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Re: New member introducing myself to all of you

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>... Cerebral Palsy kids have HYPER tonia- not HYPO tonia

No, you can have CP with hyper or hypo:



My little girl has a light PVL, she was not a premmie, and has hypotonia (not

very severe). She finally jumped with both feet at 2 years 9 months old =)

She had barely two-words sentences at 2 y 8 mth; now she is 3 years 3 months and

is speaking in 8-words sentences =)

Nice to meet you, ! :)

[ ] New member introducing myself to all of you

... Cerebral Palsy kids have HYPER tonia- not HYPO tonia like Tyler has. Tyler

wears DAFOS to help the pronation of his knees and ankles.... (his knees used to

bend backward).... Tyler now walks well with and without his braces.... he can

go up and down stairs. He still can't jump- we are working on that!

The Neurologist also ordered Genetic testing.... Tyler's results showed a

10q23.31 deletion. The Genetics people told us that this is a small deletion....

and that there is no correlation to cognitive or physical delays with any of the

missing genes in Tyler's deletion. My hubby and I were tested at a later date-

and it was found that my husband has the exact same deletion. My husband is a

College Grad- a Business owner- and a former football player in High School and

College.... He had no Delays....

Tyler's Neurologist insists that Tyler's delays are caused by an " undiagnosed

Genetic issue " .... The Genetics people disagree. Both Doctors are part of the

same Hospital System- the U. of Pittsburgh.... This is very frustrating to us. I

wish all the docs could be on the same page.

After many tests..... I now feel good that I had them..... but I also realize

that there have been no real answers.... I am choosing to simply deal with

Tyler's symptoms..... BUT- I still have an open mind...... and if any of you can

suggest anything else that I should do- I would appreciate it. I put Tyler on an

Omega 3, 6, 9 combo made by Nordic Naturals.... and have noticed some

improvement in his speech..... He is now putting 2 or 3 words together.....

(many of which only family members who see him a lot can understand)...... such

as EEE OOO (read book)..... MO Mo- Mo (More Elmo)..... Da Da Baa OHM (Dada come

back home)....

Any suggestions on how to deal with the transition from EI to the School would

also be greatly appreciated....

I will create a separate post about Genetics because this seems to be a recent

topic here..

Take care all....

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Hi ,

Welcome to the group. I don't have a lot of time, but I wanted to send a couple

thoughts your way.

It sounds like your public system gave you the same options that they gave us. I

visited the special preschool option and did not like it. (I'm certain quality

varies greatly) It was a training camp for kindergarten - how to sit still, how

to introduce yourself, how to stand in a line, how to switch from one activity

to another in under a minute. Complete rubbish and not what I wanted for me

three year old. We decided on a private preschool (waldorf) that is accepting

and accommodating of my daughter's differences. We tried to have services go to

the school but found the public school approach to contrast greatly from

waldorf. It wasn't working. So now services come to the house and my daughter is

left in peace at school. It seems to be working nicely for our daughter. She is

doing very well at school (though still not talking) and her speech is


So I recommend that you observe the entire session at the public program and

compare it to a few private schools that you observe. This is what I look for:

Time for children to play and explore and learn about themselves and other

children in an UNSTRUCTURED way, a language-rich environment, songs with

movement (language and motor planning), positive learning environment (no

time-outs, naughty corners, etc...), time outside, there are so many things to


I strongly feel that just because our children have special needs, it does not

mean that their need to have a childhood can be overlooked. It is not an easy

balance, and it's something that I struggle with. Instead of driving out to

private OT somewhere, we maximize our fun playtime outside and try to fit in a

home-based program. We have considered having private speech come to us, saving

us the drive and hassle.

Another suggestion is to make sure your child's body is processing the way it

should. I was very reluctant to take my daughter off of dairy. Then I saw her

lab result. Find a natropath that specializes in kids with special needs.

Nutrients affect our nervous system greatly. I wish I started with this at 20

months, instead of speech therapy.

That's all for now. Best wishes,


> Hi everyone-

> I am new here. My name is .... my 32 month old son Tyler was recently

diagnosed with Apraxia. We live in the Pittsburgh, PA area..... We took our son

to Hammer- a leader in Apraxia for the diagnosis. I have suspected this

for some time, yet, it still feels bad to hear that " it is true " . Tyler will be

turning 3 in March- so the EI will go away. We had our first meeting with the

School District..... and learned that we have 3 options..... we could send Tyler

to a Special Ed Preschool in March (if there is space for him)-- in my area-

these are called DART Classrooms, OR we could have in home Therapy once per

week, or we could send him to a " typical kid Pre K " and the DART therapists

would visit the PreK class to see him. I have no clue what to do. Tyler has

had so many Therapies- our " Therapy Schedule " always conflicted with " fun

classes for kids " .... so Tyler has had little exposure to kids his own age.

Because Tyler will be turning 3 in March- the DART Classrooms are now almost

full- there may be no space for him from March to May. He will be guaranteed a

spot this September.


> I have no idea what to expect- but have ordered many books from Amazon.com.

Tyler has been in EI since he was 19 months old. His progress with Speech has

been very slow. We are up to 2 hours per week of EI Speech and also 2 more

hours per week of private ST.... We also have OT every other week, and PT once

per month. It at times, seems like our lives are consumed with Therapy. I feel

guilty for saying that it gets to me at times..... every day has some sort of

" time dead line " to be home for, or drive to Therapy. It is hard to fit " fun

things " for the kids into our Schedule. We also have a 4.5 year old little girl

who is very advanced. She is also very resentful of Tyler's Therapies.... and

often frustrates us with her complaints. If I could find a way to split myself

in 2.... I'd love it!


> When we started EI Services, our PT told us that Tyler had Hypotonia.... I

learned that Hypotonia is not simply " low muscle tone " ..... it is a symptom of

some other problem. I started my " Detective journey " at this point. I asked

for a Neuro referral..... Tyler had an MRI of his brain done last December....

it showed " Mild PVL " .... (Periventricular Leukomalasia).... This made no sense

to me-- PVL usually happens to Preemies- Tyler was not a Preemie. PVL also

leads to Cerebral Palsy in more severe cases... Cerebral Palsy kids have HYPER

tonia- not HYPO tonia like Tyler has. Tyler wears DAFOS to help the pronation

of his knees and ankles.... (his knees used to bend backward).... Tyler now

walks well with and without his braces.... he can go up and down stairs. He

still can't jump- we are working on that!


> The Neurologist also ordered Genetic testing.... Tyler's results showed a

10q23.31 deletion. The Genetics people told us that this is a small

deletion.... and that there is no correlation to cognitive or physical delays

with any of the missing genes in Tyler's deletion. My hubby and I were tested

at a later date- and it was found that my husband has the exact same deletion.

My husband is a College Grad- a Business owner- and a former football player in

High School and College.... He had no Delays....


> Tyler's Neurologist insists that Tyler's delays are caused by an " undiagnosed

Genetic issue " .... The Genetics people disagree. Both Doctors are part of the

same Hospital System- the U. of Pittsburgh.... This is very frustrating to us. I

wish all the docs could be on the same page.


> After many tests..... I now feel good that I had them..... but I also realize

that there have been no real answers.... I am choosing to simply deal with

Tyler's symptoms..... BUT- I still have an open mind...... and if any of you can

suggest anything else that I should do- I would appreciate it. I put Tyler on

an Omega 3, 6, 9 combo made by Nordic Naturals.... and have noticed some

improvement in his speech..... He is now putting 2 or 3 words together.....

(many of which only family members who see him a lot can understand)...... such

as EEE OOO (read book)..... MO Mo- Mo (More Elmo)..... Da Da Baa OHM (Dada

come back home)....


> Any suggestions on how to deal with the transition from EI to the School would

also be greatly appreciated....


> I will create a separate post about Genetics because this seems to be a

recent topic here..


> Take care all....


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The best suggestion is to visit all three and see what gives you the best

feeling. When my 8dd Apraxia/Mild CP daughter was in EI here in NY--we had 6-7

sessions a week of ot/pt and speech in our house. She was burned out-it was easy

to tell she needed new challenges from new therapists in a new environment! She

just wasnt being challenged anymore after 3 years of EI here at home. Her

birthday is July--so I could have kept EI here at home for the summer and sent

her in September. The soonest I could send her was for the summer session at a

very well-respected special needs preschool. I took the summer session. They

didnt really offer me a typical preschool since she needed all the same services

she had at home. I looked in to places like Waldorf--I grew up/live near one of

the best Waldorf schools in the country. They told me right away that " those "

types of kids who need services need to take care of that on their own time. Its

not any of their concern and they made it clear they wanted no involvement in

kids who need services.

So off she went two weeks before her 3rd birthday, on the bus and all-ful day.

She loved it. She loved being with the other kids, she had all her therapies,

had snack time, play time, playground time--all in one place. I had been thru

enough and needed some time to myslef to be able to just go food shopping

without running home to meet a therapist. It was a typical preschool with all

the letters, numbers and interaction with other kids along with all her


Look at all the options. If a new environment might help--try to get a spot in

March. That would also get you into the summer session.

My dd is also Hypotonic. I do remember our EI PT was surprised that a kid with

CP can be Hypo--but they are out there. It means that things like Botox will

never be any use to kids like her. She didnt walk till 2.5 yrs old. There is a

great group called Kidpower for kids with mild cp.


> Hi everyone-

> I am new here. My name is .... my 32 month old son Tyler was recently

diagnosed with Apraxia. We live in the Pittsburgh, PA area..... We took our son

to Hammer- a leader in Apraxia for the diagnosis. I have suspected this

for some time, yet, it still feels bad to hear that " it is true " . Tyler will be

turning 3 in March- so the EI will go away. We had our first meeting with the

School District..... and learned that we have 3 options..... we could send Tyler

to a Special Ed Preschool in March (if there is space for him)-- in my area-

these are called DART Classrooms, OR we could have in home Therapy once per

week, or we could send him to a " typical kid Pre K " and the DART therapists

would visit the PreK class to see him.

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Hi ,

I just wanted to second 's advice about looking into possible metabolic

issues. While mainstream doctors haven't been able to give me any insight into

why my 31-month old son has apraxia and hypotonia, the addition of fish oils,

vitamins, probiotics and a simple switch from cows milk to goats milk have all

shown obvious positive results - in both the speech AND the physical gross motor

skills. We have just recently started seeing a Naturopathic doctor and just had

a bloodtest for food allergies done. I won't be surprised at all if we need to

go dairy-free in the future.

Although I was initially skeptical about supplements and dietary changes, I have

to say that I can't be anymore. I think metabolic testing is something that all

apraxic kids should have. It might not be an issue from some, but it definitely

is for others.


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KAREN!! i am a NEW member here and my daughter was just diagnosed yesterday

with oral apraxia at the cleveland clinic! i live in pittsburgh too! (plum

area) my daughter just turned 4 and we did EI thru alliance and dart (had dart

come into our home and then she tested out)....she has hypotonia and her MRI

also revealed mild PVL!!! she also pronates at the ankles and wears suresteps!!

CALL ME!! We have LOTS in common!! i used to drive her over to children's

therapy center (mcmurray) 2 times a week for therapy...looks like we will be

heading back...am looking into a feeding program as well b/c she is

micoraspirating (dr cohen told us that yesterday)...(please no phone

numbers-email privately-moderators!!)...i am home all day today would love to

hear from you at any time!! if you get a chance today, call me..i will be out

shopping tomorrow but do want to talk!! kim


> Hi everyone-

> I am new here. My name is .... my 32 month old son Tyler was recently

diagnosed with Apraxia. We live in the Pittsburgh, PA area..... We took our son

to Hammer- a leader in Apraxia for the diagnosis. I have suspected this

for some time, yet, it still feels bad to hear that " it is true " . Tyler will be

turning 3 in March- so the EI will go away. We had our first meeting with the

School District..... and learned that we have 3 options..... we could send Tyler

to a Special Ed Preschool in March (if there is space for him)-- in my area-

these are called DART Classrooms, OR we could have in home Therapy once per

week, or we could send him to a " typical kid Pre K " and the DART therapists

would visit the PreK class to see him. I have no clue what to do. Tyler has

had so many Therapies- our " Therapy Schedule " always conflicted with " fun

classes for kids " .... so Tyler has had little exposure to kids his own age.

Because Tyler will be turning 3 in March- the DART Classrooms are now almost

full- there may be no space for him from March to May. He will be guaranteed a

spot this September.


> I have no idea what to expect- but have ordered many books from Amazon.com.

Tyler has been in EI since he was 19 months old. His progress with Speech has

been very slow. We are up to 2 hours per week of EI Speech and also 2 more

hours per week of private ST.... We also have OT every other week, and PT once

per month. It at times, seems like our lives are consumed with Therapy. I feel

guilty for saying that it gets to me at times..... every day has some sort of

" time dead line " to be home for, or drive to Therapy. It is hard to fit " fun

things " for the kids into our Schedule. We also have a 4.5 year old little girl

who is very advanced. She is also very resentful of Tyler's Therapies.... and

often frustrates us with her complaints. If I could find a way to split myself

in 2.... I'd love it!


> When we started EI Services, our PT told us that Tyler had Hypotonia.... I

learned that Hypotonia is not simply " low muscle tone " ..... it is a symptom of

some other problem. I started my " Detective journey " at this point. I asked

for a Neuro referral..... Tyler had an MRI of his brain done last December....

it showed " Mild PVL " .... (Periventricular Leukomalasia).... This made no sense

to me-- PVL usually happens to Preemies- Tyler was not a Preemie. PVL also

leads to Cerebral Palsy in more severe cases... Cerebral Palsy kids have HYPER

tonia- not HYPO tonia like Tyler has. Tyler wears DAFOS to help the pronation

of his knees and ankles.... (his knees used to bend backward).... Tyler now

walks well with and without his braces.... he can go up and down stairs. He

still can't jump- we are working on that!


> The Neurologist also ordered Genetic testing.... Tyler's results showed a

10q23.31 deletion. The Genetics people told us that this is a small

deletion.... and that there is no correlation to cognitive or physical delays

with any of the missing genes in Tyler's deletion. My hubby and I were tested

at a later date- and it was found that my husband has the exact same deletion.

My husband is a College Grad- a Business owner- and a former football player in

High School and College.... He had no Delays....


> Tyler's Neurologist insists that Tyler's delays are caused by an " undiagnosed

Genetic issue " .... The Genetics people disagree. Both Doctors are part of the

same Hospital System- the U. of Pittsburgh.... This is very frustrating to us. I

wish all the docs could be on the same page.


> After many tests..... I now feel good that I had them..... but I also realize

that there have been no real answers.... I am choosing to simply deal with

Tyler's symptoms..... BUT- I still have an open mind...... and if any of you can

suggest anything else that I should do- I would appreciate it. I put Tyler on

an Omega 3, 6, 9 combo made by Nordic Naturals.... and have noticed some

improvement in his speech..... He is now putting 2 or 3 words together.....

(many of which only family members who see him a lot can understand)...... such

as EEE OOO (read book)..... MO Mo- Mo (More Elmo)..... Da Da Baa OHM (Dada

come back home)....


> Any suggestions on how to deal with the transition from EI to the School would

also be greatly appreciated....


> I will create a separate post about Genetics because this seems to be a

recent topic here..


> Take care all....


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Kids with developmental delays often have food intolerances/allergies and dairy

is one of the common reactive foods along with gluten, soy, etc. The body

reacts badly to the foods which can cause complicated negative reactions in the

body. That's why it's a good thing to look into allergies.



> Can you tell me a little more about dairy?  Why is it bad?


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Hi and welcome!

First off Happy Thanksgiving and sorry I haven't been around much to answer you

and other new members. I run the Cherab Foundation and we are in the process of

regrouping so that we can become more of a voice to help our children -so lots

going on behind the scenes!

My first question is have you read The Late Talker book because even though we

wrote that years ago the information will apply today to answer much of your

questions as a new member.

As far as genetic it appears that almost all of us have had the genetic testing

done and years ago the results were almost 100% negative but as you found as

time has gone on today they are finding deletions they didn't prior -however it

still leaves huge amounts of questions. Like your husband however the bottom

line is that you can end up a viable student and member of society with or

without a genetic " difference " For that matter there are many adults with mild

hypotonia, or sensory issues, or even mild impairments of speech...who live

" normal " lives.

In this group in the past decade we've had an extremely high rate of success by

following the basics of appropriate speech and occupational therapy and other

traditional therapies together with " alternative " including fish oil therapy,

together with appropriate school placements including preschool which is the

stage you are looking at now. My son Tanner has never been on any special diets

other than we try to be as organic as possible, try to limit trans and saturated

fats -and he's been mainstreamed since kindergarten as has many of our children.

I was a celiac baby myself so am far too aware of what it's like to be raised on

a " special " diet and hated it. As an adult I am aware that in some cases like

mine however these dietary changes can be life saving, however as in some of the

answers to you it's clear that some suggest " milk free " etc. as a one size fits

for all speech impaired children -and that's just irresponsible thinking in my

opinion . Eliminating any nutrient from a growing child's diet can lead to

problems far worse than speech impairments -and for the group of parents

limiting dairy right now you can find recent studies on Pubmed. Our children

depend on us to do what is right for them -and the one thing that stands out to

me in your email is that your child is in very good hands. You are the type of

parent that will be open to hearing from all -but you will investigate it all

yourself- and that's the best way to be!

As far as preschool coming up in my opinion you have to look at the goals -both

short and long term. Absolutely if your child has speech and tonal issues -even

just those two alone -therapy is a given...but it's been my experience in

running this group that if your child is in fact apraxic -that he will in almost

all cases be best off in a multisensory based preschool placement where he will

receive appropriate therapies for speech and occupational therapy. In some

cases our children may need physical therapy as well -and if that is found to be

appropriate for your child than he is entitled to that therapy too.

Your statement " if there is room " OMG it's not like that!!! If your town's

preschool doesn't have " room " and it is appropriate for your child to be in the

school's Early Intervention program which is Federally funded -then they'll have

to provide payment for out of district placement -etc. Again please read The

Late Talker book as there is an entire chapter in there on IEPs and advocacy.

One type of preschool placement you may want to check out are the preschools for

the hearing impaired and deaf. There are two types of beliefs for schooling

-one is an oral based model where many of the students have cochlear implants

where sign is accepted but not encouraged as much as speech because as I was

told " one can learn to sign at any age -but a deaf child who is still nonverbal

at 5 will most likely remain nonverbal and we live in a verbal world " There are

huge debates in the deaf world over this belief over " deaf culture " where in the

other type of school for the hearing impaired has a different belief. My son

Tanner has no hearing issue at all -and never did -and he attended the Summit

Speech School for the hearing impaired and deaf in New Providence NJ for his

" out of district placement " (translate my then public school system paid to send

him there as written in his IEP) preschool and it was AWESOME!!!! Summit Speech

School is an oral based school and from the kids like my son that went there I

can tell you that the success rate of going from special needs preschool to

mainstream K-12 was very high...and to me that was the long term goal.

Here are some links for this type of placement (and BTW if your local school

doesn't have " room " that could be the best news ever -now you have a reason to

push for out of district placement!)

http://www.oraldeafed.org/schools/index.html List of schools

http://www.summitspeech.com Summit Speech School where my son Tanner went for

preschool (he's now mainstream 7th grade)

My one last thought for now would be if you went to see 2 neuromedical doctors

from the same hospital system who can't decide...it's worth seeking a third

opinion from a neurodevelopmental medical doctor who has vast experience

diagnosing apraxia and other multifaceted communication impairments today. I

don't know about your area but know there are quite a few in the NJ and NY area

due to the number of children there. It's worth sometimes getting in the car

and driving for hours to seek advice from someone who really understands not

only what the diagnosis is...but who can help you advocate for appropriate

placement -and be a " hero " to help oversee your child's placement, therapy and

progress as time goes on. If nobody has yet stepped forward to help your child

in this area (and trust me you'll know) then you have not yet found your child's

" hero " For my son Tanner -I had more than one...but it's good to have at least



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Dairy itself isn't bad. Every child is different. It's important to work with a

doctor, in my opinion, if you feel that you child might be intolerant to a food.


> Can you tell me a little more about dairy?  Why is it bad?


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Hi -

My son who is 30 months old has moderate apraxia and hypotonia. He wears

Sure Steps orthotics to help with his pronation and he did physical therapy for

6 months but he is now walking up and down stairs, jumping, climbing, etc so he

no longer does PT. He also has some sensory processing issues (mainly tactile

defensivess) so he did OT for sensory issues for a few months and that helped.

He does ST twice a week privately. We live in MO and to qualify for EI you have

to have a 50% delay which did not (at the time he was tested at 23 mos,

his speech delay was 40%) so we have done all his therapies privately and spent

a small fortune in the process. We also do fish oil supplements, Vit E, and a

probiotic. We tried both Carnitine and acetyl L carnitine supplements to help

with tone but didn't see a difference with either one.

In terms of preschools, one other option you could look into is a peschool for

kids with language disorders run by a local university. Here in St Louis, we

are considering the preschool run by the Speech Language and Hearing Dept at

Saint Louis University. It is half day and is run by an SLP with 4 graduate

students. It's like a regular preschool but they work language into every area

of interaction. I like that the classroom is run by an SLP and that the grad

students are all studying to be SLPs. Our private SLP is affiliated with SLU so

that's how I learned about the preschool.

Thanks for sharing the info about genetics. We have not done genetic testing

for but have been thinking about it. I also have an older child age

6 who is advanced. It is difficult as a parent to have 1 for whom everything

comes so easily and 1 who has to work so hard to master basics that other kids

take for granted. was frustrated with all of 's therapies last year

but now is in Kindergarten so that gives me time to do therapy with

while is in school.

Good luck with your decision.


> Hi everyone-

> I am new here. My name is .... my 32 month old son Tyler was recently

diagnosed with Apraxia. We live in the Pittsburgh, PA area..... We took our son

to Hammer- a leader in Apraxia for the diagnosis. I have suspected this

for some time, yet, it still feels bad to hear that " it is true " . Tyler will be

turning 3 in March- so the EI will go away. We had our first meeting with the

School District..... and learned that we have 3 options..... we could send Tyler

to a Special Ed Preschool in March (if there is space for him)-- in my area-

these are called DART Classrooms, OR we could have in home Therapy once per

week, or we could send him to a " typical kid Pre K " and the DART therapists

would visit the PreK class to see him. I have no clue what to do. Tyler has

had so many Therapies- our " Therapy Schedule " always conflicted with " fun

classes for kids " .... so Tyler has had little exposure to kids his own age.

Because Tyler will be turning 3 in March- the DART Classrooms are now almost

full- there may be no space for him from March to May. He will be guaranteed a

spot this September.


> I have no idea what to expect- but have ordered many books from Amazon.com.

Tyler has been in EI since he was 19 months old. His progress with Speech has

been very slow. We are up to 2 hours per week of EI Speech and also 2 more

hours per week of private ST.... We also have OT every other week, and PT once

per month. It at times, seems like our lives are consumed with Therapy. I feel

guilty for saying that it gets to me at times..... every day has some sort of

" time dead line " to be home for, or drive to Therapy. It is hard to fit " fun

things " for the kids into our Schedule. We also have a 4.5 year old little girl

who is very advanced. She is also very resentful of Tyler's Therapies.... and

often frustrates us with her complaints. If I could find a way to split myself

in 2.... I'd love it!


> When we started EI Services, our PT told us that Tyler had Hypotonia.... I

learned that Hypotonia is not simply " low muscle tone " ..... it is a symptom of

some other problem. I started my " Detective journey " at this point. I asked

for a Neuro referral..... Tyler had an MRI of his brain done last December....

it showed " Mild PVL " .... (Periventricular Leukomalasia).... This made no sense

to me-- PVL usually happens to Preemies- Tyler was not a Preemie. PVL also

leads to Cerebral Palsy in more severe cases... Cerebral Palsy kids have HYPER

tonia- not HYPO tonia like Tyler has. Tyler wears DAFOS to help the pronation

of his knees and ankles.... (his knees used to bend backward).... Tyler now

walks well with and without his braces.... he can go up and down stairs. He

still can't jump- we are working on that!


> The Neurologist also ordered Genetic testing.... Tyler's results showed a

10q23.31 deletion. The Genetics people told us that this is a small

deletion.... and that there is no correlation to cognitive or physical delays

with any of the missing genes in Tyler's deletion. My hubby and I were tested

at a later date- and it was found that my husband has the exact same deletion.

My husband is a College Grad- a Business owner- and a former football player in

High School and College.... He had no Delays....


> Tyler's Neurologist insists that Tyler's delays are caused by an " undiagnosed

Genetic issue " .... The Genetics people disagree. Both Doctors are part of the

same Hospital System- the U. of Pittsburgh.... This is very frustrating to us. I

wish all the docs could be on the same page.


> After many tests..... I now feel good that I had them..... but I also realize

that there have been no real answers.... I am choosing to simply deal with

Tyler's symptoms..... BUT- I still have an open mind...... and if any of you can

suggest anything else that I should do- I would appreciate it. I put Tyler on

an Omega 3, 6, 9 combo made by Nordic Naturals.... and have noticed some

improvement in his speech..... He is now putting 2 or 3 words together.....

(many of which only family members who see him a lot can understand)...... such

as EEE OOO (read book)..... MO Mo- Mo (More Elmo)..... Da Da Baa OHM (Dada

come back home)....


> Any suggestions on how to deal with the transition from EI to the School would

also be greatly appreciated....


> I will create a separate post about Genetics because this seems to be a

recent topic here..


> Take care all....


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