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newbie wanting to try NV

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Hi All,

I have a question about Neutriveda. My son is 9 with global apraxia and I

have heard many wonderful things about the product and would like to try NV. My

question is that my son is actually underweight. Does anyone know if NV would

cause him to lose more weight?



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Hi Sue the following is an archive but if you have any other questions ask

here, or email me lisa@... or call me 772 335 5135 Also NV for children

is served with food as a drink or mixed in to food as children need fat for

growing brains...so here are some serving suggestions

http://pursuitofresearch.org/serving_suggestions.html and while you can and

probably should stop all other vitamins while serving your child NV as it is so

nutrient dense and contains all the essential amino acids and nutrients needed

daily per serving -it does not contain the essential fatty acids- and from what

I and others are seeing the essential amino and fatty acids appear to compliment

each other -but you would figure that would be the case! So yes it appears it's

a good thing to use both fish oils and NV.

Here's the archive:

Nutriiveda is just food it's not a diet product. It was launched as a weight

management product for marketing reasons by Zrii (who is run by a solid

billionaire who has been a billionaire since the 80s Bill Farley

http://www.meetbillfarley.com ) because obesity in both children and adults is

at epidemic proportions as is type 2 diabetes etc. Bill doesn't need the money

or stress- sometimes people do things to help the public but we are skeptical as

a public. I have had the pleasure of meeting Bill Farley a few times now and I

know there will be research to validate what we are seeing. Until then the

company can't talk about it-but I am allowed to and yes all there including the

MDs behind it http://pursuitofresearch.org/advisors.html (like Bill those that

don't need money from this!!) are aware of what we are seeing.

But again the product is just food. There are no drugs in it, no caffeine in it,

there is nothing in it but all the essential amino acids and nutrients from

whole food sources to support the metabolic system -so if one needs to lose

excess fat and toxins they will. If one needs to gain weight and muscle they

will. That's the difference between working with food rather than supplements or

drugs -balance from whole foods. NV is 100 percent natural, 100 percent water

soluble, and it's 100 percent gluten, casein, fat, sodium and caffeine free with

only 2 grams of natural sugar per scoop. Each serving contains all of the

essential amino acids needed by the human body daily (which is rare) as well as

all the nutrients -so no need to other vitamins. So to make it clear no

nutrients are added -all are from whole foods and each food in NV is tested free

of any heavy metals, herbicides and pesticides. It is probably one of the

cleanest foods you'll ever feed your child. Again NV is a food -just a better

one than most -it's whole food.

Below are just a handful of updates where the person shared the weight gain in

the child on the same product that the parent lost weight on in many cases. We

are also seeing and I can attest to this...miracle-gro type growth surges in

height. Yes all these kids would grow anyway -but it's within a month of

starting no matter what age.

Liam discovers his inner Brittish

We're seeing incredible gains with Liam. Took him to his DAN doc on Monday and

she not only approved using NV (after verifying with me that the botanicals

weren't tainted in any way and the whey was casein-free), but agreed with taking

Liam off of the multivitamin (Vitaspectrum) she had put him on, adding only an

extra Folate + B12 supplement and zinc, since blood work showed he is low in

these things. She remarked on how much healthier he looks - no longer has

translucent skin, lots of color in his face. Liam has also grown 1 1/2 inches

and gained 3 lbs. He seems happier, and no longer begs to stay home from

preschool. Still more attentive and engaged. Asking WHAT questions (had never

done before) and speaking in more complex sentences. He is even imitating the

British accent the Pig family has on Peppa Pig! too cute! His imaginative play

has increased, including - and this was a big one we thought - bonding with one

of his stuffed animals and actually naming it. He has never cared about stuffed

animals before - ever. He has carried this one around with him now for 3 days

and sleeps holding onto it. He puts it in his wagon and wheels it around the

house, and it plays games and watches DVDs with him, too. We are thrilled! He is

sleeping deeper/longer/better. His appetite, which has always been good, is even

better. We are so very pleased!

As for me - I've lost about 15 lbs., my energy level is great, I'm sleeping

better, and my head is much clearer - not sure exactly how to describe what has

happened, but I've felt so foggy for so many years that I've not even been able

to recall the words to songs that I hear over and over. Maybe processing speed

of some sort? At any rate, that has resolved, too.

I wish I understood exactly what it is in NV that is helping my son and me so

very much, but whatever it is its making me feel better than I have in years,

and it's clearly making a big difference for our son, which everyone has noticed

and remarked on!



Hi ,

Should we add the info about the NV is given as extra snacks or replacing a

meal? The weight change and height change info may be really valuable too. One

of my boys increased 10% of his body weight and finally built up some muscle on

his arm.


NV update

My son has been on NV for a few months now...but he's been taking the full

dosage for only about a month. I thought it might be fun for all of us to give

an update on our kids that have been on NV for several months. I'll start.

Before NV my 36 mo old son had language, but he was largely unintelligible. He

was not potty trained, woke up 3-5 times a night, would often trip when he ran,

didn't sing, dance, was just learning to jump.

Within the first month, he started sleeping through the night, potty trained,

started singing and dancing and began playing imaginatively. He also gained two

lbs in 3 weeks (much needed as he's in the 10th %)

Within the next few months, he has made up songs, remembers 2-3 lines from

movies he's just seen, has started jumping over things, gained another pound,

dances with more coordination, has started making his toys talk to each other

(or makes me be one toy and talk to the other toy), had developed a taste for

water and prefers it to all other drinks.

Things we are still working towards. pedaling his trike, getting him to use

words instead of hitting in moments of frustration, talking more to his peers,

eating a wider variety of food and food textures.

What have you seen with your child in the last few months?


And about weight Liralen added in a following email that her son from 20 months

to 36 months, my son only gained 2 lbs

(BUT!!!) In the first three weeks on NV (half dose) he gained a little over 2

lbs and in the next month gained another lb. I suspect he's grown also, but I

can't find my measuring tape.


Some of the above from http://pursuitofresearch.org/testimonials.html and some

from the archives here

And PS -one more recent update from Liralen:

Here are some of the initial surges I saw in my son. I started him on fish oil

NN369 when he was 32 months.

Before he would babble with no real words. He would not mimic anything we said

and would give up after two tries of communication with us. He could say mom,

dad, happy and green e go consistently. We taught him baby sign for basic needs

and wants. I had taught him the alphabet, letter sound and he could read car,

up, and we were working on other words.

I started him on fish oil in Oct, three days later we were in the store and I

was pointing everything out and talking to him constantly like I always did. He

started mimicking me!! he said red, orange, blue, black, brown, green, pink.

Every word I would say he would approximate. Such a hurdle. How are you

supposed to teach a child to talk if they never mimic you? Every day it just

went on and on, for weeks he learned about 5-10 word approximations a day. When

I stopped the fish oil he didn't regress, but didn't make any gains. He would

mark places in his sentences. mommy, un un un geen car. (I want a green car)

I started him on NV in March. He had just turned three, and although he had

hundreds of words, it seemed I was the only one who understood him. He started

making gains again within three days. Putting words together in 3-5 word

sentences, much more clarity, started singing within 2 weeks, at the same time

he started playing imaginatively and gained 2 lbs (he had only gained 2 lbs in

the entire year before). within three weeks he potty trained, started sleeping

through the night, smiling on command. and in six weeks he had gained another

lb. Unfortunately, he decided NV was not a food he wanted after about 6 weeks

and since then it has been a struggle to get 1/4th of the dosage in him. We also

started speech and it was a bad fit. So he regressed in potty training and then

went through a growth spurt and started waking in the night again also. He lost

the un un un and now his sentences are varied lengths and he gets all the words

said, but often in the wrong order. He's now just on NV and fish oils and not in

any therapy.

Does this help? When looking for surges, look for any change that keeps

changing. For us it was babble-->mimicking and directed play-->imaginative play

and greater body awareness.

Let me know if you have any other questions!


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Hi Sue, actually both of my children (14) and Lily(10) were both

underweight when they started on Nutriiveda back in February. They both have

gained weight, My son gained about 6 lbs. and grew alot, and my daughter gained

about 5 lbs and grew alot too. They both look great, you can see their muscles

now and they don't just look " skinny " :) Definitely try it, it is so healthy

for them, probably the healthiest thing to give them that we can get and get

such awesome results as well. And its just FOOD! not medication. If you want to

call me you can contact me at 631-447-0615 in New York. ~~Dawn Falley


> Hi All,


> I have a question about Neutriveda. My son is 9 with global apraxia and

I have heard many wonderful things about the product and would like to try NV.

My question is that my son is actually underweight. Does anyone know if NV

would cause him to lose more weight?


> Thanks,

> Sue


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