Guest guest Posted September 14, 2010 Report Share Posted September 14, 2010 Thought I'd repost this to see if anyone had any responses. > > We started Madelyn (26 months) on one Omega 369 3 days ago. I haven't really noticed much of a difference yet, but her SLP noticed her making more attempts to repeat words this morning, she made the " p " sound for the first time and and even came close to a fishface. Hmmm, maybe there has been a difference after all. I haven't mentioned anything to her SLP about the oils. What should I be looking for? > Madelyn was largely silent before speech therapy began in May and is now a jargoning chatterbox, although has maybe 3 understandable words. > > Also, in line with the question about when to stop the supplementation in preparation for an evaluation, how does that work? If the SLP is documenting progress made, and the ability of the child, aren't there going to be discrepancies during the evaluation once the child is taken off? For example, our therapist needs to complete a progress report in 2 months for our transition meeting out of E.I. and into CPSE. Wouldn't she be checking off things that Madelyn can do, but wouldn't be able to do once off the fish oils? If she gets that surge we're hoping for, perhaps E.I. would decrease the 5x per week to 3x per week. Or, if it goes on to help with attention span and focus, wouldn't her special instructor note the gains, and perhaps not recommend therapy, even though she needs it. Or do the kids still show the same signs of apraxia and other issues just to a lesser extent? Do they regress back to before they had supplementation, or have a loss of some skills? I hope those questions make sense. We also have an appointment with a new neuro in the end of October, and I need to plan for that initial visit. > > Thanks, > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 14, 2010 Report Share Posted September 14, 2010 Here are some of the initial surges I saw in my son. I started him on fish oil NN369 when he was 32 months. Before he would babble with no real words. He would not mimic anything we said and would give up after two tries of communication with us. He could say mom, dad, happy and green e go consistently. We taught him baby sign for basic needs and wants. I had taught him the alphabet, letter sound and he could read car, up, and we were working on other words. I started him on fish oil in Oct, three days later we were in the store and I was pointing everything out and talking to him constantly like I always did. He started mimicking me!! he said red, orange, blue, black, brown, green, pink. Every word I would say he would approximate. Such a hurdle. How are you supposed to teach a child to talk if they never mimic you? Every day it just went on and on, for weeks he learned about 5-10 word approximations a day. When I stopped the fish oil he didn't regress, but didn't make any gains. He would mark places in his sentences. mommy, un un un geen car. (I want a green car) I started him on NV in March. He had just turned three, and although he had hundreds of words, it seemed I was the only one who understood him. He started making gains again within three days. Putting words together in 3-5 word sentences, much more clarity, started singing within 2 weeks, at the same time he started playing imaginatively and gained 2 lbs (he had only gained 2 lbs in the entire year before). within three weeks he potty trained, started sleeping through the night, smiling on command. and in six weeks he had gained another lb. Unfortunately, he decided NV was not a food he wanted after about 6 weeks and since then it has been a struggle to get 1/4th of the dosage in him. We also started speech and it was a bad fit. So he regressed in potty training and then went through a growth spurt and started waking in the night again also. He lost the un un un and now his sentences are varied lengths and he gets all the words said, but often in the wrong order. He's now just on NV and fish oils and not in any therapy. Does this help? When looking for surges, look for any change that keeps changing. For us it was babble-->mimicking and directed play-->imaginative play and greater body awareness. > > > > We started Madelyn (26 months) on one Omega 369 3 days ago. I haven't really noticed much of a difference yet, but her SLP noticed her making more attempts to repeat words this morning, she made the " p " sound for the first time and and even came close to a fishface. Hmmm, maybe there has been a difference after all. I haven't mentioned anything to her SLP about the oils. What should I be looking for? > > Madelyn was largely silent before speech therapy began in May and is now a jargoning chatterbox, although has maybe 3 understandable words. > > > > Also, in line with the question about when to stop the supplementation in preparation for an evaluation, how does that work? If the SLP is documenting progress made, and the ability of the child, aren't there going to be discrepancies during the evaluation once the child is taken off? For example, our therapist needs to complete a progress report in 2 months for our transition meeting out of E.I. and into CPSE. Wouldn't she be checking off things that Madelyn can do, but wouldn't be able to do once off the fish oils? If she gets that surge we're hoping for, perhaps E.I. would decrease the 5x per week to 3x per week. Or, if it goes on to help with attention span and focus, wouldn't her special instructor note the gains, and perhaps not recommend therapy, even though she needs it. Or do the kids still show the same signs of apraxia and other issues just to a lesser extent? Do they regress back to before they had supplementation, or have a loss of some skills? I hope those questions make sense. We also have an appointment with a new neuro in the end of October, and I need to plan for that initial visit. > > > > Thanks, > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 14, 2010 Report Share Posted September 14, 2010 Hi : Here's our story if it is of help. Our son, , will be 3 1/2 yrs old in a couple of weeks. We started him on NN 3,6,9 (0.5 - 1 tsp a day) when he was 27 months. At that time, he was trying to communicate, but was completely unintelligable. I have footage of him talking literally days before we started the fish oil on my blog ( ) if you want to check it out. He did not mimick/try to imitate us, but at least tried to communicate some when he really needed something; often times with physical movements to act out what he wanted. I was the only person who could understand him. After a week or so on 3,6,9 he started trying to communicate more and more. Chatterbox is a good way to say it, even though it was total babble to others (it wasn't to me!) He was a little over 2 yrs old so we assumed " it's finally his developmental milestone kicking in - normal for his age. " He tried to imitate more and went out of his way to communicate for everything. Lots of unprompted speech, although still very inarticulate. We weren't sure if it was the fish oils or not. After about 5 months of being on NN, we took him off for an entire week to prepare for some labwork we were having done. OMG! Within 3-4 days we saw HUGE regressions and it was only then that we realized how integral fish oils were for . In that 5 months we had also started PROMPT therapy and had seen some major gains with the combo of PROMPT and fish oils. We were really starting to understand him more and more. In a matter of days it was all gone. Not 100%, but I'd say 60% at least. Additionally, he was extremely agitated, couldn't sleep well and was almost hyperactive. He had melt downs all day every day. Once we put him back on NN he went right back to normal within 3-4 days. None of the gains were permanently lost with the regression. It was like a light switch had been flipped back on and it all came back. But I must say that week or so off NN was hard to watch. It was an awful experience, but necessary one for us to realize how important supplementation would be for him. So...long story short, he didn't regress completely, but definitley enough to get services at the time. Good luck and let us know how it goes! Sharon svraciu@... > > We started Madelyn (26 months) on one Omega 369 3 days ago. I haven't really noticed much of a difference yet, but her SLP noticed her making more attempts to repeat words this morning, she made the " p " sound for the first time and and even came close to a fishface. Hmmm, maybe there has been a difference after all. I haven't mentioned anything to her SLP about the oils. What should I be looking for? > Madelyn was largely silent before speech therapy began in May and is now a jargoning chatterbox, although has maybe 3 understandable words. > > Also, in line with the question about when to stop the supplementation in preparation for an evaluation, how does that work? If the SLP is documenting progress made, and the ability of the child, aren't there going to be discrepancies during the evaluation once the child is taken off? For example, our therapist needs to complete a progress report in 2 months for our transition meeting out of E.I. and into CPSE. Wouldn't she be checking off things that Madelyn can do, but wouldn't be able to do once off the fish oils? If she gets that surge we're hoping for, perhaps E.I. would decrease the 5x per week to 3x per week. Or, if it goes on to help with attention span and focus, wouldn't her special instructor note the gains, and perhaps not recommend therapy, even though she needs it. Or do the kids still show the same signs of apraxia and other issues just to a lesser extent? Do they regress back to before they had supplementation, or have a loss of some skills? I hope those questions make sense. We also have an appointment with a new neuro in the end of October, and I need to plan for that initial visit. > > Thanks, > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 14, 2010 Report Share Posted September 14, 2010 Hi ! Unlike NV which contains all the essential amino acids that one needs to consume daily; the essential fatty acids from what I have been told take a bit more time to build up, and a bit more time to deplete. Now don't get me wrong -many of us -me included see regressions starting in as quickly as one day when taken off (prior to NV -just have to add that) I was told by one of the doctors as a literal example that the brain is like a sponge - which is why it takes time to build up and deplete. We see surges with fish oils in a day to three weeks -typically a week (so 3 days would be a great sign!!! And yes what you are seeing are " subtle " signs right now -first stage- I'll share more on that below) NV we see surges within the first day to three days -so much quicker. Interestingly however when taken off both there is a regression but it does appear so far that the fish oil rebound back to before is much quicker than NV for the second time after you pull them off. Not crazy long but can take about a week. Do not know why. Here are signs of what to look for in the way of surges for fish oils from our page. I just want to point out that the same thing is happening with NV that happened with fish oils except now it's faster. Yes there are awesome parents that stick around to help others even when their child is doing amazing like Sharon who just answered you (and here is her son's before and after videos on NV as well ) but you'll know when you hit the surge when you don't worry so much about the future -you've seen the light at the end of the tunnel. Right now with what you have seen -you probably doubt any of it has anything to do with anything...that's normal. Trust me when there is a true surge it's one you can't miss. It's like asking how do you know when you are in love? And with NV sometimes it is too much too fast in all these areas and it's taking the professionals to point out the surges that the parents think just has to be a coincidence. When you compare the fish oil and NV surges you'll see what I mean. In almost all cases no comparison -NV is much quicker and more dramatic and appears to help the body utilize the essential fats better. Again please read some theories as to perhaps why here and share with your child's pediatrician. Pretty much all approve it -and those that know about nutrition not only approve it but are impressed. If nothing else it's good whole food nutrition...but I'm starting to think of it as good whole food therapy!!! Oh and one other thing before the following archives- don't use reusable plastic with fish oils- the oil will bind to the plastic. Kind of like Tupperware turning yellow orange when you put spaghetti sauce in it. Use instead disposable, glass, ceramic, metal etc. Also I wouldn't worry about the amount that is left in the glass -it's not sinking to the bottom -it's on the top as a film and I don't know if it's possible to get all of it -but the following suggestions I hope will help- as they worked great !for our family! Best way to know it's a surge and not a coincidence, a developmental surge that would have happened anyway? Stop the oils, stop the NV and watch. But trust me to see your child regress is harder than one can imagine until they see it. It's a good idea to stop them prior to IEP testing of course. And again it's not cheating since most of the world doesn't believe they do anything anyway Before you raise or change the dosage -first start with the 2 ProEFA -let me know what you see and hear in the next day to 3 weeks which is when you'll notice the first signs. Since I receive lots of calls about this -I wanted to list the most common changes in an apraxic or other speech disordered child on EFAs from what I've read and heard and seen. 1. Increase in babbling or attempts at sounds. 2. Increase in imitation. Changes also can be looked for in (what you see as positive or negative) sleep attention appetite focus behavior stools Next will come a breakthrough of something you were probably working on for a bit -so you will be excited but will think " Well -I don't want to get my hopes up we were working on that for awhile now - maybe it's just a coincidence " However after the second or third surge in a short period of time -and then another - you are pretty sure things are different and it's at this point the professionals and the rest of the family and your friends are noticing it too - maybe about two to three weeks now. OK -the next stage is pure elation and hope -you see the light and no longer feel as desperate and want to share this new information with everyone and anyone. As the months go by and your child continues to progress at a much more rapid rate -you may even start to doubt the original diagnosis -especially if you started EFA supplementation at two -and perhaps the SLP that diagnosed the apraxia who also was at first excited is starting to second guess if the original diagnosis was correct as well. Unless you have to stop the ProEFA (or other Essential Fatty Acids) and literally have the chance to see the regression of acquired speech and language skills, attempts, and changes in behavior like we did with Tanner (and/or have a chance to again witness the second surge when your child is put back on the EFAs) -that doubt will probably remain somewhere in your mind and in others around your child. So the " I told you that he would start talking when he was ready " comments should be expected of course. Up to this point is understandable to me -it's the point after this that is confusing to me, and perhaps not the best stage for our children and for raising awareness or having research done to find out what is happening to our children and why. Perhaps because we have truly hit a paradigm shift... As Dr. Agin states the EFAs actually appear to be in some ways " curing " the apraxic child -even those diagnosed with severe oral and verbal apraxia, hypotonia, sensory and behavioral issues. Especially those started at younger ages. The child on ProEFA or some other EFA formula's like it no longer fits the criteria of the classic definition of apraxia -and yet doesn't fit the classic perception of what a late talker is either... Some of the parents become more focused on other everyday activities with their child and start to drift away from the support sources. Problem with this attitude is that unless your child is really up to speed on all aspects of speech and language, the support sources that helped in the beginning will still benefit your child today. ProEFA alone is not the only answer and until we know how and why it works (or why in a handful of children it doesn't) we can't improve on it " EFA information EFA tips and sources & topic=7401 And here is an old archive on how to get fish oils in as I believe it was you that asked about that as well -the following can also be found at our new site built by the awesome Dad old archive that may help: My 5 year old apraxic son Tanner is a trooper and takes the ProEFA from a spoon every day. I hold his nose for him, but he doesn't mind the taste. We started the holding the nose thing when Tanner used to take the efalex, which is very fishy smelling and tasting, and it's kind of our ritual now. I rip only half of the protective waxy seal off the top of the ProEFA bottle, and put a pin in the part that is left. When it's time to give Tanner his ProEFA, I open the top of the bottle, pull out the pin, put a hole in the capsule, put back the pin, and squeeze the oil onto a spoon. Here are some other things we used to have to do when Tanner took the efalex which he hated. (Efalex is fishier tasting and smelling) 1. We would put just put a drop of fish oil in the middle of the bread for a sandwich and cover with peanut butter, a drop in the middle of a pancake, a drop in the middle of a bowl of spaghetti, etc. if we put too much fish oil, Tanner would not eat the food. 2. Glenn and Tanner and Dakota would each hold a cup filled with a dash of juice. Tanner's juice was always " spiked " with efalex. Tanner is very competitive and would love a good race. " Ready set Go! " and Glenn would hold the cup to his mouth without drinking and then stop and have all three compare who drank the most. Of course, Tanner was winning! They would keep doing this until Tanner won (which meant he finished the efalex fish oil spiked juice) 3. I used to bribe Tanner with gummy bears that he could have after. Didn't work as good as the first two. But for a long time we did a combination of number one and number three. 4. Tanner's older brother started taking the fish oil, and Tanner wants to do what Dakota does. 5. As Tanner got older, at about four, we started calling the fish oil " yucky magic fish oil which helps you talk " and we really made a big deal about how yucky it was, and would " show off " to people how Tanner could take this yucky stuff and eat it right off the spoon. It worked for Tanner! It was lots of work, but well worth the results. If your child will not take ProEFA, maybe buy some efalex and try that. Compared to efalex, a sock would probably be a treat! Again, some EFAs are liked by some children-hated by others. With ProEFA - many kids from the Cherab group will just eat it from a spoon, or chew the capsule since borage oil is naturally sweet. I can say that ProEFA does not smell like some of the other EFAs we've used. After a year and a half of Tanner hiding behind the couch when it was time to take other fish oils, this was amazing even without all the great breakthroughs he's had! The improvements when on the right supplement and the regressions on the wrong one are pretty quick-within weeks in most cases-so again you can see for yourself-like most of us did already! ===== Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 14, 2010 Report Share Posted September 14, 2010 And just checked the archives -you are super newbie and are here less than a month- so below is your first message here. It's good to write here because it's like keeping a journal where you can track progress when you don't believe it's happening fast enough. (some do that with actual journals or online blogs too -it's all good!) I think with therapy we all accept years and years of intensive and sometimes daily or almost daily therapy for progress -but we are disappointed in days or months even when seeing surges with things like fish oil and NV. I believe once both are validated that will stop. Just like traditional therapy takes time -so do the essential fatty and amino acids...just no where near as long Again yes you are in my opinion already seeing surges -so stay tuned for the first word/s in the next few day to week or so -and please share!!! Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:16 am " modelmomnyc " <elee1222@...> new here Hi everyone, My name is , and my 2 year old, Madelyn brings me here. She was born at 34 weeks after my water broke at 26 weeks. She has hypotonia and motor planning issues (along with some minor sensory issues) and has had PT and OT starting at 11 months. She started speech/feeding therapy at 22 months. Her SLP says she has apraxia. She says " Mama " and " Dada " " yes " and " juice " . She can say sounds, but can't put them together. For example, she can say " u " and " p " , but not " up " . I tried some of the things listed on the site like encouraging her to stick out her tongue, and she cannot do them. She used to overstuff and gag a lot, but the feeding therapy has helped with that. Madelyn signs (has about 20 words), but her therapist doesn't encourage signing. She wants her to talk, I want her to communicate so she doesn't get so frustrated. When we were evaluating her for her developmental issues at 10 months, we went to a neurologist. It was a horrible experience. All of her tests came back clear and since she has been making progress physically, we haven't been back. Now I am wondering if we should return to get an official diagnosis, and if that would qualify her for more services, or if the SLP diagnosis is enough. She gets 2-30 minute sessions a week now, which clearly isn't enough. I am a bit overwhelmed by all of this, and would love any advice or tips. My other kids were talking in sentences by or before 2, so the fact that Maddi has 4 unclear words has been tough. Thanks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ===== Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 15, 2010 Report Share Posted September 15, 2010 > > And just checked the archives -you are super newbie and are here less than a month- so below is your first message here. It's good to write here because it's like keeping a journal where you can track progress when you don't believe it's happening fast enough. (some do that with actual journals or online blogs too -it's all good!) > > I think with therapy we all accept years and years of intensive and sometimes daily or almost daily therapy for progress -but we are disappointed in days or months even when seeing surges with things like fish oil and NV. I believe once both are validated that will stop. Just like traditional therapy takes time -so do the essential fatty and amino acids...just no where near as long > > Again yes you are in my opinion already seeing surges -so stay tuned for the first word/s in the next few day to week or so -and please share!!! > > Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:16 am > " modelmomnyc " <elee1222@...> > > new here > > Hi everyone, > My name is , and my 2 year old, Madelyn brings me here. She was born at > 34 weeks after my water broke at 26 weeks. She has hypotonia and motor planning > issues (along with some minor sensory issues) and has had PT and OT starting at > 11 months. She started speech/feeding therapy at 22 months. Her SLP says she has > apraxia. She says " Mama " and " Dada " " yes " and " juice " . She can say sounds, but > can't put them together. For example, she can say " u " and " p " , but not " up " . I > tried some of the things listed on the site like encouraging her to stick out > her tongue, and she cannot do them. She used to overstuff and gag a lot, but the > feeding therapy has helped with that. > > Madelyn signs (has about 20 words), but her therapist doesn't encourage signing. > She wants her to talk, I want her to communicate so she doesn't get so > frustrated. > When we were evaluating her for her developmental issues at 10 months, we went > to a neurologist. It was a horrible experience. All of her tests came back clear > and since she has been making progress physically, we haven't been back. Now I > am wondering if we should return to get an official diagnosis, and if that would > qualify her for more services, or if the SLP diagnosis is enough. She gets 2-30 > minute sessions a week now, which clearly isn't enough. > > I am a bit overwhelmed by all of this, and would love any advice or tips. My > other kids were talking in sentences by or before 2, so the fact that Maddi has > 4 unclear words has been tough. > > Thanks. > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > ===== > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 15, 2010 Report Share Posted September 15, 2010 Okay, thanks to all of the stories and examples, I now I have an idea of what a surge might be. I think Madelyn has definitely had a mini surge. Her SLP mentioned it this morning again, as she was able to do things today that she couldn't do yesterday, so I told her about the fish oils. She also seems to require less sleep. She used to sleep 12-13 hours at night and take a 2-3 hour nap. Her nap is down to 1 1/2-2 hours and she is waking much earlier in the morning, and tolerating staying up later. We're starting her on a trial of dairy to see if she has grown out of the allergy, because I really want to use the NV. , Your words, " Again yes you are in my opinion already seeing surges -so stay tuned for the first word/s in the next few day to week or so -and please share!!! " brought a smile to my face. I can't wait to be able to post about her first real word. Thanks for the encouragement! Sharon, It was great to see the videos of 's progress. I am simply amazed at the differences! Madelyn is 26 months, and is not speaking nearly as well as was at 27 months, but it gives a wonderful, concrete example of how much the oils, NV, (and therapy of course) help. I did notice that you mentioned he was allergic to dairy. I am assuming he never had a reaction to the NV? I am so eager to try it after Madelyn has been on oils for a while, but am concerned about the possible reaction. > > Hi ! > > Unlike NV which contains all the essential amino acids that one needs to consume daily; the essential fatty acids from what I have been told take a bit more time to build up, and a bit more time to deplete. Now don't get me wrong -many of us -me included see regressions starting in as quickly as one day when taken off (prior to NV -just have to add that) I was told by one of the doctors as a literal example that the brain is like a sponge - which is why it takes time to build up and deplete. We see surges with fish oils in a day to three weeks -typically a week (so 3 days would be a great sign!!! And yes what you are seeing are " subtle " signs right now -first stage- I'll share more on that below) NV we see surges within the first day to three days -so much quicker. Interestingly however when taken off both there is a regression but it does appear so far that the fish oil rebound back to before is much quicker than NV for the second time after you pull them off. Not crazy long but can take about a week. Do not know why. > > Here are signs of what to look for in the way of surges for fish oils from our page. I just want to point out that the same thing is happening with NV that happened with fish oils except now it's faster. Yes there are awesome parents that stick around to help others even when their child is doing amazing like Sharon who just answered you (and here is her son's before and after videos on NV as well ) but you'll know when you hit the surge when you don't worry so much about the future -you've seen the light at the end of the tunnel. Right now with what you have seen -you probably doubt any of it has anything to do with anything...that's normal. Trust me when there is a true surge it's one you can't miss. It's like asking how do you know when you are in love? And with NV sometimes it is too much too fast in all these areas and it's taking the professionals to point out the surges that the parents think just has to be a coincidence. When you compare the fish oil and NV surges you'll see what I mean. In almost all cases no comparison -NV is much quicker and more dramatic and appears to help the body utilize the essential fats better. Again please read some theories as to perhaps why here and share with your child's pediatrician. Pretty much all approve it -and those that know about nutrition not only approve it but are impressed. If nothing else it's good whole food nutrition...but I'm starting to think of it as good whole food therapy!!! > > Oh and one other thing before the following archives- don't use reusable plastic with fish oils- the oil will bind to the plastic. Kind of like Tupperware turning yellow orange when you put spaghetti sauce in it. Use instead disposable, glass, ceramic, metal etc. Also I wouldn't worry about the amount that is left in the glass -it's not sinking to the bottom -it's on the top as a film and I don't know if it's possible to get all of it -but the following suggestions I hope will help- as they worked great !for our family! > > Best way to know it's a surge and not a coincidence, a developmental surge that would have happened anyway? Stop the oils, stop the NV and watch. But trust me to see your child regress is harder than one can imagine until they see it. > > It's a good idea to stop them prior to IEP testing of course. And again it's not cheating since most of the world doesn't believe they do anything anyway > > Before you raise or change the dosage -first start with the 2 ProEFA -let me know what you see and hear in the next day to 3 weeks which is when you'll notice the first signs. > > Since I receive lots of calls about this -I wanted to list the most > common changes in an apraxic or other speech disordered child on > EFAs from what I've read and heard and seen. > > 1. Increase in babbling or attempts at sounds. > 2. Increase in imitation. > Changes also can be looked for in (what you see as positive or > negative) > sleep > attention > appetite > focus > behavior > stools > > Next will come a breakthrough of something you were probably working > on for a bit -so you will be excited but will think " Well -I don't > want to get my hopes up we were working on that for awhile now - > maybe it's just a coincidence " However after the second or third > surge in a short period of time -and then another - you are pretty > sure things are different and it's at this point the professionals > and the rest of the family and your friends are noticing it too - > maybe about two to three weeks now. > > OK -the next stage is pure elation and hope -you see the light and > no longer feel as desperate and want to share this new information > with everyone and anyone. As the months go by and your child > continues to progress at a much more rapid rate -you may even start > to doubt the original diagnosis -especially if you started EFA > supplementation at two -and perhaps the SLP that diagnosed the > apraxia who also was at first excited is starting to second guess if > the original diagnosis was correct as well. > > Unless you have to stop the ProEFA (or other Essential Fatty Acids) > and literally have the chance to see the regression of acquired > speech and language skills, attempts, and changes in behavior like > we did with Tanner (and/or have a chance to again witness the second > surge when your child is put back on the EFAs) -that doubt will > probably remain somewhere in your mind and in others around your > child. So the " I told you that he would start talking when he was > ready " comments should be expected of course. > > Up to this point is understandable to me -it's the point after this > that is confusing to me, and perhaps not the best stage for our > children and for raising awareness or having research done to find > out what is happening to our children and why. Perhaps because we > have truly hit a paradigm shift... > > As Dr. Agin states the EFAs actually appear to be in some > ways " curing " the apraxic child -even those diagnosed with severe > oral and verbal apraxia, hypotonia, sensory and behavioral issues. > Especially those started at younger ages. > > The child on ProEFA or some other EFA formula's like it no longer > fits the criteria of the classic definition of apraxia -and yet > doesn't fit the classic perception of what a late talker is > either... > > Some of the parents become more focused on other everyday activities > with their child and start to drift away from the support sources. > Problem with this attitude is that unless your child is really up to > speed on all aspects of speech and language, the support sources > that helped in the beginning will still benefit your child today. > ProEFA alone is not the only answer and until we know how and why it > works (or why in a handful of children it doesn't) we can't improve > on it " > > EFA information > > > EFA tips and sources > > > > > > & topic=7401 > > And here is an old archive on how to get fish oils in as I believe it was you that asked about that as well -the following can also be found at our new site built by the awesome Dad > > old archive that may help: > > My 5 year old apraxic son Tanner is a trooper and takes the ProEFA from a spoon every day. I hold his nose for him, but he doesn't mind the taste. We started the holding the nose thing when Tanner used to take the efalex, which is very fishy smelling and tasting, and it's > kind of our ritual now. > > I rip only half of the protective waxy seal off the top of the ProEFA bottle, and put a pin in the part that is left. When it's time to give Tanner his ProEFA, I open the top of the bottle, pull out the pin, put a hole in the capsule, put back the pin, and squeeze the oil onto a spoon. > > Here are some other things we used to have to do when Tanner took the efalex which he hated. (Efalex is fishier tasting and smelling) > > 1. We would put just put a drop of fish oil in the middle of the bread for a sandwich and cover with peanut butter, a drop in the middle of a pancake, a drop in the middle of a bowl of spaghetti, etc. if we put too much fish oil, Tanner would not eat the food. > > 2. Glenn and Tanner and Dakota would each hold a cup filled with a dash of juice. Tanner's juice was always " spiked " with efalex. Tanner is very competitive and would love a good race. " Ready set Go! " and Glenn would hold the cup to his mouth without drinking and then stop and have all three compare who drank the most. Of course, Tanner was winning! They would keep doing this until Tanner won (which meant he finished the efalex fish oil spiked juice) > > 3. I used to bribe Tanner with gummy bears that he could have after. Didn't work as good as the first two. But for a long time we did a combination of number one and number three. > > 4. Tanner's older brother started taking the fish oil, and Tanner wants to do what Dakota does. > > 5. As Tanner got older, at about four, we started calling the fish oil " yucky magic fish oil which helps you talk " and we really made a big deal about how yucky it was, and would " show off " to people how Tanner could take this yucky stuff and eat it right off the spoon. It worked for Tanner! > > It was lots of work, but well worth the results. If your child will not take ProEFA, maybe buy some efalex and try that. Compared to efalex, a sock would probably be a treat! > > Again, some EFAs are liked by some children-hated by others. With ProEFA - many kids from the Cherab group will just eat it from a spoon, or chew the capsule since borage oil is naturally sweet. I can say that ProEFA does not smell like some of the other EFAs we've > used. After a year and a half of Tanner hiding behind the couch when it was time to take other fish oils, this was amazing even without all the great breakthroughs he's had! > > The improvements when on the right supplement and the regressions on the wrong one are pretty quick-within weeks in most cases-so again you can see for yourself-like most of us did already! > > > ===== > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 15, 2010 Report Share Posted September 15, 2010 Hi Sharon, Would you say the surges were bigger with NV than the fish oils? I haven't seen huge surges with either yet... Still hopeful! Malinda On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 6:45 PM, vraciup <svraciu@...> wrote: > > > Hi : > > Here's our story if it is of help. Our son, , will be 3 1/2 yrs old in > a couple of weeks. We started him on NN 3,6,9 (0.5 - 1 tsp a day) when he > was 27 months. At that time, he was trying to communicate, but was > completely unintelligable. I have footage of him talking literally days > before we started the fish oil on my blog ( > ) if you want to check it out. He > did not mimick/try to imitate us, but at least tried to communicate some > when he really needed something; often times with physical movements to act > out what he wanted. I was the only person who could understand him. After a > week or so on 3,6,9 he started trying to communicate more and more. > Chatterbox is a good way to say it, even though it was total babble to > others (it wasn't to me!) He was a little over 2 yrs old so we assumed " it's > finally his developmental milestone kicking in - normal for his age. " He > tried to imitate more and went out of his way to communicate for everything. > Lots of unprompted speech, although still very inarticulate. We weren't sure > if it was the fish oils or not. After about 5 months of being on NN, we took > him off for an entire week to prepare for some labwork we were having done. > OMG! Within 3-4 days we saw HUGE regressions and it was only then that we > realized how integral fish oils were for . In that 5 months we had also > started PROMPT therapy and had seen some major gains with the combo of > PROMPT and fish oils. We were really starting to understand him more and > more. In a matter of days it was all gone. Not 100%, but I'd say 60% at > least. Additionally, he was extremely agitated, couldn't sleep well and was > almost hyperactive. He had melt downs all day every day. Once we put him > back on NN he went right back to normal within 3-4 days. None of the gains > were permanently lost with the regression. It was like a light switch had > been flipped back on and it all came back. But I must say that week or so > off NN was hard to watch. It was an awful experience, but necessary one for > us to realize how important supplementation would be for him. So...long > story short, he didn't regress completely, but definitley enough to get > services at the time. > > Good luck and let us know how it goes! > > Sharon > svraciu@... <> > > > > > > We started Madelyn (26 months) on one Omega 369 3 days ago. I haven't > really noticed much of a difference yet, but her SLP noticed her making more > attempts to repeat words this morning, she made the " p " sound for the first > time and and even came close to a fishface. Hmmm, maybe there has been a > difference after all. I haven't mentioned anything to her SLP about the > oils. What should I be looking for? > > Madelyn was largely silent before speech therapy began in May and is now > a jargoning chatterbox, although has maybe 3 understandable words. > > > > Also, in line with the question about when to stop the supplementation in > preparation for an evaluation, how does that work? If the SLP is documenting > progress made, and the ability of the child, aren't there going to be > discrepancies during the evaluation once the child is taken off? For > example, our therapist needs to complete a progress report in 2 months for > our transition meeting out of E.I. and into CPSE. Wouldn't she be checking > off things that Madelyn can do, but wouldn't be able to do once off the fish > oils? If she gets that surge we're hoping for, perhaps E.I. would decrease > the 5x per week to 3x per week. Or, if it goes on to help with attention > span and focus, wouldn't her special instructor note the gains, and perhaps > not recommend therapy, even though she needs it. Or do the kids still show > the same signs of apraxia and other issues just to a lesser extent? Do they > regress back to before they had supplementation, or have a loss of some > skills? I hope those questions make sense. We also have an appointment with > a new neuro in the end of October, and I need to plan for that initial > visit. > > > > Thanks, > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 15, 2010 Report Share Posted September 15, 2010 Hey Malinda. I'd say the biggest surges were with NutriiVeda. We saw nothing for the first 2 weeks, then woke up one morning and it was like a light switch had been turned on. We've seen more improvements over time, as we've been on NV for about 6 months now. My husband is extremely skeptical of improvements. He always assumes they are natural development b/c is so young and has never wanted to credit a particular therapy with improvement (other than basic speech therapy). However, even he couldn't deny the sudden changes we saw with NV. It's not that they were drastic changes, but they were definite changes and things we'd never seen before. And, many all at once: eczema gone, constipation gone, attitude happy and manageable, even downright sweet (dare I say it!). His appetite was better and his language was GREATLY improved. We didn't see huge upticks in his articulation immediately, but it did seem to come with time. I'd say now, 6 months later, is probably 90%-95% understandable to strangers. For a 3 1/2 yr old, with or even without apraxia I'd say that's pretty good. I very rarely have to repeat his sentences to others so they can understand. I know you were considering increasing the NV dosage - have you tried that yet? Sharon > > > > > > We started Madelyn (26 months) on one Omega 369 3 days ago. I haven't > > really noticed much of a difference yet, but her SLP noticed her making more > > attempts to repeat words this morning, she made the " p " sound for the first > > time and and even came close to a fishface. Hmmm, maybe there has been a > > difference after all. I haven't mentioned anything to her SLP about the > > oils. What should I be looking for? > > > Madelyn was largely silent before speech therapy began in May and is now > > a jargoning chatterbox, although has maybe 3 understandable words. > > > > > > Also, in line with the question about when to stop the supplementation in > > preparation for an evaluation, how does that work? If the SLP is documenting > > progress made, and the ability of the child, aren't there going to be > > discrepancies during the evaluation once the child is taken off? For > > example, our therapist needs to complete a progress report in 2 months for > > our transition meeting out of E.I. and into CPSE. Wouldn't she be checking > > off things that Madelyn can do, but wouldn't be able to do once off the fish > > oils? If she gets that surge we're hoping for, perhaps E.I. would decrease > > the 5x per week to 3x per week. Or, if it goes on to help with attention > > span and focus, wouldn't her special instructor note the gains, and perhaps > > not recommend therapy, even though she needs it. Or do the kids still show > > the same signs of apraxia and other issues just to a lesser extent? Do they > > regress back to before they had supplementation, or have a loss of some > > skills? I hope those questions make sense. We also have an appointment with > > a new neuro in the end of October, and I need to plan for that initial > > visit. > > > > > > Thanks, > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 15, 2010 Report Share Posted September 15, 2010 : has a mild milk allergy and he hasn't had any negative reactions to NV. His allergy only showed up in the form of eczema, constipation and stomach ache (so we think). All this to say it wasn't like he broke out in a rash or had swelling - no immediate responses when he had milk, like some allergies can be. After some time on NV his eczema actually went away completely, as did his constipation. He started having a better/bigger appetite so we though his stomach ache might be healing up too, but it seems to have reappeared as of late. I think NV can do LOTS for our kiddos, I certainly won't be taking off any time soon, but there could be other things at play that I need to deal with, so I'm still learning/searching on that. He was on 2 antibiotics in the last month and I'm wondering if they played a role in his now recurrent stomach aches...we'll see. Good luck! Sharon > > > > Hi ! > > > > Unlike NV which contains all the essential amino acids that one needs to consume daily; the essential fatty acids from what I have been told take a bit more time to build up, and a bit more time to deplete. Now don't get me wrong -many of us -me included see regressions starting in as quickly as one day when taken off (prior to NV -just have to add that) I was told by one of the doctors as a literal example that the brain is like a sponge - which is why it takes time to build up and deplete. We see surges with fish oils in a day to three weeks -typically a week (so 3 days would be a great sign!!! And yes what you are seeing are " subtle " signs right now -first stage- I'll share more on that below) NV we see surges within the first day to three days -so much quicker. Interestingly however when taken off both there is a regression but it does appear so far that the fish oil rebound back to before is much quicker than NV for the second time after you pull them off. Not crazy long but can take about a week. Do not know why. > > > > Here are signs of what to look for in the way of surges for fish oils from our page. I just want to point out that the same thing is happening with NV that happened with fish oils except now it's faster. Yes there are awesome parents that stick around to help others even when their child is doing amazing like Sharon who just answered you (and here is her son's before and after videos on NV as well ) but you'll know when you hit the surge when you don't worry so much about the future -you've seen the light at the end of the tunnel. Right now with what you have seen -you probably doubt any of it has anything to do with anything...that's normal. Trust me when there is a true surge it's one you can't miss. It's like asking how do you know when you are in love? And with NV sometimes it is too much too fast in all these areas and it's taking the professionals to point out the surges that the parents think just has to be a coincidence. When you compare the fish oil and NV surges you'll see what I mean. In almost all cases no comparison -NV is much quicker and more dramatic and appears to help the body utilize the essential fats better. Again please read some theories as to perhaps why here and share with your child's pediatrician. Pretty much all approve it -and those that know about nutrition not only approve it but are impressed. If nothing else it's good whole food nutrition...but I'm starting to think of it as good whole food therapy!!! > > > > Oh and one other thing before the following archives- don't use reusable plastic with fish oils- the oil will bind to the plastic. Kind of like Tupperware turning yellow orange when you put spaghetti sauce in it. Use instead disposable, glass, ceramic, metal etc. Also I wouldn't worry about the amount that is left in the glass -it's not sinking to the bottom -it's on the top as a film and I don't know if it's possible to get all of it -but the following suggestions I hope will help- as they worked great !for our family! > > > > Best way to know it's a surge and not a coincidence, a developmental surge that would have happened anyway? Stop the oils, stop the NV and watch. But trust me to see your child regress is harder than one can imagine until they see it. > > > > It's a good idea to stop them prior to IEP testing of course. And again it's not cheating since most of the world doesn't believe they do anything anyway > > > > Before you raise or change the dosage -first start with the 2 ProEFA -let me know what you see and hear in the next day to 3 weeks which is when you'll notice the first signs. > > > > Since I receive lots of calls about this -I wanted to list the most > > common changes in an apraxic or other speech disordered child on > > EFAs from what I've read and heard and seen. > > > > 1. Increase in babbling or attempts at sounds. > > 2. Increase in imitation. > > Changes also can be looked for in (what you see as positive or > > negative) > > sleep > > attention > > appetite > > focus > > behavior > > stools > > > > Next will come a breakthrough of something you were probably working > > on for a bit -so you will be excited but will think " Well -I don't > > want to get my hopes up we were working on that for awhile now - > > maybe it's just a coincidence " However after the second or third > > surge in a short period of time -and then another - you are pretty > > sure things are different and it's at this point the professionals > > and the rest of the family and your friends are noticing it too - > > maybe about two to three weeks now. > > > > OK -the next stage is pure elation and hope -you see the light and > > no longer feel as desperate and want to share this new information > > with everyone and anyone. As the months go by and your child > > continues to progress at a much more rapid rate -you may even start > > to doubt the original diagnosis -especially if you started EFA > > supplementation at two -and perhaps the SLP that diagnosed the > > apraxia who also was at first excited is starting to second guess if > > the original diagnosis was correct as well. > > > > Unless you have to stop the ProEFA (or other Essential Fatty Acids) > > and literally have the chance to see the regression of acquired > > speech and language skills, attempts, and changes in behavior like > > we did with Tanner (and/or have a chance to again witness the second > > surge when your child is put back on the EFAs) -that doubt will > > probably remain somewhere in your mind and in others around your > > child. So the " I told you that he would start talking when he was > > ready " comments should be expected of course. > > > > Up to this point is understandable to me -it's the point after this > > that is confusing to me, and perhaps not the best stage for our > > children and for raising awareness or having research done to find > > out what is happening to our children and why. Perhaps because we > > have truly hit a paradigm shift... > > > > As Dr. Agin states the EFAs actually appear to be in some > > ways " curing " the apraxic child -even those diagnosed with severe > > oral and verbal apraxia, hypotonia, sensory and behavioral issues. > > Especially those started at younger ages. > > > > The child on ProEFA or some other EFA formula's like it no longer > > fits the criteria of the classic definition of apraxia -and yet > > doesn't fit the classic perception of what a late talker is > > either... > > > > Some of the parents become more focused on other everyday activities > > with their child and start to drift away from the support sources. > > Problem with this attitude is that unless your child is really up to > > speed on all aspects of speech and language, the support sources > > that helped in the beginning will still benefit your child today. > > ProEFA alone is not the only answer and until we know how and why it > > works (or why in a handful of children it doesn't) we can't improve > > on it " > > > > EFA information > > > > > > EFA tips and sources > > > > > > > > > > > > & topic=7401 > > > > And here is an old archive on how to get fish oils in as I believe it was you that asked about that as well -the following can also be found at our new site built by the awesome Dad > > > > old archive that may help: > > > > My 5 year old apraxic son Tanner is a trooper and takes the ProEFA from a spoon every day. I hold his nose for him, but he doesn't mind the taste. We started the holding the nose thing when Tanner used to take the efalex, which is very fishy smelling and tasting, and it's > > kind of our ritual now. > > > > I rip only half of the protective waxy seal off the top of the ProEFA bottle, and put a pin in the part that is left. When it's time to give Tanner his ProEFA, I open the top of the bottle, pull out the pin, put a hole in the capsule, put back the pin, and squeeze the oil onto a spoon. > > > > Here are some other things we used to have to do when Tanner took the efalex which he hated. (Efalex is fishier tasting and smelling) > > > > 1. We would put just put a drop of fish oil in the middle of the bread for a sandwich and cover with peanut butter, a drop in the middle of a pancake, a drop in the middle of a bowl of spaghetti, etc. if we put too much fish oil, Tanner would not eat the food. > > > > 2. Glenn and Tanner and Dakota would each hold a cup filled with a dash of juice. Tanner's juice was always " spiked " with efalex. Tanner is very competitive and would love a good race. " Ready set Go! " and Glenn would hold the cup to his mouth without drinking and then stop and have all three compare who drank the most. Of course, Tanner was winning! They would keep doing this until Tanner won (which meant he finished the efalex fish oil spiked juice) > > > > 3. I used to bribe Tanner with gummy bears that he could have after. Didn't work as good as the first two. But for a long time we did a combination of number one and number three. > > > > 4. Tanner's older brother started taking the fish oil, and Tanner wants to do what Dakota does. > > > > 5. As Tanner got older, at about four, we started calling the fish oil " yucky magic fish oil which helps you talk " and we really made a big deal about how yucky it was, and would " show off " to people how Tanner could take this yucky stuff and eat it right off the spoon. It worked for Tanner! > > > > It was lots of work, but well worth the results. If your child will not take ProEFA, maybe buy some efalex and try that. Compared to efalex, a sock would probably be a treat! > > > > Again, some EFAs are liked by some children-hated by others. With ProEFA - many kids from the Cherab group will just eat it from a spoon, or chew the capsule since borage oil is naturally sweet. I can say that ProEFA does not smell like some of the other EFAs we've > > used. After a year and a half of Tanner hiding behind the couch when it was time to take other fish oils, this was amazing even without all the great breakthroughs he's had! > > > > The improvements when on the right supplement and the regressions on the wrong one are pretty quick-within weeks in most cases-so again you can see for yourself-like most of us did already! > > > > > > ===== > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 15, 2010 Report Share Posted September 15, 2010 Hi Sharon, We've been doing a heaping scoop daily. I've noticed some difference since we started all this, he makes more attempts and noise, but still mostly the same " sound " for everything. How much NV are you giving daily? I've been trying to work on some signs to ease the frustration... He can start the preschool at early intervention in November when he turns 3. What info do you recommend I bring to ensure he gets the right type/amount of speech therapy? (I pushed to get him the 1x a week at home right now) I " m STILL looking for a PROMPT therapist in the Salt Lake area and will pay the right private provider!) Thanks for all your inspiration. It's so great to see 's progress! Malinda On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 11:46 AM, vraciup <svraciu@...> wrote: > > > Hey Malinda. > > I'd say the biggest surges were with NutriiVeda. We saw nothing for the > first 2 weeks, then woke up one morning and it was like a light switch > had been turned on. We've seen more improvements over time, as we've been on > NV for about 6 months now. My husband is extremely skeptical of > improvements. He always assumes they are natural development b/c is so > young and has never wanted to credit a particular therapy with improvement > (other than basic speech therapy). However, even he couldn't deny the sudden > changes we saw with NV. It's not that they were drastic changes, but they > were definite changes and things we'd never seen before. And, many all at > once: eczema gone, constipation gone, attitude happy and manageable, even > downright sweet (dare I say it!). His appetite was better and his language > was GREATLY improved. We didn't see huge upticks in his articulation > immediately, but it did seem to come with time. I'd say now, 6 months later, > is probably 90%-95% understandable to strangers. For a 3 1/2 yr old, > with or even without apraxia I'd say that's pretty good. I very rarely have > to repeat his sentences to others so they can understand. > > I know you were considering increasing the NV dosage - have you tried that > yet? > > Sharon > > > > > > > > > > > We started Madelyn (26 months) on one Omega 369 3 days ago. I haven't > > > really noticed much of a difference yet, but her SLP noticed her making > more > > > attempts to repeat words this morning, she made the " p " sound for the > first > > > time and and even came close to a fishface. Hmmm, maybe there has been > a > > > difference after all. I haven't mentioned anything to her SLP about the > > > oils. What should I be looking for? > > > > Madelyn was largely silent before speech therapy began in May and is > now > > > a jargoning chatterbox, although has maybe 3 understandable words. > > > > > > > > Also, in line with the question about when to stop the > supplementation in > > > preparation for an evaluation, how does that work? If the SLP is > documenting > > > progress made, and the ability of the child, aren't there going to be > > > discrepancies during the evaluation once the child is taken off? For > > > example, our therapist needs to complete a progress report in 2 months > for > > > our transition meeting out of E.I. and into CPSE. Wouldn't she be > checking > > > off things that Madelyn can do, but wouldn't be able to do once off the > fish > > > oils? If she gets that surge we're hoping for, perhaps E.I. would > decrease > > > the 5x per week to 3x per week. Or, if it goes on to help with > attention > > > span and focus, wouldn't her special instructor note the gains, and > perhaps > > > not recommend therapy, even though she needs it. Or do the kids still > show > > > the same signs of apraxia and other issues just to a lesser extent? Do > they > > > regress back to before they had supplementation, or have a loss of some > > > skills? I hope those questions make sense. We also have an appointment > with > > > a new neuro in the end of October, and I need to plan for that initial > > > visit. > > > > > > > > Thanks, > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 15, 2010 Report Share Posted September 15, 2010 Hi Malinda -I'll see if can answer this too but there is another explanation if you are using the right dosage and getting enough hydration in as those are really the two main things to watch. (for hydration -body weight divided in half is about the amount of ounces of liquid a day see FAQ here ) While most of us it appears sees dramatic surges in multiple areas, raised awareness to our group about her son (who she just posted about regarding the preschool teacher saying her son was trying to leave the room prior to the class being over and it " may " not be safe) and NV. She had noticed some subtle surges like you, but in frustration from reading about all of the more dramatic surges she stopped NV...and the subtle surges stopped and her son regressed. She and her husband realized that any surge is better than no surge at all. I would suggest you do the same and try stopping the NV for say this weekend. Sometimes you have to note the lack of progress or see a regression to make you aware of progress. It is possible there are things going on in other areas, or in the body that you just don't note yet as it's only 2 weeks on NV? (which is when Sharon first noted her surges -so again while most of us notice the dramatic surges in a day to a few days it took her 2 weeks -but perhaps she just didn't notice the subtle things prior? Sharon? There are always exceptions to the rule was the point) Also of course we all look for surges in speech, but there are quite a few children who have surges in other areas first -particularly autistic children. Please note all the areas of surges and see if you notice in any of the other areas (see list below) Hope this helps! Anecdotal reports of surges for those with autism, apraxia and other speech impairments, ADHD, Traumatic Brain Injury, seizure disorders, epilepsy and global delays in the following areas typically within just a few days on NutriiVeda: SPEECH articulation, complexity and sophistication of sentence structure LANGUAGE better understanding of written and spoken word, development of better reading and writing skills ACADEMICS/LEARNING reported surges in all areas of school. For preschool age sudden awareness of numbers, letters, even spelling FINE AND GROSS MOTOR SKILLS improvements in various activities reported including riding a bike, swimming to buttoning pants POTTY TRAINING and bed wetting resolved for those of all ages who had issues are reported SENSE OF HUMOR both catching subtle humor/abstract humor, and wanting to make others laugh-joking around AWARENESS OF SURROUNDINGS (for autism) reported following gaze and more interactions FACIAL EXPRESSIONS more non-verbal communication, for oral apraxia more expressions instead of blank stares when not engaged in conversation FOCUS on task, more willing to listen and try MULTI TASKING for those with motor planning impairments such as apraxia as this is something typically not done or done well prior to NV SOCIAL wanting to participate with others via play and communication MOOD reported seems " happier " for a number BEHAVIOR normalization reported in a few cases of those with severe behavioral issues of head banging, butting, hitting, aggression and anger issues MUSIC increased interest in listening to, humming or singing music DEVELOPMENTAL CATCHING UP for those that never went through stages -reportedly going through them for the first time. DECREASE IN SEIZURES so far in several cases elimination of any seizures and headaches and decrease and elimination in seizure meds as well IMAGINATIVE PLAY increase in imaginative play and story telling IMPROVED DIET willingness to try more foods for those that were " picky eaters " prior Within 1 month or more: SENSORY improvement in sensory awareness for those affected with sensory integration dysfunction GROWTH reported dramatic surges in height as well as increase in muscle and normalization in weight REFLEXES normalization of reflexes for those who had poor reflexes ===== Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 15, 2010 Report Share Posted September 15, 2010 Thanks ! He has been on the fish oils 10 weeks and the NV 8 weeks. I upped the dose on the fish oils to what is recommded about 3 weeks ago and started the heaping NV about 10 days ago. He is trying and I can get him to say certain words when prompted with cards, but mostly, it is just EHH EHHH EHH or EEES EEES EEES for everything! What do you recommend I go armed with when I go to EI in November to write up his " plan " when he turns 3? He is currently receiving speech therapy at home 1x a week. (they proposed 2x a month and I got them to do 1x!) I really feel he needs more intensive help and that is my primary goal. What do I need to do to make sure it happens? I still haven't been able to find a PROMPT therapist in the Salt Lake area. I emailed everyone on the list from the PROMPT institute, but nobody seems to have completed their certification... His current therapist is great with him and willing to try my suggestions... I feel like he needs to learn how to form his mouth and have cues to remember to do so to get the right sounds out! Thanks again for all your help... it is very hard to watch him want to communicate with other kids... I can understand 80% of what he wants or is trying to say if I know the context...otherwise, I am lost... His 4-year old brother is starting to translate for me though! Thanks Malinda On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 5:23 PM, kiddietalk <kiddietalk@...> wrote: > > > Hi Malinda -I'll see if can answer this too but there is another > explanation if you are using the right dosage and getting enough hydration > in as those are really the two main things to watch. (for hydration -body > weight divided in half is about the amount of ounces of liquid a day see FAQ > here ) > > While most of us it appears sees dramatic surges in multiple areas, > raised awareness to our group about her son (who she just posted about > regarding the preschool teacher saying her son was trying to leave the room > prior to the class being over and it " may " not be safe) and NV. She had > noticed some subtle surges like you, but in frustration from reading about > all of the more dramatic surges she stopped NV...and the subtle surges > stopped and her son regressed. She and her husband realized that any surge > is better than no surge at all. I would suggest you do the same and try > stopping the NV for say this weekend. Sometimes you have to note the lack of > progress or see a regression to make you aware of progress. It is possible > there are things going on in other areas, or in the body that you just don't > note yet as it's only 2 weeks on NV? (which is when Sharon first noted her > surges -so again while most of us notice the dramatic surges in a day to a > few days it took her 2 weeks -but perhaps she just didn't notice the subtle > things prior? Sharon? There are always exceptions to the rule was the point) > > Also of course we all look for surges in speech, but there are quite a few > children who have surges in other areas first -particularly autistic > children. Please note all the areas of surges and see if you notice in any > of the other areas (see list below) Hope this helps! > > Anecdotal reports of surges for those with autism, apraxia and other speech > impairments, ADHD, Traumatic Brain Injury, seizure disorders, epilepsy and > global delays in the following areas typically within just a few days on > NutriiVeda: > > SPEECH articulation, complexity and sophistication of sentence structure > LANGUAGE better understanding of written and spoken word, development of > better reading and writing skills > ACADEMICS/LEARNING reported surges in all areas of school. For preschool > age sudden awareness of numbers, letters, even spelling > FINE AND GROSS MOTOR SKILLS improvements in various activities reported > including riding a bike, swimming to buttoning pants > POTTY TRAINING and bed wetting resolved for those of all ages who had > issues are reported > SENSE OF HUMOR both catching subtle humor/abstract humor, and wanting to > make others laugh-joking around > AWARENESS OF SURROUNDINGS (for autism) reported following gaze and more > interactions > FACIAL EXPRESSIONS more non-verbal communication, for oral apraxia more > expressions instead of blank stares when not engaged in conversation > FOCUS on task, more willing to listen and try > MULTI TASKING for those with motor planning impairments such as apraxia as > this is something typically not done or done well prior to NV > SOCIAL wanting to participate with others via play and communication > MOOD reported seems " happier " for a number > BEHAVIOR normalization reported in a few cases of those with severe > behavioral issues of head banging, butting, hitting, aggression and anger > issues > MUSIC increased interest in listening to, humming or singing music > DEVELOPMENTAL CATCHING UP for those that never went through stages > -reportedly going through them for the first time. > DECREASE IN SEIZURES so far in several cases elimination of any seizures > and headaches and decrease and elimination in seizure meds as well > IMAGINATIVE PLAY increase in imaginative play and story telling > IMPROVED DIET willingness to try more foods for those that were " picky > eaters " prior > > Within 1 month or more: > SENSORY improvement in sensory awareness for those affected with sensory > integration dysfunction > GROWTH reported dramatic surges in height as well as increase in muscle and > normalization in weight > REFLEXES normalization of reflexes for those who had poor reflexes > > > ===== > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 15, 2010 Report Share Posted September 15, 2010 Hey /Malinda: To answer your questions about if we saw subtle surges during the 2 weeks, I can't say for sure, but I don't recall that we did. Really what I remember most is that he was a total bear. He was the most awful I'd seen since we took him off fish oils the one time I mentioned earlier in this note. We finally chalked it up to him going through some sort of detox. He was defiant, whiney and threw tantrums constantly. Even his speech/articulation worsened during that 2 weeks. Then, he woke up an angel after the 2 week detox. The 2 week period was not all at full dosage also. It took us several days to ramp up to full dose, but even still we saw the negative behavior even on a full dose for the first 1+ week. We too were getting close to ditching it, but I'm glad we stuck with it. SO GLAD. Sharon > > Hi Malinda -I'll see if can answer this too but there is another explanation if you are using the right dosage and getting enough hydration in as those are really the two main things to watch. (for hydration -body weight divided in half is about the amount of ounces of liquid a day see FAQ here ) > > While most of us it appears sees dramatic surges in multiple areas, raised awareness to our group about her son (who she just posted about regarding the preschool teacher saying her son was trying to leave the room prior to the class being over and it " may " not be safe) and NV. She had noticed some subtle surges like you, but in frustration from reading about all of the more dramatic surges she stopped NV...and the subtle surges stopped and her son regressed. She and her husband realized that any surge is better than no surge at all. I would suggest you do the same and try stopping the NV for say this weekend. Sometimes you have to note the lack of progress or see a regression to make you aware of progress. It is possible there are things going on in other areas, or in the body that you just don't note yet as it's only 2 weeks on NV? (which is when Sharon first noted her surges -so again while most of us notice the dramatic surges in a day to a few days it took her 2 weeks -but perhaps she just didn't notice the subtle things prior? Sharon? There are always exceptions to the rule was the point) > > Also of course we all look for surges in speech, but there are quite a few children who have surges in other areas first -particularly autistic children. Please note all the areas of surges and see if you notice in any of the other areas (see list below) Hope this helps! > > Anecdotal reports of surges for those with autism, apraxia and other speech impairments, ADHD, Traumatic Brain Injury, seizure disorders, epilepsy and global delays in the following areas typically within just a few days on NutriiVeda: > > SPEECH articulation, complexity and sophistication of sentence structure > LANGUAGE better understanding of written and spoken word, development of better reading and writing skills > ACADEMICS/LEARNING reported surges in all areas of school. For preschool age sudden awareness of numbers, letters, even spelling > FINE AND GROSS MOTOR SKILLS improvements in various activities reported including riding a bike, swimming to buttoning pants > POTTY TRAINING and bed wetting resolved for those of all ages who had issues are reported > SENSE OF HUMOR both catching subtle humor/abstract humor, and wanting to make others laugh-joking around > AWARENESS OF SURROUNDINGS (for autism) reported following gaze and more interactions > FACIAL EXPRESSIONS more non-verbal communication, for oral apraxia more expressions instead of blank stares when not engaged in conversation > FOCUS on task, more willing to listen and try > MULTI TASKING for those with motor planning impairments such as apraxia as this is something typically not done or done well prior to NV > SOCIAL wanting to participate with others via play and communication > MOOD reported seems " happier " for a number > BEHAVIOR normalization reported in a few cases of those with severe behavioral issues of head banging, butting, hitting, aggression and anger issues > MUSIC increased interest in listening to, humming or singing music > DEVELOPMENTAL CATCHING UP for those that never went through stages -reportedly going through them for the first time. > DECREASE IN SEIZURES so far in several cases elimination of any seizures and headaches and decrease and elimination in seizure meds as well > IMAGINATIVE PLAY increase in imaginative play and story telling > IMPROVED DIET willingness to try more foods for those that were " picky eaters " prior > > Within 1 month or more: > SENSORY improvement in sensory awareness for those affected with sensory integration dysfunction > GROWTH reported dramatic surges in height as well as increase in muscle and normalization in weight > REFLEXES normalization of reflexes for those who had poor reflexes > > > > ===== > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 16, 2010 Report Share Posted September 16, 2010 Hi, I just wanted to give an update on my 10 yr. old daughter. I am so happy for her. She is now in the 4th grade and they are required to give " oral " reports. She has given 2 this week. In the past, she has had great difficulty bringing her thoughts together and then saying them without sounding choppy and hesitant. It was such a strain for her to express herself. Well, she made " 100 " on both presentations. She was even able to show expression and enjoyed talking and used harder words that she had been unable to pronounce in the past. She said that she wants to be in a play now! I just had to share this because we have been so blessed to be able to give her the NV and fish oil. I believe that she is definitely well on the road to recovery! Her brain has to be healing because there are so many changes going on. Again, thank you. Teri Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 16, 2010 Report Share Posted September 16, 2010 Teri so you are seeing the same thing as me. I also so believe there is some type of repair going on based on the changes in so many areas -Tanner -who Tanner was and is now, it's like we went through a time machine and I am with the older Tanner. It's still him -but he's, well a word I find myself using more and more is " normalized " And honestly -in some areas above average. How is your daughter with homework? I'm speaking in regards to the following -Tanner is black and white from before with homework with me. Where before he would seek me out to work on things like reading, writing reports, now...even if I ask him " Tanner, anything at all you need help on I'm here for you " He answers me " I'm doing it myself " He goes into his room with his computer and all his books and just works and works (this school has lots of homework) and he said to me " sometimes when I work for two hours on my homework I have to stop and take a break to give myself a break " Honestly I know he has many assignments but don't know if they are supposed to take hours- again he's wanting to do all on his own. He showed me his one poem " If I Ruled The World " and it was quite long -and he got 100 percent on it. Tanner doing a poem? Without my help? Even not asking me to type it for him as I type so much faster? Nope -he wants to do it all alone. So are you seeing this? May be different because Tanner is 4 years older and a young teen too? I also want to say thank you so much for your continued updates! So many it seems once their child is surging on NV forget to come back here to update -and there are new parents all the time. By the way -has your daughter also had the increase in reflexes I wrote about in Tanner the other day? Just checking as that seems to be something that came in later. Here are two clips of your last updates for new people which can be found on our testimonial page First one: Improved grades and focus I must be honest and say that I was cautious in purchasing the NutriiVeda for my daughter, because the testimonies sounded almost too good to be true. Now, I am happy to be able to add my testimony to the growing list of parents and say that it has been an answer to prayer. We adopted our daughter from Ukraine when she was 2 years old. She is now 10 years old and after many years of therapy, she has been able to do well in school, but can't remember the material we have studied once a test is over. She has struggled and we have spent most days going over and over the same material just to keep up. Up until she started taking the NutriiVeda, we studied continuously. She just couldn't grasp what I would tell her and she was unable to understand the " why " questions or infer what a passage was saying. Her teacher even commented that even though she made good grades, it would be very difficult for her in the 4th grade. Well, that has all changed now. The week before we started the NutriiVeda, the class started doing fourth grade reading to prepare for the fourth grade. She made a 48, 56, and 66 on her reading grades. Instantly, after starting the NutriiVeda, her grades changed to 100's and she " understood " what she was reading. She now has an " A " in reading. In fact, without the excessive studying, her lowest grade in all subjects this past 2 weeks has been a 94. Another great improvement has been in her speech. She didn't start putting words together until she was almost 5 years old. She put sentences together when she was 7 years old. She continues to take speech therapy, but has had a problem with syntax. I can tell without a doubt that her speech has improved with the NutriiVeda. With so many positive things to report, I hesitate to even mention that it did seem to cause her to be hyper and jumpy the first week. We didn't give up using the NutriiVeda and now her disposition is back to normal.. She will now even admit that her mind feels sharper and last night we only had to study for her history test 30 minutes rather than days. This morning, I went over a few questions for history and I could tell that she remembered everything we had studied and it covered 40 pages. I am normally cautious when I read reports such as mine, but I would like to encourage parents to just give this a chance. This is the first time I have ever replied on a website. Please forgive my wordiness, but I am just so excited. It is like all the hard work our daughter has done over the years is now coming together in a wonderful way! THANK YOU LISA GENG and MR. BILL FARLEY! Please keep up the good work! Teri next one: I would like to give an update on our 10 year old daughter who has been on NV for about 2-1/2 months. I previously reported that after starting NV, she had a great surge academically, but as has said the surges continue. She has had a problem wetting the bed at night. In fact, sometimes several times a night. She never had a night without wetting the bed. About 3 weeks after staring the NV, she quit wetting the bed. This has been so good for her. She was afraid to spend the night with her friends. because she knew what would happen. Now, there are no more accidents. Also, I had a big surprise when I took her to swimming lessons Monday.. She has not been able to swim even though she has had swimming lessons in the past. I figured that she would be put back with the smaller children to try again. When they tested her for swimming, they asked her if she could swim. She said no, so they said for her to show them what she could do. You won't believe it, but she could swim. I couldn't believe my eyes. She even surprised herself. Of course she still needs her lessons, but her coordination is now working and she is breathing and staying above water. She hasn't been able to ride her bike without training wheels and in fact has quit riding it all together because she feels too big for training wheels. Now, she might even be able to ride the bike. We will try that next. What wonderful things are in store for our children! Again, THANK YOU LISA GENG for caring about all of our children. Teri ===== Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 19, 2010 Report Share Posted September 19, 2010 Wow! I just wanted to post an update. I know what a surge looks like now LOL. We started one capsule of 369 one week ago, and it is like we have a different child. Almost like a light has turned on. Madelyn is now making attempts to repeat everything we say, and initiating interactions. I asked her what she was wearing, and she replied, " Ba-pa " , and then turned to show me her backpack.. She is more social and will walk away from me to say hi to someone else, or to explore her environment. She is joking around with her siblings a lot more and is much more playful. She is pointing things out and calling my attention to something she sees or hears. Her squawky sounding " Maaaaaa " when she wants my attention is music to this mom's ears. She is more aware of her surroundings and notices and questions when someone leaves the room. My absolute favorite is when I ask her, " Who's my sweet girl? " , and she replies, " Meeeeee " . Such a beautiful sound! We took her to the center where she will be receiving her special instruction for a visit. The director said she didn't need the self contained classroom because she had too many words (I guess partial words count) and understood everything!!!!! Never thought I would have heard that. She will be in the integrated class instead. What a difference a week makes. I am so thankful to and the Cherab foundation for sharing all of their research and knowledge. I have to admit though, that I am still a bit skeptical. Part of me wonders if it is just a natural developmental explosion. I'm sure once we take her off the oils for her next evaluation, we'll see a difference. For now I am just enjoying every minute getting to know my daughter. > > > > We started Madelyn (26 months) on one Omega 369 3 days ago. I haven't really noticed much of a difference yet, but her SLP noticed her making more attempts to repeat words this morning, she made the " p " sound for the first time and and even came close to a fishface. Hmmm, maybe there has been a difference after all. I haven't mentioned anything to her SLP about the oils. What should I be looking for? > > Madelyn was largely silent before speech therapy began in May and is now a jargoning chatterbox, although has maybe 3 understandable words. > > > > Also, in line with the question about when to stop the supplementation in preparation for an evaluation, how does that work? If the SLP is documenting progress made, and the ability of the child, aren't there going to be discrepancies during the evaluation once the child is taken off? For example, our therapist needs to complete a progress report in 2 months for our transition meeting out of E.I. and into CPSE. Wouldn't she be checking off things that Madelyn can do, but wouldn't be able to do once off the fish oils? If she gets that surge we're hoping for, perhaps E.I. would decrease the 5x per week to 3x per week. Or, if it goes on to help with attention span and focus, wouldn't her special instructor note the gains, and perhaps not recommend therapy, even though she needs it. Or do the kids still show the same signs of apraxia and other issues just to a lesser extent? Do they regress back to before they had supplementation, or have a loss of some skills? I hope those questions make sense. We also have an appointment with a new neuro in the end of October, and I need to plan for that initial visit. > > > > Thanks, > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 19, 2010 Report Share Posted September 19, 2010 Hi ! I just started Ava, my 27 month old daughter on fish oil as well. We can't believe the difference in her speech! We are absolutely AMAZED something can help this much. She's trying to put words together all the time. She now says " bye bye Mama " , Dada, and others names with bye bye. There's so many more words shes' trying to put together, and everything seems a bit more clear as well. I tried giving her the NV in a shake and didn't have much luck. I'm hoping to sneak it into some kind of food she will eat. If anyone has any great recipes or ideas for the NV, please let me know! I'm willing to try anything! Also, I currently have Ava on one ProEFA and half a ProEPA per day. Can I move up to 2 ProEFA and 1 ProEPA per day? She's about 27 lbs. Thanks!! Meredith > > > > > > We started Madelyn (26 months) on one Omega 369 3 days ago. I haven't really noticed much of a difference yet, but her SLP noticed her making more attempts to repeat words this morning, she made the " p " sound for the first time and and even came close to a fishface. Hmmm, maybe there has been a difference after all. I haven't mentioned anything to her SLP about the oils. What should I be looking for? > > > Madelyn was largely silent before speech therapy began in May and is now a jargoning chatterbox, although has maybe 3 understandable words. > > > > > > Also, in line with the question about when to stop the supplementation in preparation for an evaluation, how does that work? If the SLP is documenting progress made, and the ability of the child, aren't there going to be discrepancies during the evaluation once the child is taken off? For example, our therapist needs to complete a progress report in 2 months for our transition meeting out of E.I. and into CPSE. Wouldn't she be checking off things that Madelyn can do, but wouldn't be able to do once off the fish oils? If she gets that surge we're hoping for, perhaps E.I. would decrease the 5x per week to 3x per week. Or, if it goes on to help with attention span and focus, wouldn't her special instructor note the gains, and perhaps not recommend therapy, even though she needs it. Or do the kids still show the same signs of apraxia and other issues just to a lesser extent? Do they regress back to before they had supplementation, or have a loss of some skills? I hope those questions make sense. We also have an appointment with a new neuro in the end of October, and I need to plan for that initial visit. > > > > > > Thanks, > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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