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apraxia meeting notes nov 11

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Apraxia meeting notes 11/11/09

The meeting opened at 7pm when Jeanne introduced Dr Bianchi, a pediatric

othamologist, pamplets were handed out. Dr Bianchi explained that in

pediatric eye disorders they usually from the ages of birth to 8 yrs old to

correct certain eye disorders. He explained that they use prisms of

different strengths to determine what the child needs, when to get your

child's eyes tested . Also children who are becoming teenagers wanting to

have glasses as a fashion statement even if they didn't need them and how

the ophthalmologists determind that fact from fiction with tests.

Under Vision: there are 3 types, Myopia, (nearsighted) Hyperopia (

farsighted) and Astigmatism. Large amounts of any of these refractive errors

needed to be fixed or else vision may be impaired in a child possible

irreversibly ( amblyopic). Pediatricians and schools screen children,

specialists help determine if glasses are necessary. Judgment call based on

child's symptoms and uncorrected vision. Amblyopia is poor vision in one or

both eyes that is not the result of medical disease. Many causes , but large

refractive errors or large decadences in presciption power ( anisometropia)

between two eyes are most common cause. Glasses must be worn all day to

focus the image for the blurred or lazy eye. Patching is often necessary in

addition to the glasses for the full treatment. Limited treatment window (

age 8). Stabismus is misalignment of the eyes 9 crossed eyes) Typical at

birth or age 3-6. Eyes may deviate in,out up or down. Some forms ot

strabismus respond to glasses typically esotropia (eyes crossing in)

associated with high hyperopia. Glasses must be worn full time. Some require


Myths; were also discussed examples. Glasses will make your eyes worse, Don't

wear your glasses too much, you'll become dependent on them. You shouldn't

have the full nearsighted prescription. The differences were also discussed

between a opthamologist and a optician regarding medical training and

background. Lastly tear ducts were discussed many infants have blockage from

birth/ during first year of life. ( 75% of newborns) Mot resolve

spontaneously by 1 yer of age. A probing of the tear duct is recommended if

it persists beyond 1 year. Sometimes a stent or silicone tubing is placed

during surgery to keep the duct open. Dr Bianchi can be contacted at

Westwood ophthalmology associates, pa, 300 Fairview Ave, Westwood, NJ 07675.

The website is www,Westwoodeye.com, 201-666-4014. Ms Buesser thanked Dr

Bianchi for coming, the meeting ended at 8:45pm.

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