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Re: Nutriiveda success so far

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[ ] Nutriiveda success so far

Hi friends! 


My son is 4 and started Nutriiveda 6 days ago.


He's been on Nordic Natural EFA and EPA fish oil since July (after a long battle

to get him to take it) and it helped with articulation more than I could have



Now since starting Nutriiveda, I can tell you, with 100%certaintyty, that we've

seen incredible improvements in him already.  His occupational therapist is

going to be blown away this week!  His fine motor skills have improved so much

that I'm afraid to be excited.  I'm afraid it all may disappear.  Like some

fabulous dream.


Not once over the weekend, did I say " use your worker fingers " while he was

coloring.  That's all I usually say because typically, he grasps a crayon in his

fist.  Nope.  Not this weekend!!!  His fine motor skills really seem to be

improving and he's grasping his crayons with is fingers, no problem!!!  He's

even coloring inside the lines for the first time.  Overall, his motor planning

has improved across the board.


also seems to be initiating more conversation and answering more

questions...whereas, before shied away (probably because it was too hard for




Today, I took him to Walmart and he kept asking everyone their name.  I assure

you, he's NEVER done that before!!!!!


He's also had a lot of new expressions...including my fav " that's really cool,

Mom! "


He even told me what he wants to be when he grows up!!!   I attached the video

so you can all see for yourselves.  Wow.  Seriously, beyond wonderful

improvements to report so far.


And for those of you who may be worried about " how " to get the chocolate

flavored Nutriiveda into your child...I mixed 1/2 teaspoon into Coop's chocolate

milk 4 times a day.  Works like a charm and tastes delicious. 


The only thing I'm doing different is cutting out his multi-vitamin since he's

getting a lot of nutrician from the Nutriiveda. I've also been less of a hard

ass about making him finish his dinner since I know he's getting good nutrician

already.  That's about the only thing that concerns me.  I believe in teaching

kids good eating habits, and I'm not really doing that if I'm relying on a

milkshake to give him nutrician all day.  Those are my issues though, and I'm

thinking I may try smaller portions next week just so he continues learning to

eat fruits and veggies.


I'm so excited about his progress.  So excited!  I'll let you know what develops

from here :)

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Hi Gretchen and CONGRATULATIONS!!! I just sent you a friend request on fb

because we don't have access to videos here and I'd LOVE to see it! I was

cracking up about him going up to people at Walmart asking their names!

I'm thinking like you -this must be some incredible dream- and I know there are

other parents I've spoken to who feel the same -you don't want to talk about it

too quick -afraid you'll jinx it (I know... like that makes sense -but that's

the feeling) Even Robin with all Mel's incredible surges felt like that -I

pushed her to do the blog..and even with that which at the time was only the

second validation that it was something more... I waited months to bring it here

-even though I heard so much positive feedback about Tanner from his

professionals and my friends that are professionals.

In the past ten years we've seen many strategies come and go in and out of

fashion. Some have been there for years -some not so much. However over the

years I have never seen anything work as well as the fish oils....until the


And what are the odds about all that research coming out about neuro repair from

amino acids and protein just a month or so after I posted this. Or is it the

synergistic blend of ayurveda? And even so much research about the turmeric

alone and that is just one of the many incredible ingredients.

Well whatever it is like my husband calls it and like you make it -it's super

special " chocolate milk " One would think if we managed to get fish oil into our

kids all these years getting chocolate into them would be a piece of cake (oooh

you probably could sprinkle it on a piece of cake :)

Are you going to put the video up at Youtube? Maybe can put it up at our

new Cherab site? (I'll copy him on here)

Thanks again for sharing!

PS..my neighbor just came and picked up her chocolate nutriiveda for her son and

she said that now in the car...Tanner asks her son " did you do this assignment "

and talks about school work. Her son said to her before she came over " MOM!

You forgot to go over to the Geng's to get my nutriiveda! " My neighbor said to

him " I didn't forget, we just finished dinner " She said he can't wait to start

it -is convinced it makes kids smarter. (she went home to make him a shake)


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Wow! How wonderful for your family!

I am in the process of creating a questionnaire for parents to complete

pre/post NV. I will post it here, on http://www.apraxia.org and on the Cherab

Group at Big Tent https://www.bigtent.com/groups/cherab

In terms of his " chocolate milk " , you could try gradually decreasing the

amount of choc syrup that you use, so that you only have to put a little bit

in for flavor---then possibly none at all. I would just go slowly

w/decreasing the Heshey's syrup so the change isn't that noticeable.

As for worrying that you aren't teaching him to be a healthy eater..you are

since he is drinking the nutritious NV w/his meals. As long as you are

feeding him nutritious foods on his plate, don't worry if he doesn't finish

ALL his food each meal. It is normal for 4yr olds to have fluctuating

hunger..depends on how much physical activity he has had that day, before

that meal, how much sleep, your child's tone level, etc., etc. Here are a

few websites related to preschool healthy eating:




Keep us updated!

Warmest wishes,


Barbara A. , M.S., CCC-SLP

Executive Director/ Help Me Speak, LLC

<http://www.helpmespeak.com/> http://www.helpmespeak.com

(o) 410-442-9791 (f) 410-442-9783

2500 Wallington Way; Suite 103

Marriottsville, MD 21104

follow us on FaceBook:



Call me with any questions about NutriiVeda!


[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Gretchen Walsh

Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:35 PM

Cc: svraciu@...

Subject: [ ] Nutriiveda success so far

Hi friends!

My son is 4 and started Nutriiveda 6 days ago.

He's been on Nordic Natural EFA and EPA fish oil since July (after a long

battle to get him to take it) and it helped with articulation more than I

could have imagined.

Now since starting Nutriiveda, I can tell you, with 100%certaintyty, that

we've seen incredible improvements in him already. His occupational

therapist is going to be blown away this week! His fine motor skills have

improved so much that I'm afraid to be excited. I'm afraid it all may

disappear. Like some fabulous dream.

Not once over the weekend, did I say " use your worker fingers " while he was

coloring. That's all I usually say because typically, he grasps a crayon in

his fist. Nope. Not this weekend!!! His fine motor skills really seem to

be improving and he's grasping his crayons with is fingers, no problem!!!

He's even coloring inside the lines for the first time. Overall, his motor

planning has improved across the board.

also seems to be initiating more conversation and answering more

questions...whereas, before shied away (probably because it was too hard for


Today, I took him to Walmart and he kept asking everyone their name. I

assure you, he's NEVER done that before!!!!!

He's also had a lot of new expressions...including my fav " that's really

cool, Mom! "

He even told me what he wants to be when he grows up!!! I attached the

video so you can all see for yourselves. Wow. Seriously, beyond wonderful

improvements to report so far.

And for those of you who may be worried about " how " to get the chocolate

flavored Nutriiveda into your child...I mixed 1/2 teaspoon into Coop's

chocolate milk 4 times a day. Works like a charm and tastes delicious.

The only thing I'm doing different is cutting out his multi-vitamin since

he's getting a lot of nutrician from the Nutriiveda. I've also been less of

a hard ass about making him finish his dinner since I know he's getting good

nutrician already. That's about the only thing that concerns me. I believe

in teaching kids good eating habits, and I'm not really doing that if I'm

relying on a milkshake to give him nutrician all day. Those are my issues

though, and I'm thinking I may try smaller portions next week just so he

continues learning to eat fruits and veggies.

I'm so excited about his progress. So excited! I'll let you know what

develops from here :)

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My husband,  (the ultimate skeptic about everything)  went on and on and

on this morning about .   He really can't believe how talkative he has

been since we started the Nutriiveda.  We are both floored with the motor

planning improvements (both speech and writing).  Even 's attitude is

better (probably because things are a little easier for him)


Chris' quote " has not shut up all day.  He has chattered since he got out

of bed this morning. "   Wow.  also pointed out how much more energy

seems to have and his confidence level is also increasing.  You can just tell by

the way he's acting that he feels better about himself!  HOORAY!   I love seeing

him walk around with his shoulders back and his head high.  He's even making

more eye contact.  Again, I think that's because he's feeling better about



's also a lousy eater, so some of his energy may be coming from the

nutrician he's getting too,


But seriously....the speech is amazing.  He still has some articulation issues,

but I would say his word count has doubled.  He's saying things he's never said

before.  He reacting to things and people that he would typically ignore.  The

changes are miraculous. 


There are two videos of Coop that I would like to share that wouldn't attach to

my email.  I posted them both to my blog.  www.walsh101.typepad.com


I took the first one last Thursday night for my in-laws.  had been on the

Nutriiveda for 4 days.  When I played it back, I realized how well I could

understand everything said.  What was even more exciting was that

's words were clearer than his younger brothers.  His brother is only 2

and has talked since he was 7 months old.  No joke.  He's always been more vocal

and easier to understand than , but in this video... ROCKED!    I

originally didn't even consider that the nutriiveda was impacting his speech

after just 4 days, but now I think this was just the tip of the " surge iceburg "

we were about to see.


The second video (posted on January 23rd - also on my blog),  tells me

what he wants to be when he grows up.  This time last week, he would have

mumbled his way through the question, but this week - he had the words to

express what he wants to be when he grows and and he even had a backup to that

job plan!  Ha!


Enjoy friends.  I'm so excited I don't know what to do with myself.  What a

blessing for our kids.  I hope everyone else experiences the same improvements

that we have :)



(Columbus, OH)



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Becky I know you are friends with me on fb but know not everyone else is. I

just asked Gretchen if I can share 's video on my page..or if she can put

it up on youtube -or does anyone have any other suggestions??

This is for real -listened to the video and freaked out like OMG he sounds

amazing -super clear..and so I wrote something under the video...then right

after I'm thinking I must have had the wrong video of the wrong son because he

was talking 'that' well so I actually sent Gretchen a " whoops " message...and of

course she sent me back a 'nope that was ' message (and she told me how

Giddy she was -and I told her I'm Giddy too!!)

Gretchen is going to look for some more recent before videos since of course the

surge was only in six days (!!)

Will keep you guys posted -but you have got to see this...I was so amazed how

well he was speaking forgot to even mention how hysterical it is what he says he

wants to be- super adorable!!!

Go !!!!!


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Oh, Gretchen!  This is AWESOME!!!!!  I need to get some of the product. 

Chocolate or vanilla?  : )

in OH


From: Gretchen Walsh <gretchie9@...>

Sent: Mon, January 25, 2010 8:22:37 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Nutriiveda success so far


My husband,  (the ultimate skeptic about everything)  went on and on and

on this morning about .   He really can't believe how talkative he has

been since we started the Nutriiveda.  We are both floored with the motor

planning improvement s (both speech and writing).  Even 's attitude is

better (probably because things are a little easier for him)


Chris' quote " has not shut up all day.  He has chattered  since he

got out of bed this morning. "   Wow.  also pointed out how much more

energy seems to have and his confidence level is also increasing.  You

can just tell by the way he's acting that he feels better about himself! 

HOORAY!   I love seeing him walk around with his shoulders back and his head

high.  He's even making more eye contact.  Again, I think that's because he's

feeling better about himself. 


's also a lousy eater, so some of his energy may be coming from the

nutrician he's getting too,


But seriously... .the speech is amazing.  He still has some articulation

issues, but I would say his word count has doubled.  He's saying things he's

never said before.  He reacting to things and people that he would typically

ignore.  The changes are miraculous. 


There are two videos of Coop that I would like to share that wouldn't attach

to my email.  I posted them both to my blog.  www.walsh101. typepad.com


I took the first one last Thursday night for my in-laws.  had been on

the Nutriiveda for 4 days.  When I played it back, I realized how well I could

understand everything said.  What was even more exciting was that

's words were clearer than his younger brothers.  His brother is only 2

and has talked since he was 7 months old.  No joke.  He's always been more

vocal and easier to understand than , but in this video...

ROCKED!    I originally didn't even consider that the nutriiveda was

impacting his speech after just 4 days, but now I think this was just the tip

of the " surge iceburg " we were about to see.


The second video (posted on January 23rd - also on my blog),  tells me

what he wants to be when he grows up.  This time last week, he would have

mumbled his way through the question, but this week - he had the words to

express what he wants to be when he grows and and he even had a backup to that

job plan!  Ha!


Enjoy friends.  I'm so excited I don't know what to do with myself.  What a

blessing for our kids.  I hope everyone else experiences the same improvements

that we have :)



(Columbus, OH)

www.walsh101. typepad.com


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But would this be something for us parents who have nonverbal children?

From: Gretchen Walsh <gretchie9@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Nutriiveda success so far

Date: Monday, January 25, 2010, 8:22 AM


My husband,  (the ultimate skeptic about everything)  went on and on and

on this morning about .   He really can't believe how talkative he has

been since we started the Nutriiveda.  We are both floored with the motor

planning improvement s (both speech and writing).  Even 's attitude is

better (probably because things are a little easier for him)


Chris' quote " has not shut up all day.  He has chattered  since he

got out of bed this morning. "   Wow.  also pointed out how much more

energy seems to have and his confidence level is also increasing.  You

can just tell by the way he's acting that he feels better about himself! 

HOORAY!   I love seeing him walk around with his shoulders back and his head

high.  He's even making more eye contact.  Again, I think that's because he's

feeling better about himself. 


's also a lousy eater, so some of his energy may be coming from the

nutrician he's getting too,


But seriously... .the speech is amazing.  He still has some articulation

issues, but I would say his word count has doubled.  He's saying things he's

never said before.  He reacting to things and people that he would typically

ignore.  The changes are miraculous. 


There are two videos of Coop that I would like to share that wouldn't attach

to my email.  I posted them both to my blog.  www.walsh101. typepad.com


I took the first one last Thursday night for my in-laws.  had been on

the Nutriiveda for 4 days.  When I played it back, I realized how well I could

understand everything said.  What was even more exciting was that

's words were clearer than his younger brothers.  His brother is only 2

and has talked since he was 7 months old.  No joke.  He's always been more

vocal and easier to understand than , but in this video...

ROCKED!    I originally didn't even consider that the nutriiveda was

impacting his speech after just 4 days, but now I think this was just the tip

of the " surge iceburg " we were about to see.


The second video (posted on January 23rd - also on my blog),  tells me

what he wants to be when he grows up.  This time last week, he would have

mumbled his way through the question, but this week - he had the words to

express what he wants to be when he grows and and he even had a backup to that

job plan!  Ha!


Enjoy friends.  I'm so excited I don't know what to do with myself.  What a

blessing for our kids.  I hope everyone else experiences the same improvements

that we have :)



(Columbus, OH)

www.walsh101. typepad.com


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We've been doing the chocolate.  I can get about 4 teaspoons in a day.  I

mix one teaspoon into his choclate milk.   He's really not even getting the

recommended dosage for his age group.  It takes about 5 teaspoons to get one

scoop (one scoop is what was recommended for him by his pediatrician).  It

really tastes nasty with just milk or water (or at least I thought so).  But you

can't taste it all in the chocolate milk.  I also tried pudding (but

wasn't a big fan).  I think I scared him for life when I tried to slip

antibiotics in pudding when he had his tonsils out last year.  Now, he ALWAYS

looks at me like I'm trying to sneak something past him when I give him pudding.


I think Barbara (the SLP in our group) was trying to come up with some



I can't wait to see if 's teacher or SLP's see a difference.  He goes to

speech and preschool tomorrow.  I'll keep you posted.  Hope you see good results


From: G <whitmore_dh@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Nutriiveda success so far

Date: Monday, January 25, 2010, 10:23 AM

Oh, Gretchen!  This is AWESOME!!!!!  I need to get some of the product. 

Chocolate or vanilla?  : )

in OH


From: Gretchen Walsh <gretchie9@...>

Sent: Mon, January 25, 2010 8:22:37 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Nutriiveda success so far


My husband,  (the ultimate skeptic about everything)  went on and on and

on this morning about .   He really can't believe how talkative he has

been since we started the Nutriiveda.  We are both floored with the motor

planning improvement s (both speech and writing).  Even 's attitude is

better (probably because things are a little easier for him)


Chris' quote " has not shut up all day.  He has chattered  since he got

out of bed this morning. "   Wow.  also pointed out how much more energy

seems to have and his confidence level is also increasing.  You can just

tell by the way he's acting that he feels better about himself!  HOORAY!   I

love seeing him walk around with his shoulders back and his head high.  He's

even making more eye contact.  Again, I think that's because he's feeling better

about himself. 


's also a lousy eater, so some of his energy may be coming from the

nutrician he's getting too,


But seriously... .the speech is amazing.  He still has some articulation issues,

but I would say his word count has doubled.  He's saying things he's never said

before.  He reacting to things and people that he would typically ignore.  The

changes are miraculous. 


There are two videos of Coop that I would like to share that wouldn't attach to

my email.  I posted them both to my blog.  www.walsh101. typepad.com


I took the first one last Thursday night for my in-laws.  had been on the

Nutriiveda for 4 days.  When I played it back, I realized how well I could

understand everything said.  What was even more exciting was that

's words were clearer than his younger brothers.  His brother is only 2

and has talked since he was 7 months old.  No joke.  He's always been more vocal

and easier to understand than , but in this video... ROCKED!    I

originally didn't even consider that the nutriiveda was impacting his speech

after just 4 days, but now I think this was just the tip of the " surge iceburg "

we were about to see.


The second video (posted on January 23rd - also on my blog),  tells me

what he wants to be when he grows up.  This time last week, he would have

mumbled his way through the question, but this week - he had the words to

express what he wants to be when he grows and and he even had a backup to that

job plan!  Ha!


Enjoy friends.  I'm so excited I don't know what to do with myself.  What a

blessing for our kids.  I hope everyone else experiences the same improvements

that we have :)



(Columbus, OH)

www.walsh101. typepad.com



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Review it w/your child's ped. It can't hurt & is worth a try!

Let me know if you have any other questions or would like me to order it for


Warmest wishes,

Barbara A , M.S., CCC-SLP

Executive Director, Help Me Speak, LLC


[ ] Re: Nutriiveda success so far

Date: Monday, January 25, 2010, 8:22 AM


My husband,  (the ultimate skeptic about everything)  went on and on and

on this morning about .   He really can't believe how talkative he has

been since we started the Nutriiveda.  We are both floored with the motor

planning improvement s (both speech and writing).  Even 's attitude is

better (probably because things are a little easier for him)


Chris' quote " has not shut up all day.  He has chattered  since he

got out of bed this morning. "   Wow.  also pointed out how much more

energy seems to have and his confidence level is also increasing.  You

can just tell by the way he's acting that he feels better about himself! 

HOORAY!   I love seeing him walk around with his shoulders back and his head

high.  He's even making more eye contact.  Again, I think that's because he's

feeling better about himself. 


's also a lousy eater, so some of his energy may be coming from the

nutrician he's getting too,


But seriously... .the speech is amazing.  He still has some articulation

issues, but I would say his word count has doubled.  He's saying things he's

never said before.  He reacting to things and people that he would typically

ignore.  The changes are miraculous. 


There are two videos of Coop that I would like to share that wouldn't attach

to my email.  I posted them both to my blog.  www.walsh101. typepad.com


I took the first one last Thursday night for my in-laws.  had been on

the Nutriiveda for 4 days.  When I played it back, I realized how well I could

understand everything said.  What was even more exciting was that

's words were clearer than his younger brothers.  His brother is only 2

and has talked since he was 7 months old.  No joke.  He's always been more

vocal and easier to understand than , but in this video...

ROCKED!    I originally didn't even consider that the nutriiveda was

impacting his speech after just 4 days, but now I think this was just the tip

of the " surge iceburg " we were about to see.


The second video (posted on January 23rd - also on my blog),  tells me

what he wants to be when he grows up.  This time last week, he would have

mumbled his way through the question, but this week - he had the words to

express what he wants to be when he grows and and he even had a backup to that

job plan!  Ha!


Enjoy friends.  I'm so excited I don't know what to do with myself.  What a

blessing for our kids.  I hope everyone else experiences the same improvements

that we have :)



(Columbus, OH)

www.walsh101. typepad.com


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I just heard back from two of Matt's doctors about trying this. Both did not

give there approval. Has anyone else heard this two?

Matts Neurologist is concerned about gymnema. His devopmental ped. just did not

agree. Both doctors are very well known in their fields a s Hopkins. Are

they too main stream?

Now what?? Any ideas??


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Gretchen you are so good at documenting in video! I watched the most recent

pre-nutriiveda video of up on fb from a few months ago- the one where

he's talking about the Charlie Brown special and in that video you clearly need

to translate for him. (there he sounds apraxic)

It would be great to put that one and (if you find it) the one from a few weeks

ago up with the two more recent. I know how we only want to share the best -but

right now people are going to watch it and have no idea where he was...he

sounds so....normal.

And I totally hear you and your husband -as it's not just speech -it's almost

like there is a connection happening that wasn't before. I have said Tanner's

like the Tanner he probably would have been if he wasn't apraxic if that makes

sense. I mean it's still Tanner of course -but in so many ways he's so

different and it's not just one area.

He's discussing his most recent book with me -telling me how much better this

book is than the last one. I can ask him " why is it that you like this one

better? " and in detail he can explain why...instead of (and you all know what I

mean with older apraxic children) " I don't know I just like it better " Walking

around reading -excited about learning (sigh) and all the facial expressions -no

more blank look ever. And that's not it -picking up our puppies tonight from

the groomer and his interactions with everyone outside of just his friends like

he was prior. Life changing -it really has been.

I hate to say this because I know we don't even know why it's working -but it's

like this is repairing not just helping something neurologically.

's going to blend now -he's for sure going to blow their mind when his SLP

and all see him tomorrow based on that video!

You have GOT to let us know!

PS and don't forget to put at least one or two before videos up at

http://www.walsh101.typepad.com (I guess because it's a blog just explain you

wanted to put the slightly older ones up for those just listening to for

the first time?)


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The definition of " non-verbal " is so confusing.

some say they don't have any words.

But personally I feel if the kid has some vocabulary but has no spontaneous

speech then he is as good as non-verbal!!!

My son who I would put as non-verbal with my definiton is on 11/2 scoops of

nutriiveda. He is making some sounds all through the day!!! some of the words we

have been practicing for the last 3 months have become clearer. But still there

is no spontaneous speech. But the babbling itself is huge because he is trying

to work all his oral muscles.

If your son is not allergic to any of the ingredients [ you can check the

archives for the ingredients - had put a extensive email giving detailed

description on the ingredients] then trying is worth a shot. As I had mentioned

previously if there is something that is non-invasive and natural its worth

trying then coming back later to brood " I wish I had tried it earlier " . We as

Moms know how precious is " TIme " for all our kids with delays. Each day, each

minute counts for them.


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Call me @ my office today betw 12-2 & we can discuss.

Warmest wishes,

Barbara A , M.S., CCC-SLP

Executive Director, Help Me Speak, LLC


[ ] Re: Nutriiveda success so far

I just heard back from two of Matt's doctors about trying this. Both did not

give there approval. Has anyone else heard this two?

Matts Neurologist is concerned about gymnema. His devopmental ped. just did not

agree. Both doctors are very well known in their fields a s Hopkins. Are

they too main stream?

Now what?? Any ideas??


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Hi Alyssa,

I think I would check with another doctor for a third opinion.

was actually misdiagnosed by Hopkins three times when she

was younger. All of 's doctors have no concerns and one is


ordering Nutriiveda thru me now and is using it himself.

Please e-mail me if I can be of further help.




On Jan 25, 2010, at 8:32 PM, Alyssa wrote:

> I just heard back from two of Matt's doctors about trying this. Both

> did not give there approval. Has anyone else heard this two?

> Matts Neurologist is concerned about gymnema. His devopmental ped.

> just did not agree. Both doctors are very well known in their fields

> a s Hopkins. Are they too main stream?

> Now what?? Any ideas??

> Alyssa



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I was find out specifically why. You'll always be able to find drs

that say it's not ok and you'll always be able to find drs that say

it's not. I would ask them specifically what their concerns are. It

may be just that they dont believe that it works. Or they may have

very valid reasons. The dr that said it was because of the gymnema.. I

don't know anything about that but


On Jan 25, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Alyssa <aw_nagy@...> wrote:

> I just heard back from two of Matt's doctors about trying this. Both

> did not give there approval. Has anyone else heard this two?

> Matts Neurologist is concerned about gymnema. His devopmental ped.

> just did not agree. Both doctors are very well known in their fields

> a s Hopkins. Are they too main stream?

> Now what?? Any ideas??

> Alyssa


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Ok, I am not knowing down Nutriiveda but I feel like I need to defend the

mothers on the board that have chosen to not do Nutriiveda or hold off on it. I

hope you're not suggesting that they're " ignorant " or that their children are

" sad " .

The reason that I decided to stop giving it to my child wasn't to " save money " .

As far as " all I can say is that ignorance is not bliss. " ... I am not at all

ignorant, nor are most of the parents on the board who have chosen to not go

down the Nutriiveda route. If anything I am sure that they want to be more

educated before they use the product on their child.

And as far as " You don't know what you don't know and that's sad for the child

of that person " , there is no reason to feel that my child is sad. She has a

mother that wants to educate herself about all therapies and treatments to make

sure that they are safe before trying it on her child. What I " don't know " is

all of the side effects of giving this to my child at this point. I do not

believe that if something is natural that it must be safe. There are plenty of

things that are " natural " that I would never give to my child.

, I commend your dedication to children with apraxia, I really do. And

again, I am not knocking the product. I am sure that it has the potential to be

very effective. However, we all need to do what we feel comfortable with (which

you yourself said, ). That's the bottom line. I think that all we can do

is share our experiences with Nutriiveda, both good and bad, and respect those

that decide NOT to try it... the fact is that there is no right or wrong answer

here, nor one thing that works for all children.


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I am very sorry if I had said anything to any parent who may feel

insulted by anything that I have posted with regards to Nutriiveda. I

am only reporting the actual benefits that my family is currently

seeing. I respect each and everyones opinion on this list and would

never try and insult anyone.

Our family once again has Hope and that means so much to a Mom like

myself that was given no hope for all three of her daughters with all

their different issues.

I am being honest when I say that Nutriiveda is working for my entire

family and the benefits we are seeing are life changing.

Thank you,


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No need to be sorry- I've never read any of your posts to be insulting at all!

I am so happy that your family is seeing such positive benefits from the



From: rcketchem@...

Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 17:01:41 -0500

Subject: Re: [ ] RE: Nutriiveda success so far

I am very sorry if I had said anything to any parent who may feel

insulted by anything that I have posted with regards to Nutriiveda. I

am only reporting the actual benefits that my family is currently

seeing. I respect each and everyones opinion on this list and would

never try and insult anyone.

Our family once again has Hope and that means so much to a Mom like

myself that was given no hope for all three of her daughters with all

their different issues.

I am being honest when I say that Nutriiveda is working for my entire

family and the benefits we are seeing are life changing.

Thank you,


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I think we are ALL overjoyed for your beautiful little mermain. Nothing you

have said in your messages is offensive. We are thrilled for you!

Re: [ ] RE: Nutriiveda success so far

I am very sorry if I had said anything to any parent who may feel

insulted by anything that I have posted with regards to Nutriiveda. I

am only reporting the actual benefits that my family is currently

seeing. I respect each and everyones opinion on this list and would

never try and insult anyone.

Our family once again has Hope and that means so much to a Mom like

myself that was given no hope for all three of her daughters with all

their different issues.

I am being honest when I say that Nutriiveda is working for my entire

family and the benefits we are seeing are life changing.

Thank you,


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I just wanted to update on this that I just heard from my neighbor who's son has

been diagnosed as ADHD and with Asperger Syndrome has already had his first

surges on the product which both her and her husband (who is a medical doctor)

noticed. Apparently even though I don't see it here- he's very rigid at home if

people don't do things the way they are supposed to be done which is due I was

told to his Aspergers. Already what was noticed is the way he is answering

questions, his focus and now he has " calmness " and isn't so rigid. Apparently

there was something asked that would typically get a response that would be

" explosive " and instead he answered his dad in a normal way and they all looked

at each other and said " wow -this isn't " I don't have a child with

Asperger Syndrome and to me I can't even tell this child has it- but clearly to

professionals in Florida he is high functioning autistic with ADHD and this has

greatly helped. If someone has a child that fits this description and wants to

speak with these parents (and PS even though the dad is a doctor -he is a

podiatrist) let me know and I'm sure they'll talk to help other parents too.

When her son comes over here today after school -I'll tell you if I notice

anything and ask him what he notices.


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I just hope they come out with a gluten free casein free product soon. My son

got a rash on his belly and started acting out a bit so I stopped giving it to

him after 2 days but I really want to continue when I hear all these advances.

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perhaps your child is allergic to something else, or perhaps the reaction

wasn't an allergic one. You should check with your child's doctor- as far as

behavior, as I posted in many previous messages -most of us with special needs

children are not familiar with " normal " 2 and 3 year old behavior and when our

children go from being compliant and mellow to aware and active -even defiant

-we could view it as " bad " behavior -but as you'll find from the archives many

times for fish oils -what is initially viewed as " bad " is good. In the fish

oils case it typically took a week or so to go through it. We don't know how

long it takes for those with nutriiveda to go through the " bad " stage but you

have options other than stopping it -you could lower the amount.

Nutriiveda is gluten casein free here is the nutritional labels that state that

Product label chocolate


Product label vanilla


And here's the info from the Chopra.com website that states it:

Ayurveda identifies proper digestion as essential to overall health and a key

component of any effective weight management product. Rather than just helping

people lose pounds, Ayurveda aims to rid the body of excess fat and toxins,

while promoting the transformation of unhealthy tissues into the foundational

building blocks for vibrant health. Therefore, Ayurveda acknowledges that even

seemingly " skinny " people can have suboptimal digestion and tissue formation,

which is why the science focuses on transforming the entire body, rather than

just losing weight.

NutriiVeda is a refreshing 100%-natural meal-replacement drink that combines a

proprietary blend of 7 Ayurvedic botanicals along with over 22 vitamins and

minerals, high quality protein, soluble fiber, and essential amino acids.


•Supports fat metabolism.

•Supports normal blood sugar levels, which is an important component for weight

management and energy levels.

•Helps suppress appetite and eliminate unhealthy food cravings through a

combination of botanicals and key nutrients often missing in today's diet.

•Helps increase energy.

•Balanced part of a low-carbohydrate and low-glycemic diet.

•Contains premium nutrition including 22 vitamins and minerals, 20 amino acids,

and high-quality sources of protein and soluble fiber.

•All natural and does not contain any synthetic or genetically modified

ingredients. Does not contain casein or gluten.

Suggested Use: Mix 2 level scoops in 8 ounces of water or your preferred source


milk. Blend or shake well. Replace 1 to 2 meals a day with NutriiVeda.

Storage: Store in a dry, cool place.

If you are pregnant or lactating, please consult your health care professional

before using

this product.

Info about two of the MDs behind it (I HIGHLY doubt they would have gluten

casein free on the label and all the literature if it was not gluten casein

free...and again my mother has celiac and is doing fabulous on this and wouldn't

if it had gluten or casein)

Deepak Chopra M.D. is a world-renowned authority in the field of mind-body

healing, a best-selling author, and the founder of the Chopra Center for

Wellbeing. His popularity as an international presenter and keynote speaker is

exemplified by an impressive list of honorariums. For more than a decade, he has

participated as a lecturer at the Update in Internal Medicine event sponsored by

Harvard Medical School's Department of Continuing Education and the Department

of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Dr. Chopra is a fellow of the

American College of Physicians, a member of the American Association of Clinical

Endocrinologists, an adjunct professor at Kellogg School of Management, and a

senior scientist with the Gallup Organization.

Dr. Chopra is a renowned author of more than fifty-five books. (14 Bestsellers!)

His writing includes topics on mind-body health, Ayruvedic Science,

spirituality, and peace. Time Magazine call him the " poet-prophet of alternative

medicine. "

Simon M.D. co-founded and assumed the role of medical director of the

Chopra Center for Wellbeing in 1996. He is a board certified neurologist and

recognized as a leading authority in the effective and appropriate use of

mind-body medicine practices, his endeavors have resulted in the training of

thousands of physicians, nurses, and health care providers. One of the first

recipients of a National Institutes of Health grant to study mind-body medical

approaches to improving health care, continues to bring integrated

mind-body medical programs to medical institutions, health centers, educational

institutions, and health resorts throughout the world.

Dr. Simon is the author of many wellness books, including his newest Amazon

best-seller, Free to Love, Free to Heal: Heal Your Body by Healing Your


More info at http://www.pursuitofresearch.org and program guide for free which

is the Chopra endorsed (for weight loss but just to see what is said -just fill

in email address) http://www.nutraeasy.com


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I have the update from my neighbor's son as I picked him up from school

today. He is 15 years old diagnosed (again) with ADHD and Asperger Syndrome.

He's a good kid- a really nice kid. He for sure has a bit of a stutter going on

too. I still don't know if the diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome is accurate as

I'm no expert -but put it this way -if he is then there are TONS of adults who

have it too!!!

Anyway...I asked if he noticed anything different since being on

nutriiveda (today is day 3) He has no idea I spoke already to his mom -and that

his parents are impressed -and again these are my hold out neighbors and I can

tell you that 's mom is the type of person involved in every group for ADHD

and would never put her son on anything without checking out every detail...and

again his dad is a podiatrist.

said (just like this) " I LOVE NUTRIIVEDA! " " I can't believe they didn't

make something like this sooner "

First thing he pointed out is that typically in the morning he is exhausted and

laying on his desk and now has all this energy. In the past he would put off

doing work but my mind keeps going so fast like I'm hyper -but not like I'm

hyper but like I want to do my work. (Dakota reported the same thing that he

got his work done for the first time in class where he usually puts it off if

you check the archives)

said he thinks it helps his mouth work better for speech. I asked what he

meant and he said that he's so tired that he can't really talk or pay attention

and now his mouth works better. (that's the way he put it)

He said that it takes a little bit after he drinks it and he feels really good.

His mom made him a shake with " yogurt and bit of peanut butter with the

chocolate nutriiveda and it's the best thing I ever had in my life. It's

delicious " His sister wouldn't try it and said it looked " gross " but " my sister

hates everything and only eats a few things " (sounds a bit like Dakota!)

Another thing and only those of you with teens can report this. I had asked

Dakota the other day if he's doing something different in cleaning his face

because his face looked like it had less pimples (normal amount of teen pimples)

Dakota said no...well said that he noticed that he has less pimples and

blotches on his face today than before he started and he's crediting the

nutriiveda to that too. said that even though he was already a good

student " I'm an even better student now. Now when the teacher is talking I am

paying attention and I get it. Before I wasn't because I was tired so I didn't

always understand at first. Now I understand as soon as the teacher says it

just like everyone else "

Oh and PS -the book that Tanner read ( reported even during recess he was

reading and before nutriiveda he never saw him read before and it's one book

after another now) is Lightning Thief about Greek mythology.


We are on to something guys!!!!! Does anyone want to start an ADHD blog???


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