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Re: Link between apraxia and mercury levels in body?

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Heavy metal intoxication--particularly mercury is NOT at all uncommon in people

and yes--- especially kids with neurological disorders of all kinds. Speech is

one of the most common areas affected, and low tone, and behavior and eye

contact, and sensory processing and memory and focus, and ....sound familiar?

Mercury toxicity besides the direct damage to the brain also interferes with

vital metabolic functions which in turn affect digestion, absorption of vital

nutrients, liver functions, thyroid, enzyme production at different levels,

methylation, further detoxification, immune system...again---sound familiar?

The good news is that the damage from mercury is reversible---not taken away by

one magic pill but reversible with appropriate protocol and time----and

supplements/ diet help stabilize the brain/body until the mercury can be safely

removed. SAFELY --is the key word here though. E-mail me if you would like more

info and watch this video--to understand about just one source of mercury--aside

form the more widely debated one of vaccines. Mercury sources vary but these two

are the msot common, and often they are compunded where a kid exposed to

mother's dental amalgams in utero is then further exposed to it within hours of

birth for immunization purposes they say.


All the best,


From: rubykatee <ttaniaa0000@...>

Subject: [ ] Link between apraxia and mercury levels in body?

Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 3:13 AM


I just quickly read a post on a 'baby forum', here in Australia. There was a

lady that was seeing a biochemical specialist about her boys receptive language

delay (she was of course also seeing a speech therapist).

Apparently this little boy (aged 4) has extremely high mercury levels in his

body, and it was suggested that this was the reason for his language disorder.

She went on to say that although the damage the mercury had caused was

irreversible, ridding his body of it, would pave the way to a much better future

as far as his language disorder goes.

Does anyone have or know of any link between mercury content in the body and



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In one study, dentists with high baseline urinary mercury levels showed

neuropsychological and motor control deficits.70 In another, dentists and staff

with high mercury levels, proven by DMPS challenge, had altered porphyrin

(hemoglobin) metabolism, as well as neurobehavioral changes, including

impairment of attention, motor and perceptual skills, and increased

irritability.71 72

From the same IAOMT website--this is the paper the above excerpt came from so

you can read more


And more articles from the same site



From: rubykatee <ttaniaa0000@...>

Subject: [ ] Link between apraxia and mercury levels in body?

Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 3:13 AM


I just quickly read a post on a 'baby forum', here in Australia. There was a

lady that was seeing a biochemical specialist about her boys receptive language

delay (she was of course also seeing a speech therapist).

Apparently this little boy (aged 4) has extremely high mercury levels in his

body, and it was suggested that this was the reason for his language disorder.

She went on to say that although the damage the mercury had caused was

irreversible, ridding his body of it, would pave the way to a much better future

as far as his language disorder goes.

Does anyone have or know of any link between mercury content in the body and



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Do you know what chelators are good for this?because my childs genetics cant

handle alot of sulphur and i tried the glutathione suppository and it madehim

aggressive. Thank you

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Our son tested positive for " moderate mercury toxicity " , which our dr said was

due to multiple vaccines that he received, plus I got a flu shot when pregnant.

The way the mercury levels were tested was through a urinary porphyrin test

which measures the body's overall body burden and general toxicity. There's no

test to really measure if there's mercury in the brain, but I've always

heard/read that if you have it in the rest of the body, you probably have it in

the brain (especially kids who can't detoxify properly and have neurological

issues). You can also do a hair test which can measure the levels of many

different heavy metals. On our son's hair test, for example, he tested high for

antimony, which is also known to cause neurological problems (and this exposure

often comes from the flame retardant chemicals used in pajamas, mattresses,

sheets, etc, so we now get all organic bedding without the flame retardant


Interestingly, we also tested his twin sister, who has no developmental issues.

She also tested high on her porphyrin test, and high for several metals on her

hair test. They were exposed to the exact same environmental toxins, yet for

some reason due to her genetic makeup, she wasn't affected in the same way. Our

dr also said that since she's a girl, the estrogen also provided extra

protection of the brain from the toxins (protection that our son obviously

didn't have).

As I think Elena already mentioned in her posts, there are safe, effective ways

of removing heavy metals from the body, and there are also unsafe ways of doing

it. Parents really have to be cautious of what type of chelation treatment

they're doing for their child. But if chelation is done properly and correctly

(i.e. according to the half-life of the chelators, and all the necessary

vitamins/minerals are being supplemented), there can be huge improvements in

speech, motor skills, etc.

Here's an article written by a famous DAN! dr explaining the porphyrin test,

which is the one that measures overall mercury toxicity in the body:



Hope that helps a bit,

Mom to wonderful 3 1/2 year-old twins: (apraxia and PDD-NOS...and doing

great and talking up a storm!), and Cecilia (typically developing)


> How would you test a child for mercury exposure? I seem to remember

> reading that since mercury is accumulated in organs that a blood test

> may not be sufficient.


> -jimk

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I've gotten to the point of thinking that if you want to be mercury free...you

probably have to move...off planet Earth.

This is a topic that was brilliantly first brought to light most in my opinion

by Sallie Bernard who is just an amazing advocate and mom. Her and I have had

numerous conversations...for over ten years now?? and are we any closer to an

answer? Is there a link...probably yes -but don't assume it's just from that

one toxin as it may be a mixture -and don't even underestimate those toxins not

as feared as mercury...like say phenol. Rise in motor planning disorders...what

happens with phenol mixes with______(fill in the blank) and what does a phenol

block do? All we know is there has been a tremendous increase in multifacted

communication impairments in the past 15 years all over the globe. In my

opinion what is very clear is that the closer you live to industry- bio-tech- in

my opinion the greater your odds of having either a child, or a grandchild, or a

niece or nephew with one of these new disorders, and I'd like to also add

-probably your higher chance of being diagnosed with heart disease, cancer etc.

I think we all need to be on fish oil...and now based on what I'm seeing and

hearing we probably all need to be on nutriiveda too.

Is it all mercury -again I think not. There are all types of detox too -some

can be dangerous and some benign. Fish oils for example over time help the body

to detox...and so does the nutriiveda and I would consider both benign.

Below is a huge archive on this:

Re: Why are there so many Apraxic Kids in NJ ?

Somebody told me that now one in seven children in NJ have some type

of neurodevelopmental disorder -autism, apraxia, adhd etc. I

couldn't find that online yet but did find this one for just autism

and NJ rates (read it and be shocked -unless you are from NJ that


" The study found that nationally 1 in 152 children have the disorder,

while one in every 94 children in New Jersey has autism. For boys,

the rate is one in every 60.

" New Jersey is at the forefront of a troubling trend and these

figures should be understood as a public health crisis, " says Vinod

Goyal, M.D., neurodevelopmental pediatrician and Director of the

Division of Developmental Pediatrics at Children's Hospital of New

Jersey... "


1 in 152 vs 1 in 60 for autism.... But I know I heard one in seven now for all

neurodevelopmental disorders.

When you live in NJ it all seems " Normal " -even cancer. Summit

Speech School in New Providence where my now 11 year old went to

preschool in out of district placement (paid for by our town) had to

kick the apraxic children out sadly. Why? Probably because it was

funded by the deaf and hearing impaired foundations and our apraxic

children were crowding the deaf and hearing impaired -I recall some

of the classes being 50/50 -50% hearing impaired and 50% apraxic.

And still no schools for just apraxia. At least they have them for

autism and the hearing impaired -but again given the choice -if your

child is not autistic -go the hearing impaired route in regards to

schooling -far more appropriate. If Summit Speech was near me in

Florida they would probably still allow a few apraxic children in...

It wasn't until I moved to Florida where my son Tanner was the only

one with apraxia in the school -and Dakota was the only one (it

seems) in the entire town with ADHD. But perhaps that's just a

coincidence. (um...don't think so)

It's probably in the archive below -but many of you know I wrote

canaries in the coal mine years ago -before we moved.


Archive -and for the person that wanted something about vaccines and

these conditions -that's probably in here too.



" kiddietalk " kiddietalk@...

Thu Jun 22, 2006 5:54 am

Re: A Twisted Tale of Virus and Thimerosal

Mdautie, thank you for the very intelligent and well thought out and

documented message. It would be difficult at best for me to quickly

research each aspect of your message, but I'd like to comment on a

few points to start and would be interested in getting your feedback

on them.

I had a few intriguing conversations with Mark R Geier, MD., PhD and

Geier whom you may know

http://www.cherab.org/information/geiermd.html about the points

about the possible reasons why not everyone who receives a vaccine

will regress in some way. You state for example:

" I believe that there are certain predisposing factors that cause a

particular child to be susceptible to autism following vaccination

with the MMR vaccine. These predisposing factors include high

glutamate levels, liver dysfunction, certain blood types, a family

history of alcoholism, liver problems or neurological inflammation,

heavy metal levels of the mother, and underlying chronic viral or

bacterial infections of the mother, among others.1 I believe a key

factor is an underlying streptococcal infection. Virtually all of

the children that I work with have had incidents of ear infections

or streptococcal infections early in childhood. "

You put environmental triggers in under 'heavy metals of the mother'

I'm guessing, but that point appears to be downplayed to the rest and

also not elaborated enough. Not sure if you are a new member but it

does appear, at least in the case of apraxia, to happen in cluster

areas that tend always to be in highly industrialized areas of the

world where we have higher incidences of multi faceted

neurologically based communication impairments MFNBCI no matter what


call them. For example NJ, Texas, Ohio, California, parts of the

Carolinas are all states where not only are our numbers of


children are off the charts, but...the chance of the EFAs " working "

(even when used alone without any other biomedical approach) is

remarkably almost 100%. Yet we have other states that are just as

populated where we have no membership, and then the chance of the

EFAs " working " is probably hovering around 70% or lower. Nobody can

explain that as of yet but I'd love to hear your explanation being

it appears you've spent much time researching and practicing and

reaching out to help others as a professional.

(for 'low' states -check where we don't have any support at



In the archives I wrote something a few years ago in which I

go into my theory of phenol which is a compound most don't even

mention...yet...phenol blocks are used to block signals/strip

myelin. I know the EPA was interested in this point when I brought

up that apraxia (which used to be virtually unheard of in children) is

now common in NJ. Why?

one archive on my theory of phenol


There is much thought about how compounds may change in our body,

has anyone thought about how phenol may mutate when mixed with more

dangerous toxins? What is being manufactured in the past decade or

so that wasn't prior because that's also when we've seen the

greatest increase according to the Geiers studies. Phenol and the

other toxins can cross the placenta -but they can also be in the

soil, water...foods?

Also perhaps it's just my warped view of childhood diseases, so

please excuse my ignorance, but doesn't just about all children

have " ear infections or streptococcal infections " in childhood. I

must have grown up living on the edge but I would have even thought

most children had not one or the other...but both. " Virtually all

of the children that I work with have had incidents of ear

infections or streptococcal infections early in childhood "

About the toxic metals you address, I've spoken in length with

Sallie Bernard http://www.evidenceofharm.com/resources.htm about the

effects of mercury and have seen her comprehensive presentation

about the dangers and mercury and I do agree. However I'll tell you

what I've always told Sallie. If mercury is in the fish, then who

is checking the plants along the water, the animals who eat those

plants...etc. It was more recently that Sallie passed me an

article " http://briloon.org/mercury/ -Scientific paper' Article on

this subject of why we need to look at soil, birds, insects etc. "

about the wildlife in the New England states which have high levels

of mercury. It's apparently once again due to environmental

factors...in this case -not vaccines. Here's just a few archives from



on this subject



Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that vaccines are not a possible

cause for what we are seeing. I see vaccines as the straw that

breaks the camel's back once that child has already been exposed to

countless amounts of toxic metals and materials in utero and in

early childhood. My own son Tanner, his fevers and then regression

was exactly at 11 months old. It wasn't until I moved to Florida

that I realized that was the exact month that he went for his 3rd

Hepatitis shot. Way back when just 8 or 9 years ago -I never

thought one had anything to do with the other. I know now. But I

also know that I was pregnant with Tanner and he grew up in a very

toxic area of NJ pretty close to a superfund site where in addition

to mercury they were (and are still I believe) trying to extract a

combination of toxic polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and phenol lead

rising as black ooze out of the ground/water in a park.

Article on that park (worth the time to cut and paste)




(cut and paste the two below together for the PDF to open)



But didn't know about this till right before we moved to Florida.

(it's one of the reasons that secured the move)

" The ooze was " Concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs,

phenol, cadmium, chromium and lead " " They're (the substances) all

bad. I wouldn't choose to live there. I wouldn't choose to interact

there if I had a choice, " said Buckley, executive director of

the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute, part

of Rutgers University and the University of Medicine and Dentistry

in Newark.

" This is not a healthy place for kids to play. There's no doubt

about it, " said Buckley, who recommended examining and monitoring

some children for any effects. "


" Examining and monitoring our kids " ?!! Try they basically told us

to not put away the kites and balls and " come on down " to play some

more! (read below) They downplayed (and in spite of their lame

attempt to do so -this was never picked up by any large media who

won't be bullied -like Time) by saying the park was " only " closed

due to " high levels of asbestos " ...actually in the new article the

correct phrase is " Chunks of exposed asbestos " 10-12 feet high. The

first article I read -which was pretty much right before we moved -

was about dead birds found in the black ooze and how town officials

said " they didn't believe it (the ooze) was harmful " and I wrote

here " oh yeah it's every day that when a bird is ready to die they

fly around looking for some black ooze to drop dead in "


I can easily find the other links about the " toxic ooze " if anyone

in NJ is interested. The only reason anyone even noticed the black

ooze was because birds started dropping dead in it and some

environmentalists noticed. (they notice the birds...what about the


Scientists from Rutgers and UMDNJ have looked into it and one quote

was that the children around that area should be studied. I know

one of the children who lived right next to that park from this

group. R.'s son who's story is in The Late Talker

book. Her son not only is apraxic with hypotonia and sensory

integration dysfunction -but like many went through constipation.

Since back then parents of apraxic children on one particular

apraxia grouplist were not allowed to bring up " off topic " posts,

none of us knew that 's constipation was probably also due to

whatever caused the apraxia. (just as an aside of this: or what the

listowner personally viewed as [OFF TOPIC] which is the way it

is/was written in by the moderators of that group when you posted

something about EFAs or whatever. Or they won't post it at all)

Danger of this? developed the most severe issue of constipation

I've ever heard of. After years of harsh medications- he flatlined

in the gut. Poor little guy has not a cecostomy - a hole

in his stomach that has to pour water into to help him move

his bowels. I always write this with tears in my eyes for poor .

Perhaps if we knew then what we know today things would be different.

message from


Message from me about


Nothing here is off topic in my opinion, we need to stay open.

My belief is that until all areas are explored and researched, how

can we best prevent/treat and hopefully one day cure? And even

before knowing -why does fish oil (again even when used alone -or

maybe together with a Flintstones Complete and Pomwonderful juice)

appear to help almost all in the areas that need it most?


This is something I wrote a few years ago that may interest you:


I didn't mean to open so many cans of worms,

but they may have hurt those close to my heart.

So yes some, or even all, of what you wrote may be right,

but is what you wrote the whole picture? No.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~end of archive


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No , you are correct. The blood test does nothing unless there's been very

recent exposure. After a few days mercury starts depositing in gut/organs and

finds its way quickly to the fatty tissues of the brain.  And there is no real

way to measure the metal body burden--particularly what has been deposited in

the brain.

There are some tests as has described, but they need to be interpreted by a

biomedically trained pediatrician--because the results are not clear cut--the

porphyrin tests only tell you if there's toxicity--sometimes there's lead and

mercury but only one shows, however a toxic result on this test means chelation

is warranted and the good news is that ---in spite of what you may have heard

there from sources that never miss an opportunity to stir up anti alternative

medicine sentiments---- there are safe ways to do it--the low dose half life of

the chelator frequency protocol. Other lists can help parents with this

process---even most DAN doctors are not really knowledegable and there's a lot

ogf controvery over how it should be done--but in the end no one argues that the

AC protocol is by far the safest---when followed properly. Many kids who tested

high mercury, lead, cadmium etc. have greatly diminished their heavy metal

burden with safe chealting

methods--and have lost their ASD and other neurological and metabolic


Heavy metals may not be present in all these cases---but the problem is that if

they are they cannot be gotten read of in the usual detox ways--and only a safe

chealtion protocol with DMSA-ALA --both double thiols---can help the body and

brain get read of thsi toxic burden.

Other toxins are bad too and can affect the body and the neurological

functioning---but nothing is as difficult to get read of as the metals--save

maybe for teflon--another modern miracle that has been plegging human breast

milk and scientists are saying that at best they do not know what its effects

are.  So yes, there may be other toxic substances to worry about---but if the

heavy metals are present--detoxification is impaired so more and more toxins

accumulate.  Detoxification, methylation, enzyme production, all sorts of

metabbolic processings and systems are thrown off course ---and the patient's

health continues to deteriorate even beyond speech and neurological functioning.

So the best way to see if metals and mercury may be a problem sis to do a 3 day

trial with the AC protocol. As I said--other lists can support those interested

in learning more--it is not something you want to just jump into without

adequate info and support to be sure you're doing it as safe as it can be and

not overlooking anything. Unsafe chealtion can be much worse than not chealting

due to redistribution of metals. So the chealting agents themselves are actually

antioxidants--perfectly harmless to those without metals--but for those with

metals they must be administered appropriately--according to the half life of

the substance--3-4 h.

Also NEVER use any herbal chealting agents if metals are suspected--they attract

metals--but cannot eliminate them from the body safely and they bounce

around--the risk of redistribution is very great and it can happen after months

and maybe even years of successful use. Chelation is not something to be played

around with. Those are the sad stories that make the news. However if mercury

and other metals are present--safely removing them via chealtion is the only

option.  Metabolic processing and malabsorptions and

endocrine/neurological/immune functioning all improve--and all the

diet/supplements may not be needed once the body is freed of metals and can once

again heal itself and absorb the nutrients from foods as most normal people can

and do.

All the best,


From: Kavitsky <jkavitsky@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Link between apraxia and mercury levels in


Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 5:55 PM

How would you test a child for mercury exposure? I seem to remember

reading that since mercury is accumulated in organs that a blood test

may not be sufficient.



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mercury connects to receptive lang disorder and lead connects to apraxia.

porphrine test failed to show the metals, i had my son on homeopath for an year

then did provocation UTM test, it was a surprise for the DAN doc also. both

mercury and lead showed up. If a child has only lead then the expressive is

affected ... if receptive is also in problem.. that mercury for sure.

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Actually it's not quite that simple and the metals deposit more or less

randomly--which is why no two kids are affected exactly the same--nor do they

improve in the same way even upon proper chealtion. For some it takes longer,

for others the path is easier and it is not always connected to the amount of

heavy metals per-se--but rather to their location and damage done, genetic make

up, as well as their synergistic effects. Lead + mercury together is much more

harmful than just one metal alone--but much more than double as well.  It is

really hard to predict but when both metals are present one can expect more

unpredictable results in terms of neurological/autoimmune damage as well as

slower chealtion and healing.

So mercury affects motor planning---both physical and verbal.  Led affects IQ

more than mercury does but ultimately both are very dangerous and should be

removed from our bodies, both cause irreparable metabolic. immune and

neurological damage.  However the good news is that mercury especially can be

removed safely and the brain can heal. Lead tends to bind more and after a

certain point the damage is more difficult to reverse.

What is really bad about mercury is that besides the direct damage to the

brain--it also affects metabolic processing---blood sugar regulation, thyroid

function, adrenals, fatty acid absorption both at gut and cellular levels, the

gut is affected almost immediately and things like harmful bacteria and viruses

take a stronger hold on mercury toxic individuals.  And no, as I've explained

the tests do not always show the full picture--which is why they need to be

interpreted along with the patient's clinical observations and other tests

done.  If you go down the list with things I've mentioned---metabolic

disturbances, food intolerances due to enzyme production

disruptions--gluten/casein especially; gut inflammation, autoimmune disorders

involving:skin, respiratory passages or joints, viral and bacterial

overload--yeast + others, various viruses that seem to persist and the immune

system just can't get under control (you all know that once exposed to a

virus it never leaves our bodies, the immune system just learns to deal with

it--but IT NEVER LEAVES and can even be passed on to offspring--vertically , not

just horizontally --so even from father to child--it embeds in the DNA)

endocrine disorders-- hypothyroid most often, preceded usually by adrenal

exhaustion with alternating states between hyper excitability and low  energy

levels or disturbed sleep patterns --and thyroid markers are often just below

the threshold so they can be missed just as the blood sugar deregulation which

are often not severe--so difficult to interpret and of course the neurological

damage----motor planning, low tone, etc etc. 

Lead does affect IQ much more so than mercury though--although when you have

problems speaking and your social skills also suffer it is also going to affect

your academic performance and this is really what IQs measure--predicted

academic performance. 

Anyway  metals do extreme damage and the body does not ahve a good way of

eliminating them on its own--not when they are stored in tissues and in the

brain especially.  Pregnancy and breastfeeding acts as a chelating process for

toxic moms--but we all know what that means--toxic and developmentally impaired

children--so it's not the chelating method of choice I'm afraid.  other than

that the body can detox metals it is exposed to regularly but in small, very

small quantities, and some better than others--if the liver and other detox

pathways are functioning optimally---which for a lot of people they are not. 

Whatever the body cannot get red of as it is exposed --will be stored in tissues

and organs and mercury and lead tend to gravitate toward the brain so that it is

almost impossible to have them in your other organs and not the brain.  That's

where it can do the most damage--but the whole body is affected and other immune

system problems--cancer

included are more likely in toxic individuals. That's why they are not to be

taken lightly--heavy metals are dangerous and DO NOT belong in our household

products, our air, and water, our foods our medications or our mouths ---they do

NOT belong in our environment in any way.   But they are cheap to use and serve

manufacturer's financial gains and profit margins---so we're all paying the

price and so are future generations since toxic parents bear toxic children. In

other words due to all the factors liste above, future generations will already

be affected by the mercury we were exposed to while bearing an breastfeeding

their parents---toxicity has definite effects on DNA changes--some very obvious

but others more subtle, just as many metabolic processes that are impaired by

heavy metals--mercury in particular are sometimes subtle--like lactose

intolerance for starters and many people just dismiss it as that and nothing

more.  But over the course of

that individuals life the toxicity and impaired systems build and as a result

quality of life and life span are greatly altered--without there being obvious

symptoms of mercury toxicity or other type of toxicity--not that anyone really

thinks to check. 

Anyway, this is why avoiding heavy metal toxicity and getting read of heavy

metal toxicity when suspected should be a priority for all patients and their

health care providers. Alas, mainstream medicine takes its cues from the very

industries that often poison us--so don't look for real answers there, but there

are enough alternative practitioners who do understand the importance of

eliminating toxic exposures.  Just do NOT count on these doctors to know it all.

Remember, unsafe chelation can often be much worse than no chealtion. Read up,

do your own research, learn from other parents and patients who've experienced

the same problems--and then decide what path and protocol is best for you and

your family.

All the best,


From: supukrish <sylittleyogi@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Link between apraxia and mercury levels in


Date: Thursday, January 28, 2010, 4:19 PM

mercury connects to receptive lang disorder and lead connects to apraxia.

porphrine test failed to show the metals, i had my son on homeopath for an year

then did provocation UTM test, it was a surprise for the DAN doc also. both

mercury and lead showed up. If a child has only lead then the expressive is

affected ... if receptive is also in problem.. that mercury for sure.


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Hi Elena, could you explain something that I'm confused on? In your post you

stated that mercury causes irreparable neurological damage. You then went on to

say that once removed, the brain can repair itself?

Am I right in thinking that once mercury has been removed, over time, the brain

is capable of going back to 'normal'? Or, does the already done damage remain,

but no further damage will continue? Thanks.

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We actually had sort of the opposite true. Our son with apraxia has struggled

with expressive speech, but receptive language has always been great. And

extensive testing for him showed pretty significant mercury levels, but not

lead. And our daughter, who has no developmental or speech or language issues,

tested high in mercury, even a bit higher than our son. I do think there

certainly may be some similarities among what metals cause what problems in some

kids, but heavy metals can often end up affecting kids' brains and bodies very

differently, too.


> mercury connects to receptive lang disorder and lead connects to apraxia.

porphrine test failed to show the metals, i had my son on homeopath for an year

then did provocation UTM test, it was a surprise for the DAN doc also. both

mercury and lead showed up. If a child has only lead then the expressive is

affected ... if receptive is also in problem.. that mercury for sure.


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I know, I caught myself on that too. Here's the problem--no one knows exactly

how much mercury is in the body and brain--there's just no way to adequately

asses that except calculate sources of exposure and look at the tests that show

unbalanced minerals on hair test which is indicative of metals --so hair test is

not necessarily going to show you mercury or lead--but certain patterns of

missing minerals that are associated with metal toxicity--there's a book written

on it and I've never done the test myself because it can get too confusing and

as it is I'm trying to convince my husband of this--it would be even harder to

do it if I said we need to chelate the mercury because it's not there?----but

it's true---most mercury toxic individuals will not show any mercury---because

it does NOT get excreted--it gets stored--their detoxification pathways are

blocked--along with other many other interferences with normal functions.

So mercury almost always finds itself navigating toward the brain--all metals do

this but mercury especially and lead as well. There they ar emore or less

fixated but certain substances---like herbal chealtors and hormones at puberty

and things like that can dislodge them and make them cause more harm.  Lead

affects IQ more so than mercury which is known to affect motor planning and

tone, but it's hard to tell because most people end up with a combination of

metals and their effects are synergistic.  Also they are NOT distributed

uniformly in the brain or anywhere in the body--organs get the brunt of it---but

it's a crap shoot as far as where they'll go exactly--which is why the exact

symptoms vary so much among kids and it is also an interaction with their


The Cutler protocol used on that list and others have had great success with

removing both lead and mercury from the brain and regaining normal functions in

kids---the earlier this process begins--the better as the brain is more plastic

when kids are younger--but older kids have also been chealted with great

success. So results really vary depending on how diligent the parents are with

the chealtion--most who claim full recovery have done over 200 rounds or more

and that's over years as you can imagine since you're not supposed to chelate if

the child is not well, sick cold flu etc.  The body has to be strong so the

detoxification pathways function properly and the mercury is dumped out not


In general--the more affected the child--the more neurological damage is down

directly but he metals or the combination of metals and other toxins--foods

included since these kids cannot handle proteins from what dairy in particular

and then those end up stacking the brain as well--basically the brain treats

cells that have gluten on them or casein as invaders and starts attacking

itself. Some of that happens with the metals as well, they are nto too

predictable so there is always more damage than first observed--or at least the

potential for more damage over time.  But with appropriate chelation--the

mercury has been known to come out and these kids removed well--parents report

seeing more and more speech and other functions improve, attention, eye contact

decrease in stimming, more sensory improvements, fewer aversions to foods

textures etc---so pretty much every few rounds the child shows soem gains--but

for soem thsi starts after more than a few

rounds--it';s not alike a clear cut way --each child can react slightly

differnetly--there's a range. So this " Normal chelation success " range shows

that if you test as you're chelating you see steady streams of metals come

out--not all at once--sometimes the lead comes out first and then mercury

elimination increases, other times a lot of mercury has to come out first before

the lead can budge. Think of it as random layers deposited and there';s no one

way for them to be removed but many--and it all depends on how things get freed


That said, mercury is known to not resist chealtion from the brain the same way

as lead can--especially after a long time passed since the exposures. So the

lead is known to really mess  up IQ and you can remove the lead with

chealtion--prevent further damage--but it is unclear the extent to which the IQ

points lost can all be recovered. The brain is plastic and can heal--recover but

maybe for some kids the damage si too much and fully normal function can never

be regained.

Now should that deter parents from even trying?--NO definitely not. You just

can't ahcve any guarantees about all thsi--there ar enone to give--the chelating

agent does what it does---we can make it work in an optimal and safe way--but

the damage done is ultimately unknown--but what is known is that more damage can

eb prevented and a lot of full recoveries ahve been noted--many kids go from

having severe autism gradually to less severe, to Asperger like symptoms and

many just lose their ASD diagnosis all together as they begin to function in a

normal way in more and more respects.

But your child is too young and chances are there is NOT too much damage ---from

what you are saying just the speech is delayed. Be sure you do not expose him to

further toxins. Learn what you can, see what applies, organize your information

in folders so you can read and learn even things that now seem to not apply may

apply later as you see more things start to show up in terms of impairments. 

So a summoary ofwhat I've said here is that metals are definitely dangerous and

should be safely removed  when present--as per several tsts which indicate

toxicity as well as history of exposure and clinical symptoms in parents and

child--there's just no way a child with developmental problems will nto ahve

metals if the mom had amalgam fillings and s/he ws also vaccianted on top of

it--then it's almost guaranteed--and then you test and you look at symptoms and

how close they amtch toxicity and you take it from there--always keeping safetuy

and the half life of the chealting agent--ALA  BTW is the only one known to

cross the blood brain barrier succesfuly---and if metals are suspected chelation

is almost a nothing to lose kind of thing--because if nto toxic--these are

nutritional antioxidents really--not at all harmful for the non-toxic

person---the only reason chelators can be toxic--DANGEROSLTY so--is if they are

administered without taking into

account the half life in too large a dose TO METAL TOXIC PEOPLE.  But for those

non-toxic peolple--provided there ar eany out there left in todays'

environmental madness--they present no risk waht so ever--it's really the metals

you should fear--they are unpredictible and can get redistributed with improper

chealtion---or with normal hormonal and neurological changes--the adding of

medications like antideptressants etc --but otherwise the chealtors are just

antioxidents for the non-metals toxic people.  Thsi si the aprt a lot of peaople

ahve trouble with--they fear the chealtor and don't understand that it is the

metals that should be feared--always.

So again--metals can do permanent damage indeed--which is why you want them out

as soon as possible--because the longer they stay--the more damage they can do

by themselves or combining with new toxins--just shifting to new brain cells can

cause more loss of functions --worsen existing conditions or bring on completely

new ones that were not present before--like seizures which are much more common

in mercury and lead toxic individuals--ion anybody with neurological

damage--because that damage is often toxicity to begin with.

So basically the idea is the less the metals are in--particularly the lead--the

better your chances for full recovery--but it's not clear cut---there are always

exceptions for waht ever reason--you just have to do what makes the msot sense

given your situation--keeping in mind safety and elimianting risks. If

mercury/lead toxic--the risk of leaving them in there body/brain is way way

higher than chealting safely---basiclaly chelating safeluy is nto risky at all

unelss you mess up dosage/timing and thats' what these lists are for.

But chelation is really an advanced topic for you Tania--you need to know it in

case the DAn wants to put you on some herbal stuff to help detox etc--so you

then can ask why explain your concern--bring in literature arguments and see

what they say--you negotiate your treatment protocols--you never EVER just do

them--you understand them--run them buy others if they don't make sense or just

to be sure--and then do them when you are at peace that this is the best

decision you can make given the available info.  other supplements don't require

that much thinking.---they have fewer consequences--dosage can be adjusted and

those are given by trial and error to see how each child reacts--the fish oils,

the MB12 the Co Q10 etc etc--these are without consequences--but what can have

BIG consequences you always want to understand and be fully comfortable

with--well as best as you can be--because those do have potentially HUGE

consequences--anything affects the

metals can be like that.  Keep reading--read the Onibasu files.


Hope this helps.


From: Tania McSwan <ttaniaa0000@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Link between apraxia and mercury levels

in body?

Date: Friday, January 29, 2010, 1:39 AM

Hi Elena, could you explain something that I'm confused on? In your post you

stated that mercury causes irreparable neurological damage. You then went on to

say that once removed, the brain can repair itself?

Am I right in thinking that once mercury has been removed, over time, the brain

is capable of going back to 'normal'? Or, does the already done damage remain,

but no further damage will continue? Thanks.


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OK so did you read that reply from --exactly on this topic--well it was

under HBOT and chealtion so read all of Jan's and Rebeca's posts usually they

are the most knowledgeable. . Andy Cutler feels mercury does not by itself

damage the brain--just impairs functions and that once removed the functions can

be regained.  Now again, I would argue that it depends--beause if you ahve

mercury and lead that can complicate things and then what--but here's waht

says--and she knows Andy well and has been on these lists successfully

chealting her daughter--who is now recovered completely I'd say--and she should

know because she's a child psychologist by profession.

And it's a great relief for us too since my daughter was affected in utero by my

toxic body burden --lots of dental amalgams inappropriately removed--2 right

before her conception.

's reply:

Nope, got that from Andy who said Mercury does not damage the brain.

And, yes that would include babies poisoned before birth.

I agree, that was a huge relief here, also.

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Ooops...Sorry Tania, that was from another list the Recovery From Autism one but

is active on both and will reply if you ask her directly on the

ApraxiaDyspraxiaBiomed one. Sam topics--just the Recovery from Autism one is

much more into chealtion since this is their only hope for their kids--who have

full blown ASD--and again,...many recovering nicely and /or fully recovered. 

Again think of McArthys' words--you don't recover from somethign as severe

as autism like you never ever had it- it's like being hit by a bus----there are

lingering things left sometimes--but compared to where these kids started--where

mainstream medicine just wanted to medicate them and told parents they would

most likely be institutionalized when they grow up--to being able to study,

function, live normal lives, go to regular school, college, etc and even

socially have friends and be pretty much like any other young person--albeit

some may still have personality

quirks--but don't we all. So if they can function normally--they can be

considered fully recovered--even if they still have lingering AD like traits

like may prefer to be alone and read--but notice--they can read whereas before

they couldn't sit still for a moment and speak or look at a book, Others looked

at book but that's ALL they did.

So ASD affects kids differently--and recovery is a long path--but many get there

successfully with the right protocols--and getting read of metals is key--what

ever else diet /supplements you do until the body regain metabolic processing

functions on its own--and for some that may take longer yet--but parents of

recovered kids claim they now can eat gluten foods and casein + others without

ill effects.  Some still avoid them just in case--it's all a continuum--it's

just a matter of where do you want your neurologically damaged kid to be--at

which end?---


From: Tania McSwan <ttaniaa0000@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Link between apraxia and mercury levels

in body?

Date: Friday, January 29, 2010, 1:39 AM

Hi Elena, could you explain something that I'm confused on? In your post you

stated that mercury causes irreparable neurological damage. You then went on to

say that once removed, the brain can repair itself?

Am I right in thinking that once mercury has been removed, over time, the brain

is capable of going back to 'normal'? Or, does the already done damage remain,

but no further damage will continue? Thanks.


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Elena and to all others who responded!  Wow!  Thanks for the wealth of

information!  I am so happy to have read what everyone said!




From: Tania McSwan <ttaniaa0000>

Subject: Re: [childrensapraxiane t] Re: Link between apraxia and mercury levels

in body?

@groups. com

Date: Friday, January 29, 2010, 1:39 AM

Hi Elena, could you explain something that I'm confused on? In your post you

stated that mercury causes irreparable neurological damage. You then went on to

say that once removed, the brain can repair itself?

Am I right in thinking that once mercury has been removed, over time, the brain

is capable of going back to 'normal'? Or, does the already done damage remain,

but no further damage will continue? Thanks.

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