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New member-3 year old son with suspected apraxia

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I have twin boys (3 years, 4 months) who were born early at 29 weeks. They

received EI services from 6 months of age, first PT then later ST and classroom.

My son Truman progressed rapidly with ST and tested out of services around 2

1/2. My son Spencer said a few words here and there, but didn't say anything

consistently until 2 1/2. Around this time the EI and private SLP's started

suspecting apraxia. He also exhibited social skills, motor skills and play

delays so he got OT. (His therapists constantly reassured me they didn't think

he was on the autism spectrum, although I have had my doubts at times I am now

pretty sure that is not the issue.) He aged out of EI at his third birthday, and

after much waffling on my part, we put him in a school district developmental

preschool. He just started on 9/20/10, and his brother has been attending as a

peer model. They also attend a community preschool on Fridays, so a total of 5

mornings of preschool a week.

I was not thrilled to learn that Spencer would mainly be served in the classroom

during preschool by the SLP and OT, although I think this kind of therapy is

important, I feel that 1:1 therapy is really beneficial for him. He does go to a

private SLP 1x a week for 1/2 hour, this is all we can afford as it is not

covered by insurance. We are looking into our local university's speech and

hearing clinic which provides services for lower cost.

We have been giving Spencer (and my other kids) fish oil for a while now. We use

the Barlean's lemon omegas, although I am planning to switch to the Pro EFA. I

am also looking into the Nutriiveda, but honestly it is hard to find any

objective information. I suppose it can't hurt.

Spencer has a fairly good vocabulary and can put 3-5 word sentences together.

The longer the sentence, the harder it is to understand, though. There are quite

a few sounds he is inconsistent in pronouncing. He also repeats himself

constantly, especially when excited, for example: " It's a dog! It's a dog! It's

a dog! Hi doggy! Hi! " He doesn't answer questions well and often will repeat the

question back. Receptive skills are probably low average-he follows directions

well (when he wants to!) He is really nowhere near " conversational " yet. His

social and play skills are improving, which is good. He really loves school too!

So, just wanted to introduce ourselves. There seems to be a lot of good

information on this board.



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