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Where to go from here?

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Hi Everyone,

My son had been taking Nordic Naturals fish oils with great results. We did

however come to realize that the soy in the oils was agitating him, so I

switched to Carlson's. He was progressing steadily on that as well, but has now

hit a plateau with new sounds. We haven't gotten any in quite awhile. My son

is 2.5 and has apraxia.

Currently he is taking 1 teas. of the Carlson oil (800mg EPA and 500 DHA) and 1

EPA gel cap (400mg EPA and 100 DHA)- bringing his ratio to a perfect 2:1. This

has worked for my son as so many of you had recommended on here.

My question is this: What now? Do I increase the amount of liquid oil or give

him another gel cap? Do I always try to maintain the 2:1 ratio? How long to I

give it before increasing the oils? While his language continues to improve, we

haven't gotten a new consonant or vowel for a few months now...

Thanks so much for your help. I really appreciate it.

Kind Regards,


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In addition to what you have listed, I think the following will help. .

The chemo kills all the bacteria both good and bad in the intestine. A good

probiotic will help with detox and restoring the gut flora. A key for the immune

system to function properly. My wife was taking 160 billon per day after each

chemo treatment. Cheap probiotics just do not work. Far infrared sauna will

detox, alkalize, kill yeast, and the heat is supposed to kill the cancer when

heated to 102 to 104 degrees.  Wheat grass and unpasteurized colostrum will help

restore the blood. The organic wheat grass powder seems to work better than the


While you do have vit D listed, make sure the levels are checked using the same

procedure as Lab Corp and get the levels up to near 100 using vit D3. Some

folks need as much as 20,000 units per day. Testing is the only way to know for


You might also want to look into miataki mushrooms. Chlorella and

spirulina are a excellent detox with chlorella having a edge. Spirulina can

reverse cancer. Astragalus is a good immune system booster. Selenium is needed

as well. We use Now brand Alpha Sorb Vit C 5,000 mg per day. This is what it

looks like http://www.totaldiscountvitamins.com/product/31574/now

It can take up to a year for the bone marrow to recover. I would avoid corn, any

pasteurized milk products including cheese, wheat, and gluten. These block the

absorption of nutrients. Avoid Sugar of course and bad carbs. Eat lots of dark

geen veggies, raw is best.

I do not think there is a magic bullet for boosting

the immune system but vit D3 and restoring the gut flora are the main ones I

think. Good nutrition, detoxing, probiotics, green tea, pau Diarco tea. I also

feel a yeast killer is needed such as pau diarco, olive leaf extract, fresh

crushed garlic, Colloidal silver, coconut oil, and capryl. There are others as

well. Fish or krill oil. My wife takes 5,000 mg per day of fish oil. This is to

keep inflammation down, very important for cancer. 

Something to block the sugar from absorbing into the body like psyllium husks or

a herb from India is useful as well. Direct sun light during noon time hours

(not through windows) will detox and the the far infrared rays are supposed to

penetrate the body and kill cancer. Expose as much of the body as possible but

do not burn. Sweating is a good detox as well. A prebiotic well help a great

deal with the gut flora such as Inulin.



From: kallison23

Sent: Wed, February 16, 2011

Hi Everyone,

My mom (57 years) has stage IV colon cancer (mets to the omentum). All signs of

tumor were removed via surgery in Sept. of last year. She has 3 more cycles of

FOLFOX to go, done at the end of March. So far, she has been handling the chemo

remarkably well, with some peripheral neuropathy being her main side effect. My

primary concern, however, are her blood counts. It's obvious that the chemo is

taking its toll on her immune system. That said,

What is next? She does not want to do anymore chemo. This is it. So she will

continue to do the Budwig Protocol, take a few supplements and try to RELAX.

However, after chemo is over, I think she should detox her organs and perhaps

take some specific immune building supps. Her oncologist said that chemo is

building up in her bone marrow, which I don't understand because he also said

that it is out of her " system " within 3 days.

Does anyone have any recommendations for building up the immune system (I'm

talking a big BOOST here) or for detox after chemo? I've read a bunch of things

online, but it would be great to hear if anything specific has worked for anyone

here. I just want to get her body in the best possible place to launch into

Budwig 100% and ensure that her digestive system is absorbing all the nutrients

it can.

Currently she is taking:

A Probiotic

Beta Glucan #300


Vit. D

Chlorophyll and Papaya Leaf Extract for Platelets

Drinking fresh juices with wheat grass

Milk Thistle


Is chiropractic care a good route? Acupuncture? Vitamin C? I really just want to

know what will actually work and not get caught up in hocus pocus-type endeavors

out of ignorance.

Thanks in advance for your help. I appreciate it so much. I wish you all the

light of love.

Kind Regards,


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