of dead matter throughout the system germs breed, putrefaction, fermentation and the rotting take place, pus, mucus, poison encumbrances form and it is thus that we have disease. This poison, filth, obstruction in the body, and not the much berated germ, is in realty what we suffer from in illness. Colds, boils, skin eruptions, etc., are all efforts of Nature to throw off this unwanted poisonous matter--they are Healing Crises. What we call colds, asthma, influenza, high blood pressure, and so on down the endless list, are not different diseases in reality, but only different manifestations, different symptoms of the one disease, which is simply Poison, or in other words, Obstruction in the body. There is no so-called " disease, " no physical disability, with which pus or mucus is not associated. This foreign matter, this obstruction, is to be found in every case of " disease. " It is the disease. How else can this mucus that is present be explained? The germs certainly do not manufacture it, and if they do, out of what? Do germs work in living tissue? No, indeed. Germs breed and ferment only in dead, foul, rotting matter. Our disease comes first; the germs follow the disease. They are the scavengers. We would never have any trouble from germs if we did not present a proper bed for them to work in. The germs do not cause our disease; they only take advantage of the breeding place of filth which we provide. It is the filth, and not the germ, which is the disease. This is where the error arises in orthodox medical treatment. medicine treats the local agitation, the symptom, as though it were the disease and directs all efforts toward getting rid of it, regardless. If a certain drug is found to banish a pain, this drug is administered; the pain ceases, and the patient is considered cured. But is he? Cured of the pain, (temporarily ) yes, cured of the symptom but not the disease. The disease, the poison in his system, is still in him, and if his constitution is strong enough, Nature institutes another healing crisis later to get rid of it. Drugs only paralyze Nature's healing force, deaden the nerves so that the brain ceases to feel the pain. The disease remains, unaffected. If the cancer is cut out, that particular symptom is cured. But the disease(cause) poison in the body --is still there, and eventually breaks out somewhere else, either in the form of another cancer or as some other symptom. The procedure of Natural Healing, on the other hand, is to cleanse the body of its obstruction, its poison, thereby relieving the symptom or pain by removing the cause. Nothing could be more simple. Orthodox medical treatment, by filling the systems with drugs, serums, etc., only adds to the obstructions of the body and the eventual dis-ease. Illnesses are what save our lives; they are healing crises. If allowed to progress unhindered, they remove obstruction and poison from the body. If we didn't have them, if our tissues did not discharge their waste into the bloodstream and thus out of the system now and then, the accumulated impurities and poisons would suffocate the tissues unto death. We would be smothered in our own poisons. Therein lies the only danger when acute disease strikes-interfering with the elimination by the use of drugs, etc., or by stuffing with food under the false impression that nourishment is necessary. That is why people die of acute illnesses. Because Nature's tremendous effort to cleanse the body is violently interrupted. For there is but one disease, and only by treating that disease by ridding the body of accumulated filth and poison, and not by suppressing the symptom, can real lasting health be secured. " So to answer your questions. When people have a cold they tend to focus on those around them that also have it. They don't focus on those who don't. For example three of my staff had colds at the same time in December. One of them said to me , yep its that bug going around and everybody is catching it. When I pointed that not only I didn't " catch " it but all the rest of my staff didn't have it either, I ask her to explain why we didn't " catch " it also. She had no explanation and said she had to get back to work. When there is a so-called outbreak of something in a school, everyone focuses on the sick, no one takes a head count of how many didn't " catch " whatever it was they had. It is easy to prove that germs are not the cause of disease. When you ask the average person why they have a cold and those who live with them or work with them do not. They are quick to say that the persons who didn't " catch " the cold had a strong immune system. Well there you are, if the germ caused the disease, no one would be free from not being invaded and made sick. So its obvious that the cause of the cold or illness is not the germ but the weak immune system. Actually the weak immune system is just the symptom of the real cause. What made the immune system weak.. Determine that and you have your cause.  You will hear all type of answers, smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise, accidents which cause physical injury, worry and fear, drugs and chemicals, to much sugar, Stress, I am sure you can add some of your own. If germs that are in the air water, trees, money,and everywhere really caused disease, none of us would be here today. To answer your question, high toxin levels are a stretch, lets take this example. We will take one million people in Chicago. 100,000 or 10 per cent or one in ten all have a cold at the same time. If people like Bragg are correct, why would it be unreasonable not to believe in toxemia as the cause of their ailment. They all eat basically the same Standard American Diet (SAD). They pretty much are average people who most think the same way and live the same habits. The question would be why didn't the other 900,000 " catch the cold at the same time? Now we have to classify those who do hard labor work from those who sit in an office, those who work out at the gym and those who don;t, those who eat a fairly decent diet from those who live on fast food, those who run scared in life and worry is their constant companion and those who are confident and have faith in their selves. I could go on but I think these examples will make my point. The toxins build up in people at different rates. When one group of people are sick another group is building toward the point of elimination(colds) at their rate. That is called the law of averages. It is the same numbers game that the CDC uses to predict how many will get the flu or other diseases at a given time.. The only diseases I know that are caused by germs and virus are the ones the vaccine makers use when they grind up dead, diseased animal parts and inject them directly into the bloodstream. I have already been long in my answer, but wanted to say enough for you to get a basic understanding of the toxemia theory, but as for the plague, I would recommend reading up on the history of food, filth, and sanitary measures at the time when there was such an ailment. I hope this at least gives you some understanding of toxemia. There are lots of books that will explain the entire philosophy. Jim ________________________________ From: Deborah Ellard <claudycat10@...> Vaccinations Sent: Saturday, February 7, 2009 5:28:13 AM Subject: A question? I keep reading in here and in other places that it is the body that is diseased and therefore when it becomes ill it is expelling the toxins..  My question is, if this is so, how then do whole members of the same family come down with a disease at the same time? Or how do lots of members of a school come down with chickenpox at the same time? its a bit of a stretch to think that they all got high toxin levels and came out with the same disease at the same time.  Take for example the plague, how did this work?  I would be grateful if someone could explain this to me.  Thank you in antcipation. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 7, 2009 Report Share Posted February 7, 2009 It probably illustrates how far we have collectively strayed from the fuel that best benefits us. As far as the Spanish Flu goes - it followed on the heels of large scale vaccination, both smallpox and I believe tetanus was being used among returning troops. Could be wrong there. Another factor is stress - it is amazing how people manage to just keep going when under duress, and on rationed calories in the UK, NZ, Australia, then at the end of war or whatever the threat to the community, disease sweeps through. I notice it, on a small scale, in a friend who works long and hard all week and spends her day off in bed, absolutely ill and spent, until Monday morning when she climbs on the treadmill again, bright and cheerful. She is overweight yet bulimic. Plague was and still is a matter of hygiene via rats and fleas. Cholera - dirty water from a contaminated source - see the history on 's site, typhus lack of hygiene via lice. Most families eat the same sort of food, and thus suffer similar diseases. It might manifest in different ways as degenerative diseases as they age - some have heart disease, others get cancer and others suffer from arthritis.. Illness seems to seek the weakest point. See The Health Revolution By Ross Horne  What I often wonder is why some in a family of KFC and McD munchers never get sick. the answer might lie herein: I do notice that the Ministry of Sickness has a different idea of health to me. A young rugby player was described as fit and healthy when they were trying to frighten us into vaccinating against meningitis. However, within 24 hours of a game in which he starred, he was fighting a losing battle for his life. What happened was, he was ignorant of the best way of recovering after extreme exercise. He spent the evening in the cigarette smoke-filled clubrooms, drank lots of beer and ate junk food and went to bed very late. It was dishonest for them to use him as an example of the " healthy " being at risk from meningitis. Another way of looking at it might be to find out what the various culture media are that are used in laboratories for growing bacteria and fungi, and avoid any of the substances used in them or in those particular ratios, as they are produced to specifically encourage bacterial/fungal growth. You can be sure that fresh fruit and vegetables are not on their menu! Other factors, parents may be working long hours under unhealthy artificial light. Children may be couch potatoes. I notice the farmers in the family, men & women, live longer and remain active (outdoors) after retirement, especially those who switched to organic methods over 40 years ago. I don't think it's a bit of a stretch because there are few people who follow this regimen - I believe these are the factors that promote health: High quality fresh raw food Exercise, whether work or play Fresh clean air Clean water SUNSHINE - not shouting, just emphasising because that Sickness Ministry keeps telling   us to keep out of the sun.. Good quality sleep Some form of spiritual nourishment I have noticed that about 80% of new military recruits will get sick with measles or mumps or whatever. Stress of leaving home, excitement or fear of the unknown are both stressful, different diet, often mass-produced and lengthy heating, foetid air in dormitories, multiple vaccinations, extreme physical fatigue and less sleep than is necessary to fully recover, sometimes physical abuse masquerading as leadership and discipline and I know for sure that cortisol levels soar just before deployment - their bloodwork does not conceal it - whether or not their destination is a war zone! Even if it is just for exercises there is always the fear of letting ones peers down or otherwise failing.  I prefer to avoid certain " benefits " of human progress, like cell phones and microwaves and high fructose corn syrup, and most processed or packaged food but I have been known to over-indulge in the darkest fair trade chocolate - does it count as spiritual nourishment? It surely has lifted my spirits sometimes! Apologies for long-windedness! Maracuja Deborah wrote: I keep reading in here and in other places that it is the body that is diseased and therefore when it becomes ill it is expelling the toxins.  My question is, if this is so, how then do whole members of the same family come down with a disease at the same time? Or how do lots of members of a school come down with chickenpox at the same time? its a bit of a stretch to think that they all got high toxin levels and came out with the same disease at the same time.  Take for example the plague, how did this work?  I would be grateful if someone could explain this to me.  Thank you in antcipation. __. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2009 Report Share Posted February 12, 2009 Jim, sorry I took so long to get to this post. It is just the best. Thanks so much and I will really want to quote it often and loudly, elsewhere, if it is OK with you. Attributed to you or not, whichever you prefer, but always as a quote. Fantastic! Don't know what is happening to posts, but just in case this doesn't make it, apologies for also sending it offlist. Mara From: Jim O <jimokelly@...> Subject: Re: A question? Vaccinations Date: Saturday, February 7, 2009, 12:06 PM Let me give you a few quotes, from one of Bragg's book. Why are we so degenerated? Simply because we have loaded our systems with too much matter in the form of cooked, prepared, devitalized, artificial foodstuffs. And that this soft, heavy, slimy mush( such as is formed from all articles of food made of flour when mixed with moisture in the body) is only a burden on all the organs of elimination- -in fact can hardly be gotten rid of at all by the system. And when we think that in addition to being so disastrously reduced in bulk and robbed of its coarse laxative parts, our food has also been deprived of vital mineral salts and vitamins; that it has been refined, chemicalized, devitalized, demineralized, artificially colored and flavored, until it is practically nothing more than dead, useless inorganic matter, no more nutritious than crushed stone would be; when we consider that we live on foodless foods, is there any doubt as to the cause of disease in the human body? How can we expect to build LIFE on dead food? Diet is the main thing, because food, in the last analysis, is the ultimate cause of our dis-ease. In the Medica Curricula some four hundred diseases are listed according to name. In reality there are four hundred (and more ) symptoms, but only one disease. It is a symptom or group of symptoms, to which the medical name is given. There is only one disease manifesting itself in innumerable different kinds of pains, aches, distresses and annoyances. The name of the disease merely indicates the LOCATION of the pain or distress. The manifestation, the symptom which we FEEL is not the disease. It is only a warning, a danger signal, that disease is present. The process of absorption is what is called digestion. The matter taken up by the blood stream in digestion is carried by 200 miles or more of tiny hair-like capillaries to the various cells and tissues of the body and there deposited. A very small portion of this deposit is burned up for energy. The great balance remains, causing congestion and usurping the place of oxygen, which is our life. It is this fact that is not understood: That only a part of the food matter brought by the blood stream to the different cells and tissues is used for the needs of living--that the remainder is stored in the various tissues and organs of the body, there forming the basis of disease. In this accumulating deposit of dead matter throughout the system germs breed, putrefaction, fermentation and the rotting take place, pus, mucus, poison encumbrances form and it is thus that we have disease. This poison, filth, obstruction in the body, and not the much berated germ, is in realty what we suffer from in illness. Colds, boils, skin eruptions, etc., are all efforts of Nature to throw off this unwanted poisonous matter--they are Healing Crises. What we call colds, asthma, influenza, high blood pressure, and so on down the endless list, are not different diseases in reality, but only different manifestations, different symptoms of the one disease, which is simply Poison, or in other words, Obstruction in the body. There is no so-called " disease, " no physical disability, with which pus or mucus is not associated. This foreign matter, this obstruction, is to be found in every case of " disease. " It is the disease. How else can this mucus that is present be explained? The germs certainly do not manufacture it, and if they do, out of what? Do germs work in living tissue? No, indeed. Germs breed and ferment only in dead, foul, rotting matter. Our disease comes first; the germs follow the disease. They are the scavengers. We would never have any trouble from germs if we did not present a proper bed for them to work in. The germs do not cause our disease; they only take advantage of the breeding place of filth which we provide. It is the filth, and not the germ, which is the disease. This is where the error arises in orthodox medical treatment. medicine treats the local agitation, the symptom, as though it were the disease and directs all efforts toward getting rid of it, regardless. If a certain drug is found to banish a pain, this drug is administered; the pain ceases, and the patient is considered cured. But is he? Cured of the pain, (temporarily ) yes, cured of the symptom but not the disease. The disease, the poison in his system, is still in him, and if his constitution is strong enough, Nature institutes another healing crisis later to get rid of it. Drugs only paralyze Nature's healing force, deaden the nerves so that the brain ceases to feel the pain. The disease remains, unaffected. If the cancer is cut out, that particular symptom is cured. But the disease(cause) poison in the body --is still there, and eventually breaks out somewhere else, either in the form of another cancer or as some other symptom. The procedure of Natural Healing, on the other hand, is to cleanse the body of its obstruction, its poison, thereby relieving the symptom or pain by removing the cause. Nothing could be more simple. Orthodox medical treatment, by filling the systems with drugs, serums, etc., only adds to the obstructions of the body and the eventual dis-ease. Illnesses are what save our lives; they are healing crises. If allowed to progress unhindered, they remove obstruction and poison from the body. If we didn't have them, if our tissues did not discharge their waste into the bloodstream and thus out of the system now and then, the accumulated impurities and poisons would suffocate the tissues unto death. We would be smothered in our own poisons. Therein lies the only danger when acute disease strikes-interfering with the elimination by the use of drugs, etc., or by stuffing with food under the false impression that nourishment is necessary. That is why people die of acute illnesses. Because Nature's tremendous effort to cleanse the body is violently interrupted. For there is but one disease, and only by treating that disease by ridding the body of accumulated filth and poison, and not by suppressing the symptom, can real lasting health be secured. " So to answer your questions. When people have a cold they tend to focus on those around them that also have it. They don't focus on those who don't. For example three of my staff had colds at the same time in December. One of them said to me , yep its that bug going around and everybody is catching it. When I pointed that not only I didn't " catch " it but all the rest of my staff didn't have it either, I ask her to explain why we didn't " catch " it also. She had no explanation and said she had to get back to work. When there is a so-called outbreak of something in a school, everyone focuses on the sick, no one takes a head count of how many didn't " catch " whatever it was they had. It is easy to prove that germs are not the cause of disease. When you ask the average person why they have a cold and those who live with them or work with them do not. They are quick to say that the persons who didn't " catch " the cold had a strong immune system. Well there you are, if the germ caused the disease, no one would be free from not being invaded and made sick. So its obvious that the cause of the cold or illness is not the germ but the weak immune system. Actually the weak immune system is just the symptom of the real cause. What made the immune system weak.. Determine that and you have your cause.  You will hear all type of answers, smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise, accidents which cause physical injury, worry and fear, drugs and chemicals, to much sugar, Stress, I am sure you can add some of your own. If germs that are in the air water, trees, money,and everywhere really caused disease, none of us would be here today. To answer your question, high toxin levels are a stretch, lets take this example. We will take one million people in Chicago. 100,000 or 10 per cent or one in ten all have a cold at the same time. If people like Bragg are correct, why would it be unreasonable not to believe in toxemia as the cause of their ailment. They all eat basically the same Standard American Diet (SAD). They pretty much are average people who most think the same way and live the same habits. The question would be why didn't the other 900,000 " catch the cold at the same time? Now we have to classify those who do hard labor work from those who sit in an office, those who work out at the gym and those who don;t, those who eat a fairly decent diet from those who live on fast food, those who run scared in life and worry is their constant companion and those who are confident and have faith in their selves. I could go on but I think these examples will make my point. The toxins build up in people at different rates. When one group of people are sick another group is building toward the point of elimination( colds) at their rate.. That is called the law of averages. It is the same numbers game that the CDC uses to predict how many will get the flu or other diseases at a given time.. The only diseases I know that are caused by germs and virus are the ones the vaccine makers use when they grind up dead, diseased animal parts and inject them directly into the bloodstream. I have already been long in my answer, but wanted to say enough for you to get a basic understanding of the toxemia theory, but as for the plague, I would recommend reading up on the history of food, filth, and sanitary measures at the time when there was such an ailment. I hope this at least gives you some understanding of toxemia. There are lots of books that will explain the entire philosophy. Jim ____________ _________ _________ __ From: Deborah Ellard <claudycat10> Vaccinations Sent: Saturday, February 7, 2009 5:28:13 AM Subject: A question? I keep reading in here and in other places that it is the body that is diseased and therefore when it becomes ill it is expelling the toxins..  My question is, if this is so, how then do whole members of the same family come down with a disease at the same time? Or how do lots of members of a school come down with chickenpox at the same time? its a bit of a stretch to think that they all got high toxin levels and came out with the same disease at the same time.  Take for example the plague, how did this work?  I would be grateful if someone could explain this to me.  Thank you in antcipation. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 2, 2009 Report Share Posted October 2, 2009 Hello group, To start with, I love this group and have found it very helpful. My question is: I am reading about a lot of non-verbal 5,6,7 years old in this group. Are all these non-verbal children have just apraxia or do they have autism as well? And, what exactly does one mean by non-verbal? My son is 2 years and 8 months and has verbal apraxia. Six months ago, I would have said my son was non-verbal, he only had about a handful or so of words and only really used them if you asked him to say them. Now he can repeat or will try to repeat anything I ask him. He uses about 35 or so words on his own all day long. He can put 2 words together, example " all done " " want that " " thank you mama " . So now I would not say he is not non-verbal anymore but he is still a good year or more behind in his talking and in my view speaks like a 15 to 18 month old. He does get speech 5x a week and I think that has made a HUGE difference. So, am I fooling myself into to thinking my son is verbal when really at his age because and he still has so few words, he really is still non-verbal? Or do these 5,6 and 7 years really completely non-verbal and is that because they has autism on top of apraxia? Thank you so much Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 4, 2009 Report Share Posted October 4, 2009 Our son is almost 12 and has no words. He is not autistic, though. It's a good sign that your child can repeat and will try to repeat. This is where the Communicating Partners method would come in handy. Check out the website: (Be sure to put the " d " in there or you will end up at some strange website). Dr.Mac basically teaches a method to help late talkers learn to imitate, turn-taking in conversation and play. It's a simple method and so good. > > Hello group, > > To start with, I love this group and have found it very helpful. > > My question is: I am reading about a lot of non-verbal 5,6,7 years old in this group. Are all these non-verbal children have just apraxia or do they have autism as well? And, what exactly does one mean by non-verbal? My son is 2 years and 8 months and has verbal apraxia. Six months ago, I would have said my son was non-verbal, he only had about a handful or so of words and only really used them if you asked him to say them. Now he can repeat or will try to repeat anything I ask him. He uses about 35 or so words on his own all day long. He can put 2 words together, example " all done " " want that " " thank you mama " . So now I would not say he is not non-verbal anymore but he is still a good year or more behind in his talking and in my view speaks like a 15 to 18 month old. He does get speech 5x a week and I think that has made a HUGE difference. So, am I fooling myself into to thinking my son is verbal when really at his age because and he still has so few > words, he really is still non-verbal? Or do these 5,6 and 7 years really completely non-verbal and is that because they has autism on top of apraxia? > > Thank you so much > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 4, 2009 Report Share Posted October 4, 2009 , I went to this website but did not find information about Communication Partners " . Any suggestions? > > This is where the Communicating Partners method would come in handy. Check out the website: (Be sure to put the " d " in there or you will end up at some strange website). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 5, 2009 Report Share Posted October 5, 2009 My notes say .com but I googled " communicating partners " and see it is .org. So the correct address is Sorry for the mistake! > > > > This is where the Communicating Partners method would come in handy. Check out the website: (Be sure to put the " d " in there or you will end up at some strange website). > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 5, 2009 Report Share Posted October 5, 2009 miche, besides therapy did� you use any supplementation that might of helped your sons progress? � thanks From: Grassia <miche37@...> Subject: Re: [ ] A question? Date: Friday, October 2, 2009, 3:40 PM There are kids with severe apraxia who are non-verbal and do not have autism. My son was what I call functionally non-verbal at age 4. He had under 100 words (if you counted animal sounds) that he used rarely. He didn't put two words together. He was misdiagnosed with autism at age 2.5 and had been treated for autism with no progress. At age 4 we stopped autism treatments and started ones directed at apraxia and he made slow and steady progress. He made words and sounds so he wasn't technically non-verbal, but he wasn't really speaking. He didn't speak because he could not motor plan the sounds together. Even the words he had he would say about 6 different ways. Thank you was " da do " , " tay too " , etc. He couldn't repeat the same word the same way twice in a row. He could make some sounds in isolation, but could not say VCV patterns of sounds like " ahh - mmm- ahh " It would just jarble or come out as completely different sounds. ! Miche Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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