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food sensitivities and apraxia

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Hi.  I have two children with speech apraxia.  My son just turned three.  He has

moderate to severe apraxia with hypotonia through his trunk/face/tongue.  He

also has some mild sensory integration issues (mostly vestibular) and his fine

motor skills are behind due to the hypotonia.  My daughter is 19 months old and

is showing the signs of apraxia (a lot of groping with her mouth and inability

to make the sounds -- such as animal noises).  Both are and have been receiving

lots of speech (Prompt, oral motor and otherwise). My son has also been

receiving OT and my daughter will be starting soon because she also is having

some vestibular issues without any fine motor problems. 

We tested my son for food sensitivities (he also has eczema -- not bad, but

noticable -- worse in the winter) in June.  We used a company called ImuPro. 

The results showed that he has a LOT of food sensitivities so we took all of

those out of the kids' diets.  Mostly ALL grains except for corn and rice, eggs,

and we limited milk products and removed milk completely (which had a lower

sensitivity rating).  We also had him tested for true allergies (skin testing)

and a blood test which showed no issues.  He tested negative for celiac too.  WE

HAVE SEEN NO CHANGE, unfortunately, WITH HIS SPEECH... We have also done

something called Bioset to clear his food sensitivities.  (done by an

acupuncturist)  At this point, we are hoping to reintroduce the supposed

" culprits " back to their diets because we haven't seen the change we were hoping

to see (speech output)... was hoping for a miracle.  We also have been on Nordic

Naturals for over a year (son

gets 1/2 tablespoon but has had more in the past without any change and my

daughter gets 1 tsp. daily)  The only significant labs that show any commonality

to others with apraxia is low vitamin D (my son) and low ferritan levels (both


Would I discourage anyone from checking " under every rock " to find answers?  No,

I think you should try to see what happens.  We just didn't get the answers we

were hoping for.

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Hi !

I also have removed all of my son's food sensitivities and find it hasn't made a

difference. My son also has gotten fish oil since birth. He takes the correct

dosage of EPA, GLA, DHA and 25 other supplements.

Hmmm...has anything made a difference? No, not really.

would I do it all over again? yes. It can help to eliminate foods the child is

sensitive to, but not really in our situation. We still are gluten free, dairy

free, corn free, egg white free, soy free and nut free. aaahg.

We will do our first CranioSacral therapy this weekend and will do it every

week...I hope something happens with that.

We have turned to chelation of heavy metals at last resort...there is plenty of

documented reports saying how some can be burdened with heavy metals. I have

experience with chelation- from it helping my older son, who is 8 now. It made

all his sensory issues disappear when he was a preschooler- in a few months! We

worked with Dr. Neubrander then. It was great!

If you look at this link even, there is little difference between the mercury

toxic section and the autistic section (apraxia, dyspraxia, dyslexia and things

in my kids, no autism with us).


We will chelate toxins until his apraxia and all sensory issues are gone.

I wish my child would speak with just fish oils. He can't, we have to go a step

further(since birth and when I was pregnant- he has been on fish oils!)



> Hi.  I have two children with speech apraxia.  My son just turned three.  He

has moderate to severe apraxia with hypotonia through his trunk/face/tongue.  He

also has some mild sensory integration issues (mostly vestibular) and his fine

motor skills are behind due to the hypotonia.  My daughter is 19 months old and

is showing the signs of apraxia (a lot of groping with her mouth and inability

to make the sounds -- such as animal noises).  Both are and have been receiving

lots of speech (Prompt, oral motor and otherwise). My son has also been

receiving OT and my daughter will be starting soon because she also is having

some vestibular issues without any fine motor problems. 

> We tested my son for food sensitivities (he also has eczema -- not bad, but

noticable -- worse in the winter) in June.  We used a company called ImuPro. 

The results showed that he has a LOT of food sensitivities so we took all of

those out of the kids' diets.  Mostly ALL grains except for corn and rice, eggs,

and we limited milk products and removed milk completely (which had a lower

sensitivity rating).  We also had him tested for true allergies (skin testing)

and a blood test which showed no issues.  He tested negative for celiac too.  WE

HAVE SEEN NO CHANGE, unfortunately, WITH HIS SPEECH... We have also done

something called Bioset to clear his food sensitivities.  (done by an

acupuncturist)  At this point, we are hoping to reintroduce the supposed

" culprits " back to their diets because we haven't seen the change we were hoping

to see (speech output)... was hoping for a miracle.  We also have been on Nordic

Naturals for over a year (son

> gets 1/2 tablespoon but has had more in the past without any change and my

daughter gets 1 tsp. daily)  The only significant labs that show any commonality

to others with apraxia is low vitamin D (my son) and low ferritan levels (both


> Would I discourage anyone from checking " under every rock " to find

answers?  No, I think you should try to see what happens.  We just didn't get

the answers we were hoping for.






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It is NOT that simple for all kids unfortunately. The diet supplements have

worked miracles for us, and especially the B12 shots have helped speech

immensely because she had severe deficviency as do most of those who have a

leaky gut/food intolerances etc.. we too have been on fish oil since birth and

it did not seem to help until we added the carnitine and the E among other

things. Sot it all started coming together after the B12 shots, the diet (GF, CF

soy F corn F egg F etc) and my daughter also showed no reaction on the skin

tests which surprised the allergist becuse she has obvious skin autoimmune

disorders which should have registered at least some allergies. they didn't

because her immune system is underresponsive which is the case with these kids

who do not have immediate allergic responses.  Her IGa was rather low, but not

alarmingly so--which lead the allergist to conclude that it is beyond his

capabilities to interpret and recommended a

metabolic specialist to do further testing.  And because having her back on

gluten/casein corn/soy etc gave her such a severe behavioral regression and

emotional upset --she was impossible to deal with --regressed back to where she

had been a year ago when she refused to comply and got stuck in negative

emotional patterns we could not pull her out of---attention parents with ADD and

other negative emotional reactions and behaviors--they can and are most often

related to diet and nutritional deficiencies, but every child is different, it

is not as simple as giving fish oil and vitamins or changing the diet, a very

thorough investigation and a trial and error protocol must be implemented and it

will not be the same even for siblings.

Anyway, the point is every child is different depending on toxic exposure,

duration, amounts, timing--in utero vs after birth  (thankfully we did not

vaccinate since her great grand mother had had a very negative reaction to a flu

vaccine that left her disabled neurologically and physically for life--but my

6-7 amalgam filling of which 2 were inappropriately removed right before

conception were enough to poison her system even before birth and to trigger

metabolic and genetic issues that would have otherwise remained dormant) --and

all of these are cumulative--toxicity--especially heavy metals lead to metabolic

disruptions which can be mild in some kids--just soem fatty acid malabsorptions

which is what all those who respond well to fiush oil have, but others need much

more than fish oil. my daughter responded best to carnitine, vitamin E--which

help with fatty acid absorption at cellular levels and we too are about to start

low dose safe AC chelation

protocol since we to have identified mercury toxicity in utero as the main

source of toxicity which lead to oxidative stress and metabolic disruptions

which lead to further oxidative stress as enzyme production and other chemical

reactions and nutrients that are supposed to reach the brain and help with

development are not present.  To further add to the metabolic/immune and

neurological problems are the opportunistic infections that invade once the

immune system is overburdened by toxicity and metabolic insults --and these

include viruses, bacteria and parasites (the microscopic kind and we are now on

round two as these kids with leaky guts keep accumulating them much easier than

the normal population and without obvious digestive symptoms)

 The diet/supplements have worked wonders for her, but it is not a life long

solution unfortunately, it is just an in the meantime until we can figure out

the mercury and hopefully get read of it gradually.  Chelation does not ahve to

be dangerous, it can be done safely if you respect the basic chemistry rules and

follow the AC  protocol which unfortunately even DAN doctors do not do, but

that's another story)

I advise parents to not get discouraged if their child is not among the easy

give the fish oil and watch the speech come in category.

There is a lot of hope for our neurologically injured kids, it does not have to

be permanent and they can recover but we have to be actively seeking the answers

and try to find medicla professionals who are trained to work with this epidemic

of neurological disorders and learning disabilities--one in 6 children has a

learning disorder--speech and/or behavioral and it is most alarming that

mainstream medicine is only recommending harsh drugs that further damage their

brain and do NOT address the real underlying causes of their disorders.

You will find that most kids with apraxia do have soem food issues,

gluten/casein most common but also other grains and often just about everything

they eat while the leaky gut remains untreated. later the secondary intolerances

can be eliminated but the gluten casein ones tend to remain for life or at lest

until what triggered them--what caused the enzymes to malfunction is

removed--usually the removal of the toxicity--the heavy metals with mercury

leading the causes of these problems.

Look around in your family and you will find others with food intolernaces

autoimmune problems and learning disorders speech, dislexia, auditory,

behavioral or downright pathological such as bi-polar and schizophrenia as was

the case of our relative (great-grandmother) who developed this neurological

condition after the flu shot which contained among other toxins--mercury--live

viruses injected directly into the blood stream and who knows what other

bacteria and viruses as these vaccines are cultured on eiter egg cells or animal

cells and can never be completly sterile and cleaned out of viruses and

bacteria.--that's why the mercury is added biut even that is not enough. Viruses

and bacteria adapt,, they cannot be destroyed that easily, but a developing or

more vulnerable body and immune system can gradually be destroyed by cumulative

toxic exposures.

So every child will have a different path in recovery and healing, not two kids

will have the exact same needs and protocol, it is all trial and error based on

the experience we have with others in the same category but thre are always

variations so do not get discouraged. Find a good biomedically trained doctor to

work with and keep an open mind and be prepared to work hard at it with your

child just like you do with the therapies and school and everything else--the

biomedical interventions are a discovery process--look up other apraxia groups

that use biomedical treatments to heal their children, get in touch with those

parents and educate yourselves about all the possibilities and you will be able

to see progress.  There is a lot of hope, but not if you sit back and wait for

clinical trials that will never happen since all of these are drive strictly by

profits in the pharmaceutical industry and neurological/metabolic/immune system

disorders do not

respond to more chemicals--they respond to eliminating what does not belong in

the body--toxins (chemicals and foods included) viruses, bacteria and

parasites--we've had all of these-- and also to the supplementation of waht is

missing--until the body is healed enough by the removal of toxins to begin to

recover on its own and not need the supplementation once the absorptions and

normal reactions return.  The gut brain connection is huge, there is so much

neuroscience and microbiology research out there, but clinical practice takes

its guidelines directly from Big Pharma and it will take decades if not longer

for them to catch up--if they ever will. biomedicine is the future of medicine

make no mistake, but it will take a long time for Big Pharma to release its grip

on mainstream medicine and even though Harvard medical students and other

medical student are revolting against the influence teh pharmaceutical Industry

has on their curicula and training

--they are basically taught only to dispense drugs, not to heal or understand

and work with the patient to recover lost functions--they only administer drugs

which mask symptoms.

Anyway, good luck to all but do keep and open mind and learn as much as you can

about your child's disorder and neurological disorders in general and how the

toxicity and gut problems play into it. Yout children depend on you and the

mainstream doctors have long missed the boat on this one and even biomedicla

ones cannot know it all--it really is up to us to learn stay informed and

observe and make the best treatment choices for our neurologiclaly and

metabolically damaged kids. All the best,


From: lucy4gets <lucy2max@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: food sensitivities and apraxia

Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2009, 6:44 PM

Hi !

I also have removed all of my son's food sensitivities and find it hasn't made a

difference. My son also has gotten fish oil since birth. He takes the correct

dosage of EPA, GLA, DHA and 25 other supplements.

Hmmm...has anything made a difference? No, not really.

would I do it all over again? yes. It can help to eliminate foods the child is

sensitive to, but not really in our situation. We still are gluten free, dairy

free, corn free, egg white free, soy free and nut free. aaahg.

We will do our first CranioSacral therapy this weekend and will do it every

week...I hope something happens with that.

We have turned to chelation of heavy metals at last resort...there is plenty of

documented reports saying how some can be burdened with heavy metals. I have

experience with chelation- from it helping my older son, who is 8 now. It made

all his sensory issues disappear when he was a preschooler- in a few months! We

worked with Dr. Neubrander then. It was great!

If you look at this link even, there is little difference between the mercury

toxic section and the autistic section (apraxia, dyspraxia, dyslexia and things

in my kids, no autism with us).


We will chelate toxins until his apraxia and all sensory issues are gone.

I wish my child would speak with just fish oils. He can't, we have to go a step

further(since birth and when I was pregnant- he has been on fish oils!)



> Hi.  I have two children with speech apraxia.  My son just turned three.  He

has moderate to severe apraxia with hypotonia through his trunk/face/tongue.  He

also has some mild sensory integration issues (mostly vestibular) and his fine

motor skills are behind due to the hypotonia.  My daughter is 19 months old and

is showing the signs of apraxia (a lot of groping with her mouth and inability

to make the sounds -- such as animal noises).  Both are and have been receiving

lots of speech (Prompt, oral motor and otherwise). My son has also been

receiving OT and my daughter will be starting soon because she also is having

some vestibular issues without any fine motor problems. 

> We tested my son for food sensitivities (he also has eczema -- not bad, but

noticable -- worse in the winter) in June.  We used a company called ImuPro. 

The results showed that he has a LOT of food sensitivities so we took all of

those out of the kids' diets.  Mostly ALL grains except for corn and rice, eggs,

and we limited milk products and removed milk completely (which had a lower

sensitivity rating).  We also had him tested for true allergies (skin testing)

and a blood test which showed no issues.  He tested negative for celiac too.  WE

HAVE SEEN NO CHANGE, unfortunately, WITH HIS SPEECH... We have also done

something called Bioset to clear his food sensitivities.  (done by an

acupuncturist)  At this point, we are hoping to reintroduce the supposed

" culprits " back to their diets because we haven't seen the change we were hoping

to see (speech output)... was hoping for a miracle.  We also have been on Nordic

Naturals for over a year (son

>  gets 1/2 tablespoon but has had more in the past without any change and my

daughter gets 1 tsp. daily)  The only significant labs that show any commonality

to others with apraxia is low vitamin D (my son) and low ferritan levels (both


> Would I discourage anyone from checking " under every rock " to find

answers?  No, I think you should try to see what happens.  We just didn't get

the answers we were hoping for.






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  • 2 weeks later...

We had one elevated level for Celiac and our pediatrician said no issues. We

then had him tested for gluten specifically and it came back positive. This has

been the root of all of 's neurological issues.


> Hi.  I have two children with speech apraxia.  My son just turned three.  He

has moderate to severe apraxia with hypotonia through his trunk/face/tongue.  He

also has some mild sensory integration issues (mostly vestibular) and his fine

motor skills are behind due to the hypotonia.  My daughter is 19 months old and

is showing the signs of apraxia (a lot of groping with her mouth and inability

to make the sounds -- such as animal noises).  Both are and have been receiving

lots of speech (Prompt, oral motor and otherwise). My son has also been

receiving OT and my daughter will be starting soon because she also is having

some vestibular issues without any fine motor problems. 

> We tested my son for food sensitivities (he also has eczema -- not bad, but

noticable -- worse in the winter) in June.  We used a company called ImuPro. 

The results showed that he has a LOT of food sensitivities so we took all of

those out of the kids' diets.  Mostly ALL grains except for corn and rice, eggs,

and we limited milk products and removed milk completely (which had a lower

sensitivity rating).  We also had him tested for true allergies (skin testing)

and a blood test which showed no issues.  He tested negative for celiac too.  WE

HAVE SEEN NO CHANGE, unfortunately, WITH HIS SPEECH... We have also done

something called Bioset to clear his food sensitivities.  (done by an

acupuncturist)  At this point, we are hoping to reintroduce the supposed

" culprits " back to their diets because we haven't seen the change we were hoping

to see (speech output)... was hoping for a miracle.  We also have been on Nordic

Naturals for over a year (son

> gets 1/2 tablespoon but has had more in the past without any change and my

daughter gets 1 tsp. daily)  The only significant labs that show any commonality

to others with apraxia is low vitamin D (my son) and low ferritan levels (both


> Would I discourage anyone from checking " under every rock " to find

answers?  No, I think you should try to see what happens.  We just didn't get

the answers we were hoping for.






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Yes, gluten/casein and faulty metabolic processing in other respects has been

our problem too.  However, the GFCF diet alone is not a miracle maker--it just

helps a little and prevents future neurological/autoimmune damage--which will

happen surely in those with genetic susceptibility.  I strongly urge those

questioning if diet/supplements can help to read The Gluten Effect book by Dr.

Rick and Dr. Vicky    http://thegluteneffect.com/

It is written for the lay person and guives you an ide aof what the main issues

are and why it takes on average 10-13 years for most gluten intolerant people to

be diagnosed after the onset of neurological/autoimmune problems--which in the

majority of cases DO NOT show any obvious digestive symptoms. We had none.  But

my daugghter was also as described in the previous e-mail -- severly

apraxic, low upper trunk tone, some oral motor issues too, ---fatty acid

malabsortion, low D, low feratin, low carnitine----but when tested for allergies

NOTHING showed up.  These are NOT allergies, but delayed immune responses

becuase they tend to have an underreactive immune system. The allergy tests just

aren't there to adequately test for this. Nio tests can fully capture it, there

are tests that offer data points and you need to amke sense of the multiple data

points from the tests and observations.

The diet alone helped only very little. It was adding the B12 shots --which BTW

ALL gluten intolerant people are deficient in at cellular level and this is

vital for the methylation process.  So that and the carnitine along with the

fatty acids, Co Q10 which she was also deficient in, etc etc   It's a lot of

work and you need a specialized biomedicaly trained pediatrician to help you

make sense of it all and interpret test results. 

With the profile described I would be very surprised if her child did not

have gluten intiolernace. I urge you to not give up on this too soon just

because the diet alone did not produce the miracle cure you expected. When the

gut is leaky and there are by now severe neurological issues such as apraxia and

low tone etc.  the diet can only help prevent future damage but to repair the

existing brain damage and autoimmune damage you need more interventions and

possibly an even more individualized diet until the gut lining normalizes and

this itself can take a year or more of avoidance of offending foods and good

probiotics and possibly digestive enzymes and of course the supplements to help

provide the missing nutrients vital for brain function. 

My daughter woukld not be speaking in multiple word sentences, fully integrated

in a regualr kindergarten class and paying attention well, interacting well with

her peers, and being able to ask questions and answer them and carry out almost

normal conversations without all these interventions. Also her overall health

has improved and she was fairly healthy to begin with, but seems to be even

better now--hasn't had a cold all year, seems sharp and really with it in class

and homework and all her interactions, no more tantrums and difficult moments

out in public where she used to throw herself on the floor and scream out of

frustration.  What can I say, we have a completly different child on our hands

and without the biomedical interventions this surely would not have been

possible--we know because we had her back on regular diet for the allergy tests

for 3 weeks and all her therapists were begging us to put her back on the

special diet and supplements. 

She had regressed behaviorally and attention wise to where she had been over a

year ago when therapists just couldn''t work with her. These gluten/casein

peptides affect the brain in very harsh ways as they affect the immune system

and trigger genes that further cause chronic degenerative disorders and invite

opportunistic infections which again, further damage the body and the brain

inevitably. These are not trivial things ---food intolernaces are difficult to

diagnose and are almost always implicated in neurological disorders of unknown

etiology  (meaning not hit on the head by a truck/bullet etc) as per an article

in The British Journal of Medical Neurology.  We see this the most in the young

and the old--both the start and the end of life's spectrum because this is where

the population is the most vulnerable.  the young are developing and are

vulnerable, the old have been around for a while, accumulated more toxins and

their metabolic processing

is off and it finally catches up with them at some point ---that's why we are

seeing the Alzheimer's and Parkinson epidemics at earlier ages and so many more

of them--again it is the genetic predisposition, but the genes are triggered by

environmental factors and toxins--including foods one is or becomes intolerant

to are part of this chronic degeneraticve process. Mainstream doctors do NOT get

training in this but the neuroscience and microbiology research is all there.

Read up and help your children. It is not an easy " one drug fix all " process,

but the alternatives are tragic in some cases.  I urge everyone to really read

up and try to understand how this can possibly be a factor in their child's

neurological conditions--doctors cannot do this on their own, not with the lack

of training they've had in diet and with their complete ignorance of supplements

since they only get trained to administer and dispense drugs.  This is not about

drugs, it is

about regaining the delicate metabolic balance and only appropriate foods and

supplements can do it, but it is a highly individualized peocess and mainstream

medicine is just not up to this task--you need specialized biomedically trained

doctors--and there are more and more of them---but the training varies and you

need to find the right doctors to help you through this. There are online

apraxia biomed support groups you cna check out. If fish oil was the magic cure

for all--there'd be no more apraxia really, but it is about a lot more than

fatty acid malabsorptions for most kids--and if fish oil even remotely helps but

the child still has problems--then I urge you all to explore other dietary

/supplement interventions to help your child. The fatty acid malabsorption is

just a small piece and other nutrients are usually needed to help with the fatty

aicd issues as well--our daughter did not respond to fish oil until the B12 and

carnitine were added to

help with the methylation and the fatty acid absorption at cellular levels. And

yes, the GF/CF corn F and soy and egg F diet helped too.  There's so much to do

and learn.  if we don't do this for our children who will?!!

Good luck to all.


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Elena- doesn't it take months to get gluten back out of the system? You said you

let your daughter eat everything before the testing- how long then back on the

diet when he behave improved again?

We don't see a difference been GF/CF,and rotational corn and egg.but I will not

let him eat gluten for many of the reasons you stated.

I should completely stop the corn,soy and egg white if he muscle tested for it?




> Yes, gluten/casein and faulty metabolic processing in other respects has been

our problem too.� However, the GFCF diet alone is not a miracle maker--it just

helps a little and prevents future neurological/autoimmune damage--which will

happen surely in those with genetic susceptibility.� I strongly urge those

questioning if diet/supplements can help to read The Gluten Effect book by Dr.

Rick and Dr. Vicky �� http://thegluteneffect.com/



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Yes, Iveta, it does take a long time to get the gluten out of the system, but I

had a lot of " nonbelievers " on my back and wanted to see if the allergy test

would shut them up. it didn't, she's not allergic--she

's intolernat. but the allergist concluded that obviously the tests are not

there yet, because she does ahve autoimmune issues associated with food

intolernaces, plus of course her neurological problems, and that if her behavior

regressed so much on gluten/casein, than this is the best measure of the

negative effects gluten has on these delayed immune responders. And her Iga

tested rater low, so he feels she is under-responding for whatever reason and

recommended a metabolic expert, but that's more tests, more money and it's not

like ther eis a " miracle drug " to fix all this--it is a matter of eliminating

waht does not belong in the body and providing what is missing and should be

there.� We already know what the problems are. biomed is gradually resolving

them, chelation will hopefully address the root causes so she does not become a

" supplement� junkie " for the rest of her life, and her metabolic processing

can self regulate more or less once the

main culprits that are unbalancing it are removed.

As you know this is easier said than done, but well worth the effort and we'll

be embarking on that soon for both of us as we are both mercury toxic and are

suffering all the consequences of faulty metabolic processing which leads to

chronic degenerative illnesses as the immune system and endocrine system plus

neurological system are gradually run into the ground.

We are walking electrochemical laboratories, entire ecosystems if you like and

any unbalance can upset vital metabolic/immune/neurological processes.�

If you suspect corn and soy and egg to also be a problem for your child, these

offenders will continue to upset the intestinal lining and impede healing, even

if they do not have quite the same neurological effects as wheat and casein

do--although soy mimics the gluten peptides and can cause similar problems

neurologically according to some researchers, as can yeast--for the same

reasons.�� And ALLL gluten intolernat people have yeast problems since their

leaky gut invites these opportunistic infections so you understand what a

vicious cycle it all becomes if you only try to eliminate gluten and ignore some

of the other problems.�

I am not familiar with muscle testing though I've heard about it. For us the

tests have been mostly blood from Metametrix and are not to be taken literally,

but just a caution--something to be watchful of. However, we notice skin

reactions--in addition to her usual scalp psoriasis when she eats soy/corn--and

apples seem to do a number on her rashes too. it's� a slow process though, and

we may never get all of them, but these are mostly secondary intolerances that

may even clear up once the main ones are removed and the gut heals, once the

metals no longer disrupt metabolic processing.

It's a slow process like I said, but well worth the effort considering how

tragic the alternative can be. Faulty metabolic processing can lead to even more

severe issues over the course of our life span --more severe than just speech

and behavior, it can predispose us for all the chronic degnerative illnesses,

from Diabetes to Lupus, to asthma, and arthritis--but also cancers of all kinds

are more common in those with metabolic problems--so definitely NOT somethign to

ignore and hope they outgrow.� Tell me more about muscle testing.


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I have been confused about the Gluten Sensivitity or Intolerance you

describe for some time now. If you are tested and reveal a high IgA allergy to

gluten, how does that automatically mean that you have a leaky gut?

Aren't they independent issues? Just because you are allergic to gluten;

if you don't have the leaky gut, then it won't hurt you, right?

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Absolutely not. Most people are unaware of the HUGE nuerological effects of a

gluten allergy or intolerance. Search for gluten ataxia on line and you can see

what happens in the most severe cases.


> I have been confused about the Gluten Sensivitity or Intolerance you

> describe for some time now. If you are tested and reveal a high IgA allergy to

> gluten, how does that automatically mean that you have a leaky gut?

> Aren't they independent issues? Just because you are allergic to gluten;

> if you don't have the leaky gut, then it won't hurt you, right?




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I am a little confused with what you said/asked...if one has gluten allergy-

then gluten WILL hurt them, whether there is a leaky gut suspected or not. I

assume at that point one has celiac disease and the body reacts terribly and

quickly in an auto-immune response to gluten.

If the leaky gut in repaired in our son- then I believe our gluten sensitivity

will disappear. To tell you the truth- I don't know if it is the case with full

blown celiac- if the can repair and get rid of their diagnoses and will the

villis that are destroyed heal themselves?

celiac is mind-boggling to me..and even testing for it isn't so black and white

most of the time. I found this:

* Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune disorder triggered by ingestion of

gluten, a major protein in wheat, or of related proteins in other grains.

* Research into the root causes indicates that the disorder develops when a

person exposed to gluten also has a genetic susceptibility to CD and an

unusually permeable intestinal wall.

* Surprisingly, essentially the same trio�an environmental trigger, a

genetic susceptibility and a " leaky gut " �seems to underlie other autoimmune

disorders as well. This finding raises the possibility that new treatments for

CD may also ameliorate other conditions.

Ok- question is CAN WE HEAL ALL GLUTEN sensitive and celiac guts and rid of this

evil sensitivity? Many believe gluten/wheat itself is evil and just should not

be eaten....



> I have been confused about the Gluten Sensivitity or Intolerance you

> describe for some time now. If you are tested and reveal a high IgA allergy to

> gluten, how does that automatically mean that you have a leaky gut?

> Aren't they independent issues? Just because you are allergic to gluten;

> if you don't have the leaky gut, then it won't hurt you, right?




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I know all the info out there is very confusing. It is incorrect that one would

always see the symptoms in the " gut " . Sometimes the leaky gut can become a

problem noticed over time as it does more nadn more damage. We have spoken to

some kids that didn't know the discomfort wasn't normal. One 12 year old we

spoke with said she hated to eat, but didn't even realize why until she was GF.

The research shows that if you remove gluten completely all of the symptoms may

go away. Talking to many celiac adults they have said it took a long time for

everything to clear up. The largest part of the population getting diagnosed is

women over 50. Many with other autoimmune issues such as diabeties and anemia.

I don't believe they just got it, I think they didn't know they had it and as

things got worse and there has been more awareness they realized it. With my

son we are now almost 2 yrs GF and still see changes, but the initial change was

astronomical. I would check out this website and I bet if you contacted his

office the staff would help you with some questions you may have

http://www.celiaccenter.org/ It is a good site for some technical info and Dr.

Fassano is one of the leading Dr's for celiac. The leaky gut gets all of the

attention because it is a tangible symptom, but the neuro. symptoms can be huge

as well.

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