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NJCEC Conference

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Hello NJCEC Past Presenters,

Thank you for your support of NJCEC as past presenters.

Attached please find information regarding our 2010 NJCEC Conference.

We invite you to consider participating in our conference as presenters or


Please share the attached with all interested parties!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact ette Fox,

NJCEC vice president and conference co-chair (contact information in the


Hope to see you March 18th!


Lynn DeCapua

NJCEC President

Call for Poster and Workshop Presentations

2010 NJCEC Conference

Featuring Author Toby Karten

Planning for Inclusion Successes

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Georgian Court University

900 Lakewood Avenue

Lakewood, NJ 08701

Directions available at www.georgian.edu

Deadline for proposal submission: December 15, 2009

Workshop/Paper Presentation

Paper presentations and workshop format offers presenters the opportunity to

share information with larger groups. A 60 minute breakout session will

follow our keynote speaker. Topics should address the current needs of

students with special needs, particularly in inclusive settings. Technology

(laptop, projector, screen) will be provided in each room, upon request.

Poster Presentation

Poster presentation is an effective format for sharing professional

information. Presentation in this format provides opportunities for maximum

interaction between presenters and poster visitors. We are looking for

poster presentations that address the challenges faced by special education

and general education teachers in the field today

Each poster will be provided a 6 foot banquet table. Presenters are asked to

bring a self-standing, tri-fold display board and handouts. The poster

should include the session title and presenter name(s). Presenters are

asked to remain with their poster for the duration of the session.

Please note: All applicants will by notified by January 15, 2010

Accepted presenters must register by February 15, 2010

Please email or send completed proposal submissions to:

ette Fox

E-mail: paulettefox12@...

2010 NJCEC Conference

Proposal Coversheet

Deadline: December 15, 2009

Contact Person ____________ __________________ _______

Position: ___________________________ __________ _____

E-mail Address:_______________________ __________ ____

Address: _____________________ ________________ _ ___

Phone: ________________________________ _______ ____

*Technology Requests: _______________________________


Co-presenters: (Names and Positions)


Title of Presentation: _______________________________

____ _

Format: (please circle one) Poster Workshop/Paper

Brief description: ____________________________________

Please note: All applicants will by notified by January 15, 2010

Accepted presenters must register by February 15, 2010

Council for exceptional childrne of nj

the voice of vision and special education

2010 njcec conference

planning for inclusion successes

featuring author toby karten

thursday march 18 2010


georgian court university

900 lakewood ave, lakewood nj

directions available at www.georgian.edu

Toby is an experienced educatior who has worked in the fiield of special

education since 1976. She has been recognized by both the Council for

Exceptional Children and the New Jersey Department of Education as an

exemplary educatory, recieving two " Teacher of the Year " awards. Ms karten

has authored several books and resouced for educators incluidng " Inclusion

Strategies that Work " and More Insclusions Stategies that Work. This keynote

presentataion will explore ways to appropriately implement strategies that

help all students within inclusive classrooms succeed in school and beyond,

with accepting attitudes,teacher preparation and collaborative support


4:00pm,-5:00pm registration, vendor exhibits poster session, networking

light supper

5pm-5:30pm NJCEC awards and scholarship ceremony

5:30pm-6:30pm Toby Karten, keynote speaker, followed by book signing

6:40pm-7:30pm bearkout sessions

this event aligns with New Jersey Professional Development Content Standard

10 Prepares educators to hold high expectations for the achievement of all

students and to support their academic, social and physical development in a

safe, orderly and supportive learning environment. conference participants

will receive certificates for two hours of professional development.


Pre-registration forsm ( please photocopy form is necessary or visit



Mailing Address:_________________________

Daytime Phone:_____________________


Evening Phone:______________________

E-Mail Address___________________________

Pre-registration fees ( deadlind for pre-pregistration is March 10 2010)

CEC member $35 ( CEC Membership Number required_________________

Non-Member $50 On site Registration $50

Method of Payment ( please check one)

Check made payable to NJCEC

( Check # ______________ Purchase order ( PO # ____________

Please note that NJCEC is unable to offer refunds after march 10 2010

Accommodations Please list any special accomimodations needeea;

Please mail registration forms with payment to

MS. Chapman, 233 Lafayette Ave, Chatham, NJ 07928

973-457-2502 ( phone) 973-635-1548 ( fax) E-mail lchapman@...

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