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Autism Treatment May Soon Get Insurance Coverage in NY

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Autism Treatment May Soon Get Insurance Coverage in NY

]KC Ph.D. 2010-08-24

Health insurance companies may soon be mandated to cover the costs all treatment

for autism for the lifetime of the person with the disorder. The law will

require insurance companies to pay for screenings, diagnoses, doctor's visits,

medications, etc., If this bill is signed and passed by the New York governer,

autistic families will truly have something to celebrate.

Autism is a disorder of neurological brain development and is characterized by

impaired social interaction and communication. Symptoms of autism are lack of

eye contact, poor to no social skills development and repetitive behaviors,

among other things. Autism is not a disorder that can be cured; however it most

certainly is a treatable condition and every single person who falls on any part

of the autism spectrum, from very low functioning to very high functioning can

learn. With proper behavioral treatments, those with autism can grow and acquire

many communication skills, social skills and life skills.

Possible new law for autism will mandate health insurance companies to cover

successful treatments

One of the problems with autism treatment is that it can be very expensive and

many families cannot afford the therapy that their autistic family member may

need. This may all change now that there is hope that insurance companies may

soon be required to pay for autism treatment. The autism bill is currently

awaiting a governmental signature before it is accepted.

The bill is under great debate. Those opposed to the bill say that the " new

regulations would raise state costs " while those who support the bill say that

the " increase would be only an expected one to two percent rise in health care

premiums. " This is according to News Channel 9 in Syracuse, New York. Many

people believe that since many autism treatments are unsuccessful, that it would

be grand waste of money to pay for treatments that don't work.

Fighting autism is " a slow battle everyday, " said Morey who is the father

of six year old twin boys who have autism. Morey says that if the bill becomes a

law, it would be a victory for his family. He and his wife take their two sons

to therapy at least fourteen times per week. Morey says that he cannot get his

insurance company to pay for any of the treatment and it's very tough on the

family's financial situation. Morey stated, " It's to the point now where we

won't even try because it's going nowhere. It's going to come back rejected. "

Morey is hoping, as expected that the health bill is signed so that the future

of his twins will be more secure. " It's going to provide us some relief because

there are no age limitations when this bill goes through. My kids can have

coverage their entire life, " said Morey.

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