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Speech Therapy

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Dean Stauffer wrote:


> From: " Dean Stauffer " <sandds@...>


> Hi Everyone-

> I am responding to GVanHouten. Speech Therapist? at 6 months? I have been

> asking my PT and OT about speech therapy and they both say no, not now!

> Maggie is 10 months old. I want her to have every advantage at language

> acquisition. I have also been asking about sensory integration therapy.

> Are any of you doing it? But, Yikes, should Maggie be in speech therapy?


> I have tried the tippy but she just sorta gums it. She doesn't or I

> suspect, won't hold her bottle. So, she doesn't pick up the tippy. In

> time.




> Re: straw


> From: GVanHouten <rjvh@...>


> greysean wrote:

> >

> > has such a hard time drinking and we have tried using a straw but

> > he won't even let us get it in his mouth. Anyone else have this

> > problem??? He is starting to use a regular sippy cup but won't have

> > anything to do with the ones you have to suck.

> >

> > One other thing did anyone's kids go through a screaming phase???

> > 's scream is so high pitched its like fingernails on a blackboard.


> and Tara are only going on 6 months, screches all the time, ,

> wish Tara did, she just stares at him with big eyes! She does cry over

> different things like any other baby.

> Also, Tara's speech therapist wants to start to introduce a straw to her

> soon. They are both sitting in high chairs eating 3x a day. I started to

> put a cup on the tray of their high chair at 6months with my other 2

> children, they both were off the bottle at about 16 months, I hope to do

> the same with and Tara. All the " professionals " and doctors keep

> telling me to treat her the same as my other children, so that's what

> I'll do! I realize she will take more work, that's ok.

> Gail mom to Bobby-5, Jillian-3, and Tara{Ds}5months


> ---------------------------

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It is different in every state as to what you can get. Here in Western

NY (and in many other states) speech therapy is started around the same

time as OT with infants with DS. Here they can start at one or two

weeks, figuring that the baby is healthy and home. I would suggest it

because it helps in feeding issues (even if she eats fine, helping her

eat properly, etc.).

However, if your area does not support early speech therapy, don't

stress. I bet that if we were to test all children with DS who got

speech in infancy and those who didn't (but DID recieve it when it was

proper for them to start actually speaking/communicating) we wouldn't

find a huge difference. It WILL be very important later on, most



Sara (no kids, just the list owner)

--- Dean Stauffer <sandds@...> wrote:

> From: " Dean Stauffer " <sandds@...>


> Hi Everyone-

> I am responding to GVanHouten. Speech Therapist?

> at 6 months? I have been

> asking my PT and OT about speech therapy and they

> both say no, not now!

> Maggie is 10 months old. I want her to have every

> advantage at language

> acquisition. I have also been asking about sensory

> integration therapy.

> Are any of you doing it? But, Yikes, should Maggie

> be in speech therapy?


> I have tried the tippy but she just sorta gums it.

> She doesn't or I

> suspect, won't hold her bottle. So, she doesn't

> pick up the tippy. In

> time.




> Re: straw



> From: GVanHouten <rjvh@...>


> greysean wrote:

> >

> > has such a hard time drinking and we have

> tried using a straw but

> > he won't even let us get it in his mouth. Anyone

> else have this

> > problem??? He is starting to use a regular sippy

> cup but won't have

> > anything to do with the ones you have to suck.

> >

> > One other thing did anyone's kids go through a

> screaming phase???

> > 's scream is so high pitched its like

> fingernails on a blackboard.


> and Tara are only going on 6 months,

> screches all the time, I

> wish Tara did, she just stares at him with big eyes!

> She does cry over

> different things like any other baby.

> Also, Tara's speech therapist wants to start to

> introduce a straw to her

> soon. They are both sitting in high chairs eating 3x

> a day. I started to

> put a cup on the tray of their high chair at 6months

> with my other 2

> children, they both were off the bottle at about 16

> months, I hope to do

> the same with and Tara. All the " professionals "

> and doctors keep

> telling me to treat her the same as my other

> children, so that's what

> I'll do! I realize she will take more work, that's

> ok.

> Gail mom to Bobby-5, Jillian-3, and

> Tara{Ds}5months


> ---------------------------

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Where are you from Sara. I grew up in Rochester.

I have brought up the speech twice. I know she is able to have speech but

they just say not necessary at this point.

Re: straw



> From: GVanHouten <rjvh@...>


> greysean wrote:

> >

> > has such a hard time drinking and we have

> tried using a straw but

> > he won't even let us get it in his mouth. Anyone

> else have this

> > problem??? He is starting to use a regular sippy

> cup but won't have

> > anything to do with the ones you have to suck.

> >

> > One other thing did anyone's kids go through a

> screaming phase???

> > 's scream is so high pitched its like

> fingernails on a blackboard.


> and Tara are only going on 6 months,

> screches all the time, I

> wish Tara did, she just stares at him with big eyes!

> She does cry over

> different things like any other baby.

> Also, Tara's speech therapist wants to start to

> introduce a straw to her

> soon. They are both sitting in high chairs eating 3x

> a day. I started to

> put a cup on the tray of their high chair at 6months

> with my other 2

> children, they both were off the bottle at about 16

> months, I hope to do

> the same with and Tara. All the " professionals "

> and doctors keep

> telling me to treat her the same as my other

> children, so that's what

> I'll do! I realize she will take more work, that's

> ok.

> Gail mom to Bobby-5, Jillian-3, and

> Tara{Ds}5months


> ---------------------------

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I live in Buffalo, NY. About 45 mins from Rochester! Do you ever come

and visit?? If so, we should meet!

If I were you... I'd say " LET'S GET SPEECH NOW! " Heck! It can't hurt!!



--- Dean Stauffer <sandds@...> wrote:

> From: " Dean Stauffer " <sandds@...>


> Where are you from Sara. I grew up in Rochester.


> I have brought up the speech twice. I know she is

> able to have speech but

> they just say not necessary at this point.




> Re: straw

> >

> >

> > From: GVanHouten <rjvh@...>

> >

> > greysean wrote:

> > >

> > > has such a hard time drinking and we have

> > tried using a straw but

> > > he won't even let us get it in his mouth. Anyone

> > else have this

> > > problem??? He is starting to use a regular sippy

> > cup but won't have

> > > anything to do with the ones you have to suck.

> > >

> > > One other thing did anyone's kids go through a

> > screaming phase???

> > > 's scream is so high pitched its like

> > fingernails on a blackboard.

> >

> > and Tara are only going on 6 months,

> > screches all the time, I

> > wish Tara did, she just stares at him with big

> eyes!

> > She does cry over

> > different things like any other baby.

> > Also, Tara's speech therapist wants to start to

> > introduce a straw to her

> > soon. They are both sitting in high chairs eating

> 3x

> > a day. I started to

> > put a cup on the tray of their high chair at

> 6months

> > with my other 2

> > children, they both were off the bottle at about

> 16

> > months, I hope to do

> > the same with and Tara. All the

> " professionals "

> > and doctors keep

> > telling me to treat her the same as my other

> > children, so that's what

> > I'll do! I realize she will take more work, that's

> > ok.

> > Gail mom to Bobby-5, Jillian-3, and

> > Tara{Ds}5months

> >

> > ---------------------------

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You are driving much too fast if it is only taking you 45 min. :). I

haven't been back to Roch. since our wedding-1995. My whole family is there

and as soon as I can figure out a stress free way to fly with three little

kids, I will be going.

Re: straw

> >

> >

> > From: GVanHouten <rjvh@...>

> >

> > greysean wrote:

> > >

> > > has such a hard time drinking and we have

> > tried using a straw but

> > > he won't even let us get it in his mouth. Anyone

> > else have this

> > > problem??? He is starting to use a regular sippy

> > cup but won't have

> > > anything to do with the ones you have to suck.

> > >

> > > One other thing did anyone's kids go through a

> > screaming phase???

> > > 's scream is so high pitched its like

> > fingernails on a blackboard.

> >

> > and Tara are only going on 6 months,

> > screches all the time, I

> > wish Tara did, she just stares at him with big

> eyes!

> > She does cry over

> > different things like any other baby.

> > Also, Tara's speech therapist wants to start to

> > introduce a straw to her

> > soon. They are both sitting in high chairs eating

> 3x

> > a day. I started to

> > put a cup on the tray of their high chair at

> 6months

> > with my other 2

> > children, they both were off the bottle at about

> 16

> > months, I hope to do

> > the same with and Tara. All the

> " professionals "

> > and doctors keep

> > telling me to treat her the same as my other

> > children, so that's what

> > I'll do! I realize she will take more work, that's

> > ok.

> > Gail mom to Bobby-5, Jillian-3, and

> > Tara{Ds}5months

> >

> > ---------------------------

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LOL... well, I actually live in Lockport, not Buffalo (which is closer)

but I go to school in Buffalo. :o)


--- Dean Stauffer <sandds@...> wrote:

> From: " Dean Stauffer " <sandds@...>


> Sara,

> You are driving much too fast if it is only taking

> you 45 min. :). I

> haven't been back to Roch. since our wedding-1995.

> My whole family is there

> and as soon as I can figure out a stress free way to

> fly with three little

> kids, I will be going.




> Re: straw

> > >

> > >

> > > From: GVanHouten <rjvh@...>

> > >

> > > greysean wrote:

> > > >

> > > > has such a hard time drinking and we have

> > > tried using a straw but

> > > > he won't even let us get it in his mouth.

> Anyone

> > > else have this

> > > > problem??? He is starting to use a regular

> sippy

> > > cup but won't have

> > > > anything to do with the ones you have to suck.

> > > >

> > > > One other thing did anyone's kids go through a

> > > screaming phase???

> > > > 's scream is so high pitched its like

> > > fingernails on a blackboard.

> > >

> > > and Tara are only going on 6 months,

> > > screches all the time, I

> > > wish Tara did, she just stares at him with big

> > eyes!

> > > She does cry over

> > > different things like any other baby.

> > > Also, Tara's speech therapist wants to start to

> > > introduce a straw to her

> > > soon. They are both sitting in high chairs

> eating

> > 3x

> > > a day. I started to

> > > put a cup on the tray of their high chair at

> > 6months

> > > with my other 2

> > > children, they both were off the bottle at about

> > 16

> > > months, I hope to do

> > > the same with and Tara. All the

> > " professionals "

> > > and doctors keep

> > > telling me to treat her the same as my other

> > > children, so that's what

> > > I'll do! I realize she will take more work,

> that's

> > > ok.

> > > Gail mom to Bobby-5, Jillian-3, and

> > > Tara{Ds}5months

> > >

> > > ---------------------------

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In a message dated 9/10/99 8:58:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

sandds@... writes:

<< Hi Everyone-

I am responding to GVanHouten. Speech Therapist? at 6 months? I have been

asking my PT and OT about speech therapy and they both say no, not now!

Maggie is 10 months old. I want her to have every advantage at language

acquisition. I have also been asking about sensory integration therapy.

Are any of you doing it? But, Yikes, should Maggie be in speech therapy?


Unfortunately, Early intervention programs do not support speech therapy

until a year old. If I could do it over again I would fight for speech

therapy to start between 6-9months. The oral motor program could have

started earlier and that would have strengthened his muscles that much

sooner. Besides being adorable, speech is ''s stronger attributes. If

you're interested in sensory integration your OT should be able to answer

questions. Here's a website that might interest this list.

www.and.ca/sensory/sympt.html. It lists signs and symptoms of sensory


Hope this helps.

Karyn wife to

mom to Adam and (DS) 4 year old twins

North Chili, NY

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--- KAUDY@... wrote:

> Unfortunately, Early intervention programs do not

> support speech therapy

> until a year old.

It depends on where you live. In WNY EI is very supportive of early

speech. And I know a about 50 other families around the USA that had

early speech, too.



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Hi : My boys didn't start with a speech therapist until they were

about 21 mos. old. had trouble chewing and we had a couple

scary choking episodes. Prior to that, their O/T did a LOT of

oral-motor work on both boys. She came around lunch time so we fit

that in to help them eat better. I remember talking to a SLP and her

saying to me that she wished she got her hands on these kids when they

were small. I had heard that some ECI programs don't like to start

early unless there are feeding issues. In our case, I think they felt

that they were getting enough with the O/T at the time, and it wasn't

until we had the problem that we got speech included.

Judi - Mom to Sam & , 32mos. Identical Twins

--- Dean Stauffer <sandds@...> wrote:

> From: " Dean Stauffer " <sandds@...>


> Hi Everyone-

> I am responding to GVanHouten. Speech Therapist?

> at 6 months? I have been

> asking my PT and OT about speech therapy and they

> both say no, not now!

> Maggie is 10 months old. I want her to have every

> advantage at language

> acquisition. I have also been asking about sensory

> integration therapy.

> Are any of you doing it? But, Yikes, should Maggie

> be in speech therapy?


> I have tried the tippy but she just sorta gums it.

> She doesn't or I

> suspect, won't hold her bottle. So, she doesn't

> pick up the tippy. In

> time.




> Re: straw



> From: GVanHouten <rjvh@...>


> greysean wrote:

> >

> > has such a hard time drinking and we have

> tried using a straw but

> > he won't even let us get it in his mouth. Anyone

> else have this

> > problem??? He is starting to use a regular sippy

> cup but won't have

> > anything to do with the ones you have to suck.

> >

> > One other thing did anyone's kids go through a

> screaming phase???

> > 's scream is so high pitched its like

> fingernails on a blackboard.


> and Tara are only going on 6 months,

> screches all the time, I

> wish Tara did, she just stares at him with big eyes!

> She does cry over

> different things like any other baby.

> Also, Tara's speech therapist wants to start to

> introduce a straw to her

> soon. They are both sitting in high chairs eating 3x

> a day. I started to

> put a cup on the tray of their high chair at 6months

> with my other 2

> children, they both were off the bottle at about 16

> months, I hope to do

> the same with and Tara. All the " professionals "

> and doctors keep

> telling me to treat her the same as my other

> children, so that's what

> I'll do! I realize she will take more work, that's

> ok.

> Gail mom to Bobby-5, Jillian-3, and

> Tara{Ds}5months


> ---------------------------

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: We've flown w/the boys 3 times now! Let me know and I'll give

you some tips!

Judi-Mom to Sam & , 32mos. Identical Twins

--- Dean Stauffer <sandds@...> wrote:

> From: " Dean Stauffer " <sandds@...>


> Sara,

> You are driving much too fast if it is only taking

> you 45 min. :). I

> haven't been back to Roch. since our wedding-1995.

> My whole family is there

> and as soon as I can figure out a stress free way to

> fly with three little

> kids, I will be going.




> Re: straw

> > >

> > >

> > > From: GVanHouten <rjvh@...>

> > >

> > > greysean wrote:

> > > >

> > > > has such a hard time drinking and we have

> > > tried using a straw but

> > > > he won't even let us get it in his mouth.

> Anyone

> > > else have this

> > > > problem??? He is starting to use a regular

> sippy

> > > cup but won't have

> > > > anything to do with the ones you have to suck.

> > > >

> > > > One other thing did anyone's kids go through a

> > > screaming phase???

> > > > 's scream is so high pitched its like

> > > fingernails on a blackboard.

> > >

> > > and Tara are only going on 6 months,

> > > screches all the time, I

> > > wish Tara did, she just stares at him with big

> > eyes!

> > > She does cry over

> > > different things like any other baby.

> > > Also, Tara's speech therapist wants to start to

> > > introduce a straw to her

> > > soon. They are both sitting in high chairs

> eating

> > 3x

> > > a day. I started to

> > > put a cup on the tray of their high chair at

> > 6months

> > > with my other 2

> > > children, they both were off the bottle at about

> > 16

> > > months, I hope to do

> > > the same with and Tara. All the

> > " professionals "

> > > and doctors keep

> > > telling me to treat her the same as my other

> > > children, so that's what

> > > I'll do! I realize she will take more work,

> that's

> > > ok.

> > > Gail mom to Bobby-5, Jillian-3, and

> > > Tara{Ds}5months

> > >

> > > ---------------------------

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Hey! I've been to Lockport! I Had a cousin who lived there (her back

yard was right on the edge of some HUGE escarpment!). Too bad she

doesn't live there still! We'd visit!


--- Sara Greenberg <dsyndrome@...> wrote:

> From: Sara Greenberg <dsyndrome@...>



> LOL... well, I actually live in Lockport, not

> Buffalo (which is closer)

> but I go to school in Buffalo. :o)



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In a message dated 9/14/99 11:23:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

dsyndrome@... writes:

<< > Unfortunately, Early intervention programs do not

> support speech therapy

> until a year old.

It depends on where you live. In WNY EI is very supportive of early

speech. And I know an about 50 other families around the USA that had

early speech, too.

Sara >>

Sorry Sara, I had left out the word " some " in my sentence. I really should

proofread my writing a little better. In Rochester, NY which is also

considered Western, NY State, we can't get speech approved until the child is

1 year old. That's to say if the child is diagnosed with Down Syndrome. I

sat on a county committee and tried to get this provided earlier. The best

we could do is get PT the minute a child enters the EI program and evaluate

for the others. I all comes down to the " Ol mighty buck " !

We will keep working on it though. Everyone should. Fight for as many

services you think your child needs.


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--- Judi Grossman <judig2@...> wrote:

> From: Judi Grossman <judig2@...>


> Hey! I've been to Lockport! I Had a cousin who

> lived there (her back

> yard was right on the edge of some HUGE

> escarpment!). Too bad she

> doesn't live there still! We'd visit!


> Judi


> --- Sara Greenberg <dsyndrome@...> wrote:

> > From: Sara Greenberg <dsyndrome@...>

> >

> >

> > LOL... well, I actually live in Lockport, not

> > Buffalo (which is closer)

> > but I go to school in Buffalo. :o)

> >




> __________________________________________________


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You live in Rochester now?? I know of a family who moved from

Rochester, but who's baby with DS lived there from birth to age 8

months and she started speech at 3 months. I e-mailed her to ask if she

got speech via EI services and she said " of course! " Maybe things have



--- KAUDY@... wrote:

> From: KAUDY@...


> In a message dated 9/14/99 11:23:53 AM Eastern

> Daylight Time,

> dsyndrome@... writes:


> << > Unfortunately, Early intervention programs do

> not

> > support speech therapy

> > until a year old.


> It depends on where you live. In WNY EI is very

> supportive of early

> speech. And I know an about 50 other families

> around the USA that had

> early speech, too.


> Sara >>

> Sorry Sara, I had left out the word " some " in my

> sentence. I really should

> proofread my writing a little better. In Rochester,

> NY which is also

> considered Western, NY State, we can't get speech

> approved until the child is

> 1 year old. That's to say if the child is diagnosed

> with Down Syndrome. I

> sat on a county committee and tried to get this

> provided earlier. The best

> we could do is get PT the minute a child enters the

> EI program and evaluate

> for the others. I all comes down to the " Ol mighty

> buck " !

> We will keep working on it though. Everyone should.

> Fight for as many

> services you think your child needs.

> Karyn


> ---------------------------

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Hi Karyn,

Are you from Rochester? That is where I am from. I lived in Pittsford?

Where do you live/

Re: Speech Therapy

From: KAUDY@...

In a message dated 9/14/99 11:23:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

dsyndrome@... writes:

<< > Unfortunately, Early intervention programs do not

> support speech therapy

> until a year old.

It depends on where you live. In WNY EI is very supportive of early

speech. And I know an about 50 other families around the USA that had

early speech, too.

Sara >>

Sorry Sara, I had left out the word " some " in my sentence. I really should

proofread my writing a little better. In Rochester, NY which is also

considered Western, NY State, we can't get speech approved until the child


1 year old. That's to say if the child is diagnosed with Down Syndrome. I

sat on a county committee and tried to get this provided earlier. The best

we could do is get PT the minute a child enters the EI program and evaluate

for the others. I all comes down to the " Ol mighty buck " !

We will keep working on it though. Everyone should. Fight for as many

services you think your child needs.



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I grew up in Greece, then we moved to Bloomfield until I graduated from High

School. My parents moved to Chili after that and now my husband and I live

in a new house in North Chili. We had it built. We are loving it but as you

all know it's hard to get things done with twins. Stacey were did you say

you are living now?


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Hi Karyn-

I live in Tucson, Arizona. Can't say I love it here. I perfer the woods to

the desert.

Quinn 3, Sara and Maggie 10 months

Re: Speech Therapy

From: KAUDY@...


I grew up in Greece, then we moved to Bloomfield until I graduated from High

School. My parents moved to Chili after that and now my husband and I live

in a new house in North Chili. We had it built. We are loving it but as


all know it's hard to get things done with twins. Stacey were did you say

you are living now?



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  • 3 years later...

Wow! I'm really impressed!

Taleah has an ST right now, but there's only so much you can do with a 2

year old unwilling to participate. I hope that when she gets old enough to

benefit her ST turns out to be as innovative and helpful as yours.

At 05:26 PM 11/13/2002 -0500, you wrote:

>In a message dated Wed, 13 Nov 2002 15:32:18 +1100, gtdeakin@...



> > What do STs do?


>With me we work on a lot of maxiofacial excercises, breathing, releasing my

>rib cage and shoulder muscles. My therapists work alot on da same things dat

>relate to breathing. like my PT see's me before my ST, so PT works on my

>shoulders and rib cage a lot. St wants me to get better at " controlling my

>breath " ie blowing through a straw for in a glass of water 5 sec w/o

>stopping. First we start w/ lip curls, bc my lips get tight, I love lip

>excersises! Stretching my cheeks, then jaw releases, I HATE DAT PART! The we

>do tongue stuff, like putting a marshmellow to my lips to see if i can make a

>dent in it w/ my tongue or she'll have me eat a Pixi Stick (cool aid stuff )

>sprinkles it on my bottom lip and make me lick it off. Or she'll take a

>pretzle stick and rub it on my tongue and see if it " bows up " particularlly

>works on the back of the tongue to c how it responds to stimulus bc my k and

>g sounds r weak. To make those sounds the back of the tongue has to lift.

>Sometimes after she has me eat something I start sounding wet more raspy,

>then she works on stretching my shoulders again and I start sounding louder,

>clearer! One thing I have learned about speech is, it has a lot to do w/ body

>alignment, positioning, and stimulation. At first i thought they were crazy

>for doing some of these excersises on me, but now I know how beneficial it



>~s, the unique princess~




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In a message dated 11/13/2002 6:51:20 PM Eastern Standard Time,

mhe@... writes:

> Wow! I'm really impressed!


> Taleah has an ST right now, but there's only so much you can do with a 2

> year old unwilling to participate. I hope that when she gets old enough to

> benefit her ST turns out to be as innovative and helpful as

> yours.

Yea, she's always thinking of different techniques to use w/ me! She's great

w/ lots of experience! I watch her in her sessions w/ the younger kids and

they usually scream, whine, or wanna run around! So yea it's a challenge to

get dem to participate. if u want, I'll be happy to ask Mirah (ST) if

she has any suggestions for Taleah's treatment? If thats something u want me

to do, can u tell me exActly what Taleah's ST does?

~s, the unique princess~

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s (and others) - Do you know the cause of the tight jaws? Is it tight

ligaments, just weakness, something else? We're going to have Bernie checked

for this, just to make sure a problem doesn't develop.



> With me we work on a lot of maxiofacial excercises, breathing, releasing


> rib cage and shoulder muscles. My therapists work alot on da same things


> relate to breathing. like my PT see's me before my ST, so PT works on my

> shoulders and rib cage a lot. St wants me to get better at " controlling my

> breath " ie blowing through a straw for in a glass of water 5 sec w/o

> stopping. First we start w/ lip curls, bc my lips get tight, I love lip

> excersises! Stretching my cheeks, then jaw releases, I HATE DAT PART! The


> do tongue stuff, like putting a marshmellow to my lips to see if i can

make a

> dent in it w/ my tongue or she'll have me eat a Pixi Stick (cool aid

stuff )

> sprinkles it on my bottom lip and make me lick it off. Or she'll take a

> pretzle stick and rub it on my tongue and see if it " bows up "


> works on the back of the tongue to c how it responds to stimulus bc my k


> g sounds r weak. To make those sounds the back of the tongue has to lift.

> Sometimes after she has me eat something I start sounding wet more raspy,

> then she works on stretching my shoulders again and I start sounding


> clearer! One thing I have learned about speech is, it has a lot to do w/


> alignment, positioning, and stimulation. At first i thought they were


> for doing some of these excersises on me, but now I know how beneficial it

> is.


> ~s, the unique princess~

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest


Don't be discouraged...it sounds like maybe your therapist has some right

ideas but she presented them in the wrong way, and also overloaded you. I agree

it is impossible to do everything that everyone suggests...if I did, I would

have NO time for my other 2 kids or my husband. Cariana is the same age as

your son (21 mos old today actually) and her speech therapy is definitely play

based, but that is really the only way it should be done at this age. They do a

lot with books because that is one thing Cariana loves. They also work with

her to blow bubbles, blow horn, drink from a straw, etc. And lots of

singing,.... and also signing. Maybe you could explain to the therapist how you


last time. You will know from her response if you can work with her or if

you need to change therapists (if she is not understanding and supportive I

would change, even if her therapy is stellar).


Proud mom to Placi (6), Liesl (4), and Cariana (21 mos DS)

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  • 7 months later...

I would like to learn more about this method. My son, Joe, who is formally

diagnosed PDD, is having a really difficult time with COMPREHENSION. He has

trouble answering questions about even a line that he has just read. If anyone

has any experience with programs that have helped your kids with comprehension,

I would surely appreciate it. Or any helpful tips--no matter how small--would

be great too. Thanks so much.


speech therapy

do any of you know of a speech therapist on any therapist who uses

Mood BEll's VB method for comprehension


Unlocking Autism



Worldwide internet group for parents who have a

child with AUTISM.

SeekingJoyinDisability - Prayer support for those touched by Disability:


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I would like to learn more about this method. My son, Joe, who is formally

diagnosed PDD, is having a really difficult time with COMPREHENSION. He has

trouble answering questions about even a line that he has just read. If anyone

has any experience with programs that have helped your kids with comprehension,

I would surely appreciate it. Or any helpful tips--no matter how small--would

be great too. Thanks so much.


speech therapy

do any of you know of a speech therapist on any therapist who uses

Mood BEll's VB method for comprehension


Unlocking Autism



Worldwide internet group for parents who have a

child with AUTISM.

SeekingJoyinDisability - Prayer support for those touched by Disability:


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I don't have a formal plan, but this works with my son who is also PDD. I find a

book I think he'll like (Right now we're reading Howliday Inn by Howie)

and then I read a paragraph and ask him to tell me about what happened. Then I

have him read a paragraph and do the same. He likes doing this, it helps him

with his comprehension and his confidence. It baffles me how my child can read

big words and read better then most the kids in his class but can't understand

what he's read.


speech therapy

do any of you know of a speech therapist on any therapist who uses

Mood BEll's VB method for comprehension


Unlocking Autism



Worldwide internet group for parents who have a

child with AUTISM.

SeekingJoyinDisability - Prayer support for those touched by Disability:


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I don't have a formal plan, but this works with my son who is also PDD. I find a

book I think he'll like (Right now we're reading Howliday Inn by Howie)

and then I read a paragraph and ask him to tell me about what happened. Then I

have him read a paragraph and do the same. He likes doing this, it helps him

with his comprehension and his confidence. It baffles me how my child can read

big words and read better then most the kids in his class but can't understand

what he's read.


speech therapy

do any of you know of a speech therapist on any therapist who uses

Mood BEll's VB method for comprehension


Unlocking Autism



Worldwide internet group for parents who have a

child with AUTISM.

SeekingJoyinDisability - Prayer support for those touched by Disability:


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