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pathways programs

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Hi Everyone,

Attached are some flyers for the new programs for children ages 3-6 we are

starting and an open house we are having for parents with younger children.

Please also stay tuned as we have worked with Montclair State University to

put together an event that is very exciting for kids ages 5-21. This event

is a party including swimming, sports, games, art and food up at the

university recreation center which is a brand new state of the art facility.

The kids will be accompanied by college students so you can do a little

holiday shopping or get an afternnon off. The flyer will be to you by

Wednesday. The limit is 50 kids so you will need to get your child

registered quickly. The date of the event is Dec 13th from 11:00am-3:00pm.

Again the registration and flyer is to follow soon...I am just giving you a

heads up to look at your email.

Thank you and have a great holiday!!

Melinda Jennis

President - Pathways for Exceptional Children


Early Intervention Programs:OpenHouse

Pathways for Exceptional Children is having an open house

for parents of children ages 3-6. You will learn about

some of the new programs we have in place and get

an opportunity to brainstorm with us on the types

of needs your child has and how we can assist you in those areas.

We are looking at programs that emphasize social, language, pre-academic,

attentional, and gross and fine motor skills in a fun learning enivronment.

Your child does not need to be classified with special needs in order for

you to attend this meeting.

Please RSVP by email - mvtpec@..., or phone - 973-263-8839.

© 2009 Pathways for Exceptional Children

Early Intervention

Programs for Children

3-6 years of age

Speakers: Melinda Jennis, President, Pathways

Pathways' Program Instructors

Date: Monday, December 7, 2009

Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm

Location: Montville Township Public Library,

Pio Costa Auditorium

90 Horseneck Rd., Montville, NJ 07045

Pathways for Exceptional Children and

Montville Township Recreation

" Introduction to Team Sports with

an Emphasis on Establishing Social Skills "

Provided by Instructors from " 1 on 1 Athletics "

WHO: Ages 3 to 7 (parents or caregivers must accompany children if needed)

WHAT: This program is for children with both cognitive and physical

disabilities who are

just beginning to learn to participate in structured games, movement to


and sports related activities. The class will help increase coordination,


strength, and flexibility in a fun and non-competitive environment.

COACHES: Russ Van Ness, Health & Physical Education Teacher, 1 on 1


Neuhof, Health & Physical Education Teacher, 1 on 1 Athletics


WHERE: Kidnetics - 2 Changebridge Rd., Montville, NJ 07045

WHEN: Sundays, November 29, December 6, 13, 20, and January 10 from 9:00am -


FEE: $75.00 for 5 weeks *NOTE: There will be a $5.00 processing fee on all

program refunds!

PAYABLE TO: Montville Recreation, 195 Changebridge Road, Montville, NJ 07045


1. In Person 2. Mail 3. On-line OR 4. Payment Drop Box in Municipal Building's

Parking Lot

***Checks or Cash Only for In-Person Registration

OR Checks Only for Mail or Payment Drop Box!!!

***OR Credit Cards or eChecks for On-Line Registration!

Please Note: You will be charged a 2.5% convenience fee for credit card use


For On-Line Registration !!! Go to the town's website at:


Click on " Municipal Services " & then click on " Parks & Recreation " &

then click on " On-Line Registration "


QUESTIONS??? Call Recreation: (973) 331-3305

or Visit our Website: www.montvillenj.org



Pathways Intro to Team Sports

with 1 on 1 Athletics





E-MAIL____________________________________________________ PHONE


Please indicate any special needs your child may have that will assist us in

providing a

successful experience.



My child has my permission to participate in " Intro to Team Sports " 11/29/09

through 1/10/10 at

Kidnetics - 2 Changebridge Rd. Montville, NJ, as described above. I

understand that the

Montville Recreation Department DOES NOT provide ACCIDENT INSURANCE.

Parent/Guardian Signature:_____________________________________________Date:


FOR OFFICE USE: Fee Paid_____ Cash ( ) Check ( ) Received


Program # 902

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