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Am I the only one?

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It is a great system for them, injure the kids with one drug and treat them

with others, but its a dangerous game as it will eventually bust all of the

drug companies when people find out, and one is going to the wall with

Baycol, I think.

Lanctot puts the system well http://www.whale.to/vaccines/lanctot.html

They are certainly reducing the African population with vaccines and getting

prizes for helping them! Bill Gates is a prime example.


Am I the only one?

> This open letter is amazing. I am freaked out right now and in great

> admiration of this doctor for taking such a bold step.


> Am I the only one that thinks vaccines are being used to make our children

> sick on purpose? I know I sound like I'm paranoid. I am truly beginning to

> think it is one big conspiracy theory. Someone help me if I'm losing it.


> my own experience, I found it very coincidental " baby reflux " has


> so dramatically and wonders upon wonders, Merck has just the cure (a

> $100/month bottle of " baby " pepcid). Hmmm... it was the Merck vaccine that

> poisoned my kid.


> Also... seems like all the moms I talk to today have a child with food

> allergies, or autism, or speech delays, or ADHD, or sensory integration

> dysfunction. Just about every mom I know right now has some issue of this

> sort. When I was a kid, there was only one kid on our whole entire block


> about 30 kids) that was " just a little different. " My own brother was the

> only one with allergies (who coincidently - not - lost his hearing from


> MMR and now I know his allergies were a direct result of his shots). But


> any event... I know this group sees it, but why don't all the other


> OK, I am being paranoid, right?


> I'm sorry... can you tell I am venting tonight. I've had it! The good

> news... I convinced one mom I met at a mother's group to reconsider


> after her 10 month old developed life threatening allergies after her


> round of shots. And her 4 year old suddenly developed all over eczema.

> Within three days she went from " I highly doubt there is any connection to

> vaccines and allergies, " to " why is it I have talked to four other moms of

> children with severe food allergies and all of our kids had bad reactions


> vaccines?! " Ahhh... my heart breaks for the moms but I felt a little bit

> better. ;)


> Truly,

> a



> > Thanks must go to Rex Warren for forwarding this information. Please


> > this full-page ad from the New York Times (link below) and know that


> > are courageous and honest doctors out there but that they are a minority

> and

> > need our help. Please write to Dr. Rath and thank him for his stand on

> this

> > issue. I am going to offer to run a full-page ad for him in the next


> > of Informed Choice Magazine. May millions see his information all over


> > world and may we wake up from our sheep-like state and put a stop to the

> > madness of the few that can kill and maim so many!

> > http://www.dr-rath-foundation.org/makehealthnotwar/openletter.html







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" forced me to look into the question of vaccination further, and the further

I looked the more shocked I became. I found that the whole vaccine business

was indeed a gigantic hoax. Most doctors are convinced that they are useful,

but if you look at the proper statistics and study the instances of these

diseases you will realize that this is not so . . .

My final conclusion after forty years or more in this business

[medicine] is that the unofficial policy of the World Health Organization

and the unoffical policy of the 'Save the Children's Fund' and ... [other

vaccine promoting] organizations is one of murder and genocide. . . . I

cannot see any other possible explanation. . . . You cannot immunize sick

children, malnourished children, and expect to get away with it. You'll kill

far more children than would have died from natural infection. " --Dr

Kalokerinos (International Vaccine Newsletter June 1995)


Am I the only one?

> This open letter is amazing. I am freaked out right now and in great

> admiration of this doctor for taking such a bold step.


> Am I the only one that thinks vaccines are being used to make our children

> sick on purpose? I know I sound like I'm paranoid. I am truly beginning to

> think it is one big conspiracy theory. Someone help me if I'm losing it.


> my own experience, I found it very coincidental " baby reflux " has


> so dramatically and wonders upon wonders, Merck has just the cure (a

> $100/month bottle of " baby " pepcid). Hmmm... it was the Merck vaccine that

> poisoned my kid.


> Also... seems like all the moms I talk to today have a child with food

> allergies, or autism, or speech delays, or ADHD, or sensory integration

> dysfunction. Just about every mom I know right now has some issue of this

> sort. When I was a kid, there was only one kid on our whole entire block


> about 30 kids) that was " just a little different. " My own brother was the

> only one with allergies (who coincidently - not - lost his hearing from


> MMR and now I know his allergies were a direct result of his shots). But


> any event... I know this group sees it, but why don't all the other


> OK, I am being paranoid, right?


> I'm sorry... can you tell I am venting tonight. I've had it! The good

> news... I convinced one mom I met at a mother's group to reconsider


> after her 10 month old developed life threatening allergies after her


> round of shots. And her 4 year old suddenly developed all over eczema.

> Within three days she went from " I highly doubt there is any connection to

> vaccines and allergies, " to " why is it I have talked to four other moms of

> children with severe food allergies and all of our kids had bad reactions


> vaccines?! " Ahhh... my heart breaks for the moms but I felt a little bit

> better. ;)


> Truly,

> a



> > Thanks must go to Rex Warren for forwarding this information. Please


> > this full-page ad from the New York Times (link below) and know that


> > are courageous and honest doctors out there but that they are a minority

> and

> > need our help. Please write to Dr. Rath and thank him for his stand on

> this

> > issue. I am going to offer to run a full-page ad for him in the next


> > of Informed Choice Magazine. May millions see his information all over


> > world and may we wake up from our sheep-like state and put a stop to the

> > madness of the few that can kill and maim so many!

> > http://www.dr-rath-foundation.org/makehealthnotwar/openletter.html







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  • 10 months later...

Hi ,

Nope you aren't the only one.The biggest laugh I ever got was a commercial for dogs with arthritis.I don't know if it was for an NSAID or DMARD but it was like geez! They advertise everything but the kids.Enbrel is approved, they are the ones that should do something if nothing more then an awareness commercial.


Becki and 5systemic

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I never even thought about the whole celebrex thing.. And I know I have seen those commericals. Yeah, who actually takes one a day? I take two twice a day..and there is still a need for Enbrel.. It's strange. I'd like to see a comercial that brings about the awareness of JRA.. and in a better way then the dog food comerical does..

Poly JRA and spondy, 18

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One of the things that bothers me is the tylenol arthritis comercials. They're like yada yada yada its better then aleave.. Yet they fail to mention that when they talk about arthritis its either refering to osteoarthritis.. or joint pain.. which is commonly referred to as arthritis. And if you read the small print on the comercial it says..For minimal arthritis pain.. My sister went out and bought me that so excited that it might help.. turns out its just like regular old tyelon.. useless to the severe pain that JRA can cause.. insane..

(poly jra and spondy, 18- 19 in a week!)

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Yes, , I often have those same thoughts. When I see the ones for Celebrex and it talks about taking one little pill every day and I think "one! - before MTX took four of the 200 mg variety every day!" It would be so helpful to others understanding if drug companies would put in their ads children with arthritis. It would educate alot of folks. (sad thought, that a commercial would better educate people - but that's a whole different topic! LOL) Michele (16,pauci & spondy)

-----Original Message-----From: superstahlisa@... [mailto:superstahlisa@...] Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 2:38 PM Subject: Am I The Only One?

So I'm laying in bed this morning watching Saved By the Bell.. it's always nice to take a little walk down memory lane.. And a comerical comes on for Remicade. And its an older woman talking about how she has RA and that she is greatful that she has Remicade because it has changed her life.. it goes on to say how because of the remicade she has gotten her life back.. then she talks about how her daughter was just diagnosed with RA and she is so young.. and they show the daughter who i would say early to late thirties maybe forties.. and I think to myself.. this product is used on little kids.. I dunno am I the only one who laughs when they see these comericals.. I mean yeah 30 is young to get RA.. but I was six.. six is young.. and then there are kids who have it when they are just mere babies.. Just thought it was strange and that I would share my thoughts.

(poly JRA and spondy, 18)To leave this mailing list, send request to: -unsubscribe

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tylenol only helps melissa with a fever but she cant take the aleve due to ibuprofen is in it the commercials should start useing REAL people who suffer with arthritis and JRA but tylenol has never helped me much i take aspirin with my hubby and melissa neither can take aspirin or ibuprofen lolol so tylenol is the only choice

talk later


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lolol your right they act like its just a minor pain when the real pain is severe and yall have alot of problems with it the commercials are there to get you to try a product just once lolol and at say $5.00 a bottle and 1,000,000 people try it once look at the money they make and out of those million maybe a thrid will buy it again

but the company suckered us by the commercial


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Hi Tammy,

The last time Josh was in the health room at school, the regular health

aide was absent and there was a different woman there. I don't know her

credentials, as far as her medical education, but Josh told me that she

said to him: " We all get arthritis in our joints, sometimes. " Which, in

a sense, minimizes the impact that arthritis has on a student.

I asked him if he told her that wasn't quite true and if he helped her

to understand better. He said he was feeling really sick that day and

didn't feel like bothering to get into a long discussion right then. So

.... no.

I'm thinking that she was talking about osteoarthritis and thinking that

it was a regular, normal, part of aging. But not everybody does get

arthritis. Even though anyone CAN get arthritis. I guess that's the

other side of the coin.



Tammy Fiffick wrote:

> ,


> I know exactly what you mean. I loved when JRA had the

> educational campaign that said " KIDS GET ARTHRITIS TOO " . I

> have that button on my coat so everyone who asks me will be

> given a quick education lesson. I have had medical

> professionals (phlebotomists, school nurse, etc.) who told

> me " gee, I never knew kids got arthritis " ...but as my

> husband and I said " we never knew either until it happened

> to Gabby " and then I feel bad that I was ignorant too. I

> think we should all educate people as much as we can.

> Small things (ie - our church family praying for Gabby has

> educated our congregation, the girls wearing their

> arthritis seminar t-shirts out in public, talking to people

> when you're at the doctors office, hospital, writing to

> your congressman, other legislators, etc.) can leave a

> lasting, yet subtle, impression on a person; but I wish we

> could do more and let EVERYONE know.


> I know Gabby (now 5) has started to realize that she is

> different and knows nobody at school with " artheritis " -

> that's why it's been so great that we became involved with

> our local chapter (3 hours away) so she could be around

> other JRA kids.


> Tammy

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  • 5 years later...

Was just wondering if I am the only one who has seriously considered changing

careers and going to school to become an SLP? I have been with my employer for

15 years and have a lot invested but am seriously thinking of going back to

school. It could be that I am not convinced that he is getting appropriate

therapy and just want to do all that I can to help my 3 1/2 yr old son. My

husband supports my decision to go back to school and I want to make sure this

is what I really want to do. Am I crazy or what? Also, is there anyone else here

from El Paso, TX? I have been searching for an SLP that has experience treating


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I guess what I would ask you is... Do you want to do speech therapy every day

and work with other people's children, or do you want to learn more about your

child and how to help him? My feeling is that if you want to help your child

more, you could cut back your work hours to part time, and spend the rest of

your time becoming an expert in your child.

My feeling is that in speech therapy school, you will spend a lot of time and

money schooling yourself in a whole host of things that don't apply to your

child. My guess is that it could actually take time away from helping your own

child, because professional programs are very demanding.

If I had some more time and resources, I would attend some of those professional

conferences, I would read more, and research more. But frankly, I think the most

valuable thing that I do is spend time with my child and learn from her.

All the best,


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